Double Fated (Book One)

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Double Fated (Book One) Page 10

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Ten

  Thankfully, Lester and his crew were nowhere to be found when we got home at 8:30. I told Audrey I would have to call campus security if they show up again. I would not have any other choice. She said she understood, but I could hear the reservation in her voice. She feels guilty about the beatings her cousin took. And, she certainly doesn’t want my sorority sisters mixed up in her private affairs.

  That confrontation between Lester and the police will create some major problems for me too. A campus-wide notification is required by law if security responds to any violent or stalking incidents. My family will find out and then, my college career is over instantly.

  Also, my unfamiliar, extended gypsy family members will be lurking around, conducting an investigation. Campus security will be on high alert and will pick up patrols in my area. My mommas’ are already stressed out enough without having to go bail a family member out of jail because they got caught spying on my sorority.

  The only solution I could think of was to ask Tray to help me. I need Audrey’s new housemates to let her move in tomorrow, instead of two weeks from now. I finally sent the text, requesting a quick favor and apologized, twice for causing trouble.

  “UGH stop! Go to car alone n text me. C ya’ in a sec.”

  I rushed by my sisters and said, “Be right back!” After making sure the coast was clear, I sent my brother a text and he joined me. I gave him the extra quick version of what I needed. Then, I cringed when I handed over Audrey’s new address because I fully expected to get the third degree.

  Tray gave me a perplexed look before trans-versing to that location. When he gets back, the inquest will begin. I was preparing a flimsy excuse about needing privacy or our gypsy family getting suspicious of Audrey. Neither one had a ring of truth, but I couldn’t craft anything better. Less than one minute later, he returned.

  “Mission accomplished…” Tray stated.

  “Thanks, clock me owing you another,” I replied.

  My excuses, flimsy or otherwise, would never be explored. Tray glanced at my outfit before his inquisition began. Then, he launched into another brotherly speech of concern about my tight and skimpy non-existent outfit. I interrupted him, reminding him that he left something important to do me this quick favor. He looked at his watch and said, “Oh…yeah…I forgot all about them!”

  He gave me a feet dangling, bear-hug and kissed my forehead.

  “I never thought I’d be taken down by gypsy fashion…geez! I’m ready to keel over…that outfit…that…that you’re wearing! I love you, my Little KK! I have to go, but I’ll see you this weekend…” Tray said before he veiled and disappeared from view.

  He hasn’t called me ‘Little-KK’ since my senior year in high school. I need to ask Momma-C to check on him and coax him into venting about my gypsy transformation. Tray is age-regressing me in his mind and if he doesn’t talk it out he’ll come unglued. If Momma-C doesn’t intervene, and fast, my oldest brother will have me wrapped in bubble-wrap, locked inside an Ava’shay shield and riding, buckled in a car seat to Scarlett’s wedding.

  Audrey’s new housemates called while I was outside. They told her she could move in tomorrow. She was thrilled. And I was relieved, too because Lester won’t know where to find her.

  We turned out the lights at 2:00, but Audrey was still agonizing over whether to attend Dante’s performance and drink soda. With my promise to show up and support her, she finally decided it would be okay to go.

  Her boyfriend’s band needs to draw a large crowd. So, I plan to send out a blanket text to the students I know and invite them. Hopefully, a large number of my acquaintances will show up and help Dante get this gig he so desperately wants.

  My original plan was to do the recognizance for the flash mob by myself. However, my unanticipated, time-consuming gypsy lifestyle made that impossible. So, I turned to a close, reliable source and asked her to collect the information I require.

  Suzie, the captain of the university’s athletics boosters club, called me at 6:30 in the morning. Audrey didn’t even roll over. But, I still ran and hid in my bathroom to take notes on what she discovered.

  “Sorry it took me so long. But, you said call anytime…” she whispered, worriedly.

  “It’s fine and I appreciate everything you’ve done. So, tell me, tell me, what did you find out??”

  “This Intel was really worth the wait! Okay, Wally Baxter #4 is the captain of our rival football team. That, you already know. Here’s the 411 on their quarterback. According to my best friend’s cousin, he has more campus female attention than a celebrity. Dogged, day and night were the exact words used to describe it. He’s not dating anyone too seriously, at the moment. His posters’ suggest he likes swimsuit models with overly pouty lips, plenty of air-brushed cleavage, damp hair and sun-streaked highlights. That’s so cliché. I’ve got a pic of the poster hanging over his bed and one of his ex, Hope. I’ll send them when we hang up.

  “Hope Fisher is the most recent ex. My best friend’s cousin had his girlfriend bump into her for you. She chatted her up and I’ve got all the details. Hope says Wally is nice in a dopey kinda way. He’s a smooth player that likes a ‘take-charge’ woman. Players don’t usually go for a take-charge woman. But, that’s what ex-girlfriend Hope says about our victim. They dated for about eight months before she moved on and ended it. Straight forward reasons behind the romance fizzle.

  “Hope’s swimsuit-modelish figure and long legs get her plenty of her own attention. But, an intellectual man that watches documentaries and reads for enrichment is more her type. Wally’s also more apt to cuddle with, and talk to, his game winning football or hangout casually with his non-athletic friends during season. Those two things don’t make sense either. I promise you that’s what Hope said. He loves his football, but only hangs out with non-jocks during season. Go figure??

  “Our girl Hope is headed to the Ivy League for grad school and wants to join the Peace Corps, afterwards. Wally’s not interested in grad school and will probably be headed somewhere that very decent, but non-committed All-Stars, with a solid C-average, go…like into high school coaching. No NFL scouts are seriously looking at Baxter. At least, not any were reported by his amicable ex, Hope. Of course, she doesn’t even like football, so what would she know about it.

  “They parted friends. He’s friends’ with all his ex’s. And, he’s a real nice guy – at least to his girlfriends he is. The last thing she said was that he’s hard to get to know.

  “Hope’s already dating a community college, department chairman. So, she didn’t have any reason to misinform Monica. She’s not interested in getting back together with Wally.

  “Now, just gimme a minute to find my notes on their lucky-pre-game Friday ritual…” she stated and I heard her rustling papers.

  College football teams are notoriously superstitious. They have lucky pre-game and game day rituals, they perform without fail. I knew LVU’s ritual takes place on Friday nights after their practice time. But, that was all the information I had on it.

  “Okay, this is even better than the female type Wally goes for…here are the details. Their pre-game ritual is called the Friday Feasting. The players have to repeat this ritual every week, during the season. They even do it on their bye-weeks, so it won’t throw off their winning mojo.

  “It takes place at the big mall near LVU. Each position has an ‘assigned’ seat and they are actually labelled. Can you believe it?? The seats were picked by some jock years ago, or maybe some mall marketing specialist. But, regardless of who chose, what, all first-string LVU football players follow the tradition…like the tribal custom dictates. They sit in the same positional seat, in the same food court and eat the same meal, from the same vendor like the former players have done for years.

  “But here’s the best part…they wear their actual game jersey they are supposed to play in. The mojo won’t stick
to anything else. So, LVU will be wearing their away jerseys, tomorrow! That’s right…their really, real, away game jerseys that they should be playing in at our Thursday night game!!!” she squealed.

  “That’s almost too good to be true!!” I exclaimed, while trying to keep my voice to a whisper.

  The flash mob I have been orchestrating is called X-2-S. Each cheerleader picked one position to go head-to-head with. And, I will be taking on their team captain. The object is to get our selected player to exchange one personal item for one item we are wearing. The only catch is, in order for the exchange to count, the item has to have their university’s brand and/or display the jersey number and/or football team affiliation. The guys on my squad are going to secretly video the exchanges to authenticate that the player already surrendered to our team before the actual game.

  We were shooting for university t-shirts, ball caps or, if the cheerleading-stunt angels were flying around us, those players would hand over their letterman’s jacket. But, in an ironic twist, we have a rare chance to snag an even more valuable item. The players will be wearing their actual away-game jerseys!

  I could almost hear the angelic choir singing! Thank you, my Creator!!!

  Suzie confirmed the time that I would be telling everyone to head over to enemy territory.

  “The message will be fairly generic, except the part about the dress code. I’ve got about forty people who I can station at every entrance. I have to make sure no one comes in wearing our university gear if they want to participate,” I told her.

  “You should run another contest to see how many students show up in something with our college logo. People never listen…” she said.

  “Well, no one’s gonna willingly exchange their college’s t-shirt for one that has their enemy’s emblem, emblazed on the front like a target. But, you’re right. I’m sure there will be several students that show up wearing non-exchangeable commodities. They won’t get anything for their time, travel and trouble…that’s double-up bad.

  “I’m going to supply my lookouts with some plain t-shirts and some LVU key-rings to distribute to the ones who didn’t get the full message, just in case…” I stated, while writing a note to remind myself to get those boxes out of storage and take them with me.

  “That’s gonna be mega-expensive!”

  “It was! I just dipped into our squad’s budget. It almost broke the bank. And, we’ve got a big competition coming up next week. But, this snowball’s already rolling. I can’t have someone getting mad because they didn’t read the entire flash mob text and throw a noisy tantrum.

  “You know how fast co-eds can transform into frustrated first graders’. If I don’t make alternative arrangements, our elementary students could revolt and reveal mid-dance. Then, our X-2-S mob is ruined…” I offered her and she had to agree.

  Although I needed every minute to get myself ready, I still squeezed in an emergency meeting for my squad. Willow’s car was jam-packed with a suitcase for my stuff, six pairs of high heeled shoes, our team’s extremely loud portable stereo and seven boxes filled with t-shirts and key-rings.

  I left just enough space to fit Jarron in the front seat. We would head to the mall after I adjourn this meeting.

  “I have some great news. My sources informed me this morning that the players will be wearing their away game jerseys, tonight…” I stated and the squad erupted.

  Allowing them to get their excitement out, I didn’t interrupt them for a few minutes.

  “Alright, calm down! This has the potential to be more than we expected. With this extra perk in mind, I want every participant in this room to have a chance to wear an additional, special item of some kind. Our ante just got mega-sized. How many of their jerseys can we stack on our surrender pile when we meet again?? Guess, we’ll know by tomorrow morning…

  “I’m giving you each a head’s-up. I was hoping we’d be pulling this off at a tavern or a restaurant parking lot. But, it’s taking place at their local mall’s food court. Little kids, grandparents and preachers might ‘flash mob’ with us. Flash mobs are destructive to personal boundaries. They can disappear, faster than a magician’s assistant. Just remember…eyes and camera lenses will be on you at all times…so, set the right example!

  “No one from this team is allowed to turn into a stripper, in any form or fashion. Even briefly displaying any body part, that can get you arrested for exposure, will be grounds for disqualification and team discipline. I will consider it a violation of our squad’s moral’s code. Again, you each have a camera trained on you. If you turn into a real flasher, or a budding pole-dancer, just to get the item handed over, it won’t be counted. And, you are choosing to no longer be a member of this squad. Keep in mind…Cedra tested those waters with me and drowned in the under-tow. We were forced to spend nearly 18 hours, two days before that competition, working out a new routine that didn’t include her position. I know we won, but the cost was barely worth it. The moral’s code, established by the university is not negotiable – period! I won’t accept a wardrobe malfunction excuse either.

  “We might be asked to vacate the premises before the song ends, by someone in authority. If that occurs, we can’t control the rest of the mobsters, but our squad follows their instructions. I’ve already dipped into our competition funds and we don’t have any left for bail.

  “We are the only people who know where this is happening, besides Suzie Hastings. That location stays in this room until I send the first message. You can forward the text to your selected friends. But again, I want you to be careful who you choose to invite to mob with us.

  “I have asked my sorority sibs to meet me. They believe it’s a secret/exotic sister-only shopping spree I’ve organized. I had to make sure they wouldn’t invite any Alpha-guys. If I’m willing to perpetrate a ruse on my sisterly kindred and accept the fallout, you should each be willing to abide by the rules too. We can’t have any of our football players showing up and blowing our stunt, this late in the planning. Their player’s won’t recognize our cheerleaders, sorority sisters, friends or boosters’ club members. But, they will recognize our jocks. They get an up-close when they tackle each other. Plus, if the infamous Stick waltzes in, we might as well make an announcement over the mall’s PA and cheer for their team on Thursday.

  “Look-outs, please keep a careful watch for any player that might show. Do your best to head them off at the pass. Any problems, call me and I’ll try to think of something.

  “For those of you who have significant others, spouses or are even casually dating, please be respectful and consider your loved ones feeling’s before you exchange an item. And, be aware that some of the players have significant others who they love and will have to answer to when this is over.

  “Missing caps, jackets and even jerseys are all appropriate and at least, explainable to a girlfriend. Having another person’s underwear and bra stuffed in his pocket is not. Our unmentionables stay on our bodies!” I exclaimed.

  “But, what if my fine tight-end wants to exchange his??” Zahara interrupted and asked, humorously.

  “If Lamar, or any of the players are wearing a lacy bra and they willingly hand it over, you’re more than welcome to take it. But, they will be out of their ‘underwired, twin-support A-cup gear’ until Thursday night. I refer everyone back to the rule about stripping. Got it, Z.Z.??”

  The squad burst into laughter.

  “Seriously, we don’t want to be responsible for busting up a relationship because we perpetrated an elaborate prank. Temporary fun shouldn’t lead to broken romances or hearts. I know each of you on an intimate level. You’re some of the best people I’ve met and you all have strong moral values. Just apply them when we’re doing this. That way no one gets hurt.

  “If you’re single and find yourself drawn to the players/victims, keep this in the back of your mind. You are adults. You can accept a date, exchange phone numbers, o
r set a time to hook-up at your discretion. But, your walk on the rival, dark side takes place AFTER the big game against their team on Thursday. Your LVU catch might not share those same warm, fuzzy feelings for you after they get a large visual of the results of our ‘flash mob’. So, phone number exchanges, date plans, hook-ups and/or any variation of those must occur AFTER the grand stunt finale and not before.

  “If any rival player discovers what we’re up to, then I will find out who blabbed and that’s grounds for squad treason. We’ve been planning this X-2-S for two long years. Don’t ruin our collective efforts. You’ll get to see your football Romeo in six short days. It won’t kill you or him to wait until Thursday night to socially interact…well, if he’s still interested,” I announced.

  We repeated our pact, for my own satisfaction.

  Professor Marcus wasn’t too pleased when I told him that I need to skip today’s practice. But, he had to concede that I made plans prior to being unexpectedly cast in the lead. And, he also had to admit that I’m almost show day ready.

  Thanks to Tray and his mind depth channel…

  Jarron was officially on duty. He rode with me, but spent most of the time texting Karin. The silence was pure bliss. I had two hours to drive and think…

  Audrey crossed my mind. I thought about the son she left in Mississippi and her aunt who is raising him. I hope she gets to go back soon and can show-off her college degree. She certainly deserves it. I made a mental note to ask her what she’s majoring in and how close she is to graduating.

  Then, my thoughts turned to singer/actress, Dinah-Lynn. I wonder what happened to her to make her quit school. It must have been something big, because she was set to walk the stage at the end of this semester. We were casual acquaintances, at best. So, it would be awkward if I tracked her down and started asking meddlesome questions. Still, I turned over the possibilities, fully realizing I will never get an answer.

  When we arrived Jarron helped me rearrange, so the expensive stereo could be locked in the trunk. I removed my sneakers and retrieved my matching heels. My shoes were transported, carefully covered in heavy-duty plastic. I can’t afford for them to get scuffed.

  “Being a gypsy girl is a six-pair, six-inch painful proposition…” he commented, laughing as he watched me slide on my heels and wince.

  “I’ll have you know, that all glamour takes pain. You keep that in mind the next time you see Karin. She makes beauty look effortless, but you’re getting ready to get a peek behind the veil, my friend. After today, you’ll be a guy, in the know…”

  “I’m gonna peek beyond the torture shoe category?? Wow, I’ll be the guy that knows too much. I’ve never given her high heels any thought until now. Maybe, I’ll save her the pain and carry her on our dates. She doesn’t weigh that much more than you do…”

  “Here’s a little gypsy fortune-telling, free of charge. If you make that weight comment where she can hear you, then you’re gorgeous Karin-days will come to a screeching halt – carrying her or no…”

  “You’re still a novice at this gypsy hocus-pocus, huh? Karin hears that weight comment and our relationship won’t be the only thing broken. It’s certain and sudden, Jarron-annihilation. I’ve got sisters, remember?”

  Jarron might have sisters, but he still wasn’t prepared for his first spin through the girl-grooming world. He shadowed me, watching in shock (and what appeared to be creeped-out, disgust), as I had my hair highlighted. The stylist colored, blow dried and curled until my hair look just like the picture Suzie sent me. I went from dark brunette, to dirty blonde beach-bunny in a little over an hour. She applied my make-up and managed to make my face appear sun-drenched, too.

  Showing Jarron some pity, I went behind closed doors to get a spray-on tan. Unless I’m really at the beach, where I can people-watch, I don’t enjoying sunbathing. The bronze glow looked authentic. And, my swimsuit pin-up model transformation was complete.

  Wally has a large fan following. It won’t be easy to sway his focus if he is already surrounded by adoring girls. So, I knew I would have to do something unique to stand apart from the others.

  I had my eyes lined with rhinestones and 14 Karat gold beads threaded into my false eyelashes. My eyelids felt heavy and I was worried that my lashes might come unglued, but I might as well get used to some weird discomforts. My public persona is currently a reflection of my mommas’ and their gypsy-mothering abilities. So, personal discomfort is a small price to pay to show off their incredible parenting talents.

  The look-outs met me in the pre-arranged location and I distributed the extra items. The flash mob message had been delivered. Everyone will have just enough time to get here with forty-five minutes to spare to get settled.

  Jarron had split up from me and was hiding somewhere. I couldn’t find him. If I didn’t know better, I would think he is spiritually gifted and hidden behind a veil. I knew he wouldn’t be far away, though because he is my personal videographer.

  My squad arrived. They dispersed to their respective tables. Each one had brought several friends with them. The football team’s area was well marked. So, we purposefully positioned ourselves to surround those tables.

  The normal crowd started trickling in about twenty minutes before their players arrived. Evidently, we are sitting in their spaces. They gave us severely nasty looks, but they couldn’t do anything to make us move or leave. So, they grabbed whatever vacant tables they could and stared daggers at us, hoping we would get the message and bolt.

  The food court was getting packed with mobsters and LVU football fans. The excitement filled the air and everyone was getting rowdy. The instructions were to keep it down, but college students don’t know how to do anything, quietly. Security had already escorted several people outside. They had their hands full. Tables designed for four to six people were overflowing with twenty and thirty college students from both LVU and our university.

  Even the playground in the middle of the food court was filled with college co-eds. Parents and children had deserted the area in aggravation. But, the food vendors were thrilled as they worked in a frenzy to fill the insane influx of orders. The only vacant area in the whole court was where the team sits to perform their ritual.

  I had positioned myself so I would be directly across from Wally’s seat. My sorority sisters would miraculously show-up on time. They had made a beeline for me while everything was still reasonably quiet. All nineteen of us were squeezed into my selected booth, gossiping, eating and drinking.

  They will get a kick out of the flash mob and will definitely participate. But, they still expect a shopping spree afterwards that I can’t go on. So, I plan to buy them something to make up for my slight deception. The gifts will help alleviate my guilt.

  G-mom, Grandma Edie and Tray will be here any minute to be my visible chaperones. I need Tray to fog as many memories as he can of this event, as soon as the song ends. Although I assume he can’t daze a crowd this astronomical, he can make my sisters experience temporary amnesia. He’s already proven that he can. They won’t remember the flash mob, until they see the results on the screen at Thursday’s game. So, I don’t have to worry about them calling our frat brothers and spilling the beans.

  My sorority sisters were unknowingly providing me with blending assistance. They were flirting with any guys who happened to be close-by. That freed me up to keep an eye out for Wally and my family.

  The crowd parted. And, I assumed the team had arrived. But, no one even glanced at the anomaly. G-mom, Grandma Edie and Tray walked through the door. My brother had persuaded everyone to ignore them and move out of the way. Maybe, he can fog this many memories!

  The overly crowded table beside mine suddenly became vacant without a word of protest or a single lethal glance. My family sat down and I would have said “hello”, but I couldn’t be heard over the roar of the crowd.

  Sending g-mom and Grandma Edie a
text, I begged them to keep Tray under control.

  “As you’re both aware, I’m hopefully getting ready to exchange things I’m wearing with Baxter #4. Please don’t let Tray freak out & take off with me to a secluded convent. Fierce squad competition & I’m their captain!” I sent the messages.

  “No fear, my little sweetie. That’s why we’re accompanying your brother. He’ll watch & channel what you asked him to. You’ll be the only one persuading Baxter. Good luck!” Grandma Edie’s text read and she winked at me.

  “This’ll be a blast! Your biggest, big brother needs to flex his hidden restraint-muscles. I’m filming his reaction for your mommas & papas. Gonna be tonight’s big screen showing at Sunridge. Hope you can make it!” g-mom’s text read and she winked at me, too.

  “Thanks!!!!! I love you…” I responded to them and then, sent Tray a message.

  “Thank you for helping me, AGAIN. You’re becoming my personal channeling machine. I’ll try to change that, soon. I promise I won’t give up anything that you believe should be glued to my skin…” I informed Tray, humorously.

  “UR welcome. Love you too. There’s nothing my Little KK can give-up to a jock that won’t flip me over the edge…”


  “Don’t worry. #4’s breathing status will be the same at the end of this sucker. Only b/c I’m the victim of a big-G-flank!”

  Before I could respond my g-mom handed me a small box. I looked at her perplexed and she motioned for me to open it.

  She and Grandma Edie had a custom pair of aviator style sunglasses made for this occasion. One lens was etched with the LVU logo and the other was etched with #4 Baxter.

  I mouthed the words ‘thanks’ and ‘I love you’. Then, the show started…

  Wally and his team stormed in and once again, the crowd parted. They also cheered and patted their players. Even our students joined in the spirited commotion.

  The ritual was underway.

  Wally was wearing his jacket and jersey. My sorority sisters were standing on the table and trying to decipher what might be happening. The players held their trays and sat down, simultaneously. They had less than ten minutes to eat when the flash mob started.

  My team’s stereo is nearly deafening. But, a noisy crowd this size will drown out the music. Luckily, Tray has the ability to boost the speakers’ power. The music played at a concert level.

  Mobsters, by-standers and football players were on their feet and joining in, within seconds. Everyone likes to be a part of the crowd. Even g-mom and Grandma Edie performed the “Wop”. And not surprisingly, they knew every move and step.

  Watching the videos later, I would be astounded to realize that the exchanges were already taking place before the first chorus of the song. I thought it would take a while for our victims to catch on. But, somehow everyone just seemed to understand this is a “mobbing dance/exchange”.

  It took some massive girlie maneuvering, but I finally caught Wally’s attention. He saw my custom aviators and handed over his jacket, without any hesitation. I almost lost his focus while he admired his reflection in the mirrored lenses. Climbing over the railing into real enemy territory, I basically performed a very tempting, gypsy version of the “Wop” dance, all the way down Wally’s body.

  I didn’t touch him because that’s against competition rules. However, there wasn’t much space between our bodies either. Cringing, I prepared to get trans-versed to lockdown in Siberia. But, as I danced back to an upright position, I realized I was still in flash mob, mall central.

  Spinning around, I watched g-mom and grandma double over laughing. Tray had divided the metal table into two halves and his blood pressure was apparently, still skyrocketing.

  Through some type of miracle (A.K.A., Tray persuasion), Wally didn’t touch me. But, that didn’t stop him from admiring my beach girl style, body suit, thinly covered by a shiny, sheer cover-up. And approving, he should be, because I resemble Miss October from the poster hanging, above his bed.

  Judging by what happened next I piqued his interest. And, that is precisely how I found myself floundering around in some severely hot water…that kept heating until it was scalding!

  Wally exchanged his watch for my gold necklace. Then, he exchanged his class ring for my emerald earrings. His football ring was the next offer and I handed over my diamond tennis bracelet. He started handing me items faster than I could reciprocate. I motioned for him to slow down, but he wasn’t interested. So, I fumbled with clasps and peeled off layers of clothing. I was praying all the while, that Tray would be able to maintain. It’s almost over…

  It felt like I had lost twenty pounds as the final chorus started playing. Wally and I had stopped moving with the crowd. We were simply dancing in time to the music and silently, conversing through facial expressions. He seemed mesmerized as he finally removed the coveted jersey I was aiming for. He handed it over with a wide smile. I gave him a wink and handed over my 14 Karat gold waist chain. It was worth some serious coin and, in my estimation that exchange makes us even.

  I was down to my final layer of clothing and out of jewelry. Wally was down to his jeans. I assumed our exchanges were over.

  Boy oh boy, did I guess wrong…

  The song was wrapping up when Wally unbuttoned his fly and lowered his zipper!

  For some stupid reason, my mind lost its ability to rationally function.

  What’s Wally doing?? That pole-dancing jock isn’t wearing a bra!

  That is exactly what I insanely, thought…

  Someone in my family saw what was happening…

  I stopped dancing…

  Tray sprang into action…

  For the first time in my life, I heard and felt the delivery of his channel. The words echoed like rolling thunder. The power resulted in a freaky air-type tidal wave. It rushed by me, blowing my hair into my eyes as a visible indicator.

  “She’s gone…pants on!” Tray ordered.

  Wally snapped out of his reverie. He mindlessly zipped up and high-fived his buddies, without skipping a beat.

  G-mom and Grandma Edie snagged my earned trophies.

  Jarron came out of hiding and headed over to pick up the stereo.

  My brother tossed me over his shoulder and would give me a ride to the parking lot.

  My mind still hadn’t caught up when I said, “Sure hope Karin doesn’t find out about packing on that extra twenty…”

  “Hey everyone in earshot, except Krista’s cheerleaders…you’ve got a weeklong bout of mob-confusion…enjoy!” Tray informed them and the crowd looked around, baffled.

  And, X-2-S…officially ended…


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