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Double Fated (Book One)

Page 20

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Twenty

  I was forced to shower in the locker room because the chancellor had invited the players, my squad and ‘certain family members’ to his home for an impromptu cocktail party.

  Poppy Bradwell was evidently being entertained by the senator. He accepted the chancellor’s invitation for all of us adults. The kids and Scarlett will return to the hotel rooms and be watched over by Kyrann.

  Completely disappointed, I said “goodnight” to Zander, Quinn, Luke, Mikey and Haven too soon. Somehow, I managed to keep up a happy front for them. They were all smiles when we parted.

  Ember knew I was torn to shreds. She could see right through my façade. She hugged me before I went to the locker room.

  “It’s fine! Don’t cry! We’ll have an intimate family breakfast in the morning and then, we’ll spend the whole day together. Our royal grandparents will be joining us for dinner tomorrow. So, we switch gears and turn into our uptown-snobby-talkin’-gypsy-Princess personas, then.

  “But for tonight, I think Poppy Bradwell wants to attempt to out-con a political snake. You get dressed and we’ll ride to this party together. I’ll even make-up a fascinating Ember-intrigue background story for us to snicker over while we watch the two con artists go at it…” my sister told me, making me feel better in the process.

  I begged my parents and Grandma Edie to save Coach Sizelend from g-mom, who was still having a word of prayer with him. R-daddy, Daddy-Jax and Grandma Edie were headed their way when I ran to take a fast shower.

  Once I knew my Poppy and Meemaw were distracted, I had offered Freddie a quick hug. Although I told him we couldn’t hang out alone this evening, I asked him to please come find me at the party. I would introduce him to my g-mom and grandma because he could really use their guidance.

  Jarron would show my family where to park and wait for me. My hair was still damp when I styled it. But, my makeup was applied and I was dressed like a good, traditional gypsy girl should be when I emerged from the gymnasium.

  Mostly unfamiliar cars were parked in the front row spaces. My family had evidently rented transportation. My brothers and sisters were standing around talking. Jarron and Karin were with them, too. I assumed the rest of my family had already headed over to the chancellor’s house because they were nowhere in sight.

  Wally Baxter got out of a car and appeared to be waving at me. My brothers and Jarron saw him. Fearing he was here to stir trouble, they started running towards us. But, I motioned for them to stay back, for now. Although my request irritated them, they were well within earshot and reaching distance. So, they had no justification to interfere. However, they were cautiously watching.

  “Fancy meeting you here…what a coincidence,” I said to Wally, casually.

  “Jeans aren’t so fancy and I make my own coincidences…” he responded, lightheartedly.

  “Listen, about our prank…”

  “No need to go there. I’m glad I caught you before you left…just wanted to give you, this…” he stated and handed me his game jersey.

  “Wow, a dirty, bloody, sweaty football jersey…what more could a girl ask for,” I told him, snickering.

  “I would’ve gotten you the one we exchanged, but coach sorta stuffed it down the back of his pants as an example. I can’t bring myself to touch it, ever again. So, you’re outta luck if you want the original. I’m hoping you’ll be okay with this one…”

  “It’s perfect, thanks! But, you really don’t have to do this because I’m keepin’ that mystical, lucky whistle of his. I’m even thinking about having it dipped in gold and wearing it as a full-time fashion accessory…”

  “Mind if I share your plan in the locker room, after coach chews us up and spits us out? He’s always in the mood for some levity once he dines on our flesh…”

  “Sure, be my guest. But fair warning, that levity might pack a punch, so be ready to take cover. Really though, you can keep your jersey…”

  “No, I want you to have it. I owe you big-time. Getting fired up, pre-snap was just the kick in the pants I needed. I’ve never given my all and then, some until tonight. That was the best game I’ve played. And, it could be a career starter…” he revealed, showing me business cards from NFL scouts.

  “That’s great…congratulations!” I exclaimed.

  “It was all you. I can’t believe I get punked on national television and then, have to thank the offender. Ironic, huh? You’re one ingenious cheerleader and a clever gypsy girl. Ya’ know, I’d love to figure out exactly how you discovered my weakness for dirty beach blonds…”

  “I’ll never reveal my sources…”

  “It’s just as well, anyway. Now, don’t take this wrong because you’re a pretty blonde. But, you should keep this in mind if you ever want my attention in a public place, again. I might favor platinum beach imagery for solo nocturnal activities. A beautiful brunette, honor student, though…well, she’s what I take home to my momma. I’ve seen your, before and after, pics. Without those highlights, it would’ve been me jumpin’ that rail to get to you…”

  “Ummm, thanks…I think!” I replied, red-faced thinking about the underlying meaning of solo nocturnal activities.

  “You’re welcome! My coach already believes I lost this game because you and I are in ‘Wopping-cahoots’ together. If he wasn’t on the hunt for player blood and being led by that foolish assumption, I would ask you out on a date…”

  “I’m not sure how that date would go over. You’re in Camp Enemy and I’m in Camp Rival. Our people would talk…they’d make our lives miserable, etcetera, etcetera…”

  “Who’s scared of a murderous, angry mob? I’m all for chasing down a challenge with a grin. Your four pillars of gigantic proof are standing behind me, glaring still – correct? So, if you find yourself interested in bucking the vibes of our camping systems, come find me. I have a feelin’ you’ll know how to discover all my mellow haunts and chilly hangouts. Just do me a favor, and don’t show up at football practice!”

  “You got it…” I said with a smile.

  “Oh, and one last thing, here’s my number. You can use it to take me up on my offer, but that’s not why I’m giving it to you. If you ever even think of getting back together with that Sticky McArrogant, gimme a jingle. I’ll do everything in my power to talk you out of it. You deserve better than a privileged brat who’s more interested in self-admiration than treating his lady with respect,” he told me with a wink and a smile.

  “How’d you know we used to be an item? And, how’d you find out I’m an honor student?”

  “I’ll show you mine, if you show me, yours…sources, that is,” he offered loud enough for my nervous brothers to hear his request.

  “Nah, no deal. I might need more #4 Baxter Intel in the future…”

  “Doubtful…especially when you could just get your news, straight from the horse’s mouth instead of relying on third hand gossip.”

  “But, you’ll never need to use your Krista and Lyle relationship sources again because I never shift into couples’ reverse and…”

  “You’re not gonna let this issue drop without something, right?”

  “How’d ya’ know??”

  “You’re female…no detective work required. But, I’m only sharing one because you’re not offering an exchange. McArrogant, himself filled in some of the blanks for me, post-game,” he revealed.

  Although I attempted to gently coax him into telling me what Lyle had said about our relationship, I met with the male code of loyal silence. His ‘brethren-betrayal’ only stretches so far.

  Those blonde highlights I got to capture Wally’s attention had made me look just like my mommas’. The color switch helped smooth the integration into both of my extended gypsy families. So, I actually owe Wally Baxter more than a simple ‘thanks’, already. But, when he broke the sacred brotherhood trust just to spare me from making a mistake, I felt moved to take some action.

  My brothers will come undone watching this, but I can’t seem to help myself. I pulled Wally Baxter to me and gave him a kiss in appreciation – a long, deep, real and passionate French kiss.

  “You’re an incredible quarterback, but you’re an even more amazing guy. Thank you for everything you know about and three-times more, for everything you don’t,” I whispered and secretly, slipped Coach Sizelend’s mojo into his jacket pocket.

  Maybe, he can exchange it for a stay of execution…


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