Double Fated (Book One)

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Double Fated (Book One) Page 21

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Twenty One

  Sure enough, I was swimming in hot water with my brothers. They declared, in unison, that I didn’t know where those foreign lips had been. Although Jarron is my spotter, he is also a male and a big brother. Wedged between that rock and a hard place, he didn’t offer any of his own suggestions. But, he nodded and couldn’t hide his laughter either when my brothers’ started issuing directives.

  “You require immediate decontamination in a chamber designed to destroy alien parasites…” Reid commanded.

  All of the Ava’shay Houses are equipped with decontamination chambers. It can take up to 48 hours to finish the process. I can’t eat or drink while I’m locked inside one. My moms’ will never allow them to lock me inside without food or water. I couldn’t reveal that in front of Jarron and Karin, though. They both think Reid is joking around.

  “Agreed, brother!” Jaysen and Tray interjected, simultaneously.

  “First though, I am using my GPS to locate the closest ER. She requires a tetanus shot before the sanitation cycle can begin…” Jaysen added frantically searching his phone for an address to the hospital.

  “But, our parents are…” I tried to remind them that our family was waiting, but Jaysen interrupted me.

  “But, nothing! Our parents will thank me when I tell them where your tongue just ventured,” Jaysen stated and he wasn’t finished talking.

  Tray heard those last two words and couldn’t wait anymore for his turn to lecture.

  “That’s it, my Little Baby KK! After that shot and a full physical, you’re going straight to Decon! Then, I’m locking you inside an invisible, V-based selective shield…” he informed me.

  “You really want something, so…sweet and delicate?” Reid asked.

  “He has a point! V-based is too far out of the “required range” we are shooting for…” Jaysen concurred.

  “Yeah, so let’s just skip V, Av and Ay altogether, and go straight for the T-based…” my oldest brother informed them that he would use a Tarrish shield on me.

  Discussing all the needed channels, they were being forced to speak in cryptic details. Their suggestions seemed like outlandish, comical ramblings to Jarron and Karin. But, I knew my brothers meant what they were saying.

  I can’t call g-mom or Grandma Edie to save my skin this time either. They are both hunting for my head after I terrified them via cheerleading stunts. Even though they realize I was in no real danger tonight because my brothers were on the field while I was performing, they also understood I normally cheer without them to “channel-catch” me.

  I couldn’t get a word in edgewise and neither could my sisters, Willow and Fallon. They were sitting with the windows open in the Escalade, laughing and being entertained by the scene. I knew they would eventually catch a break and hopefully, talk some sense into their husbands’. All I have to do is wait for a lull. Then, they will spring into action.

  As it happens, I wouldn’t be in limbo for long and their intervention wouldn’t be necessary. Ember, who had just hung up her phone, would jump out of the vehicle and provide my salvation.

  “Forget alien deconnin’, shot shootin’ and V.A.A.T. jock shielding her!! No one’s takin’ my Krista away from me when I just got her – got it?? And, forget that tongue-n-kiss she sprang on that unsuspecting player guy! She’ll survive it with my family-sized tube of emergency toothpaste and the five bottles of mouthwash I’m packin’. It’s the nasty jersey that needs to be destroyed with extreme prejudice. I mean it!

  “Someone had better do something with it or about it or around it and get it away from my Krista before she touches it, again! We’re already gonna have to set her purse ablaze, along with all the contents because that’s where it’s hiding…” Ember shouted.

  She was successfully holding my hand while avoiding me, at the same time. Ember is the cleanest, clean freak on earth. My brothers had no way to calm her down. Her filthy-germy-jersey meltdown triumphed over the stolen smooch issue. The kiss I planted on Wally Baxter was little more than a memory by the time we worked out a solution.

  Jarron would house my purse and Baxter trophy in the trunk of his car, indefinitely. Or, at least until Ember wasn’t around and I would retrieve it…

  I agreed to go back into the gym, shower with scalding hot water (Ember’s order) that doesn’t burn me (the rest of my family’s declaration), wear the bristles off of the new toothbrush using as much paste as necessary and incinerate everything I’m wearing except my jewelry. Ember would permit me to disinfect my rings, necklaces and bracelets as long as they remained in the rubbing alcohol until I exited the locker room.

  Although I did shower, again and scrub my teeth until my gums were bleeding (to prove my diligence), I stored my ‘germ-filled’ outfit in a locker for safekeeping. Besides nothing being wrong with the clothes, I happened to like the smell of Wally’s cologne.

  I would ask my super-smeller sorority sister, Demi to tell me what brand it is. I planned to buy a bottle and sniff it, whenever I’m feeling down.

  Once I was cleansed of the jock-germs, Ember sat in my lap on the ride over. We shared some humorous intrigues. We would intermittently stop chatting, tear up and hug each other. We both agreed to find time during every week to physically visit – even if only for a few minutes. We had been apart for way too long.

  It was after midnight before we arrived at the chancellor’s house. My Poppy Bradwell was thoroughly immersed, out-snaking two Washington politicians.

  Ember remained glued to me even as my squad surrounded us. They were still buzzing about the successful prank. They also wanted to know how Coach Sizelend wound up losing his whistle to me.

  I love my Cheer Babies. And normally, I would be right in the social mix. I have had a killer week, though. All I want to do is visit with my family members. We were being forced to attend this party because of Poppy Bradwell. He wants to flex his conning muscles with the senator and his congressman friend.

  G-mom and Grandma Edie were mingling until they saw Ember excuse herself to visit the restroom. They were ready to pounce as they made their way over to me. My brothers’ high-fived each other, appearing smug and satisfied.

  I had been actively avoiding talking to g-mom and grandma directly. Instead, I had been holding a texting marathon with them, trying to soften them up. The stern facial expressions let me know my campaign was not working. So, I instituted Plan B and rushed over to Freddie.

  He was startled when I miscalculated and sat down a little too close to him. He had plenty of company on the couch already, but I managed to create a space beside him.

  “Oh I’m sorry, Krista. I sorta forgot you wanted me to find you…” he stated.

  Unwavering in their resolve, my collective doom was rapidly approaching.

  “Yeah, yeah no biggie. I just want to introduce you to my g-mom and my grandma…” I announced with a smile so wide that it was hurting my face.

  “It’s a pleasure…” Grandma Edie responded and appeared to be waiting on something.

  “We’re delighted to meet you…young man…by the name of?” g-mom inquired and I smacked myself on the forehead.

  “Whoopsie…this is former-Texan, now Nebraska high school senior, Freddie Orion who’s a guest of Coach Nullis and the other coaches and the whole team, really. He’s checking us out…no, not me and my thingie-thing. He’s checking out the football players and the field and the school to see if he wants to go here next year and play the thing, my thingie cheers for.

  “Um, Freddie, this is g-mom, again…well, she’s my g-mom and your, Elizabeth Stewart. And, my Grandma Edie, her last name’s Quinn…her first name’s part of her title…” I rambled like a full-on psychotic, making every effort to put off the inevitable.

  Dispensing with the greetings too quickly, I decided to introduce them to everyone in my vicinity. Sadly, I didn’t know some of the people I was acquainting them with, but I discovered some
thing amazing. If you act like you know a person, they will offer up their name freely. So, I moved from human-to-human until I bumped into the chancellor’s wife. She almost spilled her drink and I apologized, automatically.

  My avoidance tactic was coming to a rapid close. My g-mom and Grandma Edie had already been introduced to her. They know a stall when they experience it, anyway. My brothers and sisters were hiding behind their cocktails convulsing from laughter. Jarron and Karin, who both understood my dilemma by now, were laughing right along with them.

  Great, just what I need, two additional siblings to humorously watch me sizzle in the hot seat…

  Defeated and with no other way to avoid it, I asked g-mom and grandma to step outside so we could talk privately. Thirty minutes later, I was still talking them off the ledge. If I had known they were coming to the game, I would have flatly refused Zack’s request. The fact was performing that routine in such massive chaos was hazardous. We could barely hear the music. It took Wally, along with Tray’s channeling, to quiet the roar of the crowd.

  What’s done is done, though…and no one got hurt.

  I listened, apologized, placated, assured, reassured and then, reassured some more. Once I was allowed to get a real, word in edgewise, I changed the topic. I revealed my worries over doe-eyed, innocent Freddie and asked them if they could impart some wisdom his way. They were just as concerned as me when we walked back inside and caught him making out with one of my eighteen-year-old cheerleaders in a remote corner.

  It’s getting late and I want to spend time with my family. So, I marched over to temporarily interrupt the two lovebirds. I needed to extricate Freddie from his would-be woman, long enough for him to have a chat with g-mom and Grandma Edie.

  He gave me a perplexed look when I whispered my request, but as a polite Texan he felt obligated to indulge my insanity.

  “’Scuse me, Lauren…sorry,” he stated and wandered out to the porch to get educated.

  Lauren scoped the floor, embarrassed like I had just busted her at a crime scene. I was prepared to apologize to her and explain what was happening when someone jostled me. By the time I turned back to talk to her, she had bolted like a terrified rabbit.

  I need to tell her that Freddie’s coming right back. Then, they can resume their date in peace. Although I did start searching for her, I ultimately got distracted by Ember.

  She was curious about how I weathered the dual storm front. My other siblings joined us, so they could hear all the gory details of my double-G survival. We were in stitches as each of us added in our hilarious, personal commentary.

  I owe Tray a big debt of gratitude. He not only persuaded a stadium full of people to simmer down. He also used about a dozen different channels convincing coaches, referees and players to cooperate with me.

  “By the way, I didn’t persuade that stripping, Romeo-jock of anything. I just gave your spotter a little boost to help shove him away…” Tray revealed.

  “You could’ve killed him, honey!” Willow exclaimed.

  “No worries, sweetheart. I just gave him a little Vaydem wind assistance. Big-J’s irritation and testosterone did the rest…” he replied.

  “I guess I should say thanks to my brothers for not punching Wally…or anyone for that matter. No blood or broken bones, that’s very shocking,” I stated.

  “There is no mystery to our lack of intervention. Poppy Bradwell was a guest behind our veil and seemed to have somehow gotten the impression that we watch you during every game. Therefore, we had to act as though the madness going on was a normal occurrence…” Jaysen told me.

  “Incredible! I’ll have to get each of you a certificate or a trophy of some kind for what I’m sure was a red-carpet, gypsy performance…” I said.

  “We deserve more than commemorative trinkets. Jaysen and I were having a subtle meltdown because we couldn’t channel anything without getting busted. Poppy Bradwell somehow knew which direction to move to block our interventions. And, we nearly lost Tray to a silent heart attack hidden behind a casual smile. Poppy was well out of Tray’s line of fire, but he kept looking to him. It was almost as if our grandfather was waiting for a clue so he would know how to react,” Reid revealed.

  “I’m glad none of you resorted to violence!” Fallon exclaimed.

  “Me too; because he wouldn’t have retaliated tonight!” Ember added.

  “Yeah, Poppy would’ve been taking names and placing bounties on the heads of those who had any involvement…” Willow told us.

  I noticed when Freddie walked back inside. He appeared older and wiser. Breathing a sigh of relief, I assumed I didn’t have a reason to worry about him, anymore. He was searching the house to locate Lauren, but he couldn’t seem to find her.

  My siblings were still agonizing over what Poppy would have done if they had lost their cool, when I excused myself to assist Freddie. I never did get a chance to tell Lauren what happened or apologize to her for disrupting their impromptu date. I couldn’t find her anywhere.

  I worked my way over to Jarron and Karin. They had a decent vantage point of the entire first floor.

  “Jarron, have you seen Lauren?” I asked.

  “Sure, like 45 minutes ago when she left the party…” he told me.

  “He didn’t want to go after her. It looked like she might’ve been crying…” Karin added in frustration.

  Jarron shrugged, clearly not interested in getting involved in the female drama.

  “Every time I turn around tonight, I’m stirring unintentional trouble,” I said and thanked them for the information.

  Lauren’s number is programmed in my cell. I hid in the restroom while I called her.

  It turns out she thought I was interested in Freddie and upset with her for horning-in on our potential romance.

  “I’m so sorry, Lauren. A couple of my more impatient family members wanted to have a quick conference with him. That’s all. Freddie and I are just friends – nothing else,” I whispered.

  She and I were both laughing over the miscommunication by the time I hung up the phone.

  Freddie looked like someone had just run over his puppy. I needed to smooth things over with him, too. That requires some conversation. So, I went to Momma-C for help.

  “Hi, Momma-C…listen, I’ve got a small issue. I messed things up between my friend, Freddie over there and one of my Cheer Babies. She’s one of the sweetest girls I know and I think she really likes him. I created a big misunderstanding and I need to make things right. But, to do that, I’ve gotta talk to him privately and explain. I don’t want Poppy Bradwell or Meemaw…”

  “Say no more, Baby. R-daddy and the rest of us have got you covered,” she stated and kissed me on the cheek.

  Momma-C and my family gathered around my grandparents. Once I knew I wouldn’t get busted, I went over to Freddie and asked him to take a walk with me. Although he was a little shocked by my request after I announced we couldn’t sneak away tonight, he was so dejected that he followed me without question.

  I explained the misunderstanding with Lauren and told him that she is coming back to pick him up.

  “I’m so sorry. I’ll run interference with the coach so you two can be alone. But, you have to promise that you won’t get into trouble,” I stated.

  “That’s sorta funny her thinkin’ that you want me. From the locker room chatter, I thought you and Stick might be together…” he inadvertently revealed.

  “So, I’m a locker room subject…” I said, hoping to prompt him into giving up more information.

  How can I get everyone to accept that Lyle and I are not a couple, anymore?

  “Don’t sweat it about Lauren. I wasn’t going to make out with her, anymore. Well, not yet I’m not…” he told me and didn’t elaborate on that either.

  “She’s about your age and one of the nicest girls on my squad. What the two of you do is none of my business. I’m so sorry I interrupted…” I
said, again.

  “Really, it’s cool. But, that parental ambush you set up…well, that was just weird – very informative, but weird. Your family’s full of characters…”

  “There’s an understatement…”

  “Thanks…for lookin’ out for me. I’m gonna use their advice. But, I’m not as innocent as you think I am.”

  “Please, don’t try to prove it. Let’s just say, I believe you and we’ll leave it at that…”

  We had walked down the driveway and back. Standing on the chancellor’s porch, we didn’t see Lauren yet. My traveler grandparents were still occupied when we rejoined the party.

  Freddie asked me to dance and I agreed. It was the least I could do to make it up to him. I motioned to Ember to let her know that I needed a continued Poppy and Meemaw distraction. I would remain a nervous wreck until Lauren returned to get him.

  “You’re lucky. I always wanted to come from a big family. You all look real happy in all those pictures in your bedroom…” he said after a few minutes of silence.

  “I am…and so are they, when we’re all together. We’re closer than most people on this planet.”

  “Here’s what I don’t get, though. You and your sisters are pint-sized, but your brothers make professional football players look like dwarfs. What’s up with that?” he asked comically.

  “That, my dear Freddie, is a long, long story. And, your chariot just arrived. I’ll say farewell’s for you in atonement for my sins. You’ve got less than two hours to be back in your dorm room or Nullis will send out a search-and-rescue. My cover for you ends, there. Have fun…” I told him.

  “But, not too much fun until I call Chelsea and break things off with her. Tell g-mom and grandma I heard them and I’m doing things the right way. And, thanks Krista, you’re the best…” he whispered to me while we hugged.

  “You can just call me, big sis. Now, go before we both get busted…” I stated.

  Freddie made sure the coast was clear before he excitedly rushed out the door to meet Lauren as I breathed a sigh of relief. Vowing to speak to no one besides my family for the rest of the evening, I didn’t want to risk messing up anyone’s, anything else…


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