Double Fated (Book One)

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Double Fated (Book One) Page 22

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Twenty Two

  The kids and Scarlett were playing a card game with Kyrann when we got back to the hotel.

  Kyrann said hello to everyone and greeted me with a kiss on the forehead before he exited. Although he claimed to be running late for a meeting with his boss, I assumed that was nothing more than excuse to vanish quickly. It was nearly 3:30 and to my knowledge, Daddy-Jax is his leader. And, he’s not going anywhere.

  Poppy, Meemaw and Scarlett said their farewells to everyone else and saved me for last.

  “Goodnight, Krista…I love you. Your cheerleading stuff is really cool…” Scarlett said, looked at her parents and stopped talking.

  “I’m sorry I fainted during your performance, little one. I did watch it on the big television replay. You have quite the knack for acrobatics – just like your cousin, Younger and his bride…” Meemaw stated, but Poppy interrupted her.

  “Pricilla, it’s late and we have a long drive ahead of us…” he told her and she silently nodded.

  “My enchanting youngest granddaughter, you are a fine and talented traveler girl. You will do your gypsy husband, proud. I love you…see you on Sunday at the Warming,” my Poppy stated…his voice was thick with emotion.

  I walked them to the door and thanked them for coming. My family breathed a sigh of relief when the door closed behind them.

  My niece and nephews had been patiently waiting their turn. I made a mad dash for the bed and barely made it in time. The tickle war was on. I had to call a truce when pillows started flying. There were other people in the hotel and we were getting noisy.

  The adults were exhausted, but the kids were wired for sound.

  Jaysen and Ember were the first to brave the water. They told the twins to say goodnight. And that’s when the trouble started.

  Luke grabbed one of my legs and his sister grabbed the other. They said, “…please…mommy and daddy…no” in perfect unison. Then, they shut their eyes, tightly in reality avoidance.

  The handwriting on the wall was visible. Mikey knew what was coming down the pike and launched a strike of protest before his parents could say or do anything.

  My youngest nephew wrapped his little arms around the front of my legs. Haven and Luke moved over just enough to give him room for attachment.

  I was wobbling, trying to regain my balance.

  “No daddy, no mommy – don’t take me away from my Auntie KK…pllleeeassseee,” his pitiful appeal was being muffled by my pants.

  “There’s no leg room left, but I’m not gonna leave her without protest either…”Quinn stated and managed to squeeze in beside Mikey to embrace my neck.

  Losing my fight with gravity, Zander rushed up behind me. I fell against his chest. He pushed my body upright and then, Quinn moved enough to allow his arms to encircle me too.

  “Sorry, all my moms and dads…but, I’m with them,” Zander revealed his intention and waited to see what would happen.

  I was sandwiched in between them. The adults looked on in horrified amazement. This is our worst fear being realized. The children have us at their mercy, collectively.

  Although I tried to tell them it’s late and we will see each other in the morning, I couldn’t force the words from my lips. I am an adult, too. And, I should provide their parents with some back-up. Unfortunately, I need my niece and nephews just as much as they need me. I didn’t want to let them go…in fact, I couldn’t leave them at this point.

  Begging with my eyes, I pleaded with someone to do something ‘grown-up’ before I blurted out the truth.

  “Daddy-Jax, it appears we’re at an impasse…” R-Daddy revealed, comically.

  “No, we are not. Tray, make it happen…” Daddy-Jax responded and ordered my brother.

  Tray used a Tarrish encompass to transport all of us to Sunridge. We arrived in the large, downstairs den area. That’s where we would spend the night as a family.

  The kids were thrilled with their conquest. The adults would sleep on air mattresses. Even though the hotel beds would be more comfortable, none of us minded.

  “Pajamas on…dirty clothes go in the hamper…not on the floor,” Willow stated and pointed them to their rooms’ upstairs to get dressed for bed.

  “Clean faces, hands, ears and necks before scrubbing your teeth. And boys, I will know if you just wet your toothbrushes. Don’t make me have to supervise…” Ember told them.

  The boys grumbled and nodded.

  “Zander, all the sleeping bags are stored in the front spare room because of your camping trip. You and Quinn help them…” Momma-C said and we watched Haven, Luke and Mikey assume a pouting formation.

  “No, no! Arms, uncrossed and bottom lips tucked back into their normal positions, now!” Momma-C ordered and the three of them complied as though they were being forced to.

  “That’s better. Haven, Mikey and Luke listen up…I was not suggesting you are too little to get your own things. I just thought you might like to have a chance to make it back downstairs before your big brothers.

  “Zander and Quinn have to take more responsibility because they’re older. Fun stuff, like getting the first turns to play with Aunt Krista, is for our youngest members. That’s just one of the many perks of being a little bit younger in a big gypsy family…” Momma-C revealed.

  The twins and Mikey were delighted with their newly discovered (and advantageous) status. They squealed as they hugged Momma-C and smugly, smiled at their older brothers.

  “The only question remains is who can accomplish the tasks and get back to Aunt Krista, first. Hmmm, I wonder which one will be the victor,” Momma-G stated to no one in particular.

  The three of them took off running.

  Zander and Quinn snickered, before they followed them.

  “Mommy-G! Mommy-G! How many books can I bring?” Haven shouted from the top of the staircase.

  “You may bring only one, apiece. It’s late…” she responded, loudly.

  Rolling her eyes in frustration, she walked to the bottom of the steps, anticipating more commentary from my niece.

  “Okay! But, King Luke A. Mon and Mikey-Biggs can’t bring two and say it’s fair ‘cuz mine’s longer! Mine’s just got more pictures to look at and not more words to read in it! You’ll tell ‘em so, if they don’t believe me. Right, Mommy-G??” Haven yelled, although she didn’t have to.

  “One is one, sweetie – no matter the length. Please, use your indoor voice to tell your brothers and get ready for bed,” Momma-G told her in a normal tone.

  “I’m beginnin’ to think…that there’s no way…to refine the shout…outta that little princess,” Grandma Edie told us through snickers.

  “Didn’t know we started…workin’ on that again, Edie. If memory serves…the last time we jointly attempted…the, be a soft-spoken…genteel...young lady…training…we ended up yellin’…louder than her…by the end,” g-mom announced between peals of laughter.

  “G-mom, I thought we were…gonna keep…her training overthrow…our female secret!” Ember exclaimed.

  We were discussing our plans for tomorrow when I suddenly remembered my commitment. I reminded everyone that I have a four hour block for my drama team. I barely got out the words “lead role” and “sold out show” before they moved into action.

  They were looking forward to watching me perform. I didn’t share their enthusiasm. But, the cast was counting on me and I couldn’t let them down.

  I wouldn’t get a chance to elaborate on any of the details about the musical because Haven bounced into the room well before her brothers. She smelled like cotton candy from her shimmering body spray. Even though she delayed herself by demanding a resolution to the equitable book controversy, she has less scrubbing to perform during her nightly routine. She climbed into my lap to enjoy the spoils of her victory. I snuggled with her for the longest time, just breathing her in.

  My niece was coordinated from the clasps in her hair, all t
he way down to her slippers. Haven is the picture image of her daddy. She has his dark brown hair and crystal blue eye color. With her petite body frame, long, black lashes and rosy cheeks, she looks like a living, porcelain doll. She is creative, intelligent and tenderhearted to a fault. And, she loves dubbing people with nicknames.

  I would give anything to hear what she would call me if she were allowed to create a moniker in my honor. But, her parents will not permit her to call adults anything besides their given names and titles. Most of the nicknames she invents are designed to build a person’s ego and make them feel better.

  Luke was into transformers when she created the best “boy with a hidden robot inside” name on the planet. She declared ‘King Luke A. Mon’ the Transformer King and reminds him, frequently that all the other hidden boy/girl robots will look to him, so he has to lead by example.

  That concept has been drilled into her head from the moment of her birth. As the oldest, she will eventually be the Ava’shay’s Reigning Queen. But, Haven didn’t want her brother to feel like he was being excluded from the royal status because he was born second. So, she calls him, King Luke A. Mon to remind him that he will always be a leader – even if his robot subjects remain in hiding.

  Luke and Mikey are often mistaken for the set of twins in our family with their midnight black hair, ocean-colored eyes and strong builds. And, they both look just like Tray. But, Mikey is smaller than Haven, at the moment. Of course, history suggests he will tower over her and Luke within the next five years. His brother, Quinn shot up five inches over the summer and he gained about twenty pounds. I barely recognized him when Zander dragged him to me on the football field. He looked like all the other college students, instead of fourteen.

  But, Mikey hasn’t hit a growth spurt yet and he’s sensitive about his size. Although he keeps up a brave, tough front, he gets his feelings hurt if he believes others perceive him as ‘little’. According to Tray, Mikey can already defeat Quinn in a well monitored, arm-wrestling match. I have a feeling Mikey can take down his brother in a fight too, but Willow was present when we were discussing it. So, Tray carefully censored his fatherly bragging rights about his youngest son, taking into account the gypsy-mommy survival factor.

  Haven is extraordinarily perceptive. She had just turned three when she dubbed her youngest brother, Mikey-Biggs. He puffs up like a peacock every time she calls him that in public.

  My niece and I shared some serious girl talk about a boy in her math class who pulled her pig-tail. I explained the underlying meaning and she wrinkled her nose.

  “I can’t be Muddy-Bow-Snitcher-Bobby’s girlfriend! He was dressed in an orange shirt and green jeans. My pink hair-bow wouldn’t match either of those colors. And, those colors he was puttin’ out there didn’t even match each other. Super big, color-mixin’ hints don’t work on boys, my Aunt Krista ‘cuz you shoulda seen what he wore the next day!

  “And, I couldn’t put the bow back up where it goes until the washing. Dirty-pawed boys shouldn’t be snitching off bows from clean girl’s hair and messin’ up their outfit. I told him that too. I’m pretty sure he didn’t know what snitching means ‘cuz he just spit his tongue out at me when I said it and ran off. Probably went back to his mud fort to think about it…or look it up on the dirty nin-ner-net.

  “Well, I can’t be a party to that silly boy nonsense until I find one that knows how to dress right and can match the other stuff with his shirt or with his pants or with both of them together. Gotta have the shirt and pants right on before bowing-up can happen – all girls know that from the get-goings!

  “Oh, and he can have his mud forts, but he’s gotta play it clean – ya’ know, no mud on hands or faces or ears or hairs. It can be done, I’m sure of it. I don’t have a dirt-offing, anything when I’m at school. Mr. Ebsell says little girls can’t bath it up or wash out bows in the playground water fountains.

  “He’s big and tall and can match his stuff and stay clean pretendin’ like a man. But, there’s a big boy hidin’ inside him ‘cuz he’s sided on the side of the dirt. That’s just like a boy! He said that water’s for drinkin’. I told him water’s, water ‘specially when it’s an urgency. Oh he’s good at no’ing, over and over, but he the why of matter…well, he couldn’t tell me. So, I just don’t get it. Why is some water’s not washin’ water when it’s only for the drinkin’?” she informed me and asked, dramatically.

  I watched her daddy high-five, Tray – several times. They don’t have to worry about Haven getting a boyfriend anytime soon. Fashion-conscience, bow-wearing, ultra-clean six year old boys who can remain dirt free while playing in a mud fort are extinct to my knowledge. I winked at my brothers’ and snickered.

  My two youngest nephews arrived, together. Haven climbed off of my lap and let them have a turn. I spent time hugging and talking with each of them.

  I also mouthed the word, “thanks…” to Momma-G and Daddy-Jax. They were sharing their Thursday night ritual time with me and I was grateful.

  The kids are accustomed to two family members tucking them into bed on specific evenings. I am the only one in the family that gets the kids, all to myself during my nighttime rotation.

  Each family member decides what they will do with the children to get them ready for bed. Momma-G and Daddy-Jax have tonight in the rotation. She reads them stories, first. And, then he will share one true fabulous adventure, afterwards.

  G-mom and Grandma Edie are scheduled for tomorrow night. Unlike story time with Momma-G and Daddy-Jax, they won’t be doing anything in front of the rest of us. Their mystery rituals are quickly becoming legends. They won’t give any of us a hint about their nighttime routine with the kids. And, oddly enough none of us have been able to pry it out of any of the children either.

  When I’m home, I get a regular night in the rotation. I spend individual time with each of them, working my way from the youngest to the oldest. Zander always gets more Aunt Krista time than the others because he goes last. We have managed to keep our extra minutes under-wraps.

  The boys wanted to switch books before story time got underway. Sure enough, they saw Haven’s selection and wanted to choose something longer.

  “Papa-Tray, are you mad at me ‘cuz I did girl stuff with Mommy-Willow last Saturday instead of playin’ Freeze Find with the boys?? You forgot me and my nite-nite tuckin’…” my niece accused him with a pouty face.

  He scooped her up and playfully tossed her over his shoulder.

  “I’ve never been mad at you a single second of your life. It’s impossible to be angry with my little angel…

  “We missed you. But, it gave your brothers’ a chance to win since you weren’t playing with us. Quinn was the winner.

  “And, let’s get this clear! I’d never forget, my baby Havey. I was there, but you’d already fallen over on me…” he told her and I watched him cross his fingers.

  “Baby Girl, remember our busy primping night. We painted nails…did our hair and put together two costumes. Did you forget the dance we made up for Papa-Tray? I think we practiced and giggled too much because we both fell asleep…” Willow stated.

  “Oh yeah, I just forgot where I put the memory. Can we still do the “Shaker Dance” for you the next time?” Haven inquired, happy now.

  My relieved brother slid her forward, so he could kiss her cheeks and look her in the eyes.

  “Sure thing…but, you and Mommy-Willow have to be careful about how much girl-fun you have. You wore each other, out. I had to carry her to bed after I tucked you in. Everyone missed playing Hidden in the Darkness…” Tray told her.

  “Don’t forget, I get double bear-hugs and triple kisses next time to make up for your non-tuckin’ last time. It’s not fair to count the ones I get in my sleep. Oh, and these I’m getting right now don’t get put in the total either…” she revealed and he agreed.

  Tray and Willow always take their turn on the weekend duri
ng the school year. They both play games with the children that get them wound up from excitement. Willow claims hers are calmer, but we all know that’s a stretch of the truth.

  I was happy enough when I went to my bedroom and put on my pajamas. But, I stopped at the bottom of the steps to observe my family. Everyone was riveted on Daddy-Jax and his tale, except for Quinn and Zander.

  Quinn appeared to be daydreaming because he was smiling, staring at the ceiling.

  Zander was typing something into his phone, oblivious to what was happening around him. He was also lost in a teenage-world of his own.

  My eyes filled with tears and there was no way to stop them from falling. I rushed up the stairs and hid in my bathroom.

  Ember was hot on my heels, anxious and concerned.

  “What’s wrong, Sissy? Let me in! Well, unless you’re busy then, let me in after…” she commanded.

  “It’s unlocked…” I told her.

  “What’s wrong, my Krista??” she asked as she threw her arms around my neck to comfort me.

  “It’s just hard…being so close, but so far away. I miss everyone and especially, them. They’re growing and changing. I can’t get back what I’m missin’…

  “And, I want to see all of you, every day and night, too. But, that doesn’t happen, even if I’m home. When did we get so busy??” I told her, rambling.

  “It snuck up on us, didn’t it? Ya’ know I had this same meltdown on mom this morning. Mikey ran through the kitchen. Mom and I told him to slow down. But, Quinn forced the issue. He scooped him up and carried him away. It suddenly, struck me. I used to carry Quinn, just like that 24/7. Now, my own twins don’t even need my help putting on their P.J.’s anymore because they’re old enough to do it alone. I flipped over some unknown edge. Then, mom and I both dissolved into tears.

  “Quinn hears us and he calls dad to come fix it. Mikey and dad rush inside, but neither of us know what to say about why we’re crying. My dad freaks out and Mikey starts bawling, too. I was feeling guilty for stirring up my parents over something I couldn’t adequately explain…” she revealed.

  “We’re just normal females, having a normal reaction…” I announced.

  “That’s exactly what I said to mom, too…well, after she calmed down and got dad calmed down that’s what I told her. But then, I had another meltdown on her over the fact that we are not normal gypsies. I got upset over both sides of the debate, too. I swear I’m a full blown psychotic, if ever there was one. See, if we were typical Ay’sha girls, we wouldn’t have this problem with the kids. We’d be living together, mothering them all the time and get to see them every minute of the day. And, that made me feel better until I realized we’d have another ginormous problem to contend with if we were to magically transform into normal gypsies.

  “Our husbands, brothers and daddies would be gone for weeks at a time, making money to support us like Poppy Bradwell. We can’t live without them either. So, this normal, not-normal gypsy challenge is a no-win situation unless we’re the kids in the equation!” she exclaimed.

  “Hear, hear…being a grown-up sucks! It’s tear-worthy…” I stated in agreement.

  We gave ourselves permission to fall apart for ten minutes. We moved our discussion into my bedroom, left off the light, closed the door and just spilled our troubles.

  I expressed how sad it makes me to live without my family and how my heart is ripped to shreds, every day I’m there and not here. I told her how it feels like a knife to the chest because I inevitably get a reminder of her, or another family member, in some way at least once a day.

  She revealed that the same thing happens to her. We decided that we must be looking for reminders. Still, there was no comfort in that knowledge. When we are located in different physical places, it’s like a piece of us is missing. So, we crafted a plan to run away and live like a family of hermits.

  Before we started searching for an uninhabited island, I revealed that I would miss my sorority sisters, cheerleading squad and college friends terribly. I also declared that I would regret not finishing my degree and fully enjoying my on-campus, university life while I was young enough to have it. So, we temporarily suspended our island search…without nixing the plan, entirely.

  Ember revealed how her heart is shattered into a million tiny fragments without her parents. She is especially close to her dad, because he raised her by himself until she was fifteen. They share an indescribable bond. Here lately, she’s been excusing herself to the restroom, secretly calling Command to trans-verse her to Tray’s location. She hides out and cries for thirty seconds just watching her dad do whatever he happens to be engaged in.

  She talked about the twins and how she feels like she’s missing too much of their lives. Although she does her best to sit down with them for dinner or at least, give them goodnight kisses, it doesn’t always work out for her to do that.

  All of the kids have erratic sleeping patterns. Sometimes, even when she gets home early, it’s too late to see her babies because they are no longer awake. On those nights, she climbs in bed with them and falls apart until the pillow gets soggy. Then, she goes into the other one’s bedroom and does the same thing. She defines the mommy agony as horrific.

  My sister saved her biggest stress for last…her husband, Jaysen.

  “You’d think my sweet angel honey would be the easiest one for me to keep up with. We share a marital tether and I can draw on his spirit anytime I want to feel him. But, it doesn’t feel like enough…especially, these last six weeks when he’s been getting ready to go on his testosterone-fueled vacation.

  “We barely get to touch each other. I don’t know how any of my parents do this…this being physically separated from the person they love because of our daily-thousand commitments. I’ve talk to mom, Momma-C and Momma-G about ways to help me stay sane without having Jaysen there to hold me. I really thought they would’ve gotten beyond their struggling and have formed some type of strategy. But, all of my parents are spiritually married just like we are. And, it never gets easier…or better. The pain of our missing spouse evidently gets harder and grows deeper. The best any of my moms’ had to offer is that it gets easier to hide the pain.

  “I’ve managed to keep Jaysen in the dark about how much I’m suffering. He and I share spiritual marital times…if you get my meaning. Those just aren’t the same thing as locking our bedroom door and physically holding each other. I want to be with him…” Ember told me and continued pouring out the emotions for her husband.

  Ember is extraordinarily reserved when it comes to the topic of sexual relations. Her openly spilling so much private information reveals that she is hurting on every level. I would offer to take over some of her commitments, but I can’t do anything about Jaysen’s. My sister chairs social committees and does event planning. I have no idea what my brother does as the High Lord Master. I have never even thought to ask him…

  I made a mental note to find out what I could to help them get some quality, couple alone time together. Tray and Willow need time, too. So do, Daddy-Jax and Momma-G…R-daddy and Momma-C…even, Fallon and Reid could spend a few additional, unexpected days together.

  That’s it!! I would enlist the help of g-mom and grandma to give the rest of our married members a well-deserved second honeymoon. We could plan it for right after the boys get back from vacation and the stressful wedding is over.

  I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I might not be able to see my family every day or quit school to move back home, but I can give them a gift they will cherish for a lifetime.

  My mind was racing in a million, excited directions as I mentally worked through the details.

  Ember was still sniffling and upset when I told her we needed to get back to the others. It took a tremendous amount of effort and a long silent prayer for strength, but I managed to keep my surprise a secret from her.



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