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Double Fated (Book One)

Page 53

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Fifty Three

  “Mommies, your soulmates do not have a solitary clue. They were terrified of getting chewed up and spit out by me. I didn’t even hear the additional beating hearts until I hugged each of you. And herein lies the rub…if I can hear those tiny hearts beating inside of you, we can bet dollars-to-donuts that Shaman Rave and High Commander Jaxon can too. After the browbeating they just barely survived, it will be difficult for Celeste and Gayle to avoid being alone with them…” grandma offered.

  “Rave told me both times the instant we conceived. So, there’s no question he can hear a fetal heartbeat. That Vaydem love whammy Haven delivered was more potent than a gypsy seduction! The last week was a monumental blur. But, it must have been even more so for Raven…for him to miss something like us conceiving is unbelievable…

  “We conceived!” she squealed in delight as reality washed over her.

  The excitement overwhelmed us again. It took us several minutes to dial it back down.

  “Okay…I’ll only need six days of actual alone-time avoidance. After the wedding, Rave and Jax are taking Haven to World Jetstream in the Ava’shay realm for the week.

  “I can avoid being alone with Rave, no problem. We’re both behind schedule, anyway…” Momma-C informed us and we looked at Momma-G.

  “Jaysen was conceived during our communion ritual. However, I have no doubt that Jax can and will hear our baby’s heartbeat if he gets close enough to…us. I cannot believe I just stated those words! I am pregnant with Jax’s baby!” Momma-G exclaimed.

  Another round of thrilling squeals, hugs, happy dances and tears took place.

  “I know this is going to be difficult, but we need to try our best to curtail our enthusiasms. The men will get worried about what I’m doing to you and might reappear. And, I can’t stress this enough, I already feel guilty withholding this astronomical news from them. They are going to be over the moon elated if they don’t hit the grave. As a normal rule, they would be the first people in the know. But, we have a couple of special situations going on right now.

  “This wedding hoopla is still happening and we need to see it through, if at all possible. More importantly though, my sons will not knowingly leave pregnant wives home to go anywhere or do anything – provided they survive the initial impact of the news.

  “Zander and Quinn will understand if the trip has to be cancelled. Luke and Mikey will understand, too. But, I think I can safely assume that we want to avoid that specific disappointment. Our two youngest are about to get usurped. They deserve this first daddy/son experience without baby sibling competition…” grandma stated.

  “Mikey will be thrilled to have a little brother. He’ll probably want the baby now instead of when it comes. No competition concerns…at least, not from his end. I’m not even worried about disappointing him. He’s such an easy kid. But, I am extremely worried about disappointing Tray. He started pestering me the day they came back, last year to take our baby on this trip. I know my husband. He structured virtually everything around making this the most memorable daddy/son experience for Mikey. Memory building for our kids is one of his life’s missions and he’s very good at it.

  “Quinn will be excited about the baby. But, he’ll be severely disappointed if the trip gets cancelled, too. He’s been secretly helping his dad plan this trip for his little brother. So, Tray and Quinn’s quality father/son time will be experienced taking pleasure in watching Mikey have the first thrill of an all-male summer hunt. I can’t and I won’t take that away from Tray or Quinn, not if I have any say so in the matter…

  “I’ll even chain myself to a tent in the Arboretum for a week if that’s what it takes…” Willow stated, impishly and Ember burst out laughing.

  “For those of you who don’t know, that’s what I vowed so my parents would feel like I was safe enough to go on their honeymoon for two weeks. And, you were right, grandma. I unapologetically love whammied my Quinn into existence. So, this thing with my own daughter is such poetic justice. I knew you should’ve stayed gone for two weeks on your honeymoon, mom.

  “Never ever, swear a blood oath and then, back out of it with devious, Stupid Cupid. He’s patient but he will eventually get even…

  “Luke is so precocious, but he’ll be beside himself with happiness. He finally gets to be the big brother. Like mom, I’m not worried about disappointing him. He’s definitely going to demand I give birth immediately. And, he’ll have back up because Haven is not used to waiting for anything – ever. Jaysen, on the other hand, has been planning this particular summer hunt since he saw his son being conceived in the Hallows. Right after he revived from passing out, he went straight into “…I can easily set-up a portable crib on our testosterone-filled-vacation.”

  “He was so ecstatic to see his little girl. But, when Luke surprised us with his entrance I really thought my Sweet Angel Honey was going to burst from pride. I’m not sure if it’s a gypsy thing or just a guy thing in general, but having a son…well, I don’t know how to adequately explain it.

  “Jaysen loves Haven with all his heart, too. His relationship with her is indescribable in words. It’s like the way dad loves me. It’s intense, but it’s different how a dad loves a son and a daughter. How do I say it?” Ember asked of no one in particular.

  “Your dad loves each of you, uniquely – same depth, same quantity…different, yet also identical qualities. I can make that declaration without the slightest sense of doubt because I love each one of my babies, just like that…” g-mom explained in simple terms.

  “Well put, Lizzy…” grandma said.

  “I’ll chain myself to the same tent with mom or avoid whatever I have to…I’ll even destroy my calendar and hide in a comfy, clean decon-chamber being guarded by Haven’s Commandee for the duration. I want Jaysen to have this hunt with his oldest son…or his only son.

  “Grandma, what am I having here?? You’ve gotta tell me! Haven won’t let this issue drop, even if I can get Jaysen and Luke to stop irritating me. I won’t make it through her lower lip dropping, I swear it. What am I having, another only son or only daughter?? Well, one won’t be an only, anymore. So, forget that ‘only’ part, just what do I need to prepare for and tell Haven???” Ember frantically questioned.

  “Calm down…ceilings, remember? I’m not going to reveal sexes to anyone besides their daddies. Tray already knows he’s getting a boy. So, I’m going to tell him his son’s full Ay’sha name. Those tidbits will be revealed in a closed door meeting, like this one. That way the guys can have some fun, exciting news of their own to keep or release at their discretion.

  “That’s how I’m relieving myself of this crushing guilt. No daughter of mine will try to coax, pout or trick a “he or she” or even a single name out of me. Anyone caught attempting will meet with my inner-matriarch in a private, outdoor setting. Fair warning, when properly motivated, I can ascend faster than a channel…” grandma declared.

  And that, ladies, is how an adult puts her foot down…

  “I’m more than fine with that. Haven can cry on her daddy. Bet Jaysen won’t make it past the second tear before he’s blabbing…” Ember stated, comically.

  “Speaking of Haven…Jax has been so excited about him and Rave getting her all to themselves. He and Rave have planned every minute of every day. She will barely get two hours of sleep per night. I imagine that we will have to build a new wing to accommodate all the things she will return with.

  “I am not joking. When Jax took Jaysen to Jetstream for the first time we had to build a new house. It is the sole reason we have the House of Vayles’Rodier…” Momma-G told us.

  “And you really think a new wing is gonna do it?” I inquired, sarcastically.

  “Don’t forget, my lovely daughter…we now have Houses to distribute toys to this time instead of one paltry thirty-story palace…” she replied with a snicker.

  “Up until this la
st week, Rave had been talking about nothing else. I want him and Jax to have their special vacation with their only granddaughter. He won’t leave my side if he finds out, though. So make that a tent and chain for four…” Momma-C stated.

  “Fallon, I want you to really think on this before you decide. Although I assume this pregnancy is unexpected, you are carrying Reid’s first child. We can and will make a whole new plan, if need be…” grandma told my sister.

  “Yes indeedy my Little Sweetie Girl, you need to think on it. You only get one chance to be first-time parents. And, this announcement only occurs once in a lifetime. If you want to tell him, we’ll reformulate…no sweat,” g-mom added.

  “I will talk it out, so everyone can hear what I’m thinking…not just grandma. We didn’t plan this. When I nonchalantly mentioned thinking about finishing our communion ritual Reid had a full-fledged panic attack on me. He immediately packed an entire suitcase with nothing but birth control for our honeymoon. He has been obsessively rechecking those contents for weeks. Guess that has become a worthless piece of lug…oh no, stop the presses!

  “Our honeymoon might or might not be on hallowed ground. I mean I don’t really know if it is or isn’t. He’s surprising me and I can’t trick him into telling me. I’ve already tried it and he’s gotten wise to my ways, quick! And, I can’t ask him about the ground without making him suspicious! Honeymoons, like that one we’re taking, don’t have to be dirt, specific!

  “I’ll just cancel it…no, I can’t cancel Reid’s only honeymoon. He’s put a lot of thought into it and he’s really looking forward to it. Well, it won’t be his only, only honeymoon. He’ll get another. So maybe, he can go with someone else on this one…

  “Hey, he better not take anyone besides me on any honeymoon, ever! I’m the one carrying his baby!” Fallon exclaimed, temporarily losing her sanity.

  “Ceilings…” we shouted in unison.

  “Head between knees…” Willow commanded.

  “Breathe…deep…” Momma-C ordered.

  “Exhale slowly…” grandma instructed.

  “Calm thoughts…” Momma-G added.

  “Sssssoorrryyyy…ssssiilllyyyy thhhinnkkkinnnggg…” Fallon stammered, breathlessly.

  “It’s the baby fluctuating your hormones, Sweetie Pie. No need to apologize for your little one trying to get more comfortable inside his or her mommy…” g-mom offered.

  “General Commander Girl Haven calls them “horror-moans”. She always knows something we don’t…” I offered, to lighten the mood.

  “I never thought my panic-driven insane-rambling/thinkin’ was contagious to anyone besides my dad…” Ember revealed, helping me to relieve some more of her tension.

  A few minutes later my distraught sister had regained her typical Ava’shay composure.

  “That was psychotic. Reid will figure something is direly wrong with me if that happens on him. Then, he will promptly have a psychotic break of his own, requiring hospitalization. Can anything be done to temporarily fix ‘horror-moans’?” Fallon asked, in her normal voice.

  “I can ease them with a channel, but only slightly. Liz hit that nail. Your baby’s developmental needs will call for a variety of things…including extra ‘horror-moans’ from time-to-time.

  “On a positive note, your little one will spiritually draw from Reid when he’s physically close enough. Your husband won’t feel a thing. So, between my channel and daddy’s close proximity to his growing baby, your emotions should remain fairly stable…” grandma told her.

  “Can Reid hear our little one’s heartbeat??” she inquired, rubbing her belly.

  “Not without my intervention…well, your R-daddy or Daddy-Jax could do it too, if he requested it…” grandma stated.

  “This is a “once-in-a-lifetime” announcement, but it will be special no matter when I share it. And, let’s face facts, there is a better than average chance that my Reid would require a headstone if I were to spring it on him today. One carefree week of honeymooning with him, blissfully unaware, might just be what keeps him alive to see his first child. So, I’m for waiting, as long as he’s taking us somewhere we can safely go…

  “Holy Heavenly Maker I am a ‘we’ now – we’re a ‘we’ – we are a ‘three we’!! I’m carrying Reid Jonas’ baby inside of me!” Fallon exclaimed.

  We had been good for a long time. And, Fallon is a new mommy. In the end, we decided not to worry about finding a justification. We celebrated with unrestrained abandon. That’s the natural reaction to falling head-over-heels in love…with five tiny, growing babies.


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