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Double Fated (Book One)

Page 56

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Fifty Six

  Without a doubt, g-mom will somehow persuade all three gypsy Doms to show up at BlitZed and go along with whatever she concocts. Two royals and one traveler working together is an unheard of mix. But there is also tension between Taft and Poppy Bradwell. Still, g-mom will pull this off.

  Having her a few buildings away, with three powerful gypsy Doms made me feel safe and comfortable. The only drawback is if things go south we will have a bloodbath on our hands.

  G-mom mumbled ‘good riddance for the world…’ when I mentioned that very possible outcome. I’m starting to think Tenacity Stewart is a hereditary trait. I wonder if I inherited my alter ego from g-mom or g-daddy or both.

  Doc and I would get inside SizZle. Then, I would head to the ladies room, call Command and have them trans-verse Poppy Bradwell to me.

  Like R-daddy, Doc took an oath to do no harm. And, he will be tied up giving injections and medical treatment to the girls, anyway. We figure he will have to escort the dosed girls outside, one at a time. So, I need a visible protector to stay inside with me.

  This protector needs to have flexible ethics; no regrets annihilating a man, and be skilled at conning. I need someone to help me finesse my way through Hades on earth because g-mom can’t do it. This job is too big for me to handle alone.

  Doc and I are walking in blind as it is. That’s plenty risky. But, it’s all we can do if we want to get the girls out, tonight. That’s going to happen – period.

  Poppy Bradwell is a wily master of deception. He can run a con without putting in much effort. He’ll size things up and do what has to be done to accomplish our goal. More importantly though, he can and will protect me with deadly force by any means required. He will not let me out of his sight and I need that secure assurance where I’m going.

  The debate with g-mom was still extensive. While we had a word of prayer, she helped me get ready. In the end, she finally had to capitulate. It’s either we go for it or the girls get another two weeks in Pervert’s Paradise.

  The rest of this week is shot with parties and the wedding. Breaking into the Gray Hook is off the table, entirely. We can’t come back next Sunday either. It’s our annual Sister’s Night Out and g-mom and I are not about to miss it. Fallon won’t be there. But, there will still be four little heartbeats to listen to and squeal over. I had to stop myself from performing another happy dance on their porch.

  Even with the time difference, it was already 5:09 when I barged through the door. We’re pushing for minutes, so we have no margin for error.

  The guys looked at me, perplexed until they realized who was standing in their foyer. They still aren’t used to me being dressed like a gypsy. And, they didn’t recognize me with my dark black curls or my tinted contact lenses – making my eyes look like onyx.

  “Whoa Krista, I thought you were Paris for a minute…” A.J. stated.

  “Stick’s car is parked out back. Is he in his bedroom?” I asked with a catty smile.

  “He’s downstairs…” A.J. revealed, appreciating my tight outfit.

  “I’ll go get…” Jeb attempted to offer, but I shoved him back down into his chair.

  “You’ll do no such thing. That would ruin the surprise…” I said in a breathy whisper.

  “Ah yeah…I get it…tell Lyle I’ll shove the crap off his bed like he did for me…” Jeb said.

  “No need. Leave the crap where it is. We’ll just take care of everything, downstairs…” I told them.

  “But, he’s not alone…been marathon gaming while he heals up…” A.J. stated.

  “Guess we’ll have a few spectators, then…huh, gents?” I remarked to the two shocked frat brothers.

  They turned over furniture to follow me.

  I only had twelve steps to walk down but the news rocketed through the frat. The brothers were pushing and shoving each other behind me.

  Lyle and three of his friends were playing Halo – that’s ironic! Their backs are to the door. So, it was a shock when I ended their campaign by pulling the plug.

  “What the….” was all Lyle spoke before he turned white as a ghost.

  The brothers who were gaming with him were loudly complaining. My fan following had jammed themselves inside the small room. They were practically drooling.

  “Shut up!” Lyle commanded them and they complied.

  “Hi Slim Sticky, whadaya say you and I handle some business??” I asked – in a voice dripping in sarcastic distain.

  “Krista, what are…you’re Paris…here, you…I mean…what…” he stammered, not knowing what to do or say.

  “I brought my own company this time. Wasn’t that nice of me??” I questioned as I towered over him.

  “Get out of here!” he yelled.

  “I know you’re not ordering me to leave. That wouldn’t be wise or healthy. Ooops, you’re telling them to beat it. Sorry brothers, but Lyle just cancelled the live performance. Maybe, he’ll let you screen the replay…” I remarked without ever taking my eyes off of my ex.

  The frat brothers grumbled and high-fived Lyle, but they reluctantly scattered.

  “That expression of terrorized shock is sorta fetching on you. And, I know I look like Paris. I did it on purpose. I’m a gypsy. Or did you forget that hangin’ out where your brain can get exposed to a nasty Weaving.

  “You’re gonna get me into Select Sunday at SizZle. I’ll need a guest pass for me and my guardian…” I told him.

  “I um…none for…you want what?” Lyle fumbled through his words.

  “I’m starting to think the Weaving might’ve affected you, even though you’re clearly a male…well, the last time you tried to rape me you were.

  “Did the ER doc slip up and slice off any non-vital organ? Oh wait maybe you lost your manhood in the “horrific car accident” you were in with your ball player buds?? No, that couldn’t have happen because you weren’t in an accident! You met with the business end of my knee though…so, that might’ve done the trick…” I remarked.

  “I’m sorry!” he exclaimed.

  “Save it for my daddies or my big brothers. I’m only accepting things from you through male-proxy from now on. We don’t have a lot of time to waste. You’ve gotta get showered and dressed. You can’t escort me to SizZle in that pathetic, smelly get up. I’m a runway model right?” I asked him.

  “Paris doesn’t do runways – only magazine spreads. She has an exclusive contract with one of the big makeup companies…” Lyle offered, stupidly.

  “I don’t care if she models naked, riding bareback on a house full of frat brothers! I can’t be listed at SizZle because Nigel is a Twisted Dim Bulb Polecat. We have to walk in with a charter and you’re it pal. So, I’ll be makeup model Paris or anyone I have to be tonight. You’re gonna get me inside that club. And, you’re not gonna arouse anyone’s suspicions while you do it.

  “My male chaperone will need a guest pass too. Once we’re inside, you’ll be my whipping boy. Oh, the whipping boy thing was g-mom’s idea. That was the only way I got her to go along with this scheme.

  “While we’re at it, I want you to get your snot-covered player friends that I had the misfortune of meeting to BlitZed, tonight. I know one of them didn’t make it, but the others have an unscheduled meeting with business-side of my gypsy family…” I told Lyle.

  “They’re not in any shape to party…”

  “That’s not my problem! I wasn’t in any shape to party with you or them either, but that didn’t matter squat-o-la – now did it?? I don’t care if you have to promise them a replay session at the Hook or drag their sorry butts to that club, tonight but they had better be there…one and all. You and I will join them once I take care of the girls being prostituted and murdered at SizZle!” I yelled.

  “No one murders them…they’re willing and they don’t even feel anything…”

  “Do NOT say that stupidity to me or you’ll meet that same fate w
ithout benefit of a foggy Weaving. They might not feel the pain, but they know what you’re doing and fully realize that they’re being assaulted. You don’t deserve the luxurious air you’re breathing…and frankly, when my brothers find out what you orchestrated I won’t guarantee…”

  “Hold on, Krista! I didn’t orchestrate anything. You came to me, remember? Getting into Gray’s Place isn’t the easiest thing to do. I might’ve assumed you came out there to be with me…” he offered, indignantly.

  “Yeah, I’m sure every girl dreams of getting what you were offering at the Hook. That high and mighty horse you’re trying to saddle and ride isn’t the safest route to survive this. My dads’ and brothers’ are tied up tonight. So, you weren’t going to be forced to excuse your repulsive behavior or apologize through proxy. I can change that and invite them if you’d rather…”


  “Alrighty then…SizZle with me and my companion tonight. And, get your surviving Hook bros to hit BlitZed. The new band is trying out tonight because Dark Matter got axed. The drummer wouldn’t lend me a microphone. Nigel let his head man ice him, according to the rumor mill. The band hasn’t been seen or heard from, since…oh well, that happens.

  “Get your buds to accompany you to a free show. Sweeten the deal with free booze on you. There…see…easy-peezy without any eeeeekkkkkk-arm twisting…”

  “I…well, ummm…I don’t think…here’s the thing…that’s not my…” Lyle stammered for another minute before I got sick of listening.

  “Time crunch…spit it out…” I ordered.

  “My dad’s the Charter at SizZle and holder of the Hook key. I can’t get anyone in anywhere without him. That’s how it is…” he said, apprehensively.

  “You mean to tell me your dad escorted you and your buds to the Gray Hook on Thursday? Did he take your mom and sister, too??” I asked, shocked.

  “God, no!”

  “Do not bring the Creator, by any name or any form, into our discussion!” I exclaimed.

  “Sorry…my dad takes his friends to SizZle – all the Hook girls are there on Sunday’s. He doesn’t usually take anyone to Gray’s Place. He only invited me and my friends because I won the game against LVU.

  “He was at the Hook, but not with us. I guess he didn’t wanna watch me making the moves…” he stated before he remembered that it’s not a frat brother he was trying to impress.

  The dangerous look I provided was more than enough incentive for him to change his tune.

  “Dad has one room he likes. So, he didn’t see you or anything that happened…”

  “That’s quite a gift for a twisted dad to give his warped son. Bet you and your perved out buds were so excited, getting to go off without parental supervision to violate innocent women…” I stated, sarcastically.

  Lyle didn’t know how to respond, so he switched the subject.

  “My dad’s already home…I can’t make him come back. He’s never taken me to SizZle on Sundays, anyway. That’s where he takes his constituents to get their campaign money…” he revealed.

  “Listen closely, getting us in and getting the requested people to where I want them is your problem. I’ll be happy to give Big Daddy H. a flight back to party with us. We can charter him a private jet. You can tell him my guest is a billionaire on the lookout to get a pocketed-senator into the White House…”

  “Paris doesn’t have any billionaire family. You don’t either for that matter…”

  “You cannot, under any circumstances, let anyone know you’re trying to get me or my chaperone into SizZle. I’ll be whoever you want me to be. But, my name and my family had better not come up to your sicko dad. It will get back to Gray and he will stop us all at the door. If I don’t get inside that building to rescue those girls, then I swear, by all that’s in me, you will meet my brothers tonight. I’m not playing around with you.

  “Nigel Gray is terrified of crossing my family and I’ll enlighten you as to why. I have two sets of grandparents. One, you and your dad have already met at the party during spirit week. You’ll see him again tonight, by the way. The other set are royalty…as in a king and queen. Nigel Gray knows this and I assume he believes they have the money to go with their titles. My family rented every club he owns, except SizZle, on the DC Strip for a private party, Einstein Dip-Stick. Did you really believe I was from a broken-down shanty in the ghetto??”

  “I didn’t know any of that! I don’t know where you’re from. You never said anything about your family to me, remember??”

  “Well, you never asked and I have no idea why you’re so resentful. The only topic we ever discussed was you. Even if I brought up the subject of my family you wouldn’t have listened. Nothing I ever said got through that dense head of yours. You actually thought I wandered into that nightmare looking for a booty call or…

  “Wait, I need to stop talking about that because I’m scared of what I might do to you…

  “Where was I…oh yeah, my large family. I have three ginormous big brothers – Tray, Jaysen and Reid. You met them on the field. They taught me how to defend myself before I headed off to college. By the looks of you, they did a great job of educating me. It’s sad, but I never thought I’d need to use their training. Guess that ship’s sailed, huh?

  “The rest of my immediate family members don’t matter to you because you’ll never get a chance to meet them. I’m only giving you this one shot to redeem your worthless, no-good backside because you’re my SizZle connection. If you can’t perform your function, Whipping Boy, then you’ll be meeting my brothers empty-handed. If I were you, I’d want to redeem myself. Oh yeah, what Malfo did to your guard-buddy will pale in comparison to what they will do to you…that was too swift for their taste.

  “So you see, you do have a choice, Slim Sticky…just like I told ya’ on Thursday. What’ll it be??”

  “I’ll try…”

  “You’ll either do this for me or you’ll be declining to my brothers…”

  “I’ll make it happen. But, I can’t get you in until about 9-9:30. It’s almost 5:30. My dad just got home, yesterday. It’ll take him two hours to fly back. I swear I can’t get you in without his personal card and signature…”

  “Write down the airport. I’ll go ahead and charter a private jet. A stretch limo will be waiting on the runway. He needs to get buzzed and get to the club before we do, anyway. I assume there’s paperwork for bringing guests. Tell Pops that the plane ride and the lux-ride are being provided as a courtesy of Paris’ friend, Doc.

  “Sell Doc as Paris’ friend who’s a billionaire trust fund brat. He likes to party with the best freaks and is interested in collecting a senator to go with the other politicians he’s got on the payroll.

  “Oh and let’s avoid aggravation, shall we? Tell your dad if you and Paris can’t party at SizZle with Doc, then he can stay home. Bet that’ll light a fire or two. He won’t be able to get here fast enough.

  “Nigel Gray had better not discover that he’s got a gypsy problem at SizZle or I’ll know where he got the news from. I’ll guarantee he’d do more than strip your dad of his Hook key and his charter club membership if word got out that Senator Pervo scooted the problem by security…” I stated, sinisterly.

  “Don’t worry…he won’t find out. Want me to come pick you up?” he questioned as I walked toward the closed basement door.

  “Now, that’s comical…I’ll let you know what I need and you’ll get it, W.B. Did I ask you for a ride??”


  “Let’s not waste precious minutes…from now on, I’ll do your thinking for you when we’re together. We’ll meet in the east parking lot at 9:30 sharp. I’ll supply the billionaire and you’ll keep your stupid mouth shut unless I tell you to say something.

  “You wanted me, Slim Sticky and now, you’ve got me. Unfortunately, it appears you grabbed a sleeping tiger by the tail. That’s the bad part about answe
red prayers. Sometimes we get the answer we demanded, only to discover that’s not the one we needed…” I said.

  I opened the door and his frat brothers fell into the basement.

  “Hi boys! We didn’t know we had an audience. Lyle’s sponsoring a friends and Greek family night at BlitZed, isn’t that exciting? He’s listed and paid the cover for, what is it Stick Honey, about 200 people, right??”


  “That’s my W. Boy…he’s feelin’ overly generous. I sorta think he wants to please me…ya’ know, reciprocate for what I just gave him…”

  The frat brothers whistled and made obscene comments. Lyle was stuck in his ghost-like state, terrified to join in or move a muscle.

  “I’m inviting everyone I know to BlitZed for the show, tonight. Three male members of my family will be on hand to watch the new house band perform…” I announced before Jeb interrupted me.

  “Yeah, Dark Matter got canned…” he stated, ironically helping me out.

  “Don’t you mean ‘iced’??” I questioned as I walked by him.

  “Huh?” Jeb mumbled.

  “Get it, Wad Head?? Iced…by Ice Man the Undertaker??” A.J. stated, assisting me too.

  Poor Jeb still didn’t understand.

  “How’d you get into college with that single digit I.Q., Bro?” someone else asked, sarcastically.

  “Shut up!” Jeb exclaimed.

  “Jeb, don’t worry. Stick’s friend Smitt is an expert when it comes to college admissions policies. You should look for him tonight. He’ll give you some backup. But, I wouldn’t hang around with his nasty bunch for too long. From what I hear, the party they’ll be having after the show will be an all boys’ event…no girls allowed.

  “Hope my Greek brothers can join us in a family gathering. It’s sure to be…a real killer,” I offered.

  Then, I casually strolled out of the frat house basement, called Command and vanished.


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