Book Read Free

Double Fated (Book One)

Page 61

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Sixty One

  Adrenalin is building at a record pace. My heart is threatening to go on strike from the turmoil. And, the worst part of all, Wally doesn’t realize the incoming danger. His heart rate still remains strong and steady.

  Frantic thoughts settled into a bizarre serenity. For a fleeting instant, I thought I might turn into Tenacity Stewart. She is who I need…calculating…innovative…cool under tremendous pressure. That person is the pure, realistic half of my splitting personality. She analyzes raw data and operates based on facts.

  My mind did begin the process of analyzing…while in the throes of having a complete psychotic break.

  Cool Customer Wally is thinking with his real brain. But, he gets a tiny one to help him out and complete access to both at all times. He’s demonstrating the use of both – right now! He gets two-brain access because he’s saying something snarky to the senator while Sexy ‘Accident Preventing’ Bunny is wiggling around on his back.

  I have another whole brain to use and there’s nothing tiny involved in its utilization. But, my inner Tenacity is nowhere to be found. She can’t just come and go at her leisure. Who gave her permission to take a vacation? Wait, oh heaven help me out, did Sexy Bunny Baby replace her?

  Fighting to get a grip was pointless. My insides are being pulverized by madness. My frantic thoughts are bombarding my mind. They have complete control of everything. The best I could do at that juncture was issue low squeaky moans that sounded nothing like, “Wally take us and run for our lives!”

  Opera Man was actually getting a cheap thrill from what appeared and sounded to be my sidewalk solo pleasure-fest. He buttoned his overcoat and one of his hands disappeared inside.

  A few seconds later the anorexic female beside him borrowed a sport coat from a stranger and suddenly, she was missing an appendage.

  The coat wearing stranger decided if she was brazen enough to use his clothing to cover up her activity that he was at liberty to study her bones via touch.

  The woman who he is escorting didn’t slap him or storm off. She turned to greet the guy behind her.

  That’s when the term friendly neighbor took on a whole new meaning. The neighborhood inhabitants de-evolved as the whiny impatient perverts discovered a new pastime occupation. On a positive, albeit vile, note they did stop complaining

  I’m inspiring a freak-twisted, sidewalk-soloing, rabbit-orgy!

  Direly wishing I could un-see the things I am seeing…but, like watching any morbid happening, my human eyes were obstinately riveted.

  If my voice decides to resume functioning I will scream for Doc to scrub my mind. Then, I’m sentencing myself to a solid month lounging in a Decon chamber. Those two things are my only possible hopes of excising the layers of filth from my unexpected smut-exposure.

  Where’s Ember when I need her??? She can sanitize this whole area, and its smutty occupants, with her nice clean spirit light. Take that scummy wanna-be opera singers – obscene, flesh-covered skeletons – and overly friendly, too-familiar twisted neighbors…the only kinda freak you’ll be receiving from that light is the kinda freak that blasts you with a permanent un-freak out!!!

  Wally whispered, “…is what I think might be going on…happening??”

  My head appropriately nodded.

  He moved my hand away from his steadily beating heart and used it to cover his laughter.

  “The head-hunting elf is on the move, Bunny…” Wally declared, clearly although it was being muffled by my palm.

  He turned us away to keep me out of her line of sight.

  But, I still closed my eyes and anticipated the deadly g-mom strike.

  Unger and Darth need to take cover!

  No one beyond those with deck access could see what I was doing. But, the freak-artists behind me are unaware that they just got expelled from the blind-spot into the g-mommy strike zone!

  I can see the news anchor’s bi-line… “Tonight’s breaking story…In a strange ‘bunny’ related incident, a majority of the world’s wealthiest and most perverted unexpectedly wandered into the path of an uncontrolled, enraged rabbit-mommy. Bystanders were dodging tiny heads as they hit the sidewalk, rolling…”

  Although I was horrified as the scene was unfolding, I was also lightheaded as I worked to control my hysterics. There is no telling what this specific crowd might make of it and how they might attempt to mimic it.

  Darth wasn’t prepared for this bizarre contingency. There is no page in the manual to cover it. His eyes were bulging from their sockets as he rapidly lost control of everyone and everything.

  That’s when I thought I caught a glimpse of Ice Man.

  Uh-oh perverts…we’re about to get busted! And, security Barlings are about to get terminated.

  “Sir, can your female take a seat on your shoulders instead of being carried on your back?” Darth asked, rapidly.

  Wally answered through action. Once he had me repositioned, I leaned down to kiss him. It was cover for a quickie conversation.

  “Do you see the elf?” I whispered to him.

  “She was there and then, she vanished…” Wally responded.

  “That can mean almost anything!” I exclaimed, quietly.

  “Sir, please forgive the interruption. Empty your pockets of all loose items. Lift your arms for an F-sweep. Your lady can receive her F-sweep while inside the sterile loading station to ensure she is not accidently touched by the staff. Bodies, shoes, garments, watches and jewelry are the only articles permitted inside the glass retainers. Does she have a purse or any other items that she wishes to declare?” Darth inquired.

  “Hey Sexy Bunny, hand me both money clips and my extra wallet. Check both inside pockets…but, try not to get distracted. The exotic zoo is less than ten feet away,” he told me.

  “I’ll be good. I’ll even be extra-good…maybe then, you’ll let me take home more than one new pet to play with.

  “Here, take this…my hand’s not big enough to hold all three,” I replied, dramatically handing over the overstuffed clip filled with thousand-dollar bills.

  “I know Bunny, cash is such a pain to carry…is that it??” Wally asked.

  “No wait, I found another. How many did you bring??” I asked him in an obnoxiously loud voice.

  “That’s why I said check the pockets. Little G lined them tonight, not me. I didn’t know if this place takes plastic and ATMs have limits. Unlike our Whipping Boy, have I ever let you down?”

  “No, Big Stud…Whipping Boy Lyle was a massive disappointment,” I replied, pulling out yet another money clip and handing it down.

  “That’s why I’ve taken him off your hands. Harring is only hanging around to service me when you’re busy. Right, IL M. TB? Answer me…” Wally questioned Lyle.

  “Yes…” Lyle whispered.

  “I don’t think your dad heard your answer, IL M. TB – say it loud enough so the important people across the street can hear it…” Wally instructed him.

  “Yes, I’m only here to provide you service, Doc!” Lyle choked out with a bellow.

  “Way to take one for the team, Junior!” the senator exclaimed and I doubled over laughing.

  “Hey, we’ve come too far to go back now. Let’s not have any accidents up there…” Wally whispered to me.

  “That’s everything I can find…” I told him, still snickering but back in control.

  Darth, Unger and the other staff members seemed to be frozen, stunned from the amount of cash he had on his person.

  “Exotic pets for my Hot Sexy Bunny’s collection are expensive. Let’s get this over with!” Wally commanded and they instantly stopped gawking.

  “If you will, kindly step into Station Delta…” Darth stated.

  Ice Man was nowhere to be seen, but somehow we have been granted an override.

  Wally and I are headed into SizZle.

  G-mom didn’t go off.

  We did it with no casualties on e
ither side!

  The glass ceiling was maxed out, but we could both fit inside.

  My mind restored itself to calm. I was even giggling.

  Lyle sighed in relief.

  His dad was trying to grease the wheels from behind his glass shield.

  All was right with the world…until the scanner started its sweep inside our enclosure. It starts on the floor and slowly rises.

  My belly-button loops, filled with Zander’s essence, started to heat…

  By the time it reached Wally’s knees they were boiling…

  The sweep hesitated near his mid-section for some reason.

  The loops were scorching my skin…

  I was swiftly becoming the poster girl for SizZle.

  Wally felt the inferno blazing because it was currently raging near the top of his head.

  He reached up to place a buffer between us. And, I grabbed his hand. He can’t touch those loops without getting a third-degree burn on his palm.

  But, he can touch my inner thigh and live through it. Well, as long as my grandfathers’ and Taft can’t see him while he’s doing it.

  I shoved Wally’s hand into another danger zone as a last resort. I would have told him to beware of the fine china, but my belly rings will singe his hair if I lean over. Wally, ever the gentleman, inconspicuously slid his hand closer to my knee.

  Then, in desperation, I started stroking my palms against the glass and gave the performance of the century.

  “I love this freaky glass case. It’s like that time we did it in that mummy coffin at the Cairo Museum. Only this time, we’ve got interactive audience participation. That makes me soooo hot!

  “Do it to me just like that, Doc…right here, in front of all these people! We can get my pets to do it next time. But, these people’ll do it with me and with us, too! Please Big Stud, don’t let them open the doors until I’m finished!” I exclaimed.

  “Anything for my Hot Bunny Exhibitionist…” he agreed, playing along.

  Wally didn’t make a single move though because he didn’t know what I was doing or how he could help me.

  “Hey Dippy-Darp Monkey, you heard my Stud, stop that sweep this instant!” I shouted, while banging on the glass.

  He obeyed my command. But, he was wavering with indecision.

  “Move your hand away from that button! We’re staying behind this glass until I’ve got my freak to the finish line and that crowd finishes freaking themselves with me…right, crowdy-crowd? There’s an empty box beside ours…any takers?” I yelled.

  My perverted line-neighbors went berserk for the twisted suggestion, just as I anticipated. They were slugging and clawing to be my guest.

  And, bada-boom, bada-bing our sweeping scan of lava death was over!

  “I’m sorry, Miss. Unfortunately, the scan has reached its conclusion and only one is permitted per twenty-four hours. However, your glass case “crowd freak” can be arranged through guest services. You may even handpick your audience.

  “The guest services’ booth is located in the lobby. The sign is prominently posted. Enjoy the rest of your evening getting your freak off and on at SizZle…” Darth told us with an awkward smile plastered on his nervous face.

  I was panting by the time the casing door flew open. So, protesting to make it appear more authentic was off the table.

  My skin would have been blistered and peeling except Zander’s essence healed it. I would later discover that g-mom’s shirt didn’t get so lucky. The front lower half had been burned away. Once again, I was clad in a mid-rift that exposed my circle tattoo that surrounds my navel rings.

  Wally ducked so I wouldn’t hit my head on the archway.

  “Water, now!” he commanded the nearest employee while he got me down from his shoulders.

  Five heaves later and a waitress appeared with a glass of ice water for me. I tried not to guzzle it, but it happened anyway.

  We failed to get a bathroom exception from g-mom, so Wally would have to attend with me. He held my hair back while I puked up the icy water. Then, he helped me stumble over to the sink. I brushed my teeth and applied some fresh make-up.

  “Sorry Bunny, no glass coffin mummy freaking this evening…” he told me and bit down on his lower lip to keep from laughing.

  “It’s all good, Stud…Little G and our other four voyeurs’ will be revved, ready and waiting. You’ll buy me some exotic lovelies to stroke and play with. That’s the only freak you’ve gotta worry about providing your Bunny…that’s where I’ll get my satisfaction,” I stated.

  The other ladies in the restroom were growing impatient. They didn’t want to use the facilities until Wally had exited.

  How dare they act all high-and-mighty modest? This isn’t a ballet we are going to. This is a gang-rape and they are the riveted audience. That’s when something…snapped.

  “Carry me…” I requested to Wally and held up my arms like Haven does.

  He obliged. I wrapped my legs around his waist and started heatedly, making out with him.

  Angry, the women protested and told us to take it to our room.

  “This is the only public ladies facility in SizZle…crass…newcomers…” this older woman declared and appeared incensed.

  “Tie a knot in it, granny…or I could always do it for you…” I threatened.

  “Well, I never…” she replied, offended.

  “And you never will again if I have anything to say about it…” I responded in a dark, devious tone.

  Over the broken edge and through the looking glass I sailed. I couldn’t seem to stop myself from going.

  “Hit the head in the men’s room if you’re that desperate, because we’re gonna be awhile,” I commanded in a deep, deranged voice that didn’t belong to me.

  Some of them scattered, but most of them stayed.

  I was feverishly kissing my bodyguard like it would be our last night on earth. For one whacked out second, I was gone into a new dimension. I’ll rip his shirt and pants off to demonstrate that I will get down to business on this marble floor in a skinny second. Some of Wally’s buttons popped off and his pants zipper was at half-mast before the mental snap repaired as fast as it fractured. The looking glass ejected me and I landed back in reality.

  What am I trying to accomplish? These females will not flee from the intimate madness like ordinary women. This won’t stun or embarrass them. They might even try to join us.

  I put some space between me and Wally, feeling really guilty. He was the one panting this go-round.

  “Oh my…I’m…I didn’t mean…I feel so bad. I don’t know what just came over me…” I whispered in confusion.

  “It’s cool. You’re just testing out to see which head rules the other…” he joked, quietly.

  “Nope…Little G doesn’t allow me to play Russian roulette…” I replied, humorously.

  “Lucky for you, the bullets are still chambered. Never actually fired a loaded weapon in a public place…so, I can’t speak to this with experience. But, an audience…any audience…would probably make me a little gun-shy,” he whispered in my ear.

  He kissed my neck, softly…

  Our breathing synced up…

  And, very familiar chills ran through my body…

  I know what this is.

  I didn’t have the time to conduct an exploration, though because we have girls to purchase. So, he carried me over to the sink and we washed our hands together. I noticed that he left his wrists under the cold water a little longer than he needed to.

  Boy and how, that passionate display came out of the clear blue sky and shocked me. I had been acting before, but that was something else entirely.

  “Lyle’s dad has met me a handful of times. But, he’s bombed and the lighting is low. You can order him to turn off all the lights in the room he takes us to. Or, I can just stay hidden behind you. That way you won’t have to carry me…or feel me near your…um, your middle,” I offered, qu
ietly feeling the heat radiating from my cheeks.

  “I’d rather not take any chances, Sexy Bunny. I’m only sharing you tonight with other females, remember? You just let me provide the piggyback ride and keep your head down. I’ll keep Chester the Molester on topic and off of you. I’ve got this…” he informed me and I believed him.

  The senator was waiting to attach himself to Wally the instant we came out of the ladies room. Lyle motioned for permission to go to the restroom. I was close enough to hear my bodyguard’s single word answer – “suffer…”

  “I was just telling my son how proud I am that he’s giving 100% to please you. I’ll give you my word that he’s your boy – services are what the Harring men are all about.

  “Your lively companion will get her new pet and it will by my pressure…sorry, I mean it will be my pleasure to make that transaction.

  “Let’s step into my suite. They’re still getting it ready. I wasn’t prepared to entertain tonight. The booking fee and guests’ names are technically supposed to be paid, forty-eight hours prior to the event. It gives them time to round up enough livestock to feature and vet the non-charters.

  “Here we are…nice and comfy, cozy wouldn’t you say?” the senator questioned as he escorted us inside his immoral den.

  The room reminded me of Daddy-Jax’s office – elegant, opulent and comfortable in a sterile, business kind of way. The chairs were high-back leather. The round bed was huge and it looks like there might be some type of restraint that locks in place. But, does it keep people in or out??

  The personal bar had a girl standing behind it, staring into space. She had on a bracelet like the one Audrey had been wearing.

  “Yummy, playmate number one…can I have her?” I questioned Wally.

  “Senator?” he asked, curiously.

  “Oh, she’s not in here. That’s just her interactive. She’ll get us whatever – once my suite’s operational. But, she won’t be joining us unless I activate a sensory purchase…” the senator revealed before he turned to Lyle.

  “My son’s attlempting – sorry, attempting to impress his old man. He disappointed me recently. He was setting things up to share the Alpha he was banging – pretty cheerleader…on the thin side for my taste but doable none-the-less. She was stacked for an athletic girl…might even be a C-cup.

  “See Doc, our frat brothers’ take a pledge to share for life. He was supposed to have me a live co-ed, waiting. But, he ditched C-cup for the carpenter’s dream. That model, what’s her name Lamely…or something like that,” the senator waited for his son to speak, but no permission would be forthcoming.

  Lyle also looked petrified and ready to bolt. That’s why he took me home to meet his parents. His dad wanted to check me out before he took a turn using me??

  That’s sick! I was fighting back vicious waves of nausea as the revulsion overwhelmed my body. There’s no safe place for Lyle to hide…not from my family…not when they hear about this. I won’t say a word. We are currently under pressure and our five new mommies have to maintain their cool. But, I don’t anticipate Wally is willing to maintain his silence. So the chips will have to fall into the fiery mosh pit…

  “I’ve gotta apologize for my boy. He’s out-of-sorts with you making that announcement. You don’t mind if I tell them…do you?” Lyle’s dad asked and Wally answered for him.

  “He doesn’t mind…tell us. We’ve got a history now. No secrets between us, right IL M. TB – nod for your dad…”

  Stick dutifully nodded.

  “There’s no shame in servicing a male contributor, son. I’ve done that and more. We go, all-in to get what we want. You can stop shaking…there’s nothing to be scared of. I’m not angry with you anymore.

  “Edgar will sign for your application. I can’t do it because we’re related. But, I can provide my voucher as a second. You’ll be getting your own charter with gallery seating after the pre-requisite screenings.

  “I’m sure it won’t take long to get a suite of your own. But, earning that Hook key is on you. Nothing your dad or Edgar can do to help you on that one.

  “Stick’s been beggin’ for a charter. Trips and motorcycles won’t do, anymore. The kid’s spoiled. He can catch a football and has been getting what he wants ever since. His talent has been a boon to my political career. No telling what fortune it’ll bring when he reaches the NFL.

  “I can’t blame Junior for wanting his own SizZle charter. He’s been to Gray’s Place on numerous occasions with me. But, petting zoo Sunday’s is where it all starts, in gallery seating. The Gray Hook is more ‘watch the freak show’, less ‘touching the merchandise’. He’s always loved to watch…

  “SizZle is the lending institute. The gallery is a way for management to sort through the common rich riff-raff and skim the elite. You know, they have to enforce a stringent process for selecting their charters and key holders. They use SizZle Select Elite Sunday’s to weed out the lookie-loos and cheapskates. They have to be picky, with a limited number of suites. The true amenities should only go to gentlemen like us…” he stopped talking long enough to yell for a goon.

  “Get my suite operational! Can’t you see my glass needs a refill and my guests are empty-handed…” the senator demanded.

  “I’ll get right on that, Sir! I apologize…could I possibly get them…” the goon remarked.

  “You can stop breathing the air I purchased for my suite guests. I’d rather have the interactive deliver them. At least that beast will give us a peek at the display. Don’t offer to bring us anything. Just green light me, now!” he exclaimed.

  The goon held his breath until he exited.

  “Animal servants…too bad they need oxygen to survive. Where was I? Oh yeah, the men only gallery. The suite holders get priority purchasing rights. Whatever’s left, if there is anything, gets auctioned to the gallery gutter rats. Men have to win an auction, pay the lending fee, borrow pets and return them user-ready. No one tells you the exact number of pets you have to borrow-and-return to get moved out of stadium-seating to a suite like this one. It might be different for everybody, but no one discusses it. It’s bad form…like telling your VP how many positions your secretary enjoys in the sack.

  “With my signature on your application, your proclivities and your obscene amount of wealth, I judge you won’t spend more than one week in the general admission seating area. I can borrow and loan to you. It’s the same principle as a sub-lease, but your fee is double mine – half to the house and half to me. I have to take first use before any other male because my DNA has to show up for the verification upon her return. But, you’re welcome to join us – which, by the way is something I don’t typically allow.

  “I lost count of how many pets I’ve borrowed-and-returned with minimal damage. And, I had a perfect ‘no visible damage’ record until I let Junior take a turn. It was his initial brotherhood present when he pledged to my frat. Using my loaner is a brother-to-brother thing. Our father-to-son relationship is an image…mainly, reserved for photo ops. He’s a man. Can’t consider him a kid anymore…not when he pledged and asked to share in the rite of passage, first day.

  “He was content with taking my leftovers until the last pet I checked out. I brought her to the condo I own in this town during spirit week. She did something for him – brought him to a new height of ecstasy. He hasn’t told me the details. Tell Doc and I what she…” the senator requested from Lyle.

  “IL M. TB promised to share those details with me and my private party, exclusively. Sorry if he’s violating some frat brother’s pledge, but he’s my boy ‘til I’m finished toying with him, right?” Wally asked, thankfully interrupting him.

  “Sure, I get it…can’t be disappointing you or those members in your private party. Not when it appears, you and I might be getting into a political bed together…”

  “You can drop the word “might”. I’m known as a reward�
�s man. You got us into SizZle Select Elite Sunday on short notice. That comes with a hefty prize. I can safely say you won’t need to bother looking for any other contributors, after tonight. You’ve given me and my Hot Bunny, exactly what we wanted…” Wally revealed.

  Did g-mom give him gypsy acting lessons in seven minutes???

  “That’s great to hear! I’ve already got in mind which gentlemen will provide you with your other necessary vouchers. I have been a charter for nine years. You can skip most of the screening process on my word. I will initiate your application and have it fast-tracked. The fee is $50K in cash.

  “Stick hasn’t stopped harassing me to get him the vouchers he needs for a personal charter. Gallery seating takes months of screening. But, it typically takes a couple of years for a man to meet the requirements and purchase a bronze level suite. He wants to be in his bronze before his pro-career goes into full-swing. Men with power and prestige need this type of outlet. We build up…” the senator suggested, before Wally interrupted him.

  “Tell me more about this gallery. Is it closer to the merchandise?” he inquired, forcing another subject change.

  “Repulsive seating, it’s like being in a pit of filth and sweat. Gallery gutter rats use the public lobby facilities. You went into the ladies room…I have never set foot inside the public men’s room.

  “Once the lights come up, you’ll see the spectators in the gallery. They’ll be below us, but they are closer to all the displays. What they do is sometimes more interesting than watching the wares being presented. I don’t normally join in the gallery activities, but we will if you’d like. I can get you complete access…”

  “My Sexy Bunny likes complete…” Wally started to say before he was interrupted.

  “Males only in the gallery…sorry,” the senator stated.

  “She can sit on my lap…”

  “You don’t understand. I’m not refusing to take her. She just won’t survive. Here, see for yourself…” Lyle’s dad offered before he turned on a television and changed the station. “This is surveillance footage from the inaugural night…right after the ribbon cutting. Notice to the left, this man is attempting to sneak in his high-priced escort instead of leaving her in the Bull-Pen…”

  The woman skirts by security while the man distracts the guard. The curtain lifts, blue and brown mist fills the gallery and she is bleeding from every orifice within seconds.

  “I could let you see the aftermath. But, I don’t know how you feel about a pack of jackals taking liberties with the recently departed.

  “The cocktail blend in the air is a repellant. It’s a complicated process, but the basics are – the blue blends with the female chromosomes and the brown gums them up. Seconds later, that’s what happens. They’re worried about other females mixing into their prime-selected gene pool. Those Lethal Reactive protocols are continual, if even one Double Z girl is on-site and all of them are, tonight.

  “Numb-nuts that got his escort killed, didn’t read the fine print. He lost his charter and was permanently ejected. I never saw him again. GZE management is serious about the rules. No females in unauthorized places and the establishment assumes no liability,” he told Wally.

  “So, what about the merchandise? I assume most of the pets are female…”

  “I think the Double Z bracelets they have locked on their wrists’ provide some type of protection. Or, at least none of them are damaged from it. All the top-shelf gals are compliant and friendly. They enjoy saying “yes” to anything.

  “Like I said though, I’m not refusing to take you. But, your lively one will have to stay in here or in the Bull-Pen…”

  “I’m not leaving her, anywhere,” Wally affirmed.

  “You don’t have to decide right now, Doc. You can watch what they’re doing and if you want to go check those men out or partake then, don’t worry we’ll hit the floor and slum it. There’s plenty of time for discretionary perversions…

  “Speaking of…there’s the green light. I’ll pay for a sensory so you can have a sneak peek. This suite is worth every cent I’ve paid for it. I used to think 20K a head for each guest was a little steep. But, the contributions to my campaign have more than balanced my entertainment budget.

  “Still, I don’t go out on a limb for just anybody. They’ve got a twelve month waiting list just to get your name registered to buy a suite. They’re not hurting for owners. Charters can get revoked for the smallest infraction. Before I activate anything, including my auctioning authority, I’ll need some iron-clad assurance that I’m entertaining a true constituent for my presidency bid…” he hinted.

  “We’ll talk politics, presidency expectations and ways to get around those pesky spending limits, once my Sexy Bunny has some toys to play with. She’s the one who dragged me here. Public freak-fests are more her thing. I have a private party waiting in a limo that I just can’t wait to get back to. I like my public…well, more select than she does,” Wally stated.

  “I apologize for not extending anymore guest passes, tonight. Lyle didn’t tell me about your planned party. Maybe something can be arranged for next time. But, they can join us, along with the pet we buy. Hopefully, she’ll make up for your absence. Does your party happen to include any more females?”

  “Just one, but she’s a spitfire…right, IL M. TB?” Wally responded and then asked.

  “Yes…” Lyle responded.

  “I like feisty, but my pet has to have some curves. Lyle knows this…fiery and stacked…that’s how I like them. Spirit week was almost a bust this year. I flew in ready to tap a C-cup, double-jointed cheerleader co-ed and he brings me a non-coed, twig-girl in a negligée. She couldn’t get a porn star’s motor going…not with that body.

  “The cheerleader didn’t get away, entirely. Her family was on campus and she provided me the ‘in’ I needed. The managing partner of this fine establishment tells me he’s met her granddaddy. Gray says he’s a middle-class factory worker of some kind. That idiot wouldn’t know his head from his butt without someone revealing it to him in an instructional video. C-cup’s grandpappy is funded and it ain’t from no production job either…if you get what I’m saying.

  “To tell you the truth, Doc, it made me angry again. My boy’s making out with the twig on the fifty yard line, instead of trying to get back his stacked pom-pom girl, with the old family money for me. I went so far as to drop Lyle’s application in the shredder. Then, he won against LVU.

  “Man, I didn’t think he had it in him…been a two-time loser against that team. Our defense is weak with Kramer being injured. And, LVU’s QB has got game. I’m not sure on his stats. You keep up with college ball?” he asked Wally.

  “Not much…”

  “That’s too bad…Stick managed to pull it out at the end for us. So, I gave him a token present. He even managed to screw it up, too…didn’t ya’ Junior??” he asked Lyle.

  Wally’s heart rate had been steadily climbing. He is furious.

  “IL M. TB, tell your dad you’re a total screw up. Then, bend over and get ready to be my footstool. Screwing up a token gift takes some special kinda stupid, worthy of a stick of furniture.

  “Well, tell him and then, assume the position…” my bodyguard said, his mood edging closer to the dark side.

  “I’m a screw up…” Lyle stated and kissed the floor.

  “Stud Man, this is soooo boring. When does the action start??” I whined, praying that the senator would shut up.

  Wally can only restrain himself for so long.

  “Hear that bell…it’s a ten minute warning.

  “And, here’s our first prospective pet. Doc, take your drinks and then, have a good look. She’ll do whatever you tell her…” the senator informed Wally and motioned for him to do something.

  “Can we take her outside for a solo-spin in the glass case? She hasn’t exhausted her turn, right?” my bodyguard questioned.

nbsp; “Fun idea but not yet…merchandise remains inside the property until the transaction is complete. You can’t purchase a pet until the auction is officially opened. Here, let me get her to display for you.

  “Turn around, Tootsie…now, touch your toes. She’s not the most flexible they’ve got. We can fix that problem with a little grease in the right places and helping her get, loosened up,” the senator stated about the unknown girl.

  “What do you think, Sexy Bunny?” Wally asked me.

  “I say ‘sold’…” I replied.

  The senator laughed like I had suggested something outlandish.

  “Doc, pick your alcohol or drugs, whichever. She’s only got another six minutes to fetch on sensory. We came in late…” he informed us with a shrug.

  “I’ll take a Bud and champagne for my Sexy Bunny…”

  “We’ll keep a bottle chilled for her…Lyle, you want anything?” the senator inquired.

  “He’s fine, right IL M. TB? Tell your dear old dad you’ve got everything you need…” Wally command and Stick complied.

  The girl left and reappeared with our order.

  I was nonchalantly trying to catch her attention and I took a drink of champagne without even thinking. She stood like a statue, waiting for a command. My heart shattered and the fury started rising. I took another sip to avoid bursting into tears or ripping the senator’s eyeballs out of their sockets.

  “We’ve only got three minutes. So, I’ll have to be quick about it…” the senator told us. “I’ll test drive her…”

  Then, he rattled off several quick suggestions and the girl performed…contorted…and complied. He put his hands between her knees and started heading north.

  “Mine! Give her to me…” I shrieked in Wally’s ear at the same time he bellowed, “Stop! That’s ours…”

  “Relax…I was only going to open her…” that’s all the senator got out.

  My glass and Wally’s beer bottle pelted him up-side his head, simultaneously.

  “Hands off!” he and I exclaimed like two berserk brats.

  The senator fell over. Unfortunately, it wasn’t from being injured, just startled.

  The unknown girl was smiling, with her legs slightly apart, unmoving and waiting for instructions.

  “Come to us…” Wally coaxed her – still nothing.

  “I have to zone-display her for you. I didn’t pay for a full-suite scratch-n-sniff…not enough time – complete waste of money,” the senator revoltingly revealed.

  And, my stomach charted a new territory, flipping without its accompanying body.

  “Down…sink…” I ordered Wally.

  The champagne violently returned.

  “Breathe…” he reminded me.

  “Smut…does not agree…with me,” I quietly stammered between dry heaves.

  “I noticed…” he replied.

  “They’re mine…all mine…” I told him, resolutely.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not starting now…” he cryptically replied in a whispered tone.


  “Letting you down, Bunny…”

  The senator dismissed the girl because it was time for her to get ready. It was everything I could do to let her leave.

  Wally held my hair back so I could lean against the sink to brush my teeth, again. Then, a blow horn sounded in the lobby to get everyone’s attention. The message was piped into the suite as the deadbolts clanged into place.

  “Attention Charter members and guests…we are now on Preparatory Status. Please be advised that monitoring has switched from video to sensory. The lobby is restricted access only. The gallery floor will be sealed in five minutes. Suite Charters, please be aware, a Cessation Marker will be exhausted if the gallery is accessed during the auction.

  “With the exception of jewelry and body piercings, all inanimate articles must be locked inside the storage case for decommissioning. Articles left in place will be materially confiscated and destroyed before disembarking. GZE and its affiliates will not be held liable for property destruction.

  “Female guests are reminded that gallery floor access is strictly prohibited. This policy is lethally enforced. ‘Winter’s lulling’ will be administered unless the Bull Pen is accessed. The beginning stages have already commenced. Females must remain in the blue zones at all times. Failure to remain within the permitted areas will be enforced with the highest restrictions allowed. No exceptions are granted. Your admission and entry constitutes legal acknowledgement.

  “Suite holders, please check seating, secured blue zones and storage seals to ensure proper operation. Any issues must be flagged and addressed before Zoned Status is initiated. Per contractual agreement, Charters with accompaniment are responsible for informing guests of established rules, restrictions and limitations. Suite owners will be held liable for all guest infractions and property destruction…” the voice announced.

  “It’s time to get ready. I’ve got to check for bugs…like this one,” the senator stated, clearly aggravated.

  My eyelids were feeling heavy…so…so heavy.

  The goon from earlier materialized holding his breath just like the senator ordered.

  “There’s a visible link missing in the blue zone crib. This happens every time! I’m submitting a transfer request for you if it isn’t functional in thirty seconds. Well, don’t just stand there, hop to it. We still have to get ready…” he yelled.

  It took him less than fifteen seconds to push the reset button, bow and vanish.

  “I’ve got to keep checking the room for errors. Flags create holdup and holdups get suite owner’s noticed… and not in the right way. Mind if I continue doing this while I’m getting you prepared? I have to go over the rules, etcetera…” the senator inquired.

  “I’m good with that…” Wally said.

  “Lyle, listen to everything I say because if you screw up I get the blame in here. The suite is sealed. We’re barred in for the auction duration…no one in or out. Don’t worry, drinks, drugs, toys, paraphernalia and all luxury amenities can still be delivered through the interactive. As long as it can fit inside the suite with us, it can be ordered.

  “The storage boxes are sealed as well. Your items are secured and never leave the interior of my suite. Unless it’s jewelry, it has to be removed and stored. If you want to leave your outfit on, it will be materially destroyed when the auction closes. I typically have the suite stocked with costumes, robes, scrubs and the like. But, I got in too late…” the senator revealed before Wally interrupted him.

  “Just order them…a costume on my Sexy Bunny sounds like fun…”

  “We can order them…and as many as you want. Unfortunately, the ordered clothing has to have been prepared, ahead. The ones we call for haven’t.

  “I’ll try to explain. The chairs have sensory adaptors. They are set to cycle every other minute while they remain active. If you have to get up, the chair deactivates and the auction grinds to a halt until the yellow light goes off…well, it’ll stop, unless we’re on break. The adaptors ignore jewelry, but sweep for anything else. If it hasn’t been prepared, the cycling will destroy it.

  “I encourage you, Doc, to make use of my private restroom before being seated. That blinking light means your space is ready to be activated. This solid red light on mine indicates a problem…” the senator stated and called for another repair.

  I urgently mouthed the words, “Do we have to get naked, naked?” while struggling to remain fully alert.

  Wally whispered, “I don’t know…I’ll find out.”

  Lyle’s dad finished barking orders.

  “Now, let’s see…where was I?” he asked.

  “You mean to tell me that all of us have to strip bare and wander around in this room naked the whole time?” Wally questioned, trying to sound casual…but, he was failing.

  “None of us strip – per se. Once we’re in our places, each individual selects which
items are removed for storage. They, for lack of a better word, disappear and are kept in those lockers. Once the auction is over, the clothes will reappear. I suggest you unzip your fly because computer re-dressing doesn’t take male adjustments into account. The storage option is only permitted once, so choose carefully.

  “He can’t stay on the floor once we’ve moved to Zoned. The sensory protocols will remain in lockdown mode. The auction can’t start until everyone is properly accounted for. But, I’ll give you full control over his sensory panel. You choose his experience, storage items and the like. It’ll be more satisfying than him being a footstool…

  “And, as to your next concern, nobody wanders. We remain seated…she remains in the blue zone crib…”

  “Hold up! I’m not putting her anywhere without me!” Wally exclaimed.

  “She’ll be more comfortable lulling in the crib,” he told us.

  “I don’t want her lulling…”

  “So, you want her checked into the Bull Pen? I should’ve guessed that. Those women are into freaky pla…”

  “Lemme be specific. My Hot Bunny stays awake and in this suite – period!” Wally declared.

  “You have to make a choice. She either, stays and lulls in the blue zone crib or she goes to the Bull Pen and plays. She’ll be perfectly fine no matter which…” he attempted to say, but Wally interrupted him again.

  “Can she sit with me and stay awake??”

  “She can’t stay awake if she stays in here. The protocol for female guests is very stringent and there is no way to get around it. The seating interactive will explain the full details if you want to keep her with you. She needs to use the restroom, quickly. It’s almost her naptime…she already looks groggy,” the senator instructed.

  Wally had to come in with me. He held my hand, but turned to face the wall to give me some privacy. I leaned against his back while he was making use of the facilities. But, I covered my eyes. Even though we didn’t have another option, it was still awkward for both of us.

  “How are we going to pull this off?” I whispered.

  “We just had our second bathroom date and survived without dying from embarrassment. So, the rest should be a downhill, sweet roll…” he said, trying to sound convincing.

  “I didn’t realize the ‘brain testing’ parameters when I got us into this. How do I get the girls, but keep us from having to do this next, whatever it is? How will you…”

  “Stop…listen…” Wally ordered.

  Three chiming bells sounded and the automated system made the announcement.

  “Charters and guests, we are now entering the initial stage of Zoned Status. Gentlemen, enjoy your evening of competitive auctioning. May the most elite…be victorious…”

  “I’ll figure out something…” Wally whispered, before the senator knocked on the bathroom door.

  My mind was churning as I staggered back into the main seating area holding Wally’s hand. I have to figure out some way to get us out of here and get the girls, too.

  Then, the air in the room became…heavier. My erratic and panicked thoughts slowed down to a snail’s crawl. I started feeling cold and woozy. My knees buckled and Wally pulled me backwards. I’m fairly sure I performed a pirouette as he hoisted me into his arms and cradled my mostly limp self. He was supporting my head like a newborn.

  Five babies…

  Don’t let…go…of g-mom’s…baby…bunny girl…

  Random thoughts swirled and I couldn’t focus on anything.

  Even as the rest of the world grew blurred and fuzzy, I could see Wally’s wide, frightened eyes. He is helplessly watching me get pulled under. “Wa…” is all I got out before my body committed mutiny.

  The frigid darkness stole me away…leaving Wally Baxter to protect me…run a con job…and play the ruling, dueling-heads game…single-handedly.

  -The End-

  Double Fated (Book One)

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