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Double Fated (Book One)

Page 63

by C.K. Mullinax


  It Begins…the Series

  (formerly titled as Ember Series)

  “There’s no way to prepare for this…”

  Ember Rising Light (Book One)

  Ember Shadow Fall (Book Two)

  Ember Celestial Tempest (Book Three)

  Ember Dark Destiny (Book Four)

  Ember Guardian Essence (Book Five)

  Ember Dawning Infinity (Book Six)

  The former Ember Series is getting professionally edited & revised & then, reborn

  It Begins…the Series

  -The next epic journey awaits-

  ...the Double Fated Series

  Double Fated (Book One)

  Fated Awakenings (Book Two)

  And still to come…

  Fated Generations (Book Three)

  -Take a peek behind the veil or boldly face the next adventure-

  Fated Awakenings (Book Two)

  …is now revealed

  “The erratic, icy winds of dark fate arise, relentless…chasing away the familiar warmth of destiny’s breeze…leaving nothing for the soul beyond a cruel, chilling awakening…”

  This cold is so frigid…bitter…ruthless…

  My body is entombed…

  I am being ravaged…by an Arctic prison. The icy bars start from deep inside me somewhere. My muscles refuse to react and help me break free.

  Fading in and out of awareness, I struggled to remain lucid.

  Still, even when I’m aware, I hear nothing but the howling wind…see nothing but total blackness.

  Did I just fall into a void…a celestial black hole…am I even breathing?

  Locked inside the icy grip of death, my body is being shuffled and repositioned. I am barely able to inhale…teetering on the edge between survival and extinction.

  Surrender to the insistent frozen grave…that is all I want to do…

  But a sliver of warmth…pierces the glacial devastation…

  The heat is no more than a candle’s flame caught in the midst of a blizzard. Even though it is outmatched and overwhelmed, it refuses to be defeated. There is still nothing but blackness…

  The howling winds increase in speed, as the gentle heat diligently works to keep some of it away.

  How can I feel its warmth, but not see its flame?

  It felt like an eternity had come and gone before the internal, icy winds quieted down enough for me to hear the echoes. Are those voices or rabid animals?

  Broken pieces of their conversation were filtering through the ice-laden commotion. They sound so far away.

  “…sit in your lap…uncomfortable…straddle you the entire time,” the senator told Wally.

  “…that’s the right button?” Wally asked, sometime later.

  “…her knees…positioned to slide…take her…the crib…more comfortable…monitor the crib feed…the merchandise…pleasure…her…tight squeeze…suit yourself…one treated blanket. Just follow the prompts on the touch screen. I’ll let you watch me…” the senator said and Wally interrupted.

  “Thanks, but no…collecting them for Sexy Bunny. She’ll be furious when she wakes up and realizes that she didn’t get the thrill of purchasing her own petting zoo…” my bodyguard stated with a nervous edge in his voice.

  “She won’t even know she’s been asleep. I know this isn’t P.C. when they’re awake. But, in here females are considered property of their escort. You can do anything you want to her and she’ll never know it. You still have time to put her in the crib. Your merchandise gets delivered to it, too. The crib has a voice override feature so any of us can issue commands. The pets will follow instructions and so will your property. If it’s Junior you’re worried about, you can turn off his feed…” he revealed.

  “My Sexy Bunny stays on my person – non-negotiable,” Wally told him.

  “The chair’s interactive feature will disengage with her being available. You’ll be missing out on a…”

  “I’ll have other times to experience whatever that interactive recliner offers. But, I’m here for her pleasure this time. She’s the reason I came. Besides, what good does having her pets do something to please her in a crib if she’s cold and unconscious? She won’t remember…that’s what you said. So, she won’t know she’s on the receiving end of anything.”

  “I wish I could convince you, but you’re in complete control of her. Lyle told me on the phone that she was his guest and escort. When did that change?”

  “It didn’t…you’re kid’s an idiot. Bunny’s always been with me,” Wally told him, matter-of-factly.

  Lyle would have been in control of me if he had escorted me inside!

  “We have about twenty minutes before the auction begins. You need to make sure she’s positioned leaning forward and facing you. Besides the obvious need for her to be in that position, she can choke on her own saliva. She can’t sit facing out because she can’t lean against the interface.

  “The recliner has built-in rests for her knees that can open or close her legs – giving you, your preference. That reminds me, if you have to get up to relieve yourself, you’ll have to slide out from underneath her. You can safely remove your interface and, as long as her face is buried in your chair, she’ll be okay. Remember though, if you get up the auction goes black for everyone until you activate your chair again. We’ll have a few intermissions to stretch.

  “Oh, don’t let her arms hang over the edges. The area outside of your personal space is toxic to females not employed by SizZle. I don’t know what toxin they use, but it works fast and can be absorbed through her skin.

  “Speaking of her skin, I know it feels cold to the touch. But, the appropriate areas of her body will heat while in use. Her…” the senator tried to say, but Wally swiftly interrupted.

  “I’ll figure it out through practice! You said something about a treated blanket?”

  “I have one. You can’t order it until the auction officially begins. The icon will light up, right here,” the senator stated.

  “So, I can wrap her in it…”

  “Well no…not really. It will drape over her since she’s on top of you. She has to stay plastered to your chest. Remember, one whiff of the air outside of your limited space and she dies. The blanket provides the club’s only external privacy barrier. Once the auction begins, others can feed your cam live to their interactive and watch what you’re doing. I had that blanket stocked when I bought this suite. No one has ever asked to use it. Part of the fun is being a voyeur, if you’re not engaging in a fantasy.

  “Only other elite suite holders’ can tap into your feed and the one in the crib. Let’s take a look and see how many people you’ll be disappointing by using that blanket to cover up with. Well, what do you know?? Every suite has been cued to watch my crib feed! That’s over sixty Charters and who knows how many guests…” he declared, sounding both elated and disappointed.

  “So, these business meetings you have in here are not private sessions??” Wally asked.

  “Suite owners can watch what we’re doing. But, eavesdropping is and has always been prohibited. The beasts of labor would be tempted because they aren’t allowed to view the show. They have to be provided voice access to the suites for maintenance issues, instructions and orders. The Charters would miss out on something if the camera feeds had audio. You’ll see what I mean once things get underway. I can’t even hear you when the interface activates and the enclosure wraps around.

  “Now, all we have left to go over is the auction. Merchandise is typically displayed one-by-one. If you like what you see, tag the Interest Icon. The bidding starts after a two minute viewing. Auctions move rapidly, but take a long time to gavel out to the victor. Most Charters have one preference and they will attempt to outbid any others. It’s fierce and sometimes gets brutal…especially if the suite holders’ show a lack of interest and the gallery gutter rats get involved. If someone get
s killed in the pit, the auction reverts back to the last bidder and it resumes until someone wins.

  “If you see a pet you want to give her, activate the Interest Icon and bid. Our winnings get delivered to the crib, instantly. I typically feed the crib cam and give her some instructions. But tonight, you’re at the helm. The crib belongs to you and your commands.

  “SizZle Sunday’s have been more spirited since management decided to employee co-eds. They used to get their livestock through professional escorts. Too many regs and restrictions involved. The new co-ed livestock has only been with us the last couple of months. We’ve lost a few head, but the majority is still wrangled and grazing.

  “It looks like we have a few that have never been displayed…” the senator revealed, evidently looking at something.

  “I can’t tell how many are being auctioned…” Wally said.

  “New show stock…four heads…and this…hold on, I’ll look in one more place…fifteen. The pool is growing! That’s an unexpected thrill.

  “See these new ones…they’re the prize-winning head. Win the bid on any of those lends, tonight and you’re guaranteed protection while you’re slumming in the gallery. Every man will want to be your friend if you can afford a blue-ribbon…” the senator stated, proudly.

  “Does this party mansion take plastic?” Wally inquired.

  “Certainly…for purchasing…cash only for deposits. I’ve already taken care of…” the senator responded.

  “I’ve never lost a bid! Here’s my platinum and a clip of cash…use them instead,” he told the senator, tossing him the money to buy the girls.

  “This is way too much for the deposit…” he informed us.

  “No it’s not. Tell whoever’s writing the receipt to keep the change. It never hurts to pad the pockets of the cashier…can’t ever tell when you might need a little something-something from the peon grinding at the switch. I thought a man like you would know that already…” Wally offered, cleverly.

  “This is your money, Doc. I always tip the staff 50%,” he stated, smugly.

  It sounded like the senator deposited the cash into a drawer and swiped the credit card into a reader.

  “See, all taken care of. The Harring men are at your service. Anything you need…anything,” the senator said.

  “What’s the red-line zombie experience?” Wally inquired.

  “It’s a very realistic interactive. That warning is posted because it gave a Charter a heart attack. If you select that experience you can’t keep her on your lap or bid, because you won’t be able to do anything else,” the senator told Wally.

  “Sounds like the perfect night’s event for Floor Boy. Get up, IL M. TB! And, take a seat…” Wally told Lyle.

  “He should use the john…” the senator stated.

  “Nah, he’ll like it better the other way. Right, Little Man?”

  “Yeah, thrilled…” he replied, sarcastically.

  “Junior, curtail the attitude…what’s wrong with you? We’re never rude to our paying guests,” his dad admonished and I think I heard his dad hit him.

  “He’s cranky. I’ll give him a hands-on adjustment later and he’ll be good as new,” Wally said for him.

  “Alright Doc, let’s get you settled in…” the senator said.

  Wally had been holding me with my head against his shoulder. He sat down carefully, but my head slid into the crook of his arm. I suddenly, found myself choking with no way to do anything about it!

  “Don’t touch her!” Wally exclaimed.

  “But, she’s choking!” the senator shouted.

  Wally basically jostled my body and I ended up in another awkward pose. Although I wasn’t choking on my own spit anymore, I couldn’t breathe in this position either. I couldn’t do or say anything to alert them of the problem. Wally somehow figured out that I was in peril because he immediately corrected my posture. Once again, I could inhale freely.

  “She has to remain upright. Her upper body has to stay pressed against your chest, shoulder or into the back of your chair. It will be easier when you’re kicked back in the recliner. Legs straddling you…that’s the only way to keep her airway open. Mind if I assist?”

  “Yes, I mind! Back away, give us some space and let me get her situated,” Wally ordered and he moved me into a position I have never been in before.

  My knees were resting on either side of his hips. Even with my clothes off, my body will stay pressed against him. So no one can see me. But how will Wally survive being in this position with a naked girl lying on top of him? His head-versus-head battle just turned into a war.

  “What about our clothes? I know they have to be removed, but no one’s touching her except me.”

  “They use a materialization process. You select what goes and stays, once the interface is fully activated. The clothes re-materialize once the auction concludes or vanish and get destroyed if you chose to keep them on. Don’t forget to unbutton your fly or you will injure something sensitive. And, you might better lift her mid-section up when the interface redresses you. She won’t feel being caught in your zipper until she wakes up. You said she’s going to be angry already.

  “The shielding is clear, but no one can see your screen options but you. All the interfaces will appear as holographic icons, except the auctioning bids. The icons can occasionally experience a delay. You activate the button used for entering bids on a manual switch. That way everyone has a fair shot at winning. During the bidding war things get intense. Typically, I would say activate the bid switch on your left and use your right if you want to take care of yourself. But, you have her for that…and, you will be tight on space.

  “You want to win the lend on her pets. So you might want to use your dominant hand to place the bids instead. There is a self-guided practice tour. Why don’t you close yourself inside and take it for a spin. If you have any problems, I’ll leave mine open and you can pop your head out…” the senator stated.

  They both did something because Lyle’s dad made a noise and Wally shifted my weight. My right knee slid off its rest and my foot wound up falling off the side.

  “No!” Wally exclaimed and he gently lifted my leg back into place.

  “Welcome fine guest of Gold Star Charter Harring. Please view the list and select the Familiarize Icon when you are ready to proceed…” the sensual computer voice prompted.

  “Okay, it’s just you, me and this computerized phone sex voice, Bunny. I’ve gotta work through this practice session. I don’t want to slip-up and lose one. I’m going to keep hitting this auction button, repeatedly.

  “I know you’re passed out and can’t hear me. But, I always talk things through when I’m nervous. I do it on the field before every play. So, you’ll have to bear with me…I wish I could wake you up…” he stated and began his tutorial.

  The system didn’t offer any more verbal instructions. Wally moved and I heard what sounded like a slot machine payout. He moved again and a foghorn sounded. He kept making noises and mumbling things like…that’s nuts…whoa, that’s twisted…you should see this…I’m glad you’re not awake, talk about embarrassing.

  Everything seemed alright until the system indicated “Chair Experience “O”…”

  My private area began warming from the system’s generated heat. Wally’s did too, but his wasn’t from a system.

  “Quit it…” Wally shouted.

  “Experience “O” has been terminated by the user…” the sensual voice informed us.

  “Alright Bunny, I know you’re not technically here…but, I’ve got to talk to you like you’re listening. I really love my tiny brain and don’t want Little G. to decapitate it. So, I’ve got to distract myself while I’m Iconing in this recliner of sex-and-death. I’ll push the shapes and you just lie against me and listen…

  “Whoa Baxter, you’re losing your mind. Talking to a comatose Bunny…

  “Let’s see I’m g
oing to tell you about my mom. She’s an artist…dabbles in lots of mediums, but she earns a living as a painter. Her name is Moody Wise. But, I typically call her M&M, short for Moody Momma. I dubbed her Moody Momma because she’s always torturing herself over something trivial. This stroke is wrong…that color’s not mixed right. Ya’ know, she’s her own worst critic – even when she sells her paintings for thousands.

  “Well, the M&M title evolved, naturally too. She loves candy…chocolate, in particular. She used M&M’s to teach me some of life’s most valuable things. Let’s see, she used them as a potty training reward…to teach me colors…shapes…3-D shapes…textures.

  “I used them to teach her patience…ya’ know, how to survive and thrive through your baby boy’s terrible twos, coupled with early onset sugar rushes and a side of hyperactivity. It took her about a week to catch on to the fact that I wasn’t actually doing anything in the potty other than using it as a crutch to get my candy fix. Well occasionally I did use it, but I digress.

  “Ooooo…this is my favorite M&M lesson…Moody Momma taught me how to wet them down…ya’ know, swirl them around in your mouth and spit them out. Boys love doing that. After they were sloppy wet, we would use them as emergency pigments…for all those…lack of crayon moments.

  “I could keep going because M&M life skills’ lessons have taught me more than all my formal education ever has. But, I’ll stop there…because you’re already bored into a coma. Our happy, hippie tribal band has kept Mars candy in business. And, at the rate the Baxters’ are growing, their workers are safe for years to come…

  “It’s strange, but my M&M has this love/hate relationship with football. I started playing when I was about six and I loved it. She’s the one that took me to the Pop Warner sign-ups. She scoped out every team and selected mine, based on its complimentary colors. Then, she personally bought all the stuff, and demanded that everyone in my family go to my first game and watch me. But, when the time came, she totally refused to let the coach put me in to play. My dad had to literally pry her hands away from my arm. She clapped, cheered, chanted and cried, with every move I made on the field.

  “M&M never changes. My family uprooted and moved to be near me when I decided to go away for college. They call me their Brain-I-Ac Cub which would be hilarious with my C-minus average, but I suppose in a family of hippie-artists they feel it’s an accurate title.

  “Now, back to Moody Momma…she only comes to see two games per season because she gets mad if someone sacks me. Anger makes her aura turn black and that puts bad vibes into the world. The two games she comes to make me the most nervous. Even the Bowl game I won last year was like a day at the beach compared to her two-pass-limit visits – which by the way she already took one, the first game of this season. And, she’s saving the next one for a rainy day. Rainy days aren’t actually filled with rain from the sky. She’s never defined her version of rainy days. So don’t ask me how she chooses or when she’ll show up for her last one.

  “Whether I win or lose doesn’t matter to M&M because according to her wisdom, the numbers are so unimportant that it isn’t worth the astral energy to look at them. And, believe it when I say it, I don’t give a second thought to winning the games she comes to. You heard that right!

  “My M&M game day concerns are sacks, which I’ve already told you about and if she makes a beeline for the bench. You won’t get this, because you’re a girl. But, it’s hard for a dude to be jock-like-intimidating when your mommy is licking her thumb and wiping the black ‘make-up’ smudges from underneath my eyes. Yes, you heard that right too. M&M starts giving me grooming and cosmetics lessons right there on the sideline.

  “You should know that’s why I followed Little G. and didn’t ask her any questions. My M&M gets worse when I point out the obvious or object to her suggestions – like the time I tried to wiggle out of the grooming lecture and mentioned the other team had on more make-up than me. She stomped over to them and said, “My Brain-I-Ac Cub, the one in the Baxter shirt, sent me over here to fix your faces…”

  “That’s not a stretch, either. As an artist, she has a flair for make-up application and isn’t afraid to use it…everywhere. The other players got rewarded with symmetrical under-eye football makeup and a bag of…you guessed it…M&M’s.

  “So…yikes, sorry didn’t mean to sling your body. But, that Icon needs to be nuked…” Wally told me.

  “The ‘Nuked’ Icon is not found. Please indicate on the interface which Icon you are referring to…” sensual voice inquired.

  “That one…hey, I know, let’s call her, Lola…shall we?” Wally asked.

  “Are you referring to your breed-property, Lola or to me as, Lola?”

  “You’re Lola…I’m Doc and she’s mine…”

  “‘Mine’ is not available for stimulating conversation. My parameters are set to specification. Through your heart rate, I am able to ascertain Mine’s voice as your preference. We can now engage in stimulating conversation using her vocal patterns or do you wish to proceed through Icon navigation?” Lola asked in my voice!

  “Now that’s what I call first rate freaky…” Wally told Lola.

  “Mine used a similar term in the security casing. Would you like to have a simulated ‘freak in the box’…”

  “What I’d like is a real suit of armor on me and a real chastity belt on her…” Wally stated.

  “A holographic simulation can be superimposed…”

  “Holographs don’t do anything for me, sorry Lola. And, go back to using your computer voice because I’m having a hard enough time as it is…”

  “You are not yet, fully har…

  “Stop! I don’t need any narration. Just go back to the navigation…”

  “Navigation resuming…”

  “This tutorial is almost finished. We’re looking at one twisted freak-fest and nothing’s really got started yet. Well, not you…it’s me that’s going to be trying my best not to look at them, you or anything. I’m going to leave on our underwear and pretend that it’s made of barbwire. So, that’ll be something between us.

  “God help me! I pray that you don’t have on anything see-through…or lacy…or that says “Secret” on the label…not that I’ll be looking! But, your bra is going to be showing and pressed against my bare chest…never mind. I tell Lola to shut up and then, I launch into my own frustration narration…

  “Please, oh please Bunny, be wearing boy shorts…no wait, those are so sexy on a girl…briefs…yeah, I need you to be wearing baggy briefs that come up to your waist with unicorn’s printed on them. My little sister has a unicorn obsession…still does even at 19.

  “Oh and, I need your bra to have printed unicorns too, along with a spring-loaded deathtrap. And, maybe you can have a tattooed warning sign front or back, that says “Back Off or Lose the T.B., Q.B. – love, Little G”.

  “I’m begging you not to be wearing anything under there, that I’ve ever seen before on any model or mannequin or in a catalogue or…” Wally said and would have kept on listing his wish list, but the senator interrupted his frantic train of thought.

  “Everything okay in there? I saw you talking…” he asked, sounding concerned.

  “It’s…well, we’re noisy…I’m…she’s noisy…when Sexy Bunny and I are together… We’re noisy, together. That scene outside was tame. She’s always talking. But, she’s so quiet and I’m used to commotion. So, I’m having to make it, and all of it, for both of us, instead of just me or listenin’ to her make it. Tell him, IL M. TB,” Wally stammered, crazily.

  “Junior can’t hear you. His zombie experience has already started. See him shaking?”

  “I hope it gets worse…”

  “It will. He’s just doing the tutorial navigation…”

  “Crank up the terror and shock factor if you can…”

  “Done…by the way, the interface has an upload of her voice and image. It can replicate

  “I don’t want a replica! I want her talking, using her own voice. No computer can reproduce her thinking, read her mind or anticipate what I want…can it?”

  Oh please Maker let him say no…

  “It can…”

  We’re cooked!!!

  “What do you mean by that??” Wally questioned, casually but his heart was pounding.

  “The interface uses a technology that tracks her known behaviors and speech patterns. It also measures your arousal levels and recreates her image based on those facts. It takes very little information for the system to figure out which of her personality features that get you juiced.

  “Her glass case, crowd inclusive, freak request, along with her Cairo mummy background story and your intense arousal, provides the interface with plenty enough information…” the senator revealed.

  “I’m more into a live, warm body, talking girl experience. So, I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing and the interface can keep being a robot or whatever she wants to be…as long as she’s not faking on my Sexy Bunny,” Wally offered.

  “As long as you’re enjoying yourself...

  “The auctioning will begin once every suite is locked and green coded. I can see if you click the Interest Icon. I’ll place bids and you can, too. I’ve turned Junior’s to inactive. That means you or I can bid in his stead. Between three active lines, we should win at least once…”

  “Lemme repeat…I’ve never lost a bid. I’m here to please Bunny. So, we better not lose anything I’m interested in acquiring or you’ll lose my interest, too. Understand?”

  “Perfectly! So, no spending limits…none at all??”

  “None at all…we outbid every suite owner, guest and rat in the building. Only I know what my Sexy Bunny wants and she always gets her way…”

  They might have done something or made a gesture, but that was the last thing they said to each other. Then, the central computer made her announcement…

  “Welcome gentlemen to Select Elite Sunday at Charter Club SizZle. Article storage will commence in one minute. Please be aware that seat activation authorizes destruction of valuables at the management’s discretion. The user agrees to hold the establishment and affiliates harmless of any liability.

  “The Bull Pen is operational and the live feed will go active at the auctioning bell. Charters assume all responsibility for removal of a breeder stock from the Non-Lulling Blue Zone during breaks. The suite holder further relinquishes Club SizZle from any injuries to property that might be damaged in the Bull Pen area.

  “Storage procedures are now activated. Please remain seated…”

  “Hold on Bunny, here goes nothing…” Wally informed me, shivering from, what I can only imagine is restraint.

  My shoes were the first thing to go. Then, my shorts…my shirt…and my hair clip disappeared. My hairspray is extra-hold, but it’s no match for gravity. The curls were tickling my back and making my skin itch and crawl. But, I couldn’t do anything to help myself or tell him it needed to be scratched. Victoria no longer had a secret, but at least the sheer, lacy set of identical twin girls stayed in place.

  Next, it was Wally’s turn. His article storage was happening in reverse order. His sunglasses, jacket, tie and shirt were stripped away. His pants de-materialized and that’s when yet another storm-cloud rumbled, threatening to rain on my already soggy, ducky parade.

  “NO!!! Show me the Icons…” he shouted at Lola.

  “Which Icon do you wish to access, Doc? I am at your service…”

  “The one that leaves my boxer briefs on my body!”

  “Undergarments for gentlemen are strictly prohibited while the auction is underway. Please advise me as to your wishes…”

  “What are my staying dressed options???”

  “You can wear your pants…leave the club…or check your property into the Bull Pen and remain with her…”

  “Do any of those come with auctioning privileges??”

  “Preventing your pants from being stored will not affect your auctioning privileges…”

  “What, if anything, can I order to wear when the auction’s over and you destroy my pants??”

  “Your pants are destroyed by another interface system beyond my control. The suite’s registry indicates no articles of clothing are available for you to order and wear. Items accessible to dress in, post-auction include your boxer briefs, shirt, sport coat, socks and Italian shoes. Please advise me as to your wishes…”

  “This is unbelievable!! You can’t do anything with testosterone!!” he exclaimed.

  “I am unsure how to grant your request. Please restate it…”

  “I’m talking to myself, Lola! Go ahead and store my underwear…” Wally told her.

  “Do you wish to have your pants…”

  “No! Just strip me and let’s get this over with…”

  His underwear exited the seat.

  All that’s left between me and Wally Baxter having a hallmark moment is my, nearly transparent, Victoria’s Non-Secret! My parade just got rained out…

  Another duck bites the dust, as the head-to-head war takes a nasty turn in the nuclear direction.

  -The End-

  Double Fated (Book One)


  -The next thrilling, supernatural journey awaits-

  -Brave that click and unveil the next shrouded fate-

  Fated Awakenings (Book Two) on sale now!

  Discover a thrilling and unknown destiny at

  All the books and characters of …the Double Fated Series are works of fiction.

  Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental.


  The author gratefully acknowledges the following people

  You, the reader, for braving the epic journey & sharing in this fascinating adventure with me

  My hero & husband, Jason for sharing your time so this series could come to life

  Thank you for being my best friend

  You mean the world to me

  My wonderful friend, Jenn Solesby for being the fearless inaugural explorer & editing for me

  Thank you!

  Meet your fate and explore all the exciting epic fantasy adventures

  by author C.K. Mullinax


  ...the Double Fated Series

  Double Fated (Book One)

  Fated Awakenings (Book Two)

  And still to come…

  Fated Generations (Book Three)

  Changes sweep across the emerging horizon as


  The formerly entitled Ember Series professionally edited, re-mastered & then, reborn

  It Begins…the Series

  “There’s no way to prepare for this…”

  Ember Rising Light (Book One)

  Ember Shadow Fall (Book Two)

  Ember Celestial Tempest (Book Three)

  Ember Dark Destiny (Book Four)

  Ember Guardian Essence (Book Five)

  Ember Dawning Infinity (Book Six)

  It Begins…the Series

  The revamped adventure awaits


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