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Ride the Lightning : Sinister in Savannah Book 1

Page 28

by Aimee Nicole Walker

  “Royce helped me replace the hot water heater last week after it died,” Jonah explained as he brushed another layer of barbecue on the ribs.

  “Oh, I thought he was taking credit for the rat again,” Avery said.

  They all laughed.

  “Hey, Robby was part of the plan all along,” Royce said. “I deployed him as a diversion tactic, and it worked.”

  “Robby,” Jonah snorted.

  “Bullshit,” Sawyer said, returning to the back patio. “I saw you do a full-body shiver when my nephew brought out his hamster from his bedroom. You are not friends with any type of rodent, and you sure as hell wouldn’t train or name one.”

  “Must you tell all my secrets?” Royce asked, hooking an arm around Sawyer’s neck and kissing him soundly on the mouth. “I did deploy the damn rat.”

  “How?” Felix asked.

  “I startled the fat fucker out of his hiding place when I ninja moved into a better position to get a bead on Malcolm. How I didn’t scream like a girl is beyond me.”

  “Did you have to change your underwear afterward?” Rocky asked.

  “Maybe,” Royce said with a shrug.

  Yep. Having friends over for great food and tons of laughs was the perfect ending to an insane few weeks.

  Sawyer hooked his arm around Royce’s waist and fed him a jalapeno popper. “So, what’s next?”

  “For the podcast?” Jonah clarified.

  “I meant your career with the GBI, but I’m curious about the podcast too.”

  “Trexler fed my resignation letter through the paper shredder and asked for a second chance. His apology was sincere, and I still think my skills add value to the bureau. I’m going to give it a shot.”

  “That’s great news,” Royce said.

  “As for the podcast, we’re going to extend the Ride the Lightning episodes to include interviews with Bo’s family, so people can get their side of the story,” Jonah said. “We haven’t nailed down our next project yet. I still think Tess Hamilton is our best bet.”

  “Oh, the lady who they suspect killed her three husbands,” Sawyer said. “That would be a good one.”

  “I have an idea,” Felix said. “I was going to pitch this to you later, but why not now?”

  “Go for it,” Rocky said.

  “You guys all know who Cameron Spencer is, right?” Felix asked.

  “The guy who owns like a dozen car dealerships in Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida?” Royce asked.

  “That’s the one,” Felix said. “I have battled with his dealership for months over the extended warranty I purchased with my new car a few years ago. When my transmission blew, I didn’t fret about it because I bought the added coverage. I keep getting the runaround about why the bumper-to-bumper warranty won’t pay for the new transmission I need.”

  “That’s why you’re driving your shaggin’ wagon around so much,” Rocky said.

  Felix rolled his eyes. “Woody Wagon.”

  Rocky snorted. “Same difference, even though I don’t know how you pick up so many dudes in that old thing.”

  “The guys are more concerned about the driver’s skills than what he’s driving,” Felix told him.


  “Anyway,” Felix said, “the dealership told me I didn’t properly maintain the car, which nullified the warranty. After I provided receipts and service records from their dealership, they still balked. I’ve talked to everyone in their organization from my original salesman to the service department manager and even the general manager. All I get is bullshit excuses. I tried speaking to Cameron Spencer, but, apparently, he only shows up when it’s time for publicity stunts or to shoot commercials.”

  “Ugh. I can’t stand Spencer’s commercials,” Royce grumbled. “They’re like nails on a chalkboard.”

  “Worse,” Avery said.

  Royce raised a beer to salute him.

  “I started searching the internet for others who had similar problems,” Felix said. “I found several instances where customers had issues with both their extended warranties and gap insurance policies. I think something fishy is going on. The kicker is a lady called me yesterday and said she’d taken proof to Jude Arrow—”

  “The Straight Shooter,” Royce said, mimicking the news reporter’s voice. Everyone laughed except Felix. He winced. “Sorry, man.”

  “This woman said she has proof that the gap insurance policies and extended warranties were issued by Spencer’s shell companies,” Felix said.

  “Isn’t that money laundering?” Rocky asked. “That’s a serious accusation.”

  Felix nodded. “It is, which is why Jude Arrow refused to get involved.”

  “Maybe this woman’s evidence isn’t as strong as she claimed,” Jonah said.

  “Possibly,” Felix agreed. “Or, Jude Arrow doesn’t want to get involved for another reason. Maybe if he starts exposing powerful people, they’ll do the same to him.”

  “Here we go again,” Rocky said. “If you really think Arrow has a big bad skeleton in his closet, let me look into the reasons why he left Atlanta for Savannah.”

  “It will be more fun to torment the truth out of him after I show him up. I owe him nothing less,” Felix said. “Listen, there is absolutely no dirt on Cameron Spencer anywhere, and we all know that’s a red flag.”

  Sawyer nodded. “The man has always annoyed me. He’s too fucking perfect.”

  “Mr. Perfect,” Felix said. “That would make an excellent title for his podcast episodes.”

  “Let me get this straight,” Rocky said slowly. “You want to use our podcast to settle a personal vendetta with Jude Arrow and get your transmission replaced.”

  “If the evidence shows Mr. Perfect is up to no good, then yes,” Felix said.

  “I’m in,” Rocky and Jonah said at the same time.

  “To Sinister in Savannah,” Felix said.

  The three men clinked their beer bottles together.

  Marla opened the door and poked her head out. “Is everyone ready to eat?” Jonah’s guests rushed toward the house at once, and Marla barely avoided the stampede. “Lord, those are some hungry boys,” she said, walking toward him, toying with the silver pendant she wore around her neck.

  When SPD had executed a search warrant at Malcolm’s residence, they found the missing evidence and Trexler’s stolen laptop tucked under the seat of his car and Earl’s necklace hidden in one of his dresser drawers. Jonah had taken it to Jerry, who’d confirmed it was the necklace he’d purchased for Earl. Jonah told Jerry the details of Malcolm’s confession because the man deserved to know that Earl had truly loved him.

  As far as Jonah was concerned, Marla was Earl’s next of kin. Without her, they never would’ve gotten justice for her friend. She touched the necklace often, and Jonah hoped it would bring her comfort in the coming… Days? Weeks? Months?

  Jonah shoved the heartbreaking thought aside. He would not mourn her while she was still alive. “I don’t think it’s a trait we ever outgrow.”

  “Listen,” Marla said seriously. “I need to extract another promise or two out of you.”

  “More promises?” Jonah teased. “I agreed to keep your dog, I solved Earl’s case, and Marla the Magnificent supercomputer will help me fight crimes for decades to come.”

  “She’s much more attractive than Stella.”

  “Absolutely,” Jonah agreed.

  “About the dog,” Marla said. Jonah knew what was coming next. “She’s Amos’s girl now, and I think they’ll need each other after I’m gone.”

  Jonah swallowed hard and nodded. “I think you’re right.”

  “I almost always am,” Marla said, looping her arm through Jonah’s.

  “What are the new promises?”

  “I want you to put a ring on Avery’s finger and love him until there’s no breath left in your body,” Marla said huskily. “He’s so good for you.”

  “He is,” Jonah said. “When the time is right, I promise to put a ring
on Avery’s finger and love him forever. Is that all?”

  Marla laughed and patted his arm. “I saved the biggest request for last.”

  “Bigger than solving a crime, offering to take your dog, and promising to marry Avery?” Jonah asked.

  “Yes,” Marla said. “When HBO comes knocking at your door looking to make a documentary out of Ride the Lightning, I want you to promise me that you’ll get Ru Paul to play my part.”

  Jonah threw his head back and laughed harder than he had all week. “I can’t promise you that.”

  Marla sighed dramatically. “Lie to me if you must.”

  “I promise.”

  Marla leaned into him. “That’s my boy.”

  Jonah pressed a kiss to her temple. “I love you, Marla.”

  “Remember that when HBO wants to cast some basic bitch as Marla.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “I love you too, baby. Ready to eat?”

  Jonah smiled. “In a minute. You go on and make yourself a plate. I’ll be right in.”

  When Marla went inside, Jonah tipped his head back and studied the fluffy white clouds in the brilliant blue sky.

  “Is a storm coming?” Avery asked as he joined him on the patio.

  “Not today,” he replied, though there was always a storm on the horizon. What was it Granny said about storms and rainbows?

  When dark skies bring rain, look for the rainbow that follows.

  Jonah didn’t have to look anymore. His rainbow was standing right beside him. He cupped Avery’s face and fused their mouths together for a sweet kiss.

  “Are you okay?” Avery asked when Jonah pulled back.

  “I am now.” And he was. Not because there would be nothing but blue skies from here on out. He would love, and he would lose. That was life, that was living. He would hurt so fucking bad when it was time to say goodbye to Marla. Jonah had amazing friends and family to help him through the sorrow. He had years of memories to hold on to and more to make before they parted.

  Avery smiled up at him. “Because you want me.” It was a statement this time, not a question.

  “I more than want you, but I’m not sure you’re ready to hear just how much.”

  Avery laughed. “I was born ready.”

  “I love you, Avery.”

  Avery’s lips trembled before stretching into a brilliant smile. “I love you too. So much.”

  So long for now…

  The Sinister in Savannah series will continue with Mr. Perfect, where Felix Franklin will square off against his nemesis, Jude “The Straight Shooter” Arrow.

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  Only You

  The Fated Hearts Series

  Chasing Mr. Wright, Book 1

  Rhythm of Us, Book 2

  Surrender Your Heart, Book 3

  Perfect Fit, Book 4

  Return to Me, Book 5

  Always You, Book 6

  Any Means Necessary, Book 7

  Curl Up and Dye Mysteries

  Fatal Reaction (Series Prequel found on author’s blog)

  Dyeing to be Loved

  Something to Dye For

  Dyed and Gone to Heaven

  I Do, or Dye Trying

  A Dye Hard Holiday

  Ride or Dye

  Road to Blissville Series

  Unscripted Love

  Someone to Call My Own

  Nobody’s Prince Charming

  This Time Around

  Smoke in the Mirror

  Inside Out

  Prescription for Love

  The Lady is Mine

  The Lady is a Thief

  The Lady Stole My Heart

  Queen City Rogue Series

  Broken Halos

  Wicked Games

  Beautiful Trauma

  Zero Hour Series

  Ground Zero

  Devil’s Hour

  Zero Divergence

  Standalone Novels

  Second Wind

  Coauthored with Nicholas Bella


  Circle of Darkness: Genesis Circle Book One

  Circle of Trust (Genesis Circle, Book 2)

  First, I need to thank my husband and children for their constant support and encouragement. It’s not easy living with a writer who often disappears into a fictional world for long periods of time. They do so many things to help me out so that I can realize my dream. I love you guys more than words can ever express.

  To my creative dream team, thanks seem hardly enough for all that you do. Miranda Turner of V8 Editing and Proofreading, thank you for your tireless work, feedback, and many laughs while editing. Jay Aheer of Simply Defined art is an incredible artist, and I love how she brings my words to life. Stacey Blake of Champagne Formats is also an amazing artist who does incredible interior formatting, illustrating, and designing for e-books and paperbacks. It truly takes a village to whip me into shape. Judy Zweifel of Judy’s’ Proofreading, Jill Wexler, and Michael Beckett did a great job of proofreading and polishing to make my manuscript shine.

  To my lovely PA, Michelle Slagan. I’m not sure how I ever did this without you. I love you to the moon and back!

  I want to thank the Brittany for being a wonderful critique partner and Racheal and Melinda for being amazing alpha readers. And to my betas, Kim, Dana, Michael, and Laurel, I appreciate your honest feedback. I love working with you all.

  Ever since she was a little girl, Aimee Nicole Walker entertained herself with stories that popped into her head. Now she gets paid to tell those stories to other people. She wears many titles—wife, mom, and animal lover are just a few of them. Her absolute favorite title is champion of the happily ever after. Love inspires everything she does, music keeps her sane, and coffee is the magic elixir that fuels her day.

  I’d love to hear from you.

  Want to connect with me? All my links are in one nifty location. Click here




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