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BANN Explosive!

Page 5

by Jessie Rose Case

  Kate stood with her mouth open. Seriously?

  “Boy is your education lacking. You, me, getting laid and having a lot of fun in a very short time to scratch that itch,” she leaned in again against his hand on her chest. He needed to move it over, her breast needed to feel his hands, “your cock in me fucking me.”

  Bann frowned. “Cyborgs do not fuck females who are not their mates. They do not do it quickly. It can last for days or weeks.”

  Kate fanned herself. Could he be any hotter?..... “I am not a mate,” Kate told him. “But I am a Puma or part of one and that makes me different. Maybe different for you too?”

  “I do not…….”

  Kate grabbed him before he could say anything else. “Too late, lets go.” She dragged him through the bar and into a back room, closing the door behind her. “Remove your pants, I just need cock.” She shimmered out of her own pants as he stood there. “Hurry, we need to be quick.” He didn’t move as she kicked off her boots and slipped her pantie’s off. “Come on, being shy is a bit late.”

  “I am not shy, I am concerned this is not right.” She moved in grabbing his belt and undoing it. His hand stopped her. “You are intoxicated and will not like this when sober.”

  She pulled free. “I am not intoxicated,” she hissed. “I’m merry and need a fuck. Now you man enough or do I go out into that bar and talk to that barman?”

  His systems pulsed red. Bann grabbed her hand again. “You will not go to the human.”

  She leaned in towards him looking up without a hint of hesitation. Placing his hand on her breast. “Then fuck me.”

  “Cyborgs do not randomly have sex with females like humans do. It can be problematic for us. Bonding is a concern. You read the literature.”

  Kate avoided his other hand and unbuttoned his pants. His cock sprang fee. Erect and ready to play. O yeah….. Just like that……. Kate licked her lips and smiled. “Then don’t breathe. Your mind is saying that, but your cock is saying fuck me.”

  She stroked him. Bann’s nervous system sparked alive. He should walk away…. He’d not warned her enough…..needed to prepare her…. “Jeepers your big, that’s gonna smart but I’m willing to give it a go! Lift me up.”

  Bann held on to his systems and clamped down hard on everything. Checked his emotions were still off and couldn’t miss the bleed through that was happening. The female gripped him, and he focused on her. “On me Cyborg. I want it now.”

  Without thinking he picked her up and positioned her above his waist. The only thing registering that the female needed him. His cock with her help naturally finding her entrance poised there, his system registered pleasure, it shouldn’t but it did. She moved down on him and he slipped inside her. Bann’s brain fizzed out.

  Her barrier gave way. So damn tight.…. He dared not move. But she did. Holding onto his shoulders she worked him up and down into her. “Fuck that’s good. So damn tight. The burn….. O yeah. Just a bit more. Need it all in. Got to have it.” she told him moving faster on his cock.

  He should have prepared her, screamed through his mind. But she wasn’t having any of that. She was taking what she wanted. His chest seemed to open wide and for a moment he thought he’d been cut, and checked his chest wasn’t exposed to the world. But a glance down, watching his female fuck him told him that hadn’t happened.

  His female? Was she his? The feel of her in his arms and her body working along his cock registered as more than just pleasure on his systems. He wanted this?.... or at least he was enjoying it…. His hands went to her waist automatically to support her while she worked him. Once fully seated she stopped, a smile on her face, her eyelids fluttering and looked up at him panting. “You good?” she asked.

  “Never fucking better female. But we are in a storeroom, so you’d better get on with it before I have to kill whoever comes through that door while you are naked.”

  Kate grinned. “That, is so damn sexy.” She moved, taking every inch with her.

  It had been a long time since he’d had the feel of a female on his cock and never had one been like this. Her pliable strong body demanding what it needed. Not because he’d been ordered but because he’d wanted to give it to her. There was no other reasonable answer. He could have stopped it any time but didn’t. Could have prevented her from stripping herself and him but he hadn’t. She increased her pace. His cock hardened and lengthened inside her. He caught her reaction as her eyes flared but she didn’t stop. “That’s the Puma waking up and saying hello,” he told her.

  Kate bit her lip. “Need to rub against you, skin on skin. Loose the shirt and mine.”

  Holding her with one hand easily, he negotiated opening his shirt and pulled it aside exposing his torso to her, then did the same to hers. Her breasts full with hardened nipples came into view and she rubbed her body against him as she rode. Grazing those nipples on him. His animal instincts threatened to break free. His control slipping, he slammed a hand into the wall to keep some control.

  “So fucking close…” He found her breasts and played. Mewing sounds started coming from her, her tempo increasing along with her heat, her muscles rippling along his cock. She was close, he could feel and sense it in the air around them. His own body right there with her. Grabbing her hips, he took over, starting to piston fuck her from below rubbing her into him.

  “Yes……. I’m…………coming,” she screamed. Bann increased his pace and blew through her orgasm at an electric pace feeling his own close to the surface. He pounded harder and faster, going deeper, thrust fully seated into her and exploded his own seed right there. His system instantly going in to shook. He hadn’t meant to do that…. It was instinctive, the Puma taking hold. The female in heat or not. He didn’t know but held her to him as he filled her insides.

  Kate panted. He was still coming inside her. His seed hot, comforting, warming her. She wrapped herself around him. “I’m liking that.”

  Bann laughed. He couldn’t help it. When was the last time he’d done that?.... The data supplied the answer. As his seed eventually stopped pouring into the female, he wiped the data away from his optic, he didn’t need to see it. More concerning was that they’d both been loud, it was likely they’d been heard.

  Not wanting to walk back into the main bar he pulled up the bar’s schematics. The door at the rear of this storeroom was an emergency exit that led into a service corridor and eventually out into the Gallerea services area for public toilets.

  He instinctively stroked her back. “We need to leave.” Spying some bar towels on a shelf, he handed several to her. She took them without comment, and he lifted her up and off his cock.

  She came down heavy from the euphoria of that climax. What the hell had she been thinking!..... She’d pushed herself on Bann. He’d not wanted it and she’d gone for broke like she always did! She needed to go back to Mac, the shot wasn’t working! Kate didn’t know where to look. He was being gentle and caring, passing her towels to wipe up the river that was coursing down her legs. Not the best come down but caring non the less. She cleaned up quickly and deposited the towels in the recycling. Washed up at the sink and donned her panties and pants doing up her shirt quickly.

  Bann was already to go. He indicated the other door and she was glad to see it. Moving passed him she went to open the door. “I told you you’d regret it. I’m sorry, I should have been more insistent.”

  Kate frowned so desperate to get to Mac, she’d not considered how it looked to Bann. “I … don’t regret it.” She turned to face him. “It was great, better than great but I’m concerned that my shot’s not working and I need to have it checked by Mac.”

  “The shot is working Kate.”

  She blinked up at him. “How do you know. Look what just happened.”

  “I’m Cyborg I can smell it working through your system. My Puma doesn’t like it much but it’s still there.”

  She pushed on the emergency bar and the door opened. “More reason to go see Mac.”

  They strode down the corridor and found the services exit. Kate practically jogging in her urgency to get there. She exploded out in to the main Gallerea and headed straight to medical. Going in she asked to see Mac and took a seat. Some fifteen minutes later and Mac was pushing through the doors towards her. “What’s up?”

  “We need to talk. Now.”

  Mac indicated the doors and walked through going back to her office. Kate followed her in and took the seat once more. Mac looked up from behind her desk. “Ok what’s happened?”

  “I went to the bar with Bann, had a few drinks, not OTT, just a few to lubricate the stress and before you know it, I’m fucking him in the back room, like riding a pony in the National.”

  Mac looked from her to behind her. Bann he must have followed her in. Shit. “That how you see it?” Mac asked. Kate’s face flamed bright red.

  Suddenly a hand touched her shoulder and some of the heat dissipated. “Not exactly. Her shot is working, I can scent it. We were both drinking shots.” Kate turned her head and looked up at him. That was news to her. She thought she was the only one drinking.

  “How many did you have?” she asked.

  He was quiet for a moment. “One.”

  Kate burst out laughing and nodded. He was being chivalrous! It was so cute….. She looked back at Mac. “Ok so not drinking for the Cyborg. I had 6…… I think and my fizz was all over the place, burning like a bitch.” She looked back up at Bann. He gave a sharp nod. “6 It is.”

  “Fizz?” Mac asked.

  Kare swallowed and waved her hand dismissively. “Yeah, at the base of my neck I would get a fizz thing going on when I’m ……. In need.”

  “And that was back even with the shot?”

  “O yeah, really hot.”

  Then what?” Mac asked smiling.

  “Her adrenalin and desire along with her scent peaked. We were talking and the pheromones exploded all of a sudden saturating the air from her skin and the conversation turned to need and satisfaction. Kate needed it.”

  “Did you?”

  Bann checked his data. It told him what he already knew. “Yes.”

  “Did tell her about the consequences for Cyborgs?”

  “I ….”

  Kate cut in. It sounded like he was being blamed for her actions and that wasn’t cool. “Look he did, or tried. To be honest I was beyond listening, full of too much heat, the fizz driving me crazy and I needed it tempered and somehow only he would do, so we got to it in a back storeroom.”

  Mac sighed and leant back in her chair. “Are you bonded Bann?”

  Kate backed up in her chair. Bonded? No one said anything about being Bonded.

  “It was a quickie. I told him to hold his breath.” Kate told her.

  Mac shook her head clearly trying not to grin. “Doesn’t work like that Kate.” She looked back at Bann. “Well?”

  “I will need the tests.”

  Mac threw her data pad on the desk. “Shit, Dark is going to have a field day with this. We had this conversation.”

  “I couldn’t refuse her. The consequences are mine to bear.”

  “That won’t cut shit when he finds out or the Admiral. You will be on suspension for this.”

  “What?” Kate butted in. “What’s going on? I don’t understand?”

  Mac looked at her. “Bonding is the result of intimacy between a Cyborg and a mate. He bonds her DNA to his own. Scents her and takes it into his own systems to combine with his own. His sperm carries his DNA to her and creates genetic changes to her own DNA as her body absorbs it. It will make her healthier, younger even if she needs to be, receptive and fertile for them to breed and a long life to be with them. As a result, no Cyborg is to be intimate with a female until she knows she is a potential mate and is aware of what that will mean for her. A lifetime commitment to the Cyborg in question. No divorce, no separation. That’s it for life. A Cyborg imprints on their female and that is it for them. No mate and they pine away for her. They’re systems shut down and they die. It was in the briefing pack. Didn’t you read it?”

  Kate racked her brains and shook her head. “Not that bit, no. When Bann asked had I read the briefing pack, I though he was referring to Cyborg history and the Station, not this.”

  “Bann is the Cyborg here. He knows the rules. He should have stuck to them.” Mac insisted.

  “Are you saying this wasn’t the pheromones?”

  Mac shook her head. “I don’t think so no.”

  “So this is me then. The needing and craving, looking to get laid.”

  Mac shrugged. “Not exactly.”

  “Then what?” Kate was losing her patience. Bann was in trouble because of her. Serious trouble. She needed answers not riddles.

  “You’re his mate. The pull would have been impossible to ignore.”


  Kate walked around in a daze. She was his ‘mate’….. That can’t be right. She’d just met him. They were having a bit of fun. Mac had taken blood from both of them and they hadn’t had to wait long for the results. Her DNA was in his blood. His was in hers. That was a problem. What were they going to do about it? She turned around looking for Bann. She hadn’t heard much after that. Two Cyborgs were standing to either side of her a little distance away. No Bann in sight. He’d left her? Now?....

  “Where is he? And don’t give me that look about not having enough info to go on because we all know who I’m talking about. Bann.”

  “He’s been reassigned and is seeing the Admiral now.”

  “Reassigned? That’s bloody convenient,” she mumbled turning away and heading back to her rooms. Thought he could dodge her did he?.... She’d see about that.


  “Do you have a fucking death wish? Do I need to remind you why you took your name?” Bann gave the slightest shake of his head. The Admiral would have seen it clearly. He missed nothing. “That was your decision to make and we respect that now as we did then. But clearly things have changed. We evolved. Maybe you are no longer your namesake.”

  Bann gave the slightest of movements again. “I have requested the antivirals. I intend to purge the bonding DNA from my system. Mac tells me there has been success in the new trials.”

  The Admiral stared at him from across his desk. He didn’t look happy but that was no surprise. Kim might have reawakened his emotions, but he rarely showed it to other Cyborgs. Particularly one’s that broke the rules.

  “I took my name having the freedom to choose it. I choose to no longer be involved with humans. Coming here, the Empire declaring itself, has not been easy but I have adapted. I do my job, carry out my orders but you know I do not mix with the humans unless I have to. I do not want that connection.”

  “Really?” The Admiral said dryly. “And the female?”

  “I read her emotions and scented the air when she was told. She was scared and didn’t want the connection either. This is the logical cause of action.”

  The Admiral blew out a breath and shook his head. “You know the tightrope you are walking? This could end you.” Bann blinked. He knew. “Did you at least have that conversation with her?”

  “No. It will lead where neither of us wish to go.”

  “Fuck,” the Admiral called out. “Kim’s gonna have my balls for this if it turns out that female wanted you as a mate. Ok. You’re on restricted duty for not sticking to the mating rules. I think this decision is wrong but it’s yours to make. Dismissed.” Bann turned to leave and walked to the door. “One last thing, my advice, you should talk to the female. It’s a lot to chance getting wrong.”

  Bann walked into the corridor and stopped. His logic told him he was acting in the best interests of both of them. He’d spoken truly to the Admiral. Cyborgs moved silently around him going about their business. His new orders crossed his optic. He was working in the docking bay once his treatment with Mac was completed. It would be hard manual work. Bann suddenly felt the need for that.

  His appointment with Mac came up
. He guessed the Admiral had given him the all clear to go ahead. He acknowledged it making his way to his bunk. She would start the treatment in two days. The appointment also came with a recommendation. Talk to the female before the treatment started. Did everyone have the same advice?... His data displayed how little logic there was to that and he pushed it aside. The treatment had been successful, there was every chance it would work for him too.


  “It is inappropriate for you to be here.”

  Kate looked at the two Cyborgs who’d dogged her steps since leaving medical and changing direction. “Do I look like the kind of woman that gives a shit about that?”

  “This is Cyborg accommodations. No humans are allowed here.”

  “Why not?”

  “Some Cyborgs are damaged from their years in human hands. They are functioning well but choose not to be around humans as much as possible. Most are on ships and have their R & R here. This is their section and we honour that choice.”

  “And Bann chose this?” Why would he chose to be in this section?....

  He gave her a nod then glazed over for a second. Kate guessed getting or giving information. They tended to do that.

  She pointed her finger at him. “You’d better not have told him I’m here.” She leaned against the wall tapping her foot.

  “Bann is on his way, he is not happy that you are here.”

  Kate raised her eyebrows. “Really?” she told him sarcastically, “that’s a shame.”

  “Your body language tells us you do not mean it.”

  Kate laughed. “No shit Sherlock.”


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