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BANN Explosive!

Page 10

by Jessie Rose Case

  Why had he been fighting this?....

  “You understand what we are doing here?” he asked her putting her down on the bed.

  She laughed again in his arms. “Yeah, I know what we’re doing here!”

  Holding her with one arm he used the other to lift her face. He caught her sparkling eyes. Clear and dark. Beautiful…. “No female. It’s not just about the sex. This is not just the Puma in us either female, or maybe it is a bit of it. My diagnostic is unclear on that. But this is the Cyborg in me. Dominant, possessive, overbearing. We do this and I will want it all. The hunger is too strong. First time we were together was for you. This, will be about me and my need as much as yours. It will be what I need it to be. So you need to choose me female and now. Accept who and what I am. There will be no going back from this. No purge. Your DNA will be with me and mine with yours. I do not know how that will affect the Puma in both of us, the bond is likely to be tighter, stronger, governed by the animal instinct to mate. You need to be sure. Cyborgs, we mate for life. No change of mind, no temporary thing. Its for as long as we both live.”

  Had she ever heard a sexier statement in her life?.... Not once had he put himself before her. Even when confronted with seeing his Admiral, he’d been thinking of her. Sure, with some self-preservation thrown in too. Who could blame him?.... He’d never tried to harm her. Kept warning her to back off. And she’d ignored him putting them both in danger. Had that stopped her?... Nope. She’d kept going and he’d tolerated her. Supporting her and comforting her when she’d needed it, at risk to himself. Did they have enough in common for a life together?.... She didn’t know. But she knew she’d never been so attracted to a man and that attraction ran deep. Her mind had been consumed by him since the first time she’d seen him. That was different for her. Casual had been it for her until now.

  The reality that she didn’t want casual hit her. She wanted more. So much more. Kate smiled. Whatever life had to offer she knew he’d never let her down. He’d be there for her. As much or as little as she needed. He’d respect her space and give her what she needed. Most women didn’t have half that.

  “I get it Bann. Your Cyborg and I am your human mate, part Puma. There will be no going back from this. No matter what, we are together now.”

  He rubbed his forehead against hers. “You accept this?”

  “I accept you,” she whispered knowing he heard her clearly.

  Bann swept in quickly capturing her mouth with his own. All logic gone, his emotions burst through the barriers. Clothing disappeared in a flash, he moved her onto the bed and was inside her before either of them caught their breath. The need to be in her so overpowering, that he couldn’t stop until he was balls deep inside his female.

  They both moaned at the contact. He gave her a second to adjust then started to stroke into her.

  Such long powerful strokes in and out of her body. Her own needs exploded. So sensitive to his actions, her body responded. That low burning fire sprang to life. Roaring through her body. Bann’s rhythm increased along with her own. Pulling her ever more towards the precipice. Kate ran her hands down his back cupping his strong powerful ass as he ploughed into her. Pulling her legs further apart, she gave him more room to hit her just right. “Better female,” he growled. As he struck her clit, Kate agreed and gripped him hard.

  “More,” she called out.

  Bann could feel how close the female was to coming. Her body rippled along his cock getting faster as her body heat rose. She was close. Reaching down for her clit, he rubbed at her hard. Her body heightened, her grip harder on him, held in suspension of the climax hitting her. Bann struck deep and quick within her and scraped his nails across her clit.

  Kate screamed her orgasm as it consumed her. A powerful draining wave that rolled completely over her.

  Bann worked the wave sweeping through his female prolonging the orgasm that held her in its grip. As it receded, he pulled free of her, turning her over. Placing her feet firming on the floor he lifted her back towards him and pushed back in. Kate responded with arching her back towards him. Bann took hold of her breasts and played, stroking up and down the front of her body. Both breasts heving and ripe. Cupping them, toying with the nipples, Kate was soon responded again. Holding her in position he started to move. Pushing up into her. Slowly pumping, striking deep and with drawing. Savouring every moment.

  Exploring the body that seemed to have been made for him, Bann worked his hands down and around her body, leaving nothing untouched. He wanted to know it all. Every inch that now belonged to him and him alone. Cupping one breast he delved the other hand down her body, through her nether lips and found her hot clit waiting for his touch.

  “That is soooo good,” Kate murmured and meant every word. She felt connected in a way she’d not felt before with any man. Bann bent over her putting her down on all fours. His pace picked up as he came away from her back, letting go of her breast and clit and grasping her hips. The need to pound into his female driving him on. The pace became more intense, stronger, faster. She struggled to meet him thrust for thrust and gave up to his own. He was pulling her along with him her own orgasm once more ready to explode.

  Bann gripped her tightly. Her muscles were driving him on, his pace moving faster than ever before. Striking deeper. Going all in. He wanted to be deep. As deep as possible. No going back,….. filtered into his brain, as he sensed how close Kate was to coming once more. Bann reached out for her hair and pulled her up to him. His mouth finding her neck easily. “Come female,” he demanded and thrust in hard and deep. Her cry of reaching her release his reward. An intense need to bite over came him as her juices flowed around his cock. The one thing he feared happening again…. “Yes,” Kate cried out. “Bite me, need it.” And his concerns melted away. This was what it meant to have a compatible female. One that accepted him. He bit hard and another orgasm struck Kate. It exploded around the both of them, unable to control anything of his cover of her, it went into the stratosphere.

  Pure animal instinct took over. He dominated her ass. Gripped her harder than was safe, his need taking over all the elements of his life with one goal. Seeding the female…. He blew through her. A whirlwind of sexual dominance until she reached her climax once more, rearing up at him, pulling away from his teeth, skin torn and blood entering his lips. With an animalistic roar, far wilder than anything he’d experience before, he plunged in with one final thrust, holding her tightly to him and released his seed.

  She collapsed under him and he caught her. How he did that she did not know. He was clearly spent too. She could feel it as he braced them both against the bed. Her breath in short supply. So intense. So joined. Nothing had ever been like that…. The sensation of that last orgasm had been electric. Something more than two people coming together. She was sure her body had short-circuited. Total immersion with someone else. She would almost swear she could feel Bann inside her at the end. Not just his cock, that was amazing enough but actually him…. Like he was alive inside her. Part of her now.

  “That…… was intense.”

  Bann tasted the blood in his mouth and smelt it in the air. He looked for the damage and licked it. It was a slight tear of the skin, not as bad and he’d first thought and was already closing. He studied it for a moment. “Are you ok? You pulled away and there is a slight tear in your skin.”

  She nodded under him. “Its fine. Hardly feel it.”

  The skin did seem to knit together while he watched it work. Bann leant down and kissed her. His nano’s doing their job to protect his mate. How good that thought was.

  “I did not mean to hurt you.”

  She looked at him and seemed amused. He scented the air. She was happy. “You didn’t, don’t worry about it.” She took some deep calming breaths. “That was some workout.”

  “It was ok for a beginning,” he told her nuzzling into her. “There is much more I need to explore.” He ran his hand down her back and Kate moaned under him. “So much more,”
he told her. “I going to enjoying fucking you for the next couple of hours, then you are going to eat and then we are going to that meeting.”

  Kate laughed. He had it all planned out. “And if I do not want to do that?”

  He pulled away from her lips and looked at her deeply in the eyes holding her face gently. “Then we adapt and do what you need.”

  “That’s seriously hot, you know that?”

  “It is who I am.”

  Kate grinned and kissed him. “I’m such a lucky girl.”



  When they’d got to that meeting it had been far worse than she’d feared. So many people had been affected. They’d reported their findings to the Admiral who called in Mac and her team to join them. Then a joint statement was made to the leaders from the Empire. They would help the people who had been affected by the so called ‘parasite’. They’d also gave them the information they’d found and Earth Corps possible involvement.

  Government archives had revelled her world had paid a heavy price for the miracle vaccine. Several times over it seemed, as they were unable to duplicate it themselves.

  Her people continued to chase down the links no longer hiding the infection and Earth Corp were on the run.

  They might never know exactly what happened on her world but whatever it was, wouldn’t happen again.

  In the meantime, nearly eight thousand people chose the vaccination and over two thousand to go to the Empire. Most of them female. They’d had it the hardest. Kate had been happy for them and hoped, they had mates in the Empire too.

  The knock at her office door was a reminder she was no longer alone. “Ready for lunch?” His voice came as the door opened.

  Kate got up from her desk and rubbed at her tummy. She was starving. “Ready. Did you hear the latest?”

  Bann lifted his hand to stop her talking. “After lunch, if you don’t like the information you won’t eat.”

  Kate knew he was right and didn’t argue going straight to him and standing on tip toe for a kiss. He indulged her lingering over her lips, bringing his hand down to her stomach.

  “And how is our baby today?”

  “A fighter like his father.”

  “Umm I hope it’s a fighter like her mother.”

  Kate pulled back. “You want a girl?”

  Bann smiled. He did that more and more these days. His emotions were coming online slowly.

  “I want what makes you happy female.”

  “Good, that’s you. Let’s go. Babies hungry.” Kate moved from his arms and walked towards the lifts for the Gallerea. Bann watched her go. She’d put on more weight with the baby. His sensors told him he liked it on her.

  She turned back towards him. “You’d better not be checking out my ass Cyborg. That’s what got us into trouble in the first place!”

  Bann laughed out loud and shook his head walking towards her. His systems showing surprise at the action. He still had a long way to go before spontaneity no longer surprised him.

  “No it wasn’t, it was your determination to have me.”

  He levelled with her still smiling. “Was I wrong?” she asked. He scented the concern in her voice.

  Her hormones were playing tricks on her….. Bann kissed her and whispered in her ear.

  “No. You were very right, and we have a lifetime together for me to thank you.”

  The End……

  A message from the Author;

  Hello and thank you for reading this book. I hope you enjoyed it and look out for the others in this series.

  As a small token of my appreciation, I give you a chapter from one of my other series. I hope you like that too. My best to you and yours. Enjoy! Jessie x


  The Awaking.


  Alex Reynolds.

  It had had a shit week. She had a numb bum and a dam headache. And lived on caffeine. The office lights and computer screens giving her no relief. No one goes into social work expecting to be loved or have an easy life but come on! Nearly every day this week she thought, the world was going to shit. Shaking her head. Alex reflected. The kids hate you, the parents hate you, the courts hate you, your colleagues, god love um, support you through thick and thin and your manager, gives you as much as she can but, it does not help you get the work done in 12 hour days that aren’t meant to exist or get paid for.

  Loving this job is what keeps you going she told herself with a sigh and a half smile, picking up another file. Just as well she thrived on the demands and timescales and she was no push over, you need to be a tough cookie managing a team of staff that are were her hero’s. You have to be tough and hard at times or the emotions would drown you. It’s tough making decisions that changes families and children’s lives, even if you are striving to make better lives possible and her team, follow her example.

  Alex looked up as the alert was sounded. Yet another Friday night, when the fat hits the fan at closing time. Why the hell do they leave it to the last minute on a Friday night before calling it in ! Alex knows she has no choice but to send out her team, after a long and weary week to do the job. Getting up from her desk, she walks the floor to the duty team, already on their feet waiting on the word to go.

  Amazing and humbling Alex looks at her team with the greatest awe. And though the coming hours, she would stay by her desk, doing what she does best. Directing and making arrangements as the situation provides. It might be another 11pm finished for both her and the team. Personal relationships take a back seat in this job she reminded herself. But when the jobs done and children are safe in foster care for the weekend that’s all that really matters …… Walking back to her desk after seeing her staff out the door, “who’d do this job?” She asks aloud raising her eyebrows to the ceiling. She nods and sighs. She and her team would every single dam day.



  Tah’Lai Primera El Getl sat at the console of his craft and observed the planet below him. It was magnificent and beautiful. It was also primitive and dangerous. He liked that. It fed his warrior instincts at its very DNA. But it held a people that still fought over land and wars since creation, over insignificant issues that had fractured a world and continued to do so. He frowned. The social feed from their satellites told him all he needed to know. Idiots.

  Did they not understand what would become of them if it continued? He looked at the blue and white planet. A population of many different cultures and beliefs on many different levels. If things did not change and soon, this world in some ways would repeat the history of his own. His sense of loss hit him hard. A raw pain. A dull heavy burden. No. Not this world. War and disease would not destroy so many lives. Not again. He would not allow so many futures to be lost.

  He had a job to do. His world was counting on him. For hundreds of years they had searched for a compatible world. It had not been easy or trouble free. He had lost friends. He had lost family. They were weary of space and travel. They were losing hope. They longed for a home again and the crystal blue waters called to him. He had so many hopes for this new planet before him.

  Tah, watched as his computers continued to upload information from many sources around this planet. He had three Earth months to obtain the answers he needed. His Rama, his King, was depending on him. He was far from being a diplomat. But apparently, this task was too important to give to anyone else. He had to be the one to do it and he would. Whatever it took.



  Four weeks earlier.

  Tah had trouble holding onto his temper. He’d been summoned to the Kings ship. His Rama. Highly respected by all. The voice of his people for many many years. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife. Tah had not expected this. It was beyond his understanding. Several elders had already left the conference room at the confrontation.

  “You will do this boy because I ask it of you”. An angry Tah confronted his King.

  “I’m no diplomat, this
is a job for one of the elders, not a warrior. I don’t know what I’m doing. What if I say or do the wrong thing and we end up in a war”.

  His King rose from his seat. “You know only too well how important this is to us, you will go, I demand this of you”. Tah barely held on to his temper. Near far from the surface. He stalked out murmuring, “I’m a warrior not a dam diplomat”. He was used to fighting not talking. He wasn’t known for his finesse. He was known for killing their enemies.

  His men waited on him. He would not talk to them on this matter and kept on walking. He would be no fit company tonight. What the hell was his King thinking? This had disaster written all over it! He’d fought tooth and nail since his youngling days to stay alive and keep his comrade’s safe with him. This mission, he spat out, he would have to do alone.


  “It is done”. The King turned to face his advisor Kar’ti. “Are you sure of the visions Kar, he is right, I have tried but he is no diplomat and we have much ridding on this”. Kar’ti nodded solemnly,

  “I am as sure as this new planet, Tah, needs to be first”. Acknowledging his wise friend, his King nodded.

  “So be it”.



  “Hay Alex, who said a morning by the sea was a bad idea? Cos I gotta tell ya girl, I’m loving it”. Alex turned and laughed at the antics of Bromwyn. Her team senior and subordinate, dancing on the sands like it was the Bahamas and not Southend on Sea on a semi shinny day, with the tinkering of gaming machines, smells of popcorn and fish and chips in the air.


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