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Flawed Rider: A Lost Saxons Novel #6

Page 14

by Ames, Jessica

  And worse, but I don’t tell her the condition I found him in. I don’t want her to freak out.

  “I’ll handle it.”

  “See, when you say that, you make me nervous.”

  “There’s no need for nerves. Just let me take care of it—of you both.”

  She looks like she’s considering arguing with me, but then she nods.

  It takes another fifteen minutes for Charlie to turn up with a cage. During which time, I fire a message to Clara, our resident nurse, asking her to meet them at the clubhouse. I bundle both Jess and Chlo into the back and give him instructions to take them to the clubhouse.

  Chloe looks like she’s about to argue again, but Charlie takes off before she can. Then I put my game face on and when I re-enter the house, I’m about two seconds from losing my shit.

  Allen looks terrified, and he should.

  Adam hands me his knife.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Wade, Adam and Logan handle the clean-up from my run-in with Michael Allen. I’m glad because I’m exhausted and I just want to get to Chloe and Jesse and make sure they’re okay. I had to shower at his place and wait for clean clothes to be brought by Rabbit. While I don’t care about that fucker, leaving evidence of my crime isn’t the best plan, especially when I was covered in most of it.

  I ride to the clubhouse, my mind half on the atrocity I’ve just carried out, half on Jesse and if the kid is okay and thinking about Chloe and wondering if she’ll see the true me now.

  My rage against Allen had been unbridled. Seeing Jesse like that brought back my own formative years, only no one ever saved me. That I can save him now has me on this crusade to fix my own past hurts by doing something worthwhile. I don’t know how to walk away, if I even want to walk away. Chloe, and in fact Jesse, are both in my head and under my skin. They’re becoming more to me than I could have imagined, and I don’t know what to do with this knowledge. I didn’t set out to be anyone’s father figure, and I certainly didn’t set out to fall for a woman. I didn’t think I was capable of feeling love. How could I be when I’ve never experienced a day of love in my entire life?

  When I pull up outside the clubhouse gates, Lucas opens the gates and I roll my bike through to the bike parking area. Dean, Jack and Ghost are gathered outside on the old loading bay. Jack straightens as I kick my stand down while Dean is first to move. I guess I’m not getting away with letting this slide by.


  The last thing I want to do is discuss what I’ve been up to today. I don’t take a life easily, but I’ll take one when warranted or ordered.

  Dean rounds the old loading bay area and meets me by the front entrance. “Jesse and his sister are both inside.” He answers the question that sits on my tongue. “Clara’s looking over the kid.” He eyes me. “What’s going on? I wanted to come to you after the message, but Lo said to wait here.”

  Right, the 999 message I sent out to everyone…

  “Chloe rang this morning and said Jesse was missing. I figured his dad had done something to the kid, so headed over there.”

  “His father hurt him? That black eye looks savage.”

  “He was keeping him in his old bedroom, the door padlocked to stop him leaving.”

  “Fuck me.” Jack sidles up behind him, Ghost on his heels.

  Beth’s father is in his fifties and has a silvery mohawk that makes him look younger than his years. He’s also a parent who dealt with a lunatic ex-wife. No doubt this is bringing up some memories of when Gina tried to hurt Beth in the past.

  “Do you need us to have a word with the dad?” Jack asks.

  “He’s been taken care of.” I put enough emphasis in my words that I hope they realise I mean permanently. Jack nods, his expression grave.


  Ghost speaks. “You’ve made sure he won’t be found, right?”

  “Your unshakeable faith in me is warming.” I put a hand to my heart. Keeping the tone light is the only way to keep my head in check, though. I don’t take a life easily, and I’m sure Michael Allen, no matter how much of an evil bastard he is, will play on a reel through my nightmares for a while to come. I don’t have regrets… he needed to be taken care of and I gave him ample chances to behave himself, but the guilt will still sit in my chest for a while.

  “Quit fucking around and answer the question.”

  Ghost clearly isn’t in the mood for laughing. Neither am I. Nothing about today is remotely funny.

  “The others are taking care of it,” I assure him.

  He drags his fingers over his shaved head. “Fuck me. As long as you’re in the clear.”

  I should be happy he cares—in his own, moody as fuck way—but I feel nothing right now.

  “It’ll be fine,” I assure him. “Where’s Chloe and Jesse at?”

  “In the common room with the girls,” Jack says and narrows his eyes on me. “Are you sure you’re okay, son?”

  I blow out a breath. I want to say no, but instead, I say, “I’m peachy.”

  Jack doesn’t look like he believes me, but he doesn’t call me on my bullshit either. I don’t give him the chance anyway. I head inside the building, needing to find Chloe, needing to make sure her and the kid are okay.

  I can’t though. Not yet. Instead, I make my way upstairs to my room and shower. I don’t have any blood left on me, but I still feel like I’m coated in it. I scrub myself clean and pull on a fresh tee and jeans, even though I already changed my clothes before I left Allen’s house.

  Showered and clean, I head back downstairs and as I push into the common room, I see a small group gathered around one of the tables. The ‘girls’ Jack referred to outside are revealed to be Clara and Sammy. All eyes come to me, before returning their attention back to Jesse, who is sitting on a chair near the bar while Clara tends to his injuries. There’s a First Aid kit opened out on the small table, one that is far more stocked than the average home one. Clara has enough stuff in there to patch up most things.

  Chloe is standing behind Jesse, her expression a mask of concern that cracks briefly as she meets my gaze.

  I don’t flinch or look away. I can’t.

  Breaking away from the group, Chloe moves over to me and pulls me aside, away from them.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  She frowns at my response. “Weed… what happened after we left?”

  “Your father won’t touch Jesse again.”

  Her frown becomes more pronounced. “What did you do?”

  “Nothing I can’t live with.” I jut my chin in the direction of Jesse. “How’s he doing?”

  I sense she’s not ready to let it go yet, but Chloe’s gaze goes over her shoulder. “He’s a little shaken still.”

  “That’s not surprising, considering what Allen did to him.”

  Anger mars her pretty face for a moment. “He hurt him badly this time.”

  I don’t say this probably isn’t the only time Jesse has been badly hurt by that arsehole. I don’t want to upset her, but I’d guess the kid got good at hiding his injuries.

  “Yeah, he did a number on him.”

  “Clara doesn’t think any of the damage is too bad, but she does want to get an X-ray of his face in case there’s any fractures there.” Chloe nibbles her lip. “I let him down. Again.”

  My hands cup her cheeks. I have to reassure her. I can’t bear the look on her face right now. “Hey, none of this is your fault. None of it.”

  She raises her eyes to lock onto mine and the dismay there makes my stomach ache. “I was supposed to be protecting him.”

  “I was supposed to be protecting you both,” I clarify. “I let you down.”

  “Weed, this isn’t even your problem. You’ve done more than enough, more than you should have.”

  “When are you going to realise that you and Jesse are my problem?” I have no idea what possesses me to say it, but as soon as the words are out the heavy feeling in my chest lifts. M
y words ring true. They are my problem and more than that, they’re becoming my constant.

  “We shouldn’t be your problem, though.”

  I run my fingers down her cheek, loving the fact she presses into my touch. When she peers up at me with those wide eyes, my dick stiffens.

  “You’re too good to us.”

  I don’t think I’m good enough, but I keep this to myself.

  I’m not sure why, but I dip my head further and take her mouth. Kissing her feels so good, but so wrong at the same time. I’m not worthy of her and what she’s offering, but I can’t stop myself from taking every time it’s given. I’m smitten with her, besotted, and if I’m being honest, falling for her. I want her in every way possible.

  And this terrifies me even as it elates me.

  “Eww.” Jesse’s muttered word has me drawing back, remembering that I have an audience.

  Chloe huffs as I release her and moves back over to the girls and Jesse. I follow her.

  “Are you doing okay, kid?”

  Jesse winces as Clara places a small strip of bandage over his broken open cheek.

  “Yeah. I’m okay.”

  He doesn’t look okay. In fact, he looks as far from okay as it’s possible to be and my guilt roars at this. He’s in this state because of me, because I didn’t protect him.

  Allen can’t hurt him or his sister again. I’ve made sure of that. They can live without fear now.

  “Your dad won’t touch you again,” I tell him.

  He ducks his head slightly, gripping the edge of the chair he’s perched on. “Yeah, you said this last time.”

  I deserve it, but it still stings.

  “Jesse!” Chloe exclaims, but I stop her from berating him.

  “He’s right. I did say that, and I’m sorry—more sorry than you know—that I broke that promise. It won’t happen again. You have my word. You’re both safe now.”

  Chloe’s gaze is boring into the side of my head, but I ignore her, focusing on Jesse instead. If I look at her, I know I will see her questioning gaze, the one that wants to know if I did what she suspects I did. It’s better she doesn’t see me as a monster—not yet anyway.

  “Can he go home?” I ask Clara as the little blonde nurse steps back, pulling her latex gloves from her hands.

  “Yeah, he’ll be okay. I would like someone to look at his cheek, but—”

  “I’ll take him,” I cut her off. If he needs the treatment, he’ll get it. I don’t care if it casts doubt or suspicion from the nursing staff. We’ll find a way. We always do.

  Clara nods. “Then he’s good to go.”

  “Thanks, Clar.”

  She eyes me curiously for a moment, but whatever she wants to say dies on her tongue.

  I’m glad. I don’t need an inquisition about me and Chloe, especially when I don’t know what the hell me and Chloe are to each other.

  “Come on. I’ll take you both home.”

  I grab a set of keys for one of the cages shared by everyone in the Club and lead them both out to the car. I have to help Jesse into the back. His ribs are too bruised for him to climb into the seat unaided. This has my anger reigniting briefly.

  Chloe gets in the passenger seat and as soon as everyone is belted in, I pull out of the parking area.

  We get Jesse seen at the hospital and manage to fend off the questions that come mine and Chloe’s way. By the time he’s discharged, we’re all exhausted and Jesse heads for bed as soon as we get into the flat. I don’t blame the kid. He’s probably exhausted.

  Chloe turns to me, looking just as drained.

  “Do you want a coffee?”

  “I should get back.”

  “Stay for a drink.”

  I want to say no, but the pleading tone in her voice has me relenting. I lean against the kitchen wall while she moves around the space, making the drinks.

  “I seem to spend my entire life thanking you,” she says as she reaches for two clean mugs from the cupboard.

  “There’s no need for thanks. I didn’t do it for that reason.”

  “I know.” Her shoulder slump. “I’ve made such a mess of things. Jesse’s a mess. I can barely keep my head above water, and I have no idea how to be a parent to a sixteen-year-old.”

  I move to her and drag her into my arms as she starts to sob. Her cries break me. I can’t stand hearing them.

  Chloe nestles against my chest and I hold her tightly, unwilling to let her go, running my fingers through her copper waves. She feels good against me, too good. I don’t want to let her go, but the longer we stand here the harder it is to keep up the pretence that I don’t feel anything.

  When she tips her head back and stares up at me through wet eyelashes, I’m lost, but when she moves to take my mouth, I’m not coming back from this. I kiss her like this will be our last moment together, plundering, owning, taking what I want.

  She’s not shy either. She consumes my mouth with as much enthusiasm.

  I take everything she gives me and more. I don’t know how it happens, but the next thing I know I have her under me on her bed. My dick, which is solid as a rock, is nestled against her pussy, our clothes the only barrier. I want that barrier gone. Every inch of me feels like it’s on fire as she shifts her hips beneath me, pushing my cock deeper against her.

  This can’t happen, it can’t, and yet it is, and I have no intention of stopping it.

  I push her sweater up and the tee she’s wearing beneath it until I’m met with an expanse of pale skin. I kiss along her navel, continuing to push her clothes up her body until I reveal the globes of her breasts, which are snug in her lacy bra.

  My mouth dries as I see them and my hands are quick to give my brain what it wants. I dip inside the cups and find her nipples. Then I roll them between my fingers even as I keep tasting her.

  I shouldn’t be doing this, not with Jesse just down the hallway, but my brain is no longer calling the shots and I’m not sure how in control she is anymore either. All I know is wild horses couldn’t make me pull back from this.

  When I manage to undo her jeans and get my fingers inside her underwear, it’s like all my Christmases have come at once. As soon as I run my fingers through her wetness, I soar to new heights. Victory tastes sweet on my tongue, but not as sweet as she is going to.

  Pulling her jeans down enough to grant me access to the apex between her legs, I tug her knickers down her thighs and latch my mouth around her clit. She twitches immediately, and I feel satisfaction at getting this response from her.

  I bring her to climax quickly through a mix of sucking, blowing and licking around that little bundle of nerves, then I push my fingers inside her even as she’s still contracting around me and I hook them to hit that special spot inside her.

  She gasps into her pillow, trying to stifle her moans, but her cute little pants are a huge turn on for me. My dick is solid in my jeans and my balls are crying out for relief, but I won’t rush her, or this.

  As much as I want to be inside her, I pull back and kiss her forehead.

  “Why are you stopping?” she demands.

  I have no idea. “It doesn’t feel right to take you like this.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Get back over here now.”

  I chuckle at her bossiness and do as she commands. She reaches for my zip and frees my dick even as our lips remain locked together. When I feel her lining up her pussy to my hard cock, I pull back slightly, so I can see her face.

  “Are you sure?” I ask her.

  She nods fervently. “Quite sure.”

  I pull a condom from my wallet and roll it on, the whole time she watches me through heavy lids. Then, I climb back onto her and push inside her wetness. Her pussy instantly contracts around my shaft, and I need to move or I’m going to come right now.

  I pull back and slam into her over and over, my cock reaching painful levels as I get closer and closer to climax.

  She writhes beneath me, my name spilling from her tongue as she loses her

  Tweaking her nipples is enough to send her spiralling. She moans into her pillow, swallowing down her screams of ecstasy and then I spill into her.

  I keep moving through both our orgasms until I start to soften. Then, I kiss her and let everything I’m feeling pour out into that one gesture.

  Chapter Twenty

  I wake with a warm body draped over me and this time it’s not blonde hair I see, but a swathe of copper waves. I shagged Chloe last night and fell asleep wrapped up in her. Fuck. Guilt has me shifting, gently pushing her off me, but the movement wakes her and she starts to come around.

  “Weed?” Her voice is sleepy and adorable. I want to climb her like a tree and show her what else I can do, that I’m not just a one-trick pony.

  Instead, I say, “I’ve got to bounce, darlin’.”

  I hate doing it. I hate myself for even saying the words, but I let myself get too close. I gave into my desire and look at the mess I’ve created.

  Shitting hell.

  “Bounce?” She sounds confused and I wish I didn’t have to do this, because I’m not sure I can come back from this once I do.

  “Yeah. I can’t be here when Jesse wakes up.”

  That sounds like a good reason to run, right?

  “Why not?” Her voice is a little sterner as she starts to wake up fully and realises what I’m saying.

  “You know why,” I tell her as I finally disentangle myself from her and swing my legs out of the bed.

  Where the fuck are my clothes?

  Chloe sits up, taking the sheet with her, her copper waves falling over her shoulder as she does.

  “You’re running.”

  “I’m not running, but I do need to leave.” She’s right on the money. I’m absolutely running.

  “You fucking coward.”

  The softly spoken words have me twisting to glance over my shoulder at her. She doesn’t look pissed off, but she does look disappointed and I hate that I’m the cause of that.

  “I’m not a coward.”

  “You fuck me and then run because you don’t want to deal with what it means. I’d say that’s the very definition of cowardly, wouldn’t you?”


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