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Page 4

by Sandra Kaye

  “Well, Gran you made short work of Seslie’s list,” I teased.

  “Oh, little one, I will have to hold it over her head that one old lady knows more than her computer,” Gran teased back.

  I couldn’t help the laugh. She was right. That would really piss Seslie off to think Gran had plowed through all her work in such a short time. “You are anything but old Gran, and we both know it.”

  “That’s in large part due to you girls. I have to stay on my toes to keep up with you two,” she teased back.

  “She did have one more. From what she said, it’s only on the list because she found only vague mention of it and that seemed to intrigue her.”

  “Yes, you girls do love a mystery. So, what is it?”

  “Something called a Raven Mocker.”

  Gran gave a disturbing gasp that was so unlike her, it grabbed my full attention. Followed by a few Cherokee words that if I hadn’t known Gran better I would have sworn were curse words. “Analese, child, that is bad. Very bad. The Raven Mocker and his master, the great imitator Kalona, are said to be vile creatures that can be controlled by one who has struck a bargain with A-si -g-na.”

  “Gran, you know I don’t speak Cherokee. Is that as bad as I think?”

  “Devil, child. To control them, you must strike a deal with the devil.”

  “Great! That’s just fucking great.”

  “Little one, language!”

  “Sorry, but that just sounds bad, Gran. So very bad.”

  “It is. So, let’s pray that it is not your big baddy, as you called it. Because they are the equivalent of what most would think of as a demon.”

  “What else should we know if this is what we’re dealing with?”

  “I only know legends, child. Some say they are part man, part bird. No one is sure how much of each. Most accounts say they can fly and they are difficult, if not impossible, to kill. All accounts say they are evil, pure dark magic. A Raven Mocker is said to be the results of Kalona raping the tribal women in hopes of creating a child demigod to raise in his image. Because they are of such dark magic, their mothers all

  died upon their births. Kalona collected each of these vile creatures and now uses them to do is bidding.”

  I was with Gran. That was dire news. I prayed that would not be what we were dealing with. But since I wasn’t stupid, I was still going to see what else I could learn about them, just in case. “I agree, Gran. But just in case, is there anywhere I can find out more about them?”

  “The best option would be the elders’ library here on the reservation. I can go gather you a few books today if you wanted to come pick them up,” Gran offered.

  As much as I didn’t want to drive all the way back to Gran’s, I did need that information and time was not a luxury I had. If this was our bad guy, we could be looking at something truly dark.

  “Sure, Gran. That sounds great. I will drive down tomorrow to pick them up.”

  “See if you can get Seslie to come. I miss her.”

  “Will do, Gran. Bye for now. Muah!”

  “Muah, child. See you tomorrow.”

  As depressing as that conversation had turned out, I still had a full day ahead. I needed to get a mani-pedi and wanted a new outfit for our night out. It had been too long, and I planned to turn heads. Even if it was just for me.

  As evening drew near and our plans got closer, I found myself excited that we were all getting together. While we were doing this to pick Teddy’s brain in the end, it was a night out with friends, so I planned to make the most of it.

  Chapter Seven

  I pulled on a sexy black dress and paired it with knee-high leather boots. I had even pulled out a clutch to match for the night. Wrapping things up to leave, I stopped in front of the full-length mirror to scrutinize the full effect. With the short black dress hugging my curves and my blond tresses curled and styled, not to mention the three-inch heels on my black boots, I looked damn good and felt sassy as hell. This was going to be a fun night.

  I messaged Seslie as I walked to my car to see if we were meeting inside or out, then climbed behind the wheel of the Mustang and was off. Nothing made me feel better than the roar of my car and the smell of fall in the air. It was a cool night, so I left the top up but cracked the windows.

  As I parked, my phone dinged. Expecting a reply from Ses, I was digging it out of the clutch when Teddy knocked on my driver’s side window giving me a huge grin and wave. I climbed out of the car and noticed the rest of our group was clustered at the edge of the lot, waiting. Guess that answered that question. Joining everyone at the edge of the parking lot, we all called out greetings and gave hugs as we made our way to the door.

  We filed in and grabbed drinks at the bar before heading to the beer garden. We gathered at the table that Seslie’s man Gabe had staked out for us. It had been a minute since I’d seen Ses’s sexy vamp outside of work. I was surprised to see him there. I had thought he wasn’t due back till next weekend. Lucky Seslie. He was kicked back at the table with a bucket of beer in front of him.

  He was one of those guys that looked like the boy next door after years of working out. Before his change, he was special forces and an amateur kickboxer. He kept that solid shape. His strawberry blond hair and tight blue shirt over bulging biceps had already caught the eye of more than a few females in the room. As soon as Ses sat next to him, she gave him a long, slow kiss. I think she was marking him as hers. Not that one could blame her. He was a fine male specimen.

  Sitting down, Seslie and I boxed Teddy in on both sides without needing to talk about it. It was always a bit amazing the way we could read each other. While Teddy hadn’t noticed at all, our little seating arrangement had not gone unnoticed by Gabe. He gave me a questioning look over Ses’s head. I just smiled and shrugged. He would have no problem hearing anything that was said, even over the crowd and DJ, butif my sister hadn’t clued him in, I wasn’t going to either. The conversation was flowing, as was the alcohol. The topics varied from family and friends to current events. Everyone vocalized loudly and laughed while teasing each other. Just as I was planning to steer the conversation towards Teddy and try to dig up any clues as to what was going on with Leon, my senses were brushed by a ripple of power. My eyes took a tour around the room, landing on Mr. Hot and exotic, who was seated by the main door. His eyes had a slight slant at the corners suggestive of an Asian heritage, yet his skin tone wasn’t as olive as if that was the only mix in the shaker. His head was shaved, and there was a coarse dusting of hair above his lips, which were worth calling home about. A neatly-trimmed goatee served to highlight strong cheek bones. I’ve never been one to ogle a man, but oh my goddess. Our eyes locked and he gave me a sexy smirk, revealing slight dimples. I couldn’t help but smile back. He was a living wet dream. I couldn’t get enough of looking at him. I tried pulling my eyes away from his beautiful face and got no further than his wide chest and solid arms. It was a view I could sure get used to. We exchanged a few more looks and smiles until Seslie noticed and nudged me as if to ask what the heck was up. I just shrugged my shoulders truthfully, unsure myself, but enjoying it all the same. This went on for a while as the spirits continued to flow, as did the conversation around me.

  At some point, I must have looked away, because when my eyes returned to where he had been, he was no longer there. My soul felt empty for some reason. It was as if his amber gaze had stolen something from me when I looked away, something I was in great need of.

  I turned to focus back in on our group until I felt that power again. It was uniquely his, and I wanted to see where he had gone. Excusing myself, I wandered through the building looking for him and his magic. I knew that was what I’d felt. I just had to find it. Not sure what I planned to do when I did, but with magic like his and that body and face, I could enjoy not knowing for at least a little while. After making a lap of the room with still no brush of that insane power, I was at a loss as to where he went. It felt like we had something within the short
time we spent visually flirting. Without him, I was just over it and over the whole night. I no longer cared if Teddy knew anything. I just wanted to leave. Back at our table, I said my goodbyes and declined all offers to see me to my car. I just wanted to go. No more small talk or niceties. I was suddenly very tired. It felt as if a blanket of grief had trapped me within.

  As I reached the door, Seslie caught up to me. “Hey, what gives? I thought we were going to grill Teddy?”

  “Yeah, Ses I’m just not up to it,” I lied.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Just tired all of the sudden,” I felt terrible leaving her, but what could I say? Definitely not that I was making eyes at some guy and now that he’s gone, I’m too depressed to have any fun. Yeah, not that for sure. I’d stick to the small fib.

  “If that’s all it is?” she questioned once more, giving me a final hug.

  “I promise, I’m fine. I will talk to you tomorrow?”

  “Sure, sounds good.”

  “Be safe, sis.”

  “Same to you,” she said before walking back towards the table.

  When I reached the car, I felt it. I tried to ignore the flicker of awareness. I didn’t want to scare him off again. Slowly reaching in my bag for my keys, praying this was when he would talk. Something in me needed to know what his voice sounded like. I was willing to beat it could melt my soul. Whatever was left of it anyway.

  “Analese, do you need a hand with your door?”

  Oh, man. I was so right. His words had me melting in my tracks.

  “Hello?” he questioned.

  Oh, crap. What did he ask me? I looked like an idiot. Not the impression I wanted him to have. “Thanks, but I can get it.” What was I saying? Of course, I wanted his help. I wanted him. Wait. He was turning away. “What’s your name and how do you know me?” Stupid, so stupid.

  He chuckled. “Everyone in there knows you and your sister. Even the humans.”

  I was right, he wasn’t human…and that sound! I know it was at my expense, but yum. “We come here a lot, I guess,” I finally replied with a shrug. At least, I hope those had been words. My mind was still stuck on the fact he knew my name. “So, what is your name? This is the first time I’ve seen you around here.”

  “Xavier,” he replied.

  “That is definitely a name I would have remembered,” I joked. Not to mention the hot piece of man attached to it. “Is it biblical?” I truthfully didn’t care. I just wanted him to stay and talk. Like, for forever.

  “A Roman savior, actually. Though, that was a good guess.”

  “So, you’re Roman?” I knew I was fishing, but I wanted to know what he was that gave him such a strong magical signature.

  “No, my mother spent time there as a college student. She fell in love with the history. When I was born, she named me for her favorite savior. We are actually Druids.” “Wow, so that’s what you are? Druid, I mean?”

  “Yes, mama.” He smirked.

  Now I felt like he was poking fun. “Well, what brings a Druid to small-town Illinois?”

  “Why can’t I just be here for you?”

  Damn, those dimples were flashing again as he smiled. A girl could lose her mind trying to talk to him when he did that. “As nice as that sounds, since we just met, and I have no Irish, Celtic, and definitely no Druids in my known associates, I’m going to guess that’s not it,” I teased.

  “You got me. I just wanted to meet you, and since you seemed to like looking, I thought I just might have a shot.”

  Well, hell! Not like I could deny it. I had been looking, and I wanted to do a whole lot more than that. “Maybe,” was the best I could do.

  “I’ll take that. If I can get your number,” he replied.

  He was smooth. I’d give him that. “Why would I give you my number? We just met. As nice as you look, that would be stupid. You could be a psycho out to murder me.” I tried aiming for a flirty tone. I knew it sucked as soon as I said it. I was so not good at this. I sounded like I was a twenty-five-year-old virgin, afraid to give a sexy man my number. I wasn’t, I swear.

  “Point made. So, can I give you my number? We could meet somewhere bright and public next time. Though, if I wanted to hurt you I could have, considering you’re alone, at night, in this dark parking lot.”

  Dang, he wasn’t much better at this than me, or he really did think he could hurt me. In answer, I just conjured a blue ball of power and bounced it a few times in my palm before extinguishing it, then replied. “You could have tried.”

  With another smile, he handed me a card. “Here’s my number, just in case. Nice light show, by the way. See ya around, Analese. I look forward to your call.” Then, he just walked away.

  It wasn’t like I had a witty reply, though. I was kind of stumped. Most people were more impressed with my magic than he seemed to be. I knew by his power signature he was powerful. After that conversation, he had me wondering how powerful. The card he gave me said nothing but his name, Xavier Lynch, and a number. Not local, by the looks of it. Maybe I’d have Ses or Reya run an online check. One couldn’t be too careful these days. But man, I sure did want to call him.

  Chapter Eight

  I didn’t realize until I woke up Sunday morning that I hadn’t told Seslie about needing to go to Gran’s that day or that she was expecting us both. Still laying on the bed, I dialed Seslie, praying I didn’t have to wake her. That would make for a longer morning than I felt like dealing with. It wasn’t so much that I was hungover, which I was, I just felt blue for some reason. No, I knew the reason, and it was because of one sexy Druid that I felt depressed, which sucked. I didn’t even know him. Seslie finally answered on the fourth ring.

  “Morning, sleepy head. You up to join us for breakfast? We’re waiting on a table at Charlie Parker’s.”

  “Sure, see you in ten. We need to talk anyway.”

  “You bet we do, sis. Hurry up.”

  “Order me a coffee and breakfast shoe. See you soon.”

  A glance at the clock in my car after arriving at Charlie Parker’s told me I was only ten minutes late. Entering the restaurant, I spotted Gabe, Reya, and Seslie at a table by the windows. I weaved through the small packed diner and was met with a hug from my sister. I took the chair next to Reya and flagged the waitress as she was walking past to fill my coffee, since they had already ordered.

  My coffee quickly arrived with an extra-large dish of creamer. It seemed the waitresses all knew I liked my cream and sugar with a little coffee. After my first sip, Seslie wasted little time diving into what she learned after I cut out on them the night before. It seemed Teddy had spilled the proverbial beans about Leon and the goings-on downtown.

  As we thought, he hadn’t stopped the transitions, and there had been two more deaths. They had, however, gone back to the old ways and were attempting the transitions without an elder present and just a guard on site for security. The guards were also dead. Four shifters, from what Teddy had said. Same MO: heart missing from their chest. This included the shifters. No wonder I hadn’t heard from Leon. That vamp could be so hard-headed. The issue had become deciding whether to confront Leon or drop the research? In truth, while the best thing to do would be to turn the whole thing over to the Paranormal Council, I wanted to give Leon the benefit of the doubt if for no other reason than it was what Gran would do. She always gave everyone the benefit of the doubt, a quality I both adored and hated.

  After Seslie finished filling me in, I told her about the trip to Gran’s. If we decided to turn over the case, chances were that we would still be on the PIA team working the case, so the information would be needed either way. During the entire conversation, Gabe never weighed in. Of us all, he had the most to lose, since he was part vamp and Leon was his sire. Maybe he was just processing.

  Once the food arrived, the table was silent. After breakfast, Seslie and I took my car and headed to Gran’s while Gabe and Reya went their separate ways. It was still strange to see Gabe out during the d
ay since he was part vampire. It seemed that as a hybrid, he could handle the sun to some degree. While he was pale and burned easily, he could tolerate it if he covered up. Ergo, he had on a long-sleeved hoodie even though it was eighty-five degrees out. The few times I did see him burn, his shifter DNA healed him within a few hours. He seemed to have the best of both worlds.

  Seslie and I debated whether we should involve the council most of the way to Gran’s, then the topic changed to Xavier. It was like I couldn’t help it. My mind wanted to linger over every word he spoke and many I wished he had. Before I was done relating our brief conversation, Seslie had a full background on him, courtesy of her smartphone and the dark web. I didn’t have a clue how to reach the dark web. If it was not found on Google, I was lost.

  Apparently, he had no criminal history. He was of Irish descent, and he was a high-level Druid with no known ties to any of the Irish gangs, which was saying a lot. Too many Irish-born Nats turned bad once they left their homeland. It still didn’t mean he wasn’t bad. It just meant he wasn’t a known bad guy. I really wanted him to be a good guy. I kind of wanted him to be my guy.

  Crazy, I know. He was a complete stranger, but I sure wanted to change that.

  “Well, what are you waiting for? Aren’t you going to call him, Ana? I can tell you want to. You have never let me do a check on any man in your past. Ever. This guy must be something.”

  Yeah, he was something. But I couldn’t tell her that. Could I? “I don’t know. Besides, it’s still early,” I hedged.


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