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Shifters (The Neturu Chronicles Book 3)

Page 9

by Sarah Carter

  "Okay, guys and girls," Damien laughs.

  Aurora looks out the window. "Whoa."

  "Oh, we're home," Claire declares. "There's nothing like sleeping in your own bed."

  "Yes, another thing we argued over," Damien chuckles. "Hard mattress versus soft mattress."

  "Who won?" Aurora asks.

  "Who do you think?" He replies, looking at Claire. She only grins in return.

  "That is a gorgeous house," Ariel whispers, looking out the window.

  Claire sees Xander give her a look. "He's of the Merjyet line. Did you think it was going to be a shack?"

  "We only got such a big place because there are four of us here regularly, and Tracy crashes here pretty often. Then we have friends that visit, too. So, it's big enough for all of that." The twins and Xander stare at her. "And yes, he is of the Merjyet line." Xander smirks and Claire smiles back.

  When they get into the house, Ariel spins around. "Oh my god."

  "It's Damien's art collection," Claire says. "I'm not an art person. The one person in this house who's not. Jackson paints though. That's one of his works right there."

  "Wow, that's amazing," Ariel whispers, looking at the painting closer.

  "He's good," Damien interjects. "I told him he should go to school for it, but he wants to be a..."

  "He wants to be a thorn in your side," they hear a voice giggle from the next room. Kayla comes walking into the foyer. "You're back."

  Damien nods. "Kayla, this is Xander, Aurora and Ariel."

  Suddenly, Xander sneezes. The vases on the shelf behind them go flying across the room and shatter against the wall. "Sorry," Xander sniffles.

  "What in the hell was that!" Kayla yells.

  "Nothing you need to be concerned about," Damien replies.

  "Did a poltergeist move in or am I missing something?"

  With a deep sigh, Damien says, "Do you know how you and Claire are different?"

  "Freak club, yup," Kayla responds.

  "You have new members," Ariel draws out.

  "I'm a Morrae," Kayla states. She looks at Claire and hesitantly inquires, "Do you know what makes Claire different?"

  "Can you say succubus?" Aurora quips, with a grin.

  "Yeah, thought that was top secret," Kayla says, glancing at Damien.

  "We're probably even more top secret," Xander says.

  Claire steps over to Kayla and puts her hand on her shoulder. She smiles, "Theirs is a very long story. Let's just say they are different."

  "Come on, dude, Xander is telekinetic and we change into mythical creatures…together," Aurora states.

  "Way to be secretive," Xander groans.

  Aurora shrugs her shoulders. "I don't care if people know."

  "You're...telekinetic," Kayla stutters.

  Claire watches Xander turn around and look at the shattered vases. Suddenly, all the pieces are in the air and in a neat pile. He turns back to Kayla. Her eyes are wide. "Do you have a garbage can?"

  "Yeah," she exhales. "In the office." Kayla continues to stare at him but walks into the next room. Everyone follows. The pile of broken pieces hovers over the garbage and then falls into the waste basket. "That is"

  "Can you pick people up?" Claire asks, completely curious. Suddenly, she is in the air. She screams.

  "Yes, I can pick people up. Five without overdoing it. Ten maximum and a lot of concentration unless they are clustered together."

  Kayla points to the heavy oak desk. "Move that against that wall."

  "Why?" Damien asks.

  "Because I don't like the desk here," Kayla states. "And it’s heavy."

  "Kayla," Damien chastises. "He's not here to do work for you."

  "It's alright," Xander laughs. The desk is lifted into the air and slowly put against the wall.

  Damien crosses his arms. "I'd like to note that this isn't even your office and that’s my desk."

  "Yeah, so," Kayla replies. "It looked stupid sitting there."

  He throws his hands, obviously exasperated. Claire laughs. "Honey, I totally agree with her and I have to share this office with you."

  "Whatever...women," Damien scoffs.

  "I'm with those girls," Aurora says. "I've never arranged furniture in my life, but even I thought it looked weird."

  "Fine, I guess I am out ruled."

  Claire laughs. She turns to the twins. “Why don’t I take you to your room?”

  “That would be great,” Ariel says, smiling like she hasn’t before.

  “Xander and I will go get the bags,” Damien declares. “Come on.” Xander nods and follows him out the door.

  “What room are you putting them in?” Kayla asks.

  “I’m thinking the yellow room,” Claire says. “It has a king size bed. They have to share, so it’s more space.”

  The smile on Kayla’s face broadens. “I decorated that room. Hopefully you like it.”

  “Anything will be better than what we’ve had,” Ariel murmurs, looking around the office. “Our rooms were white walls and metal. Our uniforms were grey. Everything was very plain. It really had the feeling of an institute. Or that’s what we theorized from what we saw in movies. Trinity was the only one with different accommodations. Not that she got much out of it, being that she’s blind.”

  “Well, this house definitely isn’t an institute.”

  They start to walk up the stairs. Everything is sleek dark wood. “This is definitely nothing like where we come from,” Ariel says in awe.

  “Your room, along with Xander’s is on the third floor,” Claire tells the twins. “It’s on the opposite side of the house from Damien’s and my suite. We are just down the hallway if you would need anything. Day or night. Feel free to wake us up.”

  “If we have nightmares,” Aurora giggles.

  “Sure,” Claire laughs. “Even if you have nightmares.”

  “I think I may actually sleep with no nightmares tonight,” Ariel states. “I finally feel safe. I’m not letting my guard entirely down, but I have a sense of calm.”

  “Well, the literal guard is here, so you can really feel safe,” Kayla laughs.

  Ariel and Aurora stop. “What?” Aurora squeaks.

  “Everything is being monitored except the bathrooms and bedrooms. So, don’t run down the hallway naked,” Kayla teases.

  “That makes me feel like we are back at the institute,” Aurora whispers.

  “It’s entirely for our protection,” Claire explains gently. “They are protecting you, not holding you prisoner. You are free to walk around outside if you want. We would rather you stay close for now.”

  “I’m going to be right at your side,” Ariel says. “I don’t want The Collector getting us.”

  “The Collector?” Kayla says, sounding confused.

  “It’s a long story,” Claire says. “The least amount you know right now, the better.”

  Kayla shrugs. “Okay.”

  They make it to the top floor and then down the hallway. Finally, they come to a set of double doors. “Here’s your room,” Claire declares, opening the doors. She turns to register the girls’ reactions. A smile spreads across Claire’s face as the twins look in the room in wonder.

  “It’s so pretty,” Aurora exhales. The room is yellow, with soft cream accents. “I’ve never been in such a beautiful room.”

  Ariel goes running over and jumps on the bed, flopping down. “Oh my god,” she exclaims. “Heaven!”

  Her sister follows her and slams down on the bed. “We are going to sleep so good tonight. This is so, so, so comfortable.”

  “I’m glad you like it,” Claire says. “The blinds are room darkening. We like to live like vampires here at Chateau de Neturu.”


  “Come the weekend,” Kayla says. “We all sleep in. Me especially.”

  “That’s what I want to do tomorrow,” Ariel sighs happily. “Sleep, just sleep.”

  Aurora says. “Sleep and eat…that’s it…all day long.”

  “Damien’s a great cook,” Kayla states. “He loves doing it too, so I know he’d be more than happy to feed you tomorrow. His stir-fry is the best.”

  “Never had it,” Ariel replies, as she sits up. “Is it good?”

  “You have no idea,” Claire says. “It’s a good thing that he can cook. I can’t…at all, not even a little bit.”

  “Come now,” they hear from behind them. “You make a mad dish out of mac-n-cheese.”

  Claire turns around to scowl at him. “It’s from a box. How badly could I screw it up?”

  Damien turns and looks at Kayla. “Shut up!” She yells, obviously trying not to laugh. “It was one time Damien, one time.”

  “Just admit it, I outdo you in cooking and, oh, I don’t know…school.”

  “You’re such an ass.” She glares at him. “Yeah, well, I can out shift you. So there. Let me see you turn into a dragon. Oh wait, let me see you turn into as many things as me at all!”

  “Being a little cocky, huh?” He counters.

  “You’re the one who started it. FlAunting how you outdo me in cooking and school. I would like you to know you are almost done with your bachelors and I just started college. That’s a total unfair advantage. Anyway, remember, Jackson is smarter than you.”

  “Oh, one game of Trivial Pursuit is going to prove our intelligence levels. Okay Kayla.”

  Turning to the girls, Claire says, “You will have to learn this about the four of us, we all have pretty big egos.”

  “Maybe you do,” Kayla laughs. “I’m an angel.”

  “Who flAunts all the time that you turned into a dragon and ate someone,” Claire points out.

  “Whatever Claire,” she scoffs, waving her hand.

  “You ate someone,” Ariel says, with a shocked face.

  Kayla nods and rolls her eyes. “It’s a long story, that I don’t like to relive. It was gross and horrifying.”

  Damien laughs. “I’m going to show Xander to his room.” He comes in and sets a bunch of bags down. “The girls can put their clothes away.”

  “Can we eat soon?” Aurora asks. “I know it hasn’t been that long, but we haven’t had real meals in a long time.”

  “Yes, of course, Claire has to eat every few hours anyway.”

  “I’m starving,” Kayla interjects. “I have been practicing my shifting in the basement. I went to Shima but I seriously could eat for an army.”

  “When’s Jackson going to be back?” Damien asks.

  Kayla looks at the clock. “His class ends in twenty minutes.”

  “Great, I think we should take them to the pub,” Damien states. “Throw you right into the college life.”

  “Wings!” Claire yells. “Yes.”

  Aurora sits up. “Like chicken wings? With hot sauce?”

  “With any sauce you want. I think they have like ten of them,” Kayla says. “I prefer their burgers. Huge, bad for you and awesome.”

  “I think I’m going to join you on that,” Ariel replies. “I’m super pumped.”

  “Alright, let me show Xander to his room.” Damien turns to him. “It’s right over there.”

  “Okay,” Xander replies, following him out into the hallway.

  “Can I see what you bought?” Kayla asks, peering at the bags.

  Aurora jumps off the bed. “You need to see the dresses I got.”

  Claire takes a step back and leans against the wall. She watches as Ariel and Aurora take out their clothes and show each piece to Kayla. Kayla eagerly gushes over each one. That makes Claire laugh. She and Kayla are so alike but so different at the same time.

  After the twins hang everything up in the closet, Kayla turns around. "They did a great job. They're going to look super cute."

  "Yeah, they deserve that," Claire replies.

  Suddenly, they hear. "We have visitors."

  They all turn to see Jackson walk into the room. "Hi honey," Kayla says excitedly. "This is Ariel and Aurora. They are going to be staying with us for a while."

  "Xander too," Ariel adds on.

  "Xander?" Jackson counters.

  "I'm Xander."

  Jackson turns around. "Hey man." He sticks out his hand. "It's nice to meet you." Xander shakes it. Jackson sticks his hands in his pockets. "So, are we picking up Neturu on the street corner?"

  There is dead silence. "Kind of," Aurora whispers.

  Raising an eyebrow, Jackson says, "Huh?"

  "Xander, show him," Kayla hisses with a huge smile. She waves her hands up. He rolls his eyes. Kayla is suddenly in the air. She screams, "Not me, him!"

  "I know," Xander laughs. She is lowered to the ground. Jackson looks from Kayla to Xander. "I'm telekinetic."

  "That's not possible."

  "Just like this isn't," Aurora giggles, as she turns into the phoenix again.

  "Holy crap!" Jackson exclaims.

  She shifts back. "No, it gets better. Go out into the hallway."

  Jackson leads the way into the hallway. Aurora grabs Ariel's hand and looks up at the vaulted ceiling. Ariel follows her gaze. She leans over and whispers something in her sister's ear. Ariel nods. They quickly grab each other and shift...into a pterodactyl.

  Everyone scrambles back against the wall. "Whoa!" Jackson yells.

  "Oh come on," Kayla scoffs. "I turned into a dragon the size of a hangar."

  The twins shift back. Aurora cocks her eyebrow. "We can do that. Can you do this?" She shifts into a sphinx.

  Kayla stands up taller. "Yeah, I can turn into that. I can turn into anything."

  "Show us," Ariel says, as her sister shifts back.

  Cocking her head to the side, Kayla shifts down. Claire starts clapping and laughing. “Oh my god, she’s a gremlin! I love that movie. Though you could have turned into that cute fuzzy thing instead of the freakishly ugly monster.”

  Kayla shifts back and smiles.

  Ariel rolls her eyes and shifts. “Where’s me pot of gold?” Xander chimes, laughing along with Claire at the leprechaun before them. “You could have done that in Ireland and totally messed with people. I may have actually let you do that.”

  “Yeah well,” Kayla says, squaring her shoulders. She shifts.

  “An ogre!” Claire yells. “No way. That’s awesome. Though you look nothing like the Disney character. The one eye thing is freaking me out.”

  Aurora smirks and says, “How about this?” She turns into an elf.

  “Whoa,” Xander gasps. “That’s new. You look like you should be going on some sort of quest.”

  “Try this,” Kayla snaps. She is suddenly a fluttering fairy.

  “That I haven’t seen before,” Xander declares. “It’d make an awesome Halloween costume. Impressive.”

  “Shut up Xander,” Ariel growls. She shifts her weight and changes. A being of half goat and half human sits there, scowling at Kayla.

  “Oh, I got this. You’re…a…a…faun!”

  Kayla scowls right back. “Guess this one.” She shifts into a kangaroo-like creature with the head of a goat, leathery bat-like wings, horns, small arms with clawed hands, cloven hooves and a forked tail.

  “What in the hell is that?” Aurora snorts.

  “Couldn’t tell you,” Ariel responds.

  They all sit there and stare at it. “We have no clue,” Claire says.

  Shifting back, Kayla says, “I was the jersey devil.” She thrusts out her hand.

  “What is a jersey devil?” Ariel asks.

  “It’s a legend that has been around for like two hundred years around New Jersey. It scares people and eats livestock. Big, scary monster,” Claire replies. “Anyway, beat that.”

  “You guys should really stop,” Damien says. “You’re going to drain yourself or worse, hurt yourself.”

  “We can do this all day and be fine,” Aurora states mischievously. “It’s Kayla that may need the nap.”

  “I’m fine,” Kayla declares. “Bring it.”

  Ariel bends over and whispers something to A
urora. Aurora nods. She looks back at Kayla and shifts. A monstrous, evil looking dog appears.

  “Oh, I know this one,” Xander says. “Hellhound.”

  “Now, that’s cool,” Jackson laughs.

  “Jackson!” Kayla yells. He puts his hands up. She narrows her eyes at him and shifts.

  “Holy cow, she’s a griffin,” Claire exclaims, as she looks at the giant lion with a head and wings of an eagle. “Too cool. I always wanted one. Stay that way Kayla and be my pet.”

  Shrugging her shoulders, Ariel says, “I’ve been a griffin before.”

  When she shifts back, Kayla takes a deep breath. “Beat that,” she exhales.

  “Kayla, you should really stop,” Damien whispers. She puts her finger up at him to silence him.

  "Seriously," Jackson murmurs, stepping up to her. Kayla narrows her eyes and shoots him a look. He stops dead in his tracks.

  "Fine, beat this," Ariel snips. She shifts into a Yetti.

  Claire glances at Kayla. Kayla is taking deep, ragged breathes. She says, "Fine......just kidding, I win." She shifts and everyone has to jump backwards. A hole is knocked into the wall and the banister is completely broken off, tumbling the three floors.

  Scrambling backwards, Claire yells, "Oh my god Kayla! Change back!" The giant serpent with six heads turns and looks at her.

  "Kayla Marie, you shift back right now, or so help me god, I will have them shoot you with a tranquilizer!" Damien yells. He stands up. Claire has never seen him this angry. "You're destroying the house."

  Kayla shifts back and exhales, "Sorry." Suddenly her eyes roll back and she begins to fall. Everyone screams as she slips over the edge. Claire jumps after her. She grabs Kayla and twists them around, so that Claire is on the bottom. They hit the first floor at full impact.

  Pain shoots through Claire's back. "Ah!" She screams.

  "Claire!" Damien yells, as he flies down the stairs.

  "Kayla," Jackson shouts, coming down behind him.

  Damien gets to them and pulls Kayla off. "We need medical attention right now!" Jackson takes the unconscious Kayla and Damien frantically starts to look Claire over. "What hurts?"

  "Everything," Claire gasps. "Give me your hand."

  "What? Oh yeah," Damien stammers, grasping her hand into his.

  Claire starts to take in his energy. As she does, the pain start to ebb. Finally, she lets go.


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