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Shifters (The Neturu Chronicles Book 3)

Page 21

by Sarah Carter

“Claire, turn the gloves off for God’s sake,” Mr. Grandin snaps.

  She touches her pinky to her thumb. “Sorry. Sorry.”

  “You have to be careful. Don’t shock anyone else but Mason.”

  Nodding, Claire agrees, “I got it. Make sure to keep them off.”

  Mr. Grandin looks at her. “He must not suspect what they can do.”

  “Of course not.”

  “We are going to try and talk to him first, right?” Ariel says.

  “Yes,” Mr. Grandin replies. “That’s the plan. Claire is going to pose as a clueless human.”

  Claire cocks her hip to the side and smiles dramatically. “Get to show off my acting skills.”

  Ariel nervously wrings her hands. “I hope he listens to me.”

  “We have to wait and see,” Claire says.

  “This is more than just having him on our side. I’m going to tell Mason that I love him. What if he doesn’t love me back? There is so much more at stake.”

  “You need to stay calm tomorrow. You should be nervous, but try to stay calm.”

  “I will,” Ariel replies, nodding.

  Mr. Grandin says, “If he doesn’t react the way we want him to or if he tries to take you away, we will step in with plan B.”

  “What is plan B?” Claire inquires curiously.

  “We shock him from the ship, dissipate him on the ship and throw the cuff on him. We don’t want to do that. One, it might cause a scene and two, we don’t want him to think we are that hostile.”

  Bringing up her hands, Claire says, “Because I just want to play patty cake.”

  “Shocking him from the ship is going to an extreme,” Mr. Grandin replies. “It would be quite painful. Your gloves are a much more toned down approach. But the two plans are very similar.”

  “So, if things go south, I shock him and you beam us aboard.”

  “No, you will shock him and put on the cuff. We will carry him aboard. We aren’t sure if we would be able to dissipate him aboard anyway. We have no idea what his body is like. Our transporters may not even be able to get a lock on him, let alone bring him aboard. That is why plan B is the last resort. We aren’t even sure if we can do it. It may be a scramble effort.”

  “All of this sounds awful,” Ariel sighs, putting her hand to her chest. “He would never forgive me.”

  Claire looks her in the eyes. “I know this is hard Ariel, but there are lives at stake. We need to get to the institute. We know where it is now. We will need all the help that we can get. If we can get him on our side, it could make the biggest difference. Plus, it’s better to be honest with him either way. Either he will care for you back or you can deal with it and move on, because you deserve to know either way.”

  Suddenly, they hear over the intercom, “Mr. Grandin.”

  “Yes,” he replies.

  “A Neturu has been detected around our mission site. How would you like us to proceed?”

  Ariel and Claire look at each other. “If it’s Mason, he must have already been in Australia.”

  “Could he make it there that fast?” Mr. Grandin asks.

  “Yes,” Ariel answers. “He can jump as far as he can see for the most part. So he can travel great distances quickly, but it saps him of all his energy.”

  “Let’s hope he’s a little fatigued then,” Mr. Grandin says. He looks at Claire. “Should we go in today?”

  Claire bites her lip. “Lexi said tomorrow.”

  “We don’t even know who Lexi is,” Mr. Grandin counters.

  “She showed us where the institute was,” Claire states. “She sounded so young and scared, but she said we needed Mason. Tomorrow.”

  Mr. Grandin shakes his head. “I will have to confer with Master Damien. Please excuse me. I will send someone in for Paul.” He turns and leaves.

  “Ugh, I swear sometimes,” Claire growls, clenching her fists. “It would be so much better if they’d listen to me once in a while.”

  “They are men…and in charge. I don’t think there is much of telling them to do anything,” Ariel laughs.

  Tilting her head, Claire says, “True.”

  “How do you know this Lexi girl isn’t working for The Collector,” Ariel asks.

  She shakes her head. “I don’t, but yet I do know.”

  “That makes no sense.”

  “Every logical part of my brain says don’t trust her, but the other half…”

  “Wants you to think that you’re her mom,” Ariel suggests.

  “I know she can’t biologically be my daughter, but…I don’t know. I can’t explain it. There is just a part of me that is really protective of her. The minute I heard her voice, something in me turned on. It’s weird. I know I’m not her Mommy, as she likes to call me, but…I don’t know. Never mind.”

  Ariel shakes her head. “We have no Lexi by us.”

  “She said the others didn’t know about her. That she was special and kept separate.”

  “We are all really special,” Ariel states. “What would make her special?”

  “What would make her even more special than you,” Claire says. They stare at each other for a minute. “What could make her different?”

  With wide eyes, Ariel replies, “I have no idea, but it’s kind of a scary thought. What did The Collector create that no one knows about?”

  “I really wish I could talk to her,” Claire groans.

  “Have you tried?” Ariel asks.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Have you concentrated and tried? If you hold a special bond with this girl, maybe she can hear you.”

  Claire ponders that for a minute. “So, what? Just yell her name?”

  “I don’t know,” Ariel says, shrugging. “Maybe just think really hard.”

  Rolling her eyes to the heavens, Claire says, “Alright.” She closes her eyes and clears her mind. “Lexi.” There is nothing. “Lexi,” she whispers again, trying really hard to center herself. After a minute she says one last time, “Lexi.” Opening her eyes, she groans, “Nothing.”


  “Oh my god,” Claire gasps. “It worked. Lexi, can you hear me?”

  Silly Mommy. Yes. Mommy come to Lexi.

  “Are you okay? Where are you?”

  Lexi eating popcorn. Waiting for Mommy.

  “Mommy’s not coming today honey.”

  Lexi know. Mommy must meet Mason!

  “Today or tomorrow? How do we meet him?”

  Lexi can’t tell you. Lexi shift time.

  “You what!”

  If Lexi tell Mommy how things go, Lexi shift time.

  “You can change the future?” Claire squeaks.

  Ha, ha, ha Mommy funny. Lexi tell Mommy what happens, it shifts time. Mommy must do it on her own. Big girl!

  “I’m so confused.”

  Lexi tell Mommy how Daddy gives ring. Mommy know the future. Shift time. Shift what happens.

  “You can see the future,” she exhales in shock.


  “Like how much of the future?”

  Lexi can’t say. Mommy like popcorn?

  “Yes, I love popcorn,” Claire laughs.

  Lexi share popcorn with Mommy every night.

  “Lexi, honey, why are you calling me Mommy?”

  Claire Livingston is Lexi’s Mommy. Damien Blakely is Lexi’s Daddy.

  “We aren’t your parents. We have no kids.”

  Lexi can’t tell you.

  “Time shift.”

  Time shift.

  “What can you tell me?” Claire asks. “How old are you?”



  Big two. Big girl.

  “Lexi, are you sure?” Claire replies. “You sound a lot older than two.”

  Two years, fourteen days, thirty two minutes, fifteen seconds. Sixteen seconds. Seventeen seconds.

  “I get it. I get it. Do you have a real Mommy and Daddy?”


  “Were you made like the others?�
�� Claire asks.

  Same but different.

  “What do you mean?”

  Mom will know when she sees Lexi.

  “Are you okay?”

  Lexi okay. Collector know can’t do anything to Lexi.

  “They can’t do anything to you?”


  “What makes you different?”



  Everything different.

  “What do you mean?”

  Mommy will see.

  “What can you tell me about The Collector? Have you seen them?”

  Collector is standing next to Lexi. Collector is a girl.

  “Does she know you are talking to me?”

  No. Lexi talks in head. Collector doesn’t know Claire is my Mommy. Lexi never say that.

  “What is The Collector’s name?”


  “What does she look like?”

  Mommy will see.

  “I need information on her,” Claire says.

  Mommy find out.

  “How will Mommy find out?”

  Time shift.

  “What can you tell me?”

  Mommy have babies. Lexi have three brothers and one sister.

  “You know how many kids I am going to have?”

  Mommy go on missions.

  Claire’s heart drops. “You…you know about that.”

  Mommy is a succubus.

  “Does The Collector know,” Claire asks hesitantly.

  No one knows about Mommy. Only Lexi know.

  “How do you know?”

  Lexi see Mommy change. Mommy kiss Uncle Alex. Uncle Alex fell asleep. Took long nap.

  “Holy crap,” Claire exhales.

  Mommy! Naughty word.

  Laughing, Claire asks, “You know what that word is?”

  Mommy swear a lot. Lexi learn lots of naughty words. Daddy teach Lexi no say naughty words.

  With a nod, Claire says, “I can see that.”

  Lexi want to see Mommy. Lexi want Mommy to give big hug. Lexi never had a hug.

  Tears start to well up in Claire’s eyes. “I will give you the biggest hug ever.”

  Mommy can’t tell Daddy what Lexi say.

  “What? Why?”

  Time shift. What Lexi say to Mommy, Mommy must keep to Mommy. Daddy doesn’t believe. Big time shift.

  “Can I tell him you see the future?”

  Ummm. Lexi don’t know. Mommy only say a little bit.


  Someone coming. Mommy no say.

  “I don’t know Lexi.”

  Mommy, please, no say anything. Very important. Trust Lexi. Please.

  “Okay. I will trust you.”

  Bye bye Mommy. See you soon.

  Suddenly, the door opens. Mr. Grandin walks in. “What’s going on? Dr. Galliger says your readings sky rocketed again.”

  “I was talking to Lexi,” Claire replies.

  “What did she say?”

  Claire thinks about it for a moment and then answers, “Not much. She’s two but sounds older than that. She’s at the institute and likes popcorn. Still calling me Mommy.”

  “Did you ask about Mason?” Mr. Grandin asks.

  “Yes, and she wouldn’t tell me anything,” Claire says. “I don’t know how much she really knows.”

  “I think she is a ruse by The Collector,” Mr. Grandin states, crossing his arms. “She should not be trusted.”

  Staring at him, Claire realizes why she needs to keep quiet. “She’s just a kid. A two year old at that.”

  “That’s what she says.”

  “Okay, let’s ignore what Lexi told me. What is the plan?”

  Mr. Grandin shifts his weight and glares at Claire. “We are going to wait until tomorrow, because what if what Lexi says is true.”

  “Who said that? Damien?”

  “No, Master Blakely. Damien suggested if Mason was here that we go in today.”

  “So, what do we do now?” Ariel asks.

  He sighs. “You will relax for the evening. You will have no contact with the others because we don’t want anyone to know what’s going on.”

  “So, I can’t talk to my sister!” Ariel gasps.

  “It’s not that we don’t trust her but the less people know about this the better,” Mr. Grandin says.

  Claire steps one foot closer to her and bends over to look in her eyes. “I will be with you this whole time.”

  “Stay clear from her Claire,” Mr. Grandin warns. “Damien isn’t here.”

  “I should be good this far away,” Claire replies. She looks back at Ariel. “We are friends now. Good friends. I won’t let anything happen to you. We can go watch movies with cute boys in them.”

  A smile twitches on Ariel’s face. “A romantic movie?”


  “Can we watch a Nicholas Sparks movie?”

  “If that’s what you want, absolutely,” Claire replies.

  Ariel smiles. “That will get my mind off of everything.”

  “Well then, let’s go.”


  Claire looks at Ariel. “Are you ready for this?”

  “No,” Ariel whispers, “But we have to do it.”

  “Just talk to him. Try to get him to see our side. If you can’t, I step in.”

  Nodding, Ariel says, “I got it.”

  “Beam us down,” Claire instructs, looking at Mr. Grandin.

  “Dissipate Claire.”

  “Beam.” Mr. Grandin rolls his eyes and Claire laughs. A second later they are on the ground. Claire shuts down her energy and looks at Ariel. “Now, we have to see if he finds us.”

  She nods and stands there. “Don’t you think it will be a little weird if we are just standing here,” Ariel barely whispers.

  “Okay, then let’s walk, but keep it in a small circle,” Claire says. “Talk to me.”

  “About what?” Ariel asks, starting to walk.

  “The movie last night.”

  Ariel drops her hands. “Oh my god, that guy was so hot.”

  “Right! I will have to show you a movie with Channing Tatum in it,” Claire says. “Pure hot-ness.”

  “It was a good love story too,” Ariel says.

  “Finding a love like that is incredible,” Claire says. “It makes you feel whole.” She looks around because she feels a slight sense of Neturu. Looking at Ariel, she realizes she must not sense it. “Do you want to be in love like that?”

  With a sheepish smile, Ariel says, “Of course. To be wrapped up in the arms of someone you love and feel the press of the heat of their lips on yours. I would give anything to feel that.”

  Suddenly, before Claire can blink, Ariel is grabbed by a guy. He pulls her against him and kisses her. Claire’s jaw drops. She doesn’t do anything, because she knows she needs to see if Ariel can get to him.

  Finally, he pulls away and Claire can get a good look at him. He is gorgeous just like Ariel said. Sandy blond hair and hazel eyes. Ariel stares at him, obviously at a loss for words. “Ariel,” he says, brushing his thumb across her lips. “I have been looking everywhere for you.”

  “Mason,” she breathes out. “Why did you kiss me?”

  He drops his arms and steps back from her. “I’m sorry.”

  “No,” she gasps. “What are you doing here?”

  “I needed to find you. You left and I was panicked. Why did you leave?”

  She steps away from him. “Why did I leave? Do you know what The Collector was doing to us?”

  “Of course, but…”

  “No but Mason. It was abuse. Cruel and beyond excusable abuse.”

  “I know, but you need to come with me,” Mason says, grabbing her hand.

  “No, Mason. I’m not going anywhere,” she snaps, pulling her hand away. “I will not go back there.”

  He stands up and looks at her. “You need to come with me Ariel. Where are the others?”

  “They are with the Neturu,” Ariel says hesita

  “The Neturu?” Mason exhales. “You’ve met them?”

  “Yes, they are kind and caring people,” Ariel states. “They have taken such good care of us.”

  Mason looks her right in the eyes. “You need to take me to them.”


  “I need to get to them,” Mason says.

  “No Mason. I won’t let you do anything to them,” Ariel whimpers, stepping away from him.

  He steps up to her and says, “Ariel, you must do this.”

  “Mason, I can’t. I love you but I can’t.” Suddenly, a shocked look sweeps over Ariel’s face.

  Mason softens for a second. They just stand there, staring at each other. “I love you too,” he finally whispers. “You have to trust me.”

  “I’m not going to let you take me back to The Collector,” Ariel says. “I’m sorry, but no.”

  “Ariel, you need to come with me,” Mason says, grabbing at her.

  Ariel screams, “No!”

  That’s Claire’s cue. She turns on the gloves, but as soon as she does that Mason looks at her. Claire realizes he must sense the energy. Reaching out, she tries to grab him and in a blink of an eye, he’s gone. She is suddenly hit from behind and skids across the ground. In a second, she is back on her feet. Claire stares in front of her. Mason and she don’t break the stare between each other.

  Jumping forward, Ariel says, “Mason, stop! She is my friend. You need to come with us. The Neturu are on our side.”

  His gaze doesn’t break from Claire’s. “You are human.”

  “Right…” Claire replies. “So, you don’t have to worry about me.”

  “What are those gloves?” He growls.

  She stands up and holds them up. “They are a great fashion accessory. Don’t you think?”

  “I don’t believe that you are human.”

  “What else would I be?” Claire giggles.

  “Take the gloves off,” Mason instructs.

  Claire takes a fighting stance. “Why don’t we really take the gloves off?”

  “You’re going to fight me?” Mason laughs.

  “You’re going to fight me?” Claire mocks back.

  With a huge force, Claire is knocked over again. She can’t sense him coming. All is left is to get him to grab her. Mason steps in front of her. “What are you going to do to me? A human.”

  She looks up at him and growls, “Why don’t you fight fair and see what I am about?”

  “Take the gloves off and I will,” Mason states, with a sinister grin.


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