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Shifters (The Neturu Chronicles Book 3)

Page 32

by Sarah Carter

  “Aren’t you afraid of someone else getting a hold of the information?” Mason asks

  Mr. Hardrick says, “It would be top secret.”

  “Top secret doesn’t mean much sometimes. Look at Mr. Grandin.”

  Pressing his lips together, Mr. Hardrick says, “We are going to have even stricter safe guards.”

  “That’s good,” Mason replies.

  “We need to concentrate on the mission,” Damien states.

  They finally come to a runner ship. Mr. Hardrick says, “Is everyone ready to go?”

  Claire bounces around on her feet and puts her fists up. “Let’s do this.”

  Boarding the ship, Claire turns to Mason. He’s pulling on the thin, tight jumpsuit he’s wearing. “You okay?” Claire asks.

  “This thing is superglued to my body,” Mason groans. “Thank God I have a nice body.”

  “That’s what you’re worried about.”

  “This is so thin. How is it going to stop a thumbtack?” Mason snorts.

  Claire whips out a gun and shoots him. Mason screams and jumps back. “See, you’re fine.”

  “Claire Livingston!” Mr. Hardrick bellows. “Have you lost your mind?”

  She looks at Mason. He is white as a ghost. “What if that didn’t work?” He gasps.

  “I wanted to prove that it did. Anyway, why didn’t you jump?”

  “I didn’t think you were going to shoot me with a gun!” Mason yells. “What if you were wrong? Now how am I supposed to trust you?”

  A grin sweeps across Claire’s face. She twirls the gun around. “Shoot me!”

  “What?” Mason snorts.

  “Shoot me! Come on! This will be so cool.”

  “I’m not going to shoot you,” Mason laughs.

  Claire steps out on her right leg. “Shoot me in the leg. Come on. DO IT!”

  Damien snaps, “No. Stop it. Sometimes you act like a twelve-year-old.”

  Snagging the gun back, Claire spins around and takes a pose. “A twelve-year-old trained assassin. Think a female James Bond. Double O baby…”

  “Oh my god,” Damien groans, putting his face in his hand.

  “Let’s keep our head in the game,” Mr. Hardrick sighs, giving his granddaughter a look. He turns his gaze to Mason. “Are you sure you’re okay going to the door by yourself?”

  “They will think I jumped,” Mason replies.

  “We don’t believe it would appear much differently.”

  Cracking his knuckles, Mason declares, “I’ve been waiting for this moment my entire life. I’m ready to go in and kick some ass.”

  Claire sticks her fist out. “That’s why we’re going to be besties.”

  Mason fist bumps her. “Hell yeah.”

  “You need to join the guard. Think of what we could do!” Claire exclaims.

  “Hell yeah to that, too!” Mason cheers, fist bumping her again.

  Damien narrows his eyes and crosses his arms. “Last time I checked you can’t offer him that position.”

  “I bet you do make him an offer one of these days,” Claire chimes in a snarky attitude.

  “Whatever Claire,” Damien groans. “We are going to be there momentarily. We need to do this in the quickest fashion. Mason, as fast as you possibly can.”

  “I know. I have it,” Mason replies.

  “Claire, you will go to the West and Mason to the East. Alex will come down with the rest of the guard. He will be right behind you. Try and take Alex with you Claire.”

  “That’s the plan,” she replies.


  “Lexi, are you okay?”

  Mommy going to be here real soon! A real hug!

  “Does The Collector know we are coming?”

  No. It be a surprise! Lexi wants a surprise birthday party.

  “Won’t you know about it before it happens?”

  No. Lexi doesn’t like to see her own future. So, surprise party!

  “Okay, sometime in your life we will have a surprise party but for now, let’s concentrate on getting everyone out.”

  Everyone in the commons area. They eat there now. Uncle Mason comes in and everyone get scared. As soon as the bad guys go away Xander, Ariel and Aurora help everyone get out.

  “Okay, Lexi says as soon as the building is secured, Xander and the girls will go in.”

  “What?” Damien replies.

  Claire turns to him. “All the kids are going to be terrified, probably from seeing the guard. It may be best to secure everyone and then let Xander and the twins go in with Mason. To show everyone that we are the good guys.”

  “Makes sense.”

  Mommy, you come real soon. Lexi talk to you. Mommy go to the door with Mason. Guards standing on other side. Mommy karate chop.

  “I have to go with Mason,” Claire declares. “There are guards on the other side of the door.”

  “I’m not too happy with that idea,” Damien mumbles.

  “Well, being that I lead the guard I say she has to do it,” Mr. Hardrick says. “You can’t leave Mason out there by himself.”

  Mason puts his hands on his chest. “I can handle my own, but if Little Bit says she has to come with. Then she has to come with.”

  “She’s two,” Damien replies.

  “She’s known everything,” Mason says. “I’m going to trust Lexi.”

  “Now is not the time for this Damien,” Claire snaps. “Just trust us.” She looks up at Mason. “Are you ready?”

  Mommy come in five minutes.

  “Exactly?” Claire counters. “Five minutes. Mark it.”

  Mr. Hardrick hits something on the wall. A beeping starts to go throughout the entire ship. “Get on the platforms.”

  Claire and Mason jump on. Claire looks at him. “We got this.”

  He sticks his fist out and they bump. “Like that’s a question.”


  “Damn straight.”

  Three minutes!

  “You guys are ridiculous!” Damien yells.

  “Three minutes,” Claire chimes. “DUDE, we are going into battle together.” She bounces from side to side. “That makes us besties.”

  Damien puts his face into his hand. “Can you please concentrate?”

  “Claire!” Alex yells, running in. He throws her sword at her. “You almost forgot this.”

  She swings it around her back and secures it. “I’m an arsenal today. Cinas, guns, a sword, daggers. No metal detector for me.”

  Alex looks at her. “I will see you down there.”

  “Momentarily,” Claire replies.

  “Right behind you.”

  She smiles. “Two great fighters got my back.” She sees Alex narrow his eyes at Mason. “Not you too!”

  Alex shakes his head. “Good luck down there.”

  One minute!

  “One minute,” Claire says.

  “Be safe,” Damien says, locking his eyes on her. “Come back to me.”

  “Planning on it,” Claire replies. “I will have someone else with me.”

  “Worry about yourself,” Damien replies.

  Mr. Hardrick looks at the guys behind the panel. “I will be down as soon it’s secure.”

  “Yeah, you geezer,” Claire teases.

  “I still can put you in your place,” he playfully growls.

  “Don’t I know it!”

  “Alright. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two…”

  Claire and Mason are instantly on the ground. “This way,” he shouts. She runs across the lawn to the wall. He darts behind a bush. “I hope this works,” he mumbles, sliding the card.

  The door opens. “It’s a go!” Claire screams.

  They quickly rush inside. There are six guards there. Claire spins around and kicks one of them in the face. Mason jumps behind the other guard and hits him in the back of the head. They fight the other four and get them down. Mason disappears and appears farther down the hall, looking around the corner. There is a sudden movement next
to Claire. She sees that it is Alex. “Come on,” she says. He and a few guard follow her down the hall.

  Mason continues to look down the hallway. Claire gets to him. “Alright, it forks down there. You need to go to the right and I will go to the left.”

  Turning, she looks at Alex. “You need to go with him.”

  “Absolutely not,” Alex snaps. “I’m your partner.”


  “Enough Claire,” he growls. “I don’t take orders from you.”

  That pisses her off. “I’m going to stick my foot up your ass, that’s the orders I have.” She takes a stance and then says, “Go!”

  The rush down the hallway. They get down there and are suddenly over loaded by bullets. They jump behind the wall. “Now what?” Alex says.

  “Now what?” Mason laughs. “Pppffffff, be right back.” With that he disappears.

  “Did he just ditch us?” Alex exclaims.

  Suddenly, a guy comes flying down the hallway and skids into the wall. “Nope,” Claire says. She ducks down and turns down the hallway, towards the shooters. Mason is fighting three guys.



  Mommy turn around and come to me.

  Mason is slightly struggling. “I have to go help Mason.”

  Alex. Uncle Alex helps Uncle Mason.

  “Alex, go help him.”


  She spins on him. “GO HELP HIM! I have to go get Lexi.”

  He looks torn and then runs to Mason. She turns and sprints down the hallway. Holding up her gun, she secures every door. A few guard members follow her. One of them comes up to her at a corner. “Where are we going?”

  “I don’t know. Lexi, where do I go honey?”

  Run Mommy! Run to far hallway. Claire sprints down while still being cautious. When she gets to the hallway, she looks down it. It’s a loan doorway. There are four men blocking it. Mommy, wait for Lexi.

  “What do you mean?” Claire whispers.

  Mommy will see. Mommy take sword and hold against chest. Muck and hole.


  Mommy roll around on ground.

  “Duck and roll.”

  Yeah, muck and hole. Mommy run.

  Claire looks down hallway. “When?”

  Mommy will see. Lexi take care of it.


  Go Mommy!

  Claire swings her sword around and runs. The guards all draw their guns, but an instant later, they all grab their heads and scream. Claire doesn’t stop. The door starts to shut from up top. As fast as she can, Claire jumps and skids underneath it. She barely makes it, but she realizes she is now alone. Claire has no back up.

  “What did you do to those men?” Claire asks, getting back on her feet.

  They point guns at Mommy. Make Lexi mad.

  “Remind me to never spank you,” Claire snorts. There is giggling in her head. “What now?”

  Be quiet. Three doorways down. Karate chop guy in face.

  “That sounds easy enough,” Claire whispers. She silently makes her way down the hall. She carefully comes up to the doorway. She spins around the corner to punch the guy. Her eyes scan up. The giant guy towers over Claire by at least a foot. “Holy crap,” she gasps. He’s bald and she wonders if he’s the guy Mason was talking about. She realizes he must know how to fight.

  “Yeah, what are you going to do to me sweetheart?”

  She bites her lip and looks bashful. “I don’t know what I would do to a big strong man like you.”

  “I can think of one thing you can do.”

  “Me too,” Claire chimes. With all her force, she kicks the guy between the legs. He actually lifts into the air. When he falls to his knees in pain, he’s at the perfect height.

  Karate chop Mommy! Claire reaches back and strikes the guy. His head turns and slams into the wall. Yeah Mommy! Mommy shut down energy.

  Claire immediately does. “Now what.”


  “Okay, where do I go?” Claire laughs.

  Mommy go straight.

  “Alright,” Claire whispers. She starts to inch forward. There are many doors and she checks every one to make sure no one’s hiding. Finally, she gets to a corner and turns. There, looming before her, is a metal door. There is no key pad. Nothing. “Umm, Lexi.”


  “How do I get through this door?”

  Mommy get sword ready. Claire draws it out. Lexi not alone Mommy. Collector doesn’t know who Mommy is.

  “Are you on the other side of this door?”

  Suddenly, the door slides open. With the biggest smile ever, Lexi stares up at Claire with her wide emerald green eyes. “Mommy!”

  Claire steps inside. That’s when she comes face to face with a lady. She looks so young. Claire expected an older woman. “You look like your 25!” Claire yells.

  The Collector narrows her eyes. “Who are you?”

  “Your worst nightmare,” Claire replies, raising the sword.

  “Time shift Mommy,” Lexi yells.

  She doesn’t move her eyes from The Collector. “You need to sit down on the ground and I will secure you.”

  “I would like to see you try,” The Collector snarls. She pulls a gun out and points it square at Claire’s face. Claire’s heart drops. She’s fast, but not faster than a bullet.

  “No! No hurt Mommy!” Lexi yells.

  “I’m your Mommy,” The Collector says.

  “My name is Lexi Blakely,” Lexi states matter-of-factly. “That’s my Mommy.”

  The Collector looks up at Claire. “You’re the succubus.”

  “I’m not answering that.”

  A smirk forms on The Collector’s face. “I think you just did. I know all about it, now don’t I? Mr. Grandin gave me a lot of useful information.”

  “He’s dead,” Claire state.

  The Collector dramatically wipes away a fake tear. “I know,” she mocks. “We’re so sad here.”

  “You are heartless,” Claire says.

  “I haven’t always been this way,” The Collector says. “The Neturu made me who I am today.”

  “How old are you?” Claire asks.

  A smile creeps across The Collector’s face. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “376 years old,” Lexi tells Claire, looking up at her.

  Narrowing her eyes, The Collector says, “I have yet to teach you to mind your manners.”

  “Good luck with that,” Claire laughs. “She’s two. Of course, if you actually took care of the children you created you would know that.”

  “Some of those children are actually my children,” The Collector sneers.

  Claire’s heart sinks. “How could you treat anyone that way?”

  “They were created to serve a purpose. I have to train them.”

  “They’re not dogs and even then, you don’t treat dogs that way.”

  “Yes, well, I will do it all over again and you won’t be able to stop me. I can’t die. I’m also smarter than anyone that the Neturu has. You wouldn’t be able to keep me long. I’m going to kill off the council. One by one. My partners failed but that’s what you get when you deal with idiots. You’re a smart girl. You must know what I’m talking about. I’m going to feel bad killing off the love of your life. He’s brilliant. I could do so much with him.” She pauses and smirks. “He’s also delicious. Maybe I could think of other things to do with him.”

  Claire tenses up, contemplating striking. She repositions herself. The Collector seems to notice and holds the gun closer to Claire’s head. Lexi steps in front of Claire. “No touch my Mommy!”

  “I’m going to restrain you and I’m going to take Lexi as far away from you as possible,” Claire seethes. “You won’t touch my family.”

  “You’re not going to take her from me,” The Collector growls. “I’ve worked lifetimes for her.”

  “I’m going with my Mommy,” Lexi says.

; With a steady glare, The Collector starts to back up. She still holds the gun at Claire. “Lexi,” Claire says. “I’m going after her.”

  “Time shift Mommy,” Lexi says.

  “This one I can’t listen to you on,” Claire says, as she takes a leap towards The Collector. The Collector shoots and misses her head, hitting her in the shoulder. Claire is knocked back by the impact. Her sword goes skidding.

  The Collector steps forward and points the gun at Claire’s head. Suddenly, the whole room starts to vibrate. “NO TOUCH MY MOMMY!”

  She looks at Lexi with panicked eyes. “Lexi, calm down.”

  The windows of the room start to crack. “Leave my Mommy alone!”

  Slowly, The Collector backs up to the other doorway. “Come with me Lexi.”

  “You make Lexi MAD!” The windows explode and glass flies everywhere. Claire grabs Lexi and pulls her underneath her on the ground as the glass falls.

  When the walls stop vibrating and everything calms down, Claire looks up. The Collector is gone. She quickly looks down. “Are you okay?” Claire asks.

  Lexi starts giggling. She smiles and says, “Lexi get mad.”

  “I saw that,” Claire laughs. “Wait here.” She gets up and draws daggers into her hands. When she gets to the doorway, the steel door slams shut. Then the ones on the windows and the other doors slam shut. Claire sheathes her daggers and goes to the door that The Collector went through. She hits it and kicks it. Finally, she turns to Lexi with her hands on her hips. “Now what?”

  “Hug!” Lexi yells, holding her arms up.

  Claire laughs. She picks her up and hugs her. They stand there for a minute, just like that. It’s as if Claire found a piece of her that she didn’t need know was missing. She pulls back. “Okay. Where did The Collector go?”

  “She gone,” Lexi says, fiddling with Claire’s hair. “You find her a different day.”

  “Great,” Claire groans. “Do you know how we get out of here?”

  Lexi smiles. “We go find Daddy.”


  “Put Lexi down.” Claire does. Lexi grabs Claire’s hand. “Don’t let go Mommy.”


  A serious looks crosses her face. “Do NOT let go.”

  “Okay,” Claire says, trusting her. She grips her hand tight. “Now what?”

  “Come on,” Lexi runs them to the wall.

  “Whoa Lexi!” Claire yells out. Suddenly, they are through the wall and into a hallway. Claire spins on Lexi. “What did you do?”


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