Forever Better Together

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Forever Better Together Page 10

by A. D. Ellis

  I shuddered. “I’m in. So in. But we can definitely kiss for a bit longer. Then we should nap a little before the drive.”

  Quincy captured my lips again as our bodies writhed together. The pressure of his mouth against mine, the kisses on my neck, the roll of our hips, our cocks thrust together, were all too much.

  I broke the kiss, panting. “Q, stop. I’m going to come in my pants.”

  He kissed me deeper. “Do it. Come for me.”

  “No, that would be so embarrassing.”

  “I’ll come too. Do it. I’m close. We’ll come together and be embarrassed together.” He kissed me again, rocking his hips into mine. “But I won’t be embarrassed because it’s you, it’s us, and there’s nothing embarrassing about having my damn sexy-ass boyfriend in my arms and making him come.”

  I groaned and threw my head back, thrilling at Quincy’s lips and tongue on my neck. Our cocks pressed against each other, both of us thrusting hard. “I’m close, oh God, so close.”

  Quincy’s arms held me tight, his hips rolling against mine, and his lips at my ear. “Come for me, Grif. I want to see you lose control. Let go, baby.”

  My body tensed as my cock exploded warm stickiness. I moaned into Q’s mouth as he kissed me through my orgasm. A moment later, Quincy paused and grunted against my lips as he found his own release.

  A few moments later, my body completely sated, I groaned. “Grab that towel. This is going to get gross pretty soon.”

  Quincy moved off the bed to grab the towel. “Yeah, this was fine for now. But next time, no clothes. I need to see you come for me.” He shifted his pants to wipe himself before crawling onto the bed and handing me the towel.

  As I attempted to clean myself, Q whispered in my ear. “Tonight. Tonight, in my bed, I want you naked. I want your cock. I want your mouth. I want all of you.”

  Even as I wiped my cooling spunk from my boxers, my cock took an interest in Quincy’s words. “Oh my God,” I mumbled. “I’ve created a monster.”

  Quincy chuckled and palmed his junk. “I’ll give you a monster.”

  “Oh my God, so cliché,” I teased.

  “Not interested?” Q challenged.

  “I didn’t say that.” I jutted my chin as I tossed the towel to the floor.

  Quincy kissed me and rolled us to our sides. “Sleep. We’ll head back in a couple hours.”

  “I love you,” I murmured before I even realized the words were coming. “I mean, I…”

  Quincy’s arms tightened. “It’s okay, Grif. I’ve loved you since we were ten. Maybe a different kind of love then than now. But I get it. I love you, too.” He kissed the side of my head. “So damn much.”

  I nodded into his chest. So damn much that my heart hurt. But it hurt in such an amazingly good way.

  “Thank you, boys, for all of your help in the kitchen. This was looking to be a lonely Thanksgiving without having any fosters. Having you here made our entire holiday.” Momma gushed as she followed us out the door.

  When we stopped on the porch and dropped our bags in preparation for hugs, I simultaneously tensed and melted when Q took my hand.

  Momma’s laser sharp eyes took notice and took on a sparkly sheen. “How about you don’t wait for a meddling old woman to tell you what’s up next time, you hear? You boys are intelligent and quite capable of making good choices. But I won’t turn down visits so I can meddle and sip the tea with you.”

  Quincy threw his head back in laughter. “Sip the tea? Have you been studying gay lingo in Urban Dictionary?”

  Momma popped him on the head. “Maybe. A girl has to keep up.” She wrapped us both in a hug and kissed our heads. “My boys, my sons, my greatest pride and joy. Momma is so proud of you.”

  “Greatest pride and joy, huh? I’m sure Dad will enjoy that one.”

  Momma harrumphed. “Max is amazing. You two are double that. Two for the price of one, a package deal of pride and joy.”

  Pops laughed and stepped up to hug us both.

  Quincy let go of my hand long enough to give both Momma and Pops proper hugs.

  I did the same.

  Much love and hugs later, we picked up our bags and headed toward the car.

  As soon as the bags were thrown in the trunk and we settled in the front, Quincy started the car, set a playlist on low volume, and put on his seatbelt before grabbing my hand again.

  “Sorry, is this okay? I kinda feel like I’ve got a lot of hand holding to make up for.”

  I nodded. “I like it.”

  “No need to stop for food since I’m stuffed from lunch. Let me know if you need a bathroom break.” Quincy navigated the city streets until he hit the interstate.

  About twenty minutes into the trip, after replaying the surreal events of the trip, anxiety began to creep in.

  “What’s up, G?” Quincy glanced my way. “I can feel tension in your hand. You having regrets?”

  I chewed on my lip. “Not regrets exactly. Just questions and concerns.”

  “Spill. No secrets, no holding back. We talk this shit out. Always.” He squeezed my hand.

  “I guess I’m just wondering how all of this will work.”

  “The exact way it’s been working since we were ten. I live with my best friend. I love my best friend. I support my best friend. But now, I also get to touch and hold and kiss my best friend.”

  “And sex?” I literally squeaked.

  Q chuckled. “And sex.” He winked. “Lots and lots of sex.”

  “But that’s all just between us. I’m more concerned about the outside part.”

  Quincy frowned. “Tell me more.”

  “You’re a sports management major. You’re a student athlete. Do you really want to be saddled and stereotyped with a boyfriend who just does hair and makeup?” I worried my lower lip.

  “Stop right there. Never again. Don’t you dare put yourself down or think I’d be saddled with you.” Quincy’s nostrils flared. “First off, I wanted this as much or more than you. Second, how dare you downplay what you’re doing? Do I want to be saddled with a boyfriend who is busting his ass as a business major and getting his cosmetology license? Damn straight, I do. You’re the most talented, intelligent, and driven person I’ve ever known. When have I ever made you think I give a flying fuck about stereotypes or what people think?”

  “I’m just saying that we’re different. Sometimes different is difficult.” I knew, deep down, that Quincy and I were soulmates. But I wanted him to have an out before my heart got any more involved than it already was.

  “We’ve been different for almost a decade. Never stopped us from clicking. We may be different, but we work, Grif. Nothing has ever been as easy and as natural as being your friend. And taking that step toward more by kissing you? It was as easy as anything I’ve ever done. Different doesn’t have to be difficult. In our case, different is just us. And it works.” Quincy glanced my way. “So stop trying to offer me ways to back out of this.” He squeezed my hand. “I love you. You love me. This is happening.” He scowled. “Unless you’re really wanting out of it?”

  I shook my head, tears stinging my eyes. “No, I don’t want out. I just want to make sure you know what you’re getting into.”

  “I know. I accept. And I’m so damn excited for it.” Quincy brought our clasped hands to his mouth and kissed my knuckles.



  I took Griffin’s bag the moment we entered the suite and tossed both bags to the side before wrapping him in my arms.

  Our faces nearly touched. I rubbed our noses together and let my lips hover over his.

  “Hi. Welcome home.” I nibbled at his ear.

  Grif groaned and offered his neck for kisses. “I’m not sure how I lived this long without your lips on my neck.”

  “Never have to live in such horrid conditions again.” I teased him as my lips trailed from his ear to his throat. “I want you in my bed, Grif. We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with, but
I want to touch you and hold you.”

  He groaned and nodded.

  Once we reached my bedroom, I closed the door and flipped on the desk lamp. “Naked?”

  Grif’s hooded eyes met mine as he grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. His tongue shot out to lick his lips as he slowly shimmied out of his pants. His thick erection strained against the grey bikini briefs.

  I palmed my cock and took a step toward Grif.

  He smirked and nodded. “Naked.”

  I stripped in three seconds, loving the catch of Grif’s breath when my dick smacked my stomach. I moved quickly and entered Grif’s personal space. Our hard lengths rubbed together and I hooked my fingers in Grif’s waistband. “This okay?”

  He nodded and murmured, “Oh God, yes.”

  I pulled his underwear down his thighs and he stepped out of them. As if my hand and his cock were opposite poles of a magnet, I reached for his length and gripped. I ran my thumb through the droplet of liquid on his slit.

  Griffin mirrored my actions and stroked my cock slowly. “We gonna jack each other like when we were sixteen?” His voice was thick with arousal.

  “We could.” I pumped his dick. “Or we could try something new.”

  “I’m game.”

  Grif shuddered when I dropped to my knees and the deep guttural moan he gave when I took him in my mouth was something I’d remember forever. I sucked and licked while I fondled his balls.

  He jerked back with a gasp. “Wait, I don’t want to go first. Can I suck you? Then we can lay down and go from there?”

  “God, Grif. You can suck me any damn time you want.”

  He spun me around and pushed me to the bed. The vision of Griffin kneeling between my spread thighs, his eyes intent on my cock, was something I’d treasure forever. “I’m sorry if I’m not good at this…” he began, but I cut him off.

  “If my cock is in your mouth, it will be amazing. Period.”

  Grif’s perfect pink lips parted, and I sank my dick slowly into his hot mouth. I leaned back on my arms with a loud groan. I’d died and gone to heaven. “Get on the bed.” I moved so that I was flat on my back. “Straddle my chest and suck me.”

  Grif’s cheeks pinked, but he followed my directions and positioned himself onto my chest, his ass at my face before he bent to suck me. As the heat of his mouth engulfed my cock again, I rolled us to the side to suck his length deep, my nose bumping his balls.

  Griffin faltered momentarily in his movements but recovered quickly.

  When I popped off his dick and shifted to tongue his asshole, Griffin’s arms gave out and he fell to his elbows. “Oh God, Q. What the fuck? God that’s good.”

  I hummed and rimmed him again.

  “I want to try that.” Grif mumbled before swallowing my cock again.

  “Soon. But this is all me today.” I slicked a finger in my mouth and teased his hole slowly until he opened for me. “I want you to come down my throat while I finger your ass, G.”

  He whimpered and sucked me harder as I continued to finger him and take him deep in my mouth.

  All too soon, our bodies gave in to the pleasure and we both erupted. His warmth was salty and bitter on my tongue as I swallowed all he gave me.

  Griffin groaned around my cock as I shot down his throat.

  When we caught our breaths and came back to earth, I grabbed a washcloth from the bathroom and cleaned myself up before tossing it to him.

  “I know you’ve probably got studying to do a lot of nights, but I’d love to have you in here with me whenever possible.” I rolled him into my arms and kissed him deeply, the flavor of our releases still clinging to our lips.

  “Mmm, I can make that happen.” Griffin mumbled against my lips. “Do you think you’ll want anal sex? I’m interested, but it’s okay if you’re not. I know not everyone is.”

  I growled against his ear. “I’m very interested. I think I’d mostly like to top, but I know the very first time we do that I’d like you to top me.”

  Grif drew back with shock in his eyes. “What? Why?”

  I shrugged. “I’ve always imagined taking your ass, but the first time needs to be you taking me. If you’re okay with that, I mean. I want your cock in me almost as much as I want to fuck you. I just need to know we’re okay with anal and, in my mind, that means me bottoming first.”

  Griffin was quiet for a moment. “That’s okay. I’ve always imagined you topping me. Oh God,” he groaned. “You have no idea how much I’ve imagined that.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, pretty sure I know how much because I’ve been doing the same.”

  “I’ll gladly top you, but I think I’m going to like it the other way around mostly.”

  I nodded. “That’s okay. I just feel like it needs to be me taking it first.”

  “Any idea of when this might happen?” Griffin whispered.

  “Whenever it feels right.” I kissed him.

  “I’m down with that.” He sighed against my chest. “Q?”


  “This was really good. Really good. And I love you.” His voice was sleepy.

  “Totally agree. So good. And I love you, G.”

  Pops died a week after Thanksgiving.

  Dad called me late one night. “Momma just called to let me know Pops died in his sleep. He was sleeping in his recliner and didn’t come for dinner when she called. She thought he’d turned off his hearing aid.”

  “Oh my God.” Tears stung my eyes. Pops had been as much, if not more, a father to me as my own dad. “Is she okay?”

  “She is. She’s sad, but she and Pops had something very special. She’s grateful he didn’t suffer. She holds fast to knowing they’ll be together again.”

  “When is the funeral?”

  “No funeral. Pops didn’t want one. Momma is having him cremated and taking him down to Florida. She’ll stay with her sister until at least spring.”

  “Oh, wow. Okay. We should go see her.” I wiped tears from my cheeks.

  “She told me she’d call you and Griffin tomorrow. She estimates three to five days to take care of Pops’ affairs, pack, receive his ashes, and hit the road to Florida. She said she was going to be busy and didn’t want you to miss classes; I think she needs some time to process and heal. Being with her sister will be good for her.” Dad must have been up late working. I heard a keyboard in the background. “She did indicate that you guys should come visit in the winter to get away from the cold.”

  “Yeah, we’ll do that.” I agreed absently. My heart ached at the thought of Pops being gone. But his voice echoed in my mind; I knew he’d tell me to remember him with love and keep on keeping on. That was just the type of man Pops was.

  “Speaking of you guys. Momma said you and Griffin are dating?”

  I smiled despite that sadness in my heart. “Yeah, we are. It’s something we’ve both wanted but been worried would mess up our friendship. But we decided to take the risk. Didn’t want to be forty and regret that we never took the leap and let love happen.”

  “Well, congratulations. You two have always had something special. I’m very happy for you.”

  Dad and I spoke for a few more minutes before hanging up.

  I checked the time. Griffin had said earlier that he was going to his room to study. We’d spent every night in my bed, but he retreated to his room when he needed to concentrate on school work.

  I sighed. I hated to interrupt. And I knew this would shake him. But I couldn’t not tell him Pops had passed away.

  I crossed through the bathroom to his room.

  Griffin looked up and smiled. “Hey, give me a few minutes and I’ll be finished.” His smile faded. “What’s wrong?”

  “Pops died.”

  Griffin’s face fell, tears filling his eyes. “Oh no, what happened?”

  I went to his bed and moved his books aside before climbing in beside him. “Dad just called. Momma had called him. Said Pops died in his sleep.”

Griffin sniffed and wiped his nose. “Funeral?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “Pops didn’t want any of that. Momma’s having him cremated and she’s taking his ashes to Florida. She’s going to stay with her sister at least until Spring. She wants us to come down over winter break.”

  He shuddered in my arms. “I’m so sorry for crying. I should be comforting you.”

  “Why should you be sorry for crying?” I wiped my own eyes. “He was your family. He was your adopted father. You have every right to be sad.”

  “He was your biological grandfather and raised you as much as your own dad did.”

  “It’s not a competition, G. We can both be sad.” I hugged him tighter.

  “That’s just like Pops to not want a funeral or anything fancy.” Griffin chuckled.

  “Right? I was thinking the same thing.”

  “I feel bad for Momma though. Feels like we should do more.”

  I nodded. “I said the same thing, but Dad thinks she needs some time to process and heal. He said Momma wants us to know she’ll call us in a few days.” I smiled sadly. “Momma and Pops had a special relationship. She’ll miss him, but I think being in Florida with her sister will be good. Want to plan a trip down there over break?”

  Griffin wiped his eyes again. “Definitely. And we should send her flowers or something. Oh! How about a bouquet-a-month type thing once she’s settled?”

  “Perfect. We’ll start it next week.” My heart was both achy and full with sadness over losing Pops and love for Griffin and his enormous heart.

  Griffin nodded. “Movie?”

  “It’s late. No early classes?”

  “A couple hours won’t hurt. Classes aren’t until ten tomorrow.” Griffin sniffled one last time. “Pick something.”

  I nodded and rummaged through Griffin’s collection. “Lilo and Stitch?”

  Griffin’s watery smile warmed my heart. “Perfect.”


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