Forever Better Together

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Forever Better Together Page 9

by A. D. Ellis

  Pops nodded and gave Momma a kiss before he set to work removing the turkey from the refrigerator and putting it in the oven.

  I ran hot water in the sink and added soap. Momma had a dishwasher, but she preferred doing dishes by hand most of the time. I began to soak the dishes and scrub them while Momma cleared the table.

  “Tell me what’s new, child. How’s school? Are you doing okay with two majors? Any cute boys you’re interested in?” Momma’s questions poured from her sweet mouth as if she hadn’t just put me on the spot. The woman totally knew what she was doing. She could always get me talking.

  I rolled my eyes and shrugged while I continued washing a plate. “School is great. Having Quincy there with me is great. I knew I missed having him around, but I didn’t realize how much until we were back together. It’s like we just have a certain calm around us when we’re together. And classes are great. I’m not actually double majoring. I’m just majoring in business while also getting my cosmetology license. It’s going well. I’m not overwhelmed. At least not at the moment.” I rinsed the soapy dishes and moved them to the dish drainer so Momma could dry them.

  Pops laughed. “You never were good at evading your Momma’s questions, boy.” He patted my shoulder. “Might as well tell her about the cute boy who has caught your interest. She’ll get it out of you eventually.”

  My cheeks heated, and I bit my lip. “How do you know there’s a cute boy?”

  “She’s your Momma. She knows it all. And tells me all about it.” Pops chuckled again and headed to the living room. “Parade probably already started, but I got it set to record. You and your boy come watch it with me when you’re ready.”

  I blanched and glanced at Momma. “Me and my boy?” My voice squeaked and I contemplated sticking my head in the sink of dishwater.

  “Child, Momma always knows. You and Quincy. What’s going on with that?” Momma dried a plate and stacked it in a cabinet.

  I sighed. “You should work for the FBI or something.”

  “I’d have to be blind to miss the connection between you two, the subtle looks. You’ve always had a connection, a kinship, but this is different. I noticed it the moment you two climbed from the car. There’s something more. I think you’ve both been fighting it, avoiding it, hiding from it. But maybe it’s time to stop doing that? Face it head-on? What are your thoughts? How are you feeling?” Momma continued drying dishes.

  Glad to have dishes remaining in the sink, I busied myself with washing while I spoke. “I’m torn. I’m scared. I’m unsure. That’s how I’m feeling. Torn because I’ve wanted something more with Q since we were sixteen, maybe even before. But I also don’t want to mess up what we have. He’s my brother, my best friend. I need that. I’m scared I’ll lose him if things don’t work out between us. And I’m unsure because I don’t know that I’m enough for him. He’s so much more than me. He’s more experienced, more outgoing, and just so much more. I’m none of those things.” I took a deep breath after spilling my guts.

  “Griffin Murphy-Sanders, if I ever hear you put yourself down like that again, I’ll take a switch to your behind.” Momma stood with her hands on her hips.

  I laughed out loud. “You’d never switch a fly.”

  She smirked. “Okay, you’re right about that. But I better never hear you talking down about yourself ever again. Period. You two have been thick as thieves since that stormy night so many years ago. You’re opposites in so many ways, but that’s part of why you work so well. You’ve always just clicked. I knew it the moment I dragged you into Quincy’s room. That boy loves you, cherishes you, and looks up to you. He’s always been your protector and supporter.”

  “That’s just it. He’s all those things for me,” I started, but Momma cut me off.

  “Don’t interrupt. He may be all those things to you, but you’re that much and more for him. You love him? Cherish him?”

  I nodded. “Always.”

  “You look up to him?”

  “Yeah, he’s amazing. He’s taught me so much.”

  “You may not be his protector in the physical strength meaning of the word, but you’ve protected him just as much as he has you. And you’ve been his strongest supporter all these years. What’s more is that you’ve kept him grounded; you give him reason to be his best. I know that boy wouldn’t have done as well in school as he did without your help. You never let him hide who he was; I’m not sure that would have happened if not for you.” Momma placed a hand on my shoulder. “You’re just as good for him as he is for you. Experiences be damned. Whatever either of you lack, you can teach the other, or learn together.”

  Like frottage, rimming, and anal? I nearly choked on my tongue as the words ran through my head. I cleared my throat. “Yeah, I can see that. I guess I’m just afraid to mess up what we have.”

  “How do you know it will mess things up?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t. But I can’t stand the thought of losing him.”

  “The way I see it, you’re brothers and best friends and I don’t think either of you will ever let that go. And instead of thinking that it could mess things up, why don’t you think about the fact that it could turn into the best thing ever; the one big love of your life. Forever and always.”

  “You sound just like Quincy.”

  Momma beamed. “He’s a smart boy.”

  I nodded and rinsed the last dish. “So, this is one of those sappy take a chance, it could turn into the best thing of your life type things?”

  “No sense being afraid when the worst thing that could happen is going back to being brothers and best friends.”

  “No, the worst thing…” I started but Momma held up a hand.

  “Hush. I won’t hear of it. You’ll either spend the rest of your life as brothers, best friends, and boyfriends, maybe husbands one day, or you’ll find out you’re better as brothers and best friends. Either way, you’re together and loved.”

  “Did Quincy tell you about the three B’s?” I laughed.

  “Three B’s?”

  “Never mind.” I waved her off. “Let’s go watch the parade.”

  At that moment, Quincy whooped as he rushed down the stairs. “Parade and football! Gather ‘round y’all!”

  Pops was dozing in his recliner. Momma took her chair. Quincy and I settled in on opposite ends of the couch with our legs stretched out so we were touching from thigh to feet. Quincy ran his big toe against my leg and winked.

  My heart fluttered and I immediately knew that I wanted to jump into whatever Quincy and I might have together. What if it crashes and burns? That little voice niggled at my head. But what if it doesn’t? What if it’s amazing and forever and always? I argued back with a smile on my face.

  My phone buzzed.

  Quincy: Momma seems to think there’s something between us.

  My eyes darted from my phone to Quincy.

  He smirked.

  Me: What did you tell her?

  Quincy: That I’ve loved you forever and I want to see if we can add another layer.

  Me: Did you mention the three B’s?

  Quincy frowned and shook his head.

  I shrugged.

  Quincy: How was your shower?

  My face caught fire.

  Me: Nice. Thanks. Yours?

  Quincy: Did you think of me while you jacked off? I thought about you.

  My eyes bugged and I glanced around the room. Momma was watching the parade and Pops had dozed off.

  Quincy: I want to hold you, kiss you, and jack you.

  Me: We’ve actually done all three of those things. Check them off your list.

  Quincy: I want to do them again, for real. And do more. If you’re okay with it.

  Me: And if I’m not?

  Quincy pouted but tapped out a message.

  Quincy: I can respect that G. I just feel it in my soul that this could be so much more.

  Me: Or crash and burn. And then what?

  Quincy: What would happen if t
his was one of the movies you love so much?

  I huffed and rolled my eyes as I attempted to fight back a smirk.

  Quincy raised a brow.

  Me: The characters would take a chance and they’d live happily ever after.

  Quincy: Then let’s take a chance and live happily ever after.

  I was quiet for several moments.

  Me: I want a contract.

  Quincy: Ohhh, like something kinky, 50 shades-ish?

  I laughed and shook my head.

  Pops snorted and stirred. Momma tutted over a float she thought was just as pretty as a picture.

  Me: No, just us saying that we’ll give this a shot and if it’s not working for one or the other we’ll go back to being best friends and brothers only. We won’t let it ruin what we have.

  Quincy: I’m game. But I want an addendum to the contract. I’ll write my part up.

  I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face.

  Quincy set to work tapping out his addendum while I busied myself with the contract.

  Fifteen minutes later, I took one last look at what I’d written. I thought it was sufficient.

  We the undersigned do mutually agree to enter into an intimate relationship on the date signed. By mutual agreement, if either party feels uncomfortable in the relationship or decides he wishes to back out, the relationship will immediately return to ONLY adopted brothers and best friends. There will be no weirdness or hurt feelings.

  I tossed my phone to Q. “Read it and sign it.”

  “Bossy.” He grinned and handed his phone to me. “Only after you agree to add this.”

  I narrowed my eyes, but took his phone and read the text he’d written.

  In addendum to the above stated contractual text:

  I rolled my eyes. “Using the big words, huh?”

  Quincy shrugged.

  The undersigned agree that IF and WHEN an intimate, committed relationship proves successful, Griffin Murphy-Sanders will admit he was WRONG and should have listened to Quincy Sanders sooner.

  I scoffed. “Never.”

  “If you sign it, it’s binding. Keep reading.”

  In addendum to the addendum:

  IF and WHEN the above stated intimate and committed relationship reaches a milestone of both Griffin and Quincy graduating college, the mutually agreeing parties will entertain the prospect of making the relationship more permanent with a marriage proposal by one or the other of the undersigned.

  I nearly gave myself whiplash jerking my head up to look at Quincy.

  The asshole just grinned. “Come on, what’s the risk? Admitting you were wrong? You’re wrong all the time.” He ran a foot along my leg. “And we’re talking four years from now. No reason to look like a deer in the headlights. I just want it in there so we don’t drag out dating forever.”

  I considered Quincy’s additions. My part of the contract gave us both an out long before either of his addendums would go into effect. I was okay with it. I gave him a nod.

  “Text that part to me. I’ll add it to your part and sign.” Quincy waited for the text to come through then did some copying and pasting before handing back my phone.

  There, at the bottom of what we’d written, was his full name and the date.

  I took a deep breath and added my own. “We’ll print it and sign for real back at school.”

  “Agreed.” He sat forward and held out a hand. “It’s been a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Murphy-Sanders.”

  Not for the first time in the recent past, electricity seemed to spark between our hands. I shook his hand, and he sat back with a grin.

  We spent the next thirty minutes casting flirty glances toward each other, allowing our legs to touch more than what was strictly necessary, and having trouble hiding the ridiculous smiles on our faces.

  Lunch was a boisterous and loving affair. There was nothing I loved more than sitting down with Momma, Pops, and Quincy to eat delicious food and laugh. Would have been nice if Max had been there, but he was there in spirit.

  By the time we’d eaten, helped clear the table, and finished washing and drying the dishes, the effects of the huge meal hit me. I yawned.

  “You want to hit the road now or take a nap first?” Quincy asked as he caught my yawn.

  “Nap, definitely. No way I could stay awake driving now.”

  “Agreed.” Quincy hugged Momma and Pops. “Thank you for lunch. It was amazing as always. We’re gonna sleep a couple hours before driving back.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.” Momma kissed us both on the cheek.

  Pops gave me a hug. “Nap? Uh-huh. I bet there’s more than sleeping going on. I’ll turn down my hearing-aid.” He murmured to me and laughed.

  My cheeks burst into flames.

  Quincy and I headed up the stairs.

  “What did Pops say to you?”

  “Oh my God, he said he’d bet there’d be more than napping going on and he’d turn down his hearing aids.” I flopped on the bed.

  “I like the way Pops thinks.” Quincy joined me on the bed.

  Suddenly my heart was in my throat and I had no clue what to do with my arms or where to avert my gaze.

  Quincy rolled to his side and placed a finger on my chin to turn my head toward him. “Grif, this doesn’t have to be weird. It shouldn’t be weird. If it is, we can stop.”

  I sighed. “I’m just nervous. What if I suck at…everything?”

  “Well, sucking is definitely on the list of things I’d like to try.” Quincy waggled his brow. “But let’s just start slow. Come cuddle with me.”

  Quincy opened his arms and I moved quickly to lay my head on his chest. Being close to Quincy was as natural as breathing.

  “What are you the most worried about?” Quincy’s whispered against my head.

  “I don’t really know what I’m doing. I’ve kissed a couple guys, been kissed by a few, but that’s it. I’ve given exactly one pretty blah blowjob. Couldn’t stand for the guy to return the favor because I was shaking so bad and all I could think about was you. So, my experience includes giving a mediocre blowjob, a few kisses—one of those with you, a shit show with that David guy—which thankfully didn’t turn into anything sexual, our mutual jackoff session, and waking up in your arms this morning.” I buried my head into his chest. “How am I supposed to compete with what you’ve done?”

  Quincy forced me to look at him again. “Just what experience do you assume I’ve had?”

  I didn’t want to think about him with other guys. “Aaron? And any other guys you’ve been with. That Jaylin guy you went out with a couple times?” I shrugged and my bottom lip pouted despite my attempts to act grown up.

  Quincy chuckled. “Okay, truth time. Jaylin and I kissed. He wanted more. I couldn’t stop thinking about moving to college to be with you. Aaron and I kissed. He wanted more. I couldn’t stop thinking about you in the next room. There’s been a lot of kissing with quite a few guys. I’ve given a couple blowjobs and gotten a few in return.” He leaned forward and kissed my cheek before whispering. “But nothing has ever gone farther than that. And that’s all because of one reason.” He nipped my earlobe. “Because my mind, heart, and body have been obsessed with one and only one person from the moment we first stroked each other right here in this bed so many years ago.”

  I shivered. “Yeah?”

  He kissed my neck. “Absolutely.”

  As if my dormant inner sex fiend had just woken up, I arched my neck so Q could have better access. I groaned as his tongue teased.

  “I only have one question,” Quincy murmured.

  “What?” I panted.

  “Can I kiss you?” He palmed my cheek and brought our faces together.

  The heat, sincerity, and anticipation in his eyes caused my breath to catch. I nodded and bit my lip.

  Fire exploded in Q’s eyes as he studied my lips. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long. Hold you in my arms. Call you mine.” He caressed my cheek with his t
humb. “This is so surreal, like a damn dream come true. I want to touch you, taste you, take you.”

  My cock throbbed at his words. “I want that, all of that. I want your lips, your mouth, your tongue, please.” I groaned the moment Quincy thrust his cock against mine as he ran a thumb over my bottom lip.

  He held my face in both hands as his mouth moved slowly to capture my lips.

  Time stopped.

  This was the moment I’d wanted for so long, but I’d been so afraid would ruin everything.

  And it did.

  Quincy’s kiss ruined me for any other man. Ever.

  The searing heat of his mouth, his tongue teasing my lips, caused me to gasp. Quincy took advantage of my open mouth and tentatively explored with his tongue.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and welcomed his tongue with abandon. Quincy shifted and moved his arms to hold me around the waist, never pausing as our tongues met, teased, and mated.

  By the time we broke to breathe, I knew I’d never be the same. My heart soared in hopeful anticipation. But I also had the painful realization that I’d be crushed if Quincy ever wanted out of this. I’d respect it, of course, but how would I ever move on after the heat and perfection of that one kiss?

  “You want to do more?” Quincy grumbled against my lips.


  “I want to strip you, lick, tease, and suck your entire body.”

  “Oh God,” I groaned and pressed my cock against his. “I want that too.”


  “It feels a little weird…”

  Quincy jerked back. “No, baby. Please don’t, not yet. Give it some time.”

  I chuckled. “This isn’t weird.” I rolled my hips again. “This is amazing. I’m just saying it’s a little weird to take things much further with Momma and Pops right downstairs.”

  Quincy sighed and pressed his forehead against mine. “Oh my God. You scared me.” He brought our lips together again and kissed me slowly. “Yeah, I hear ya. We’ll stay fully clothed. For now. But once we’re back at school, I’m tying you to my bed and not letting you go until we’ve done every damn sexy thing I’ve ever dreamed of doing to you.”


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