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Forever Better Together

Page 13

by A. D. Ellis

  He barked out a laugh. “Where’s the wining? The dining? The romance? The foreplay?”

  “Let me see your ass,” I repeated.

  Grif pulled back the blanket and my mouth watered to find him naked. He bent his knees, feet planted on the mattress, and spread his legs.

  I saw the end of a black silicone anal plug. I nearly busted a nut right there. “Why did you decide to do that?”

  Grif shrugged. “Figured it would help prep me and it could be fun to play with it. Thought it would be sexy. Do you like it?”

  I swallowed hard and nodded. “When did you put it in? What’s it feel like?”

  “After I cleaned myself, I lubed it and slid it in. It doesn’t hurt, but I definitely know it’s there. I kinda like it, but I don’t think I’d wear it all the time.” He blushed. “And I really want to know what it feels like to have you in me.”

  “Well, I aim to please, baby. You’re about to find out.” I crawled between his legs and took his mouth while rutting my cock against his. There was so much in our kisses. History, brotherhood, friendship, and now a mashed-up sweet, sexy, innocent curiosity we had for each other. And love. So much love. I really didn’t know that I could love Griffin more than I had when he was only my brother and best friend. But having him as a partner, a lover, my boyfriend showed me that our original love had the capability of expanding exponentially.

  He broke the kiss with a gasp and rocked his hips into mine. “I’m really worked up. Could probably come this way.” He blushed and licked his lips. “But I’m dying to have you inside me. I know what it felt like to be inside you. I want you to feel that. And I want to experience what you got to last night.”

  “You trying to speed things along, baby?” I teased.

  “God yes, Q. We’ve got lots of time for all types of sex, but right now I really want you in my ass. Please.” He bit his bottom lip.

  “Well, if you’re going to beg.” I winked and moved to his right side. “Can I play for just a minute?” I teased a finger along the end of the plug.

  Grif moaned and nodded his head.

  I took hold of the silicone and slowly pulled the plug from his body halfway before sliding it back in. The way his body opened and clung to the toy heated my blood. I wanted his body open for me, clinging to me. I leaned down to suck his cock deep in my mouth while I played with the plug for a few more moments.

  “Q, please.” Grif panted.

  “Want to stop?” I tongued his cock.

  “Fuck off,” he huffed. “You know what I want. Stop making me wait.”

  I laughed and moved up to kiss him. “So bossy.” Ripping open a condom and then rolling it down my length, I drizzled lube on my cock before easing the plug from Grif’s ass. I teased a slick finger in and around his hole and took great pleasure in the way he threw his head back and groaned. “Grab a pillow.”

  Grif shoved a pillow under his ass.

  No fantasy, no porn, nothing could have ever prepared me for the vision before me. My thick cock pressing at Grif’s entrance, his body opening for me as if welcoming my invasion, his hands clenched on the sheets, and his body flushed with desire. Desire for me. Griffin wanted this as much as I did. He wanted this with me, not with just anybody.

  I groaned as my dick slid into his heat. “Oh fuck, G.”

  “It’s amazing, right?” He panted and shifted his hips under me. “Fuck me.”

  “Dirty, bossy bottom.” I teased, but moved his legs up to my shoulders and thrust in and out of his body several times. Turning to kiss his calf, I kept one arm on his leg and gripped his cock with the other. “So hot and tight. But it’s more than that. It’s seeing my cock sliding in and out of your body. Ruined. I’m ruined for anyone else.”

  “Damn right you are. So am I. Never anyone else.” Grif rolled his ass against me. “Fuck me. Hard.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, please. I wanna feel your cock throbbing in my ass.”

  Couldn’t argue with what my boy wanted. I leaned forward and let Grif’s legs slide around my waist. With my arms hooked under his armpits and holding the top of his shoulders, I held tight and thrust into him hard and fast.

  Griffin whimpered under me and gasped on my deepest thrust. “Oh my God, do that again.”

  I chuckled and kissed him. “G, I’m so close. Come for me.”

  He took his cock from me and pumped himself hard and fast in rhythm to my dick thrusting into him. I felt his body tense and tighten under me one second before he shouted and shot his release between us. His ass clenched and I had no hope of holding back. My orgasm ripped from me, exploding deep in his ass, my cock pulsing.

  When it felt as if every bit of my life had been drained from my body, I collapsed on Griffin and panted. He wrapped his arms around my back and squeezed my ass.

  “Best. Ever.” I breathed hard.

  “So, last night was amazing,” Grif hedged.


  He kissed my head. “But, if it’s okay with you, I’d really like to have sex like this as often as possible.”

  I laughed. “Baby, as much as I loved your dick in me, there is nowhere I’d rather be than with my cock buried deep in your pretty little ass. You’ve got no worries there.”

  Griffin sighed. “Another reason we’re absolutely perfect together.”

  “Perfect.” I kissed his chest before taking his face in my hands. “I. Love. You. Always and forever. Not just because of this. In addition to this. Despite this. You’re mine. I’m yours. This is right. It’s perfect. We are always and forever.”

  Griffin’s eyes glistened and he nodded. “I love you, Q.”



  We slept for about an hour before rolling from bed and taking quick showers. We were spending a week with Momma, but we only packed about three changes of clothes because we could do laundry at her sister’s place.

  “Let’s take coffee and tea with us. We’ll stop for lunch in three or four hours.” Quincy doctored up his own coffee and my tea in travel mugs. “Honestly, I may have been a little cocky thinking we could do a fourteen-hour drive straight through. Maybe we’ll stop tonight and finish in the morning.”

  My stomach sank slightly. “If we can take snacks with us and maybe drive straight through that would save money on meals and a hotel.” Being a full-time business major and cosmetology school didn’t leave me time to work. I had some money for living expenses, but funds were always tight and I needed to save as much as possible.

  “Well, if someone hadn’t balked so much about the price of tickets, we could have flown to see Momma.” Quincy kissed my cheek and handed me a mug of tea.

  “Those tickets were over five hundred dollars apiece. You know I don’t have that type of money.” Money was a constant issue between us. Likely because I had none and Quincy had never wanted for anything.

  “Max and Momma were covering the cost.” Quincy shrugged. “But this way we get fourteen hours together.”

  I let the argument die for the time being. We gathered our bags, locked the suite, and headed to the car.

  Tunes cranked up, Quincy pointed the car toward Florida and our long-ass drive.

  Four hours later, I needed to pee, I was starving, and Quincy seemed ready to strangle me if I belted out one more Disney song from my playlist.

  “Let’s stop for lunch. And then you can drive for a while. But I get to pick the playlist on the next part of the drive.” Quincy pulled into a sit-down type restaurant.

  “Let’s just get fast food,” I suggested as I calculated the cost of lunch.

  “Nah, I want real food.” Q started to get out of the car.

  “Quincy, I don’t have the money for lots of pricey meals. Fast food is cheaper.”

  He stopped himself from opening the car door and leaned over to me. “Baby, meals are on Max. He sent money. Please, let’s just eat some good food and rest a little before we head out again.”

  I crossed my arms over
my chest. “Quincy, it’s fine that your dad sent you money. I have a very limited amount of cash to work with on this trip. I’d rather be able to get an adequate lunch for five or six dollars than get water and a side salad for the same amount and then be hungry in an hour.”

  “G, my dad sent money for us both. You know he always includes you. He feels guilty for being gone so much of my childhood.” Quincy cupped my cheek. “Not that I’m complaining. If he hadn’t been gone the way he was, I wouldn’t have had as much time with my brother and best friend. But he sent money for gas, lodging, and food on the way to see Momma. I think it’s also partly because he feels guilty he’s not been to see Momma yet. Please, let’s just eat here. Save your money. You know Max won’t take back anything he sent, so we may as well use it.”

  My stomach rumbled. I hated being in this position. On one hand, I knew Max was well-off enough that he could afford to fund our trip. I knew Max cared about me and loved his son. I knew Max wouldn’t hear of accepting any of the money back. But I also felt like a complete mooch letting Q’s dad pay for me. I was supposed to be a grown-up. I was supposed to be independent and paying for my own way. Yet, here I was, struggling to make ends meet and conflicted over eating at a roadside diner type place.

  “Fine. We’ll eat here. But I need you to listen to my concerns once we’re back on the road.” I knew Q would listen. I knew he’d try to understand. I also knew he wouldn’t ever truly get it. But I had to at least try. For my own sanity.

  We trooped into the restaurant and chose a back, corner table. The entire place smelled heavenly and my stomach growled again.

  “I think I want every single item on the menu,” Q stated as we perused the choices.

  I settled on a burger and fries. Quincy ordered a sampler appetizer along with a burger and fries. I knew he expected me to share the appetizer.

  “We could have gotten a burger and fries at a fast food place.” I scowled.

  “Yeah, but this is nicer and better. Plus, the appetizer sampler isn’t available at fast food.” He winked.

  By the time we’d demolished our food and relaxed a little from being cooped up inside the car, Quincy took the bill and headed toward the counter.

  “At least let me leave a tip,” I grumbled.

  “Fine, if that makes you happy, baby.” Quincy smiled at me.

  After restroom stops, we were back on the road. Me driving, Quincy manning the music.

  “So, we’ll stop again in about three hours to switch. Then we can drive about four more hours and stop for the night.” Quincy spoke as he scrolled through his phone. “Looks like we’ll have good hotel options. That means we’ll get up in the morning and just have a three-hour drive.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You’re kinda a steamroller in situations like this. You know that, right?”

  “Huh?” Quincy looked up, brows furrowed.

  “I guess you come by it honestly. Momma was always the same way. You guys get these ideas in your head and no one can stop you.”

  “What are you trying to stop?” Quincy continued to frown.

  “I suggested a while ago that maybe we drive straight through so as to save money.” I raised my brows.

  “Baby, we’ve got the money. The drive is crazy long. There’s no reason to put either of our lives in danger trying to drive straight through just to save some money.” He reached for my hand. “I know money is a touchy subject for you. Why don’t you tell me how you’re feeling? But I need you to know that stopping for the night is a definite. We’re not risking our lives.”

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. We had three hours before our next stop. Quincy was a captive audience. Even if I likely couldn’t change his mind, at least I could try to express my feelings.

  “First, I need to say that this,” I gestured between the two of us, “is so amazing. I’ve fallen hard. Hook, line, and sinker as Momma would say.”

  I glanced at Quincy and his smile warmed me.

  “I was so scared to mess up our friendship, but this has turned out to be the best decision of my life. My only regret…”

  Quincy squeezed my hand. “Regret?”

  “Don’t interrupt.” I squeezed back. “My only regret is that we didn’t take the next step sooner. I feel like we missed out on some great times by hiding our feelings and being worried we’d mess things up.”

  “Nah. I understand what you’re saying, but we had all those years as brothers and best friends. If we’d tried to be more before now, maybe we weren’t ready. Maybe it wouldn’t have worked. And we’ve got forever together either way. It’s all good.” Quincy pressed the back of my hand to his lips and kissed me softly.

  I thought about his words. “Yeah, I can see that.”

  “We’ve always been better together than apart. And now we have our history to build on and be forever better together.” Quincy kissed my cheek. “You should write this shit down, I’m kinda romantic.”

  I snorted. “Forever better together. It’s the truth. But I don’t think you’ll be writing for greeting cards anytime soon.”

  Quincy gasped and pretended to be offended.

  We laughed and enjoyed a comfortable silence for the remainder of whatever song was playing.

  “So that was your ‘first.’ What else did you want to say?” Quincy chewed on a thumbnail.

  “Don’t bite your nails. It’s unhealthy.” I used our joined hands to bat his other hand from his mouth. “I never felt like I fit in. I felt like a bother to my parents. I felt like a nuisance to the fosters before Momma. I never felt like I was a part of anything.” I turned to catch Q’s eye. “Until you. Until Momma, Pops, and you. Beyond all reason, despite my past, breaking through my hang-ups, the three of you always made me feel wanted, needed, and accepted.”

  “That’s because you’ve always been wanted, needed, and accepted. We love you like you’re blood family. Maybe even more than some blood family. I love you. Where you going with this, G?” Quincy worried his bottom lip.

  “We’re so different.”

  “We’ve had this conversation,” Quincy interrupted.

  “Hush. This isn’t about our differences so much. It’s more about me not being able to work right now and never having money. When I’m at school, it’s not that hard. I’ve got the meal credits, credits at the commissary, pretty much everything I need. But it’s scary how reliant I am on the school money and credits. If I was on my own, I wouldn’t survive more than a week. I wish I could work so I could have a little bit of a cushion. I have the cheapest phone package and have to rely on people sharing their WiFi with me. When I’m out places, I have to make sure I’m not using up data.”

  “Baby, I can always help with bills and things. I know we don’t have bills at school so much, but I can help with other stuff. Let me get you a better phone package. Let me help with a better car.”

  I knew Quincy never understood why I insisted on still driving the junker I bought in high school. “Stop! Don’t you get it? I want to be able to do all of that for myself. I hate being a mooch, relying on others.”

  Quincy gaped. “G, you’re not a mooch. No one has ever felt that way. Ever.”

  “I’ve never once been able to take care of myself. I was reliant on my parents. I was reliant on the fosters. I was reliant on Momma and Pops. For a lot of the homes, I was just a paycheck. For Momma and Pops I never felt that way, but at least they got paid for taking care of me until they adopted me. After that? I was just another financial burden.”

  “Oh my God, baby. How can you even think that? Momma and Pops wanted to adopt you. They loved you. They were so proud of you. You were never a burden on them. No one would have ever expected you to take care of yourself. Momma and Pops didn’t take you in thinking you’d one day pay them back. You were just a kid!”

  “Yeah. I was a kid. Then. Now I’m a grown-up and still not able to take care of myself. At least as a foster kid, I brought them some money from the state. But now Momma’s buyin
g me expensive gifts, Max is funding a road trip, and you’re offering to pay my phone bill. I feel like a complete loser mooch.”

  “Grif, I’m so sorry you feel this way. I don’t know how to make you understand. Momma and Pops wanted you. They took pride in taking care of you. My dad isn’t super emotional, but he considers you as much his son as me. Me offering to help you is just that. An offer to help. You know why? Because I know you’d help me in a heartbeat when you’re in the position to be able to.” He kissed the back of my hand. “And one day, you will be in that position. You’re not always going to be broke, relying on scholarships and credits through the school. You won’t always need my dad to pay for a road trip. Hell, I won’t always need my dad to pay for a road trip.” He turned in his seat so he could see me better. “We may be grown, but we’re not expected to be one hundred percent self-reliant right now. We’re in school. We can do as much on our own as possible, but we have resources to help us through. And that makes us lucky. One day, when we’re better off financially, we’ll be able to help some young adults like ourselves. Until then, we accept the assistance we’re given and be grateful for it.”

  I sighed and attempted to loosen my grip on the steering wheel. What Quincy said made sense. Mostly. But it didn’t make the little voice in my head stop whispering that I was a loser, a mooch, someone who couldn’t even support myself.

  “Maybe if I’d grown up with money readily available, this wouldn’t be so hard. But I’ve never had money.” I shook my head. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying money is everything. I think there are many happy people who don’t have much. I was so scared and unhappy with my parents. We had no money. I don’t know if money would have made anything better. I felt loved and happy with Momma and Pops. I might not have had my own money then, but even at a young age, I knew money made things easier.”

  Quincy rubbed my hand with his thumb and let me keep talking.

  “Your entire family has always been beyond generous with me. I guess I’ve always had the idea that, once I was officially an adult, I’d be able to repay or show my own generosity. But here I am, legal and all that, and I’m still having to think about the price of a pair of shoes or lunch at a restaurant or paying my phone bill.” I smiled softly. “I know it’s hard for you to understand.”


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