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Page 12

by D. D. Lorenzo

  She slid her butt to the edge of the cushion and took a long stretch. When she sat up, she tossed the remote onto the coffee table. It landed next to her cell. She didn't know how long it had been there because she didn't remember setting it down. She picked it up. A gazillion notifications dotted the screen. She pressed to open her text messages and saw a list. All were from Dash.

  "Sky, open the door."

  "Sky, we need to talk."

  "Please, Sky. Open the door."

  "Dammit, Skylar. Stop being so stubborn. Open the door."

  "Fine. I can wait here all night. You have to come out sometime."

  "I'm not leaving."

  What the hell? Her heart betrayed her by skipping a beat. She set the empty container on the table as she headed toward the door. Her hand trembled as she turned the knob. When she opened it a crack, she jumped back a step. Dash caught himself just before falling inside. He’d been sitting on the doorsill with his back leaning against the door. He lifted his eyes to meet hers.

  "’Bout time." His tone was empty, the lack of inflection matching the vacant look in his eyes.

  "How long have you been here?"

  "Long enough for the fog to soak me through."

  Skylar looked out at the damp, thick air and found it heavy with a chill. Spring and summer in Maryland always sported unpredictable temperatures. This night was no different. The low seventies during the day could mean fifty degrees at night. Dash stood up and brushed the wet film off his jeans and leather jacket. Not waiting for an invitation, he stepped over the threshold and brushed by her as he entered the house. She followed him with her eyes, slowly pushing the door closed.

  He wasted no time moving toward the living room. She watched him as he removed his jacket, turned it to the inside, and threw it on a nearby chair. He plopped down on the sofa and looked up at her, his eyes glimmering with remorse. "We need to talk."

  Sky sucked in a breath. "I don't think there's anything more to say, do you?" She bit back the words that danced on her tongue, but her eyes never left Dash's. He struggled with his composure. She noted the tremble in his hands and the hint of restrained emotion in his eyes. If the saying was true, and the eyes indeed were the windows to the soul, then Dash was tortured. She saw heartbreak reflected in his usually warm brown orbs. At the moment, they were hollow and lackluster. As much as Sky hated to see anyone in pain, she couldn't look away from him. An invisible connection commanded her to see every exposed part.

  Dash ran a hand over his face and back through his damp hair as he cleared his throat. Though she tried to lock down her emotions the moment she’d seen him at the door, Sky's heart had rebelled. His pain penetrated her. She felt pity. The expression on his face was so broken it stripped her bare, tearing away all her resolve. Any attempts to steel herself failed miserably. It was official; she was a wuss.

  "I only have one question," he begged. "Do you love me?"

  "No." She blurted out her answer in a rush, then paused. She closed her eyes, shaking her head, and hated herself for saying the next word on her lips. "Yes." The whispered truth followed the lie. Though she desperately wanted to protect her heart, the fact burned her tongue. She wasn't a liar. Telling him the truth made her vulnerable, and though she couldn't decide if she'd made a mistake in telling him, she would be able to live with herself. She had no idea what he would think of it because he hadn't confessed to loving her.

  The answer came quickly enough. Relief washed over his expression. His shoulders loosened. The tense lines on his handsome face softened. A breath escaped his lips in a rush. He cocked his head as a smile hooked the corners of his mouth. A split-second later, Dash sprang to his feet and stepped quickly over the coffee table that divided them. He crushed her as he wrapped her in his arms. Skylar could barely catch a breath before his lips came crashing down on hers. Hard and fierce, oxygen rushed from her lungs as he forced his tongue inside, tangling hers in a passionate dance.

  For a moment, Skylar froze, but Dash shattered the ice with passion. Her head fell back as a tremble raced through her insides. Was it love or lust that made her shake? She should have pushed him away but couldn't. She was mad, and this was crazy.

  Dash pulled her to him, his warm chest pressing against her breast. So tight was his hold, she could feel the racing beat of his heart. No matter how she felt about him, one nagging thought stood between her and the man she loved.


  Who was she, and how could she possibly compete with her or the other women who made it their mission to sleep with the band? Why would he want a wavy-haired bookworm over someone with perky tits and a willing body? In his position, Dash could have any woman he wanted, so why would he want her?

  As if he read her thoughts, he looked into her eyes. "There is no one else. There never will be. I love you, Sky. I don't know what it is about you, but when you left, I felt like you'd ripped out my heart."

  His confession brought a tender smile to her lips. Emotion choked her. Tears spilled from her watery blue eyes. Any attempt at indifference crumbled beneath his words. He loved her.

  Dash's face was a study of regret and relief. "I don't understand what's happening, but I love you and can tell by the look in your eyes that you love me too. Please, Skylar, don't push me away."

  Like a stormy wind, Dash's sincerity scattered her tortured thoughts. Her head was spinning with "what if" thoughts, but as she looked into his eyes, all she could see looking back at her was his love.

  Sky bit her bottom lip, unsure of how to respond. She’d already admitted the truth about how she felt. If she were to be completely honest with herself and Dash, she’d realize she’d lashed out because of supposition, not fact. Though the sound of another woman's name falling from Dash's tongue had profoundly cracked something inside her, the fissure had been sealed as Dash held her in his arms. They could make this right.

  Both of them had to work to repair the damage of their hurtful words. Dash was doing what he loved, and as long as he was out on the road performing, women would be everywhere he played, even when she couldn't be. Now was the time for both of them to rely on trusting each other.

  She threaded her arms through his, wrapping them around his trim waist. He stroked her hair, caressed her cheek, and then pinched her chin between his fingers, tipping her head up so she couldn't escape his eyes. His gaze quelled any remaining, anxious thoughts. "I want you. I love you."

  "I love you, too. I do. It's just hard when I know what goes on backstage."

  "It's not as hard as you think. You just have to give us a chance. I love you, and you love me. That's what matters. Give this—us—a chance. Let go of any preconceived notions you might have about guys in a band."

  A grimace wired her lips. "That's a little hard to do when you have someone like Ian screwing anything he can."

  "I'll handle Ian. You handle me."

  Instantly, she saw his transparency. For the first time she truly saw him and not the guy up on stage. He was more than determined by the look in his eyes and, suddenly, her twisted vision cleared. Hearing his truth put fresh breath into her lungs. Her love for him eclipsed her reservations. If she’d been paying attention to his words and not her angered presumptions, she’d have seen it. It had been right there all along. Red-rimmed and shadowed, his eyes bore the same soul-wounding hurt mirrored in her own. Worry lines bruised the corners of his brown depths. While Dash Barrows might be a rock god to some, to her, he was a simple man. Someone who felt the depth of love and pain just as she did. She'd reacted poorly, but his confession of love humbled her, sinking her fears so deep they disappeared into murky depths.

  A rush of air stroked her back as Dash lifted her into his arms. She had no more concerns about the day's earlier events. There was no need for questions. No need for more apologies. As Dash held her tightly in his arms and carried her toward the bedroom, all doubt faded away.

  He gently released her once inside the room. Her toes barely hit the floor when he p
ulled her against him. With tender fingertips, he traced her face. She closed her eyes as he placed gentle kisses over her face, his breath whispering over her cheeks. His hand slid down to her hip, and he tugged her against him, closing any distance that remained. The evidence of his desire pressed hard against her lower belly, setting butterflies to flight as they fluttered in the spaces between her ribs.

  When she opened her eyes, Dash caught her gaze. The passion in his eyes was unmistakable. Skylar's thoughts turned carnal as he led her to the bed. With eager hands, he began to undress her. Each connection of his fingers with her skin left her breathless. He pulled her shirt over her head and undid her jeans. As her clothes fell around her ankles, he undid the hooks of her bra and slid it from her shoulders. It, too, fell to the floor. With impatient hands he ran his fingers over every inch of her within his reach, his touch leaving her wanting.

  Her panties were her one remaining garment, the material covering places on her body that were anxious to be touched. Dash hooked his thumbs inside the thin band and pushed them over her hips and down her thighs. Once they reached the floor Sky kicked them and the other clothes around her ankles aside. He didn't wait for her to undress him. He shucked off his clothes and kicked them away, the bedroom floor now a minefield of garments.

  Sky rubbed her cheek against his, his day's stubble burning her skin as his face moved downward. Her head fell obligingly to the side as he nuzzled the sensitive place where neck and shoulder met. His kisses left a burning trail as he lowered his chin to her breast. He licked the stiff peaks, issuing sweet torture as he sucked and nibbled the tender buds. Skylar's breaths increased, her gasps intensifying his response as he gently pulled her nipple between his teeth. Her knees weakened, threatening to drop her to the floor, but Dash held fast. She had no doubt he wouldn't stop until he was satisfied.

  Hard and powerful, his excitement was evident. A satisfied growl escaped his throat, the primal sound rattling her insides as she reached out to touch him. She wrapped her fingers around his length. A violent tremor shook his knees as a moan escaped his lips.

  Dash guided her footsteps to the edge of the bed, laying her down on the soft tangle of bedding. He laid down beside her, dipping his eager fingers between her legs to circle the tender bundle of nerves with a fresh rush of her juices. A startled moan escaped her lips as he continued his loving assault. His fingers stroked out a beautiful song, bringing sparks with its heat. He pulled his hand away as he repositioned himself and covered her with his body. "Skylar. Look at me."

  Her dark lashes fluttered against her cheeks as she opened her eyes, locking her gaze with his. He nudged her thighs apart with his knee. His touch was desperate as he breached her entrance with the tip of his cock. Her startled cry escaped on a gasp as Dash plunged fast and deep. The strokes were measured and teasing, driving them both toward a pinnacle of pleasure. His pace quickened as he possessed her. He pushed her to the edge of desire. Sky was a willing prisoner to his lust as he claimed and possessed her. No words were necessary as she read the love in his eyes. The glint of tears stung the corners of her eyes, the undeniable pleasure intense and overwhelming.

  Dash read her desire, the sensuality of the message more beautiful than words could say. Violent yet tender. Demanding and giving. His pace increased, the primal instinct possessing his hips. Her lips parted as a moan fell from her lips. His body spoke a language that hers understood, suffocating her heart. His thrusts gave and took in equal measure, coaxing her to come with him. His rhythm was set at sweet agony, and she savored the beat. She moved with him, her orgasm rippling into a tide. Lust bubbled her blood as he drove himself in a frenzied pace. Sweat misted her skin. He thrust harder and harder, taking her inch by inch with a driving force. He shifted up, his bone colliding with her clit until ripples of pleasure consumed them both. He reared back, the last blistering thrusts removing all ghosts of hurtful thoughts. He continued the beastly pace, driving them both until he exploded with a roar and her vision was nothing but starlight.

  Chapter 22

  Dash pulled at the blanket, inching it up over Skylar's shoulder as she sleepily snuggled into his side. Seeing her like that gave him a strange sort of satisfaction. She fit there. Every curve and edge of hers molded to his. His emotions swirled like a coming storm. What he felt for her was something he'd never felt for any other woman, and the prospect of losing her had settled something he'd been mulling over for weeks. It was a crazy notion, and he couldn't explain it, but it was now or never.

  As he looked down at the beauty lying in his arms, all he could hear in the silence was the steady sound of her breaths. He ran his thumb over her shoulder as he attempted to rouse her from a semi-sleep. "Sky?"

  Her dark lashes fluttered against her pale skin. As she half-opened her eyes, a smile broke on her lips. "Hmm?"

  "Can you wake up and look at me for a minute? I want to ask you something."

  She tilted her chin up and fixed her blue eyes on him. Reaching her hand to his face, she caressed his cheek. The love she’d so carefully guarded was now visible in her expression.

  "Marry me."

  Her eyes popped open, and she sprang up on her elbow. Her expression was a mix of confusion and disbelief. "What did you say?"

  "Marry me." He relaxed against the pillows. There was so much more to say, but he was giving her a minute to wrap her head around the question.

  Sky pinched the sheet between her fingers as she rose to a sitting position, pulling up the covers that had fallen to her waist and exposed her breasts. Her former sleepy and satisfied expression quickly shifted as skepticism sliced with steely knives. Her eyes seared him with uncertainty. "Why?"

  His confidence tilted, unbalancing the words he'd planned to say and leaving him with only one. "Because."

  She cocked her head. "That's not a reason." Her brow furrowed.

  How could he define the unexplainable? Though he attempted a confident smile, he was still nervous as hell. Not because he didn't think she’d marry him, but because he was asking her to share a life without boundaries. Every little thing they did would be publicized and he was well aware of her desire for privacy. He thought asking her was the craziest thing he'd ever done, but he couldn't shake the feeling that having Skylar as his wife would be the most perfect thing he’d ever do in his lifetime.

  He looked down at her hand, brushing it with his fingers. "See, there's this thing—this connection between you and me—that I can't explain. I felt it the first time I kissed you and when I thought I'd lost you . . . when you walked out—" He couldn't finish. The feelings were too fresh. He swallowed the emotion that rattled his voice, attempting to do the same with the lump in his throat that had been there since she’d gone. It was a dance of unfamiliar steps for him. Something he’d never have imagined doing in a million years. Why couldn't she have simply said yes? Instead, doubt pierced him. His body reacted. His mouth went dry, his tongue felt like he'd been snacking on wallpaper paste. He wondered if Skylar could hear his racing heart.

  He cleared his throat. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I would never do that on purpose. Ever."

  Sky blinked, capturing unshed tears. If her efforts were to hide her thoughts and feelings, they’d gone awry. He didn't have to convince her his heart wasn't careless. He could see in her eyes that she believed him. Except for his one, royal fuckup, their connection was stable.

  "I know." She looked past him. Sliding her tongue over dry lips, capturing the bottom one between her teeth as she composed her thoughts. When she looked at him again, her eyes failed to reclaim their glimmer.

  "I know I screwed things up. I never meant to. And I know I'm repeating myself, but whatever came out of my mouth was not what was in my head. There’s no other woman but you. I fucked up, and I'm sure it won't be the last time I fuck up about something, but the most important thing for you to know is my future is with you. I love you, Sky, and I don't want to do this life without you."

  His truth stripped her express
ion to the point he could no longer read it. What he was hoping was that she would launch herself into his arms, kiss him, and answer yes to his question. But that didn't happen, and the moments spent waiting for an answer was killing him.

  Sky took a deep breath. The steel in her spine softened to a more forgiving posture. Lying her head on the pillow, she turned to her side, and studied his face. He felt a hopeless prick stab his heart. "I believe you."

  Her words were as soft and warm as melted butter. In her eyes was a vulnerability that burned into his soul. Yes, he’d wounded her, and, yes, she had every right to be skeptical, but he hoped she could see the truth despite her reservations. "Then marry me."

  She gently shook her head. "I can't.

  “Can't?" If she were any other woman, she would have taken advantage of the situation. He studied her. Both of them were tentative because of a wounding mistake, but she had to see he was making himself just as vulnerable as she felt. Too many people would have used him and capitalized on his proposal. What she didn't realize was that to share his life with her, she would have to help him build a life outside of the spotlight. He was subject to the same thoughts and feelings as any man in love—and he was in love with her.

  "You'll change your mind." He was as determined as she was cautious. Sky wasn't a woman to play games. There was no manipulation in her eyes, and he knew full well she didn't care about what he had in the bank. If she had her way, they would go about the rest of their lives in obscurity. They would live somewhere remote. Probably a big, old farmhouse on a thousand acres with a wrap-around porch and inspiring scenery, with Dash playing the guitar while she penned her stories. But he wasn't going to give her fodder for a story of love gained and lost. It might take some time to convince her to build a life with him, but he’d do it. Then he would ask her again. Next time she would say yes.


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