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The Revelations of Jace Forester

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by Rachelle Mealove

  The Revelations of Jace Forester

  Copyright: Published in the United States by Rachelle Mealove / © Rachelle Mealove

  Published DATE

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  The Revelations of Jace Forester

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  A Note from the Author

  Chapter 1

  You are going to die

  It wasn’t unorthodox for a notorious teenager frequently active on Instagram to receive a deadly threat from a random fake ID in 2019, but something about TheDarkDevil_69 gave Jace Forester goosebumps.

  The conspicuous fake ID had no profile picture, and it presented itself as any other ID. However Jace couldn’t help but stare at the short text for a significant period of time.

  You are going to die

  “The 69 gives it away dude. I don’t know why you’re fussing over this.” Said Joey

  “Yeah I’m terrified to my core man. A kid in LA is getting threats on Instagram, I’ve never heard of anything like It.” replied Jace. The duo of best friends giggled in unison.

  Jace had made it a habit to hide his concerns and worries with sarcasm now. The seventeen year old boy with dark and silky hair scratched his head. He was tall and lean, with enough muscles however to beat any teen of his age to a pulp.

  He was commonly referred to as a “snack” in his high school by the opposite gender, and rightly so.

  The fair boy possessed sharp jaw lines, a pointed nose and blue eyes. Atlantic blue eyes.

  It would often happen so that Jace’s female classmates would approach him with an irrelevant or absurd question, such as “Hey I think this is your pen” or “Was there any history homework for today?” and end up staring at this eyes, going completely blank, getting lost as if the eyes were the Atlantic Ocean itself and ending up saying something stupid, like “hi”.

  Jace was used to this kind of unwanted attention.

  He was the hottest boy in school with the cutest smile.

  His intelligence also helped him with his popularity.

  Not only did Jace top on every class, but the teachers also said that he was the second Newton. “A boy of this scientific caliber is indeed scarce to find” they would say.

  The afternoon air was crisp now.

  “This is probably one of the boys from school getting jealous because their girl likes you or something” continued Joey.

  Joey had been Jace’s best friend since he could remember. The rather healthy and chubby looking boy never let Jace realize that he didn’t have siblings. Why would he need anyone else? He had the best mom and a couple of loyal friends.

  Jace looked up at the clouds from the window of CominCafe, the stock place for him and his squad to hang out with; even though the only squad he had were Joey and Violet.

  “I don’t know man. I mean it’s been months now and the texts only keep getting weirder. I think…Whoa man look at this meme” replied Jace as he showed his chubby best friend a classic Hermit the Frog meme.

  The clouds, Jace noticed, had suddenly transformed a shade darker. He always noticed stuff like this. One time Jace revealed to his friend Violet that his boyfriend had apparently been cheating on her with his ex.

  When asked how he knew this, he only said “Nothing much. Just the way he looks at you. The way he carries his phone in the left hand instead of the right, how he hides it from you, his recent new sense of fashion, the sweat on his shirt even though he said he was home all day.” Jace had gloated of several other deductions, “You see Violet, you see but you do not observe. I myself find Sherlock Holmes’s deductions… OUCH” He never got to end the sentence.

  He was punched to a bloody nose by the angry Violet that day, although he had no intentions of hurting her feelings.

  “Hehe damn that Frog never gets old. Anyways, I suppose so the creep has been stalking you for a while now. It could be….Oh no no madam I ordered my cappuccino with Oreo biscuits not these, what are these anyways”

  “Nutter Butters. They’re better than Oreos you fat bitch” replied the stern waitress “Now stop sniggering like goofs and give me some tips; it’s been ages since I got some. Oh and why don’t you two write something nice like how beautiful I am or how hardworking and polite I am on the suggestions box”

  Violet looked pale. Jace observed the once young and vibrant girl, oozing with life and color, now pale and agitated.

  She wore the same uniform she always wore when waitressing for CominCafe, a yellow apron covering a red skirt. She had a blue notepad on her right hand and a brown pen on her left, clearly showing no interest in taking orders today.

  “You’re ruder than usual. Anything up Vi?”

  “Nope just the usual, if you consider blood pouring out of your vagina as normal. Fucking periods I swear one of these days I’m …..”

  She abruptly stopped in the middle of the sentence.

  Jace continued to observe Violet, as he did often.

  She, unlike Joey, had become Jace’s friend only recently. Her parents had named her after the color of her beautiful eyes, which were a relatively lighter shade of violet. She had always been non-existent in Jace’s life, and they had only become friends last year. Before that Violet had always managed to preoccupy herself with thick books or rigorous studies.

  But the daily routine of the enthusiastic and lighthearted teenager had come to an abrupt halt after her beloved dad’s car accident.

  It was a bright and sunny day, In contrast to the now darkened and gloomy world of the young girl who was moping under a redundant maple tree of her school that day.

  Joey was the first to notice her weeping, and with no skills regarding social communication and interaction, especially with pretty girls, he ran to Jace.

  “So what’s the big deal Jo” Jace had said “Girls cry all the time. I’m sure she’s had a break up or a period or something it’s none of our business dude we should just”

  “Her father died last week Jace” Joey had interrupted him “If there’s anything we can do for….”

  But Jace never heard the end of that sentence for he was already running for the maple tree.

  Jace knew how it was like to not have a father, a person from whom you’re supposed to learn so many things, and for him to just not be there. His mother had always compensated for his non–existent dad, and had never let Jace realize he was being brought up without a father, always trying to be a dad and mom at the same time. Jace still didn’t know why he didn’t have a father, or at least if he was alive right now. For some reason, he and his mom had always avoided this gruesome topic.

  “I brought coffee” no reply “Do y
ou want coffee…um Vanessa?”

  “It’s Violet you Dickhead and no I don’t want your coffee” she had screamed.

  Jace had been surprised by her ferociousness. She had looked both harmless and dangerous at that time.

  Jace always had the knack of helping out anyone who actually needed it, he couldn’t see others sad. His mother had once on a rare evening told him that his father was very self-righteous, and that Jace had gotten it from him.

  That’s the only thing his mom had ever said about his dad.

  Nevertheless, Jace Forester could not prevent himself from helping the needy and he found himself around Violet Evergreen for almost a week, trying to make her talk and possibly make her feel less lonely.

  It hadn’t worked, but Jace had managed to find a friend in the inconspicuous Violet. She slowly let the two best friends come in her life, and soon the trio of mishaps became inseparable.

  “I’m so glad you came up to me that day and talked. I’m glad we became friends Jace” Violet had said after a month from when their friendship had started.

  Anyways, now Jace had finished observing Violet.

  “Why did you stop mid sentence Vi? What’re you looking at anyways?” inquired Jace.

  Violet gave Jace a quizzical expression. She had been staring past him and Joey and out of the transparent window for quite some time.

  “Earth to Violet” said Joey and waved his chubby arms like a cheerleader.

  “Oh sorry guys” Violet said “Just…just thought someone was watching us from the other end of the street. Guess it’s only my imagination. Now where were we?”

  “I don’t want your nuts” snapped Joey with enthusiasm

  “What the fuck?” replied Violet with all the rage in the world.

  “Nutter Butters, Vi. You brought me Nutter Butters instead of Oreos. I want my Oreos” replied Joey in his defense

  “Oh that. Yeah stuff it in your mouth fatso. Anyways, you eat whatever you find can’t see why you’re fussing about this so much”

  “Oh Violet when will you ever….Jace what is it? Another text dude from him dude?”

  Jace was preoccupied with his cell phone

  “This guy just gets more creative day by day guys” snickered Jace.

  Violet took a chair from the table beside and sat down right beside Jace, so she could still keep an eye out of the window.

  “What’s the tea Jace? Don’t tell me you’re still getting em threats on your Insta?” inquired Violet.

  “Yeah Jace what did he write this time? Send nudes or I’ll force them out of you?” laughed Joey.

  Violet giggled. Joey had always fashioned himself of being the funny one among the three

  “I’ll read it out” said Jace “Get ready for the boom amigo!”

  “What does that even mean?” said Violet and Joey in unison as if they shared the same brain with the same confusion.

  “Don’t know and don’t care” replied Jace and he grabbed a Nutter Butter.

  The group was enjoying a second cup of coffee when Violet had to get up and take more orders.

  “By the way Jace, why don’t you just block and report the creep on Insta?” asked Violet

  “Doesn’t work. Every time I block him he comes up with another horrendous named ID and texts me”

  “What’s his name this time?”


  “Yup he’s insane. Catch you losers later!”

  Jace continued talking to Joey, his best friend.

  Joey was just pointing out some gimmicks he learned on YouTube for playing Fortnite when Jace felt the temperature change.

  The hair on his skin rose as if he was Spiderman and his Spidey Sense told him danger was near.

  He looked around, as if searching for an anomaly, but found nothing.

  Until he did.

  On the other end of the small coffee shop, comfortably sat a man.

  At first glance, Jace thought as if the man had come out of an anime. He had dark brown eyes and long eyelashes. His face was all angles, with sharp jaw lines, a stubble beard and a pointed nose.

  He seemed tall and muscular, even though his height was hard to determine from his sitting position. He had an excellent posture, with arms that looked like it could lift a whole truck and a back which looked like he had made the gym his second home.

  It was hard to determine his age, but he looked like he was in his early twenties.

  He had a single cup of coffee on the entire table, which he stared at as if he was a scientist and the solution to time travel lay on that cup.

  He did not look up as Jace approached him. He had no idea why he was ever so slowly walking towards the stranger, but something in his gut told him something wasn’t right about the man.

  Why does he look familiar?

  He nevertheless stood directly in front of him. Just before he could open his mouth to say something, he heard screams from behind him, or moreover from behind the window behind him.

  Time instantly slowed down for Jace, and he was for a moment reminded of his 10th birthday.

  Everyone and everything started to slow down as every inch of Jace’s body ran for Joey Moreno

  A driver, it seemed had gone rogue and hit a large red fuel truck.

  The pedestrians couldn’t evade the turmoil in the street before the luminous fire engulfed them.

  The accident occurred on the other side of the slowly burning street, so Jace had enough time to run towards Joey and jump on top of him, as if he were a protective shield dedicated solely to protect his friend from the hellish fires.

  Although, for an ordinary human being, they wouldn’t have been able to take more than two or three steps, lucky for Jace, he wasn’t ordinary in any sense.

  He ran two strides before he jumped on top of his chubby best friend, just in time to stop the fire from coming directly in contact with him and burning all of him.

  The next thing Jace Forester remembered was flames and fire brighter than the incandescent sun wrapping its tentacle around CominCafe, burning everything and everyone inside it into ashes.

  Chapter 2

  The air smelled of dry maple leaves and the sunrays of early spring revealed that it was time for Jace Forester to wake up.

  He hopped out of bed. He wore a Captain America trouser and a t-shirt that had Naruto running.

  He hugged his dog, and observed his bedroom, which was covered with action figures, comics and story books. On the wall was hung a board in which he had written, out of memory, Plank’s Constant and the first 50 digits of Pie.

  “It’s my birthday Lucifer!” exclaimed the ten year old boy “Let’s go and find out what surprise Mama planned for us this time”

  Of course, there had been no surprise that day.

  Jace, with all his positivity that day, had encountered nothing but disappointment.

  His mother had to leave due to urgent work, and his party had been cancelled because, well, no one was really interested.

  “No one loves me Lucifer” Jace screamed hours later.

  He lay curled on his bed crying to his soft pillow.

  He found himself cursing everyone he could think of, even Joe, apparently.

  He noticed his Harry Potter action figure, and the plastic Elder Wand beside it.

  “Keep your whining down you brat some of us are here tryna concentrate and have a life!”

  The young Jace never liked Mr. Panday.

  He couldn’t take it anymore

  He screamed at the top of his lungs, and when he looked at the reflection in Lucifer’s large eyes, which almost felt as if the dog was concerned for the boy thrashing in air, he hated what he saw.

  He picked the Elder Wand with all his might, pointed it at Mr. Panday’s window and screamed “Avada Kadabra” hoping to kill anything the greenish and fatal spell might hit.

  Obviously, no green flash of deadly magic spell was seen.

  After screaming Voldemort’s spell for around ten more tim
es, he threw the wand out of the window with all his strength.

  Then it happened

  Time slowed down for him

  It was as if the world was moving at half its speed, and he was moving at twice his usual speed.

  He had watched the Olympians throw huge metal balls miles away calling it sport.

  What he didn’t understand at that period of time was how, a ten year old, could throw a plastic toy that flew for blocks and blocks

  He didn’t know how his vision had enhanced, for he followed the wand’s path throughout its whole journey to the pedestrians leg

  He had curly hair and wore a Hawaiian shirt with coconuts on it

  He didn’t know how his audibility had amplified, for he heard the scream of the man on whose leg the plastic toy was now sticking out from. His leg was all bloody and he was thrashing in the air, similar to how Jace was doing it a moment ago, the only difference being he could still stand.

  He ran at four times his normal speed, and just as he jumped for his bed, everything became normal.

  The world was quite

  He took a few minutes to let it all sink in

  He didn’t feel strong like a bodybuilder or wrestler anymore

  He didn’t have the adrenaline to climb a mountain anymore

  He didn’t even have the swiftness of a cheetah anymore

  His crying didn’t stop, only this time it was silent and in the form a sob.

  Lucifer, the brown Beagle dog, kept his intense stare at the sobbing Jace.

  “It’s a miracle!” said the doctor “He didn’t even get a proper scratch from all of that fire and chaos!”

  It was only a few hours after the apocalyptic explosion, and Jace was eavesdropping on his doctor while acting to be asleep

  He felt weird, for it had been years since he had remembered that inconspicuous day, the day he found out he wasn’t normal, his 10th birthday.

  He opened his eyes as the doctor left the room with his nurse. Jace quickly studied the doctor’s clipboard. Only percussions and minor burns, nothing very serious.


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