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Sean aka Diesel (Cocker Brothers Book 14)

Page 13

by Faleena Hopkins

  Celia and I mount the Harleys, reach to unhook our helmets and strap them on, not talking to each other. Is she as aware of my body as I am of hers? When Celia’s boots find better footing on the steel I hear it like it’s right in my ear, the subtle scraping. As she rises up and sits again to adjust her balance, the swoosh of jeans against leather makes my cock curse.

  Glancing toward the plantation, I silently will someone to come join us. This trip is going to be torture.

  “Ready?” she asks, revving the engine.

  “As I’ll ever be,” I mutter, and lead the way, taking Luke or Atlas’s place. If some truck comes around a corner, or a car doesn’t stop at a red, I’ll take the hit. If we’re chasing a car and they’re shooting at us, the women file into a straight line behind us and we take the hit in that scenario too. That’s Cipher protocol.

  It’s one of those chilly days where the sky is cotton balls wrapped in blue silk. And I gotta admit, it feels so fucking good to have Celia following me this time. I sit back a little more relaxed and confident on Scratch’s hog.

  “Beautiful day!” she calls over the cool wind. “I like it when it’s not hot and muggy, when we’re not melting out here!”

  “It’s incredible!” I grin back to her.

  No place better than right here, right now. Hands gripping this powerful machine as the woman I can’t stop thinking about heads to the center of our sleepy town with just me.


  My smile fades as I put a shorter leash on my dogs.

  Don’t set them free, Sean.

  Still haven’t had that damn vote. Not sure what’s holding that up. Jett treats me like I’m one of them. I’ve played pool with Fuse, Scythe, and Honey Badger a bunch of times. Tonk Sr. gave me that heart-to-heart in the hallway but hasn’t come too close since then, because of Carmen. I know the younger crew is all for me joining. It’s the elders I’m not sure about.

  I lean slightly and guide the Harley to take a sharp right, the final turn into town. Glancing back I see Celia matching my angle like our motorcycles are one. Shaking my head at how good this feels, we glide into a parking lot, park and lower our kick stands. Celia gives her long, sweet smelling hair a shake as she removes her helmet. The scent slams right into my cock. She’s so sexy that I close my eyes and mutter a cuss word under my breath.

  “What was that for?”

  Dismounting I ask, “Huh?”

  “You just said motherfucker.”

  On a dismissive shrug I throw and catch the keys. “Gonna miss these sneakers.”

  Celia takes this as truth, since I’m usually honest, and as we head to the shoe store she smirks, “Well, I’m not going to miss them.”

  The bells jingle as I open the door for her and she pauses in the frame and gazes up at me.

  “What are you doing?” I grumble, needing to escape.

  “You’ve got a little something here.” Her fingers glide down my cheek, the calluses making the caress hotter. I stare at her lips and her gaze flickers to mine, too. Swooping her finger and thumb back, she shows me a tiny yellow leaf. “Must have gotten stuck in your helmet.”

  Distracted by the desire to kiss her I murmur, “Guess so.”

  She frowns, gaze slipping to my mouth again.

  “Can you please close the door! We’re trying to keep the heat in!”

  Ceels walks inside looking beautifully awkward. I’m suddenly awake, muscles humming with ideas I want to act on. Grinding my teeth I follow her up a few aisles until she finally turns to me. “What size are you?”

  A grin spreads on both our faces as we realize neither of us knew where we were going, what we were looking for, or even cared. Before I know what I’m doing I take her hand. “Celia, you drive me crazy, you know that?”

  Her warm brown eyes widen, “You always act so detached!”

  “And why do you think that is?” Her fingers loosen around mine and I think she’s going to let go. But she slides them over my calluses, sensually exploring them. My eyelashes get so heavy I can’t help but watch her mouth again. When she licks her lips I mutter, “Fuck this,” and collide a kiss into her that I have no business giving.

  My brain is spinning with the justification that sure, I could get kicked out, but that might happen anyway. She might stop me and then I’d just back off and drop this for good, but she doesn’t do that. Instead she responds with as much passion as I’m giving to her. We’re pressed close. Her fingers feel like heaven gripping my biceps as I slide my hands around her back while electric waves shoot through my body.

  Pulling back just a little I search her beautiful face and rasp, “It was just a kiss. We haven’t used our tongues yet. We could stop and act like this never happened.” But she frowns again and extends her tongue, licking my bottom lip and entering my mouth in a way that makes my cock strain to get at her. “Oh my fuck, yes,” I rasp in between the most sensual kisses I’ve ever had in my life.

  Celia moans at my erection, thickly whispers, “Let’s get out of here, Sean.”

  “We’ve gotta get the boots.”

  “Fuck the boots.”

  I dip to whisper in her ear, licking it first, “I’m going to fuck you. But I need those boots if we’re gonna be able to hide it.” Her fingers dive into my hair as she shivers. I give her one last lingering kiss, sucking on her tongue before I break, take her hand and say, “I’m a size fourteen. Let’s get this done.”

  Scanning the sizes we find mine, and there’s nobody in the aisle but us. It’s the middle of a work or school day for most people. Celia digs through the selection like someone just yelled Fire!, and holds up the perfect options, giving me the choice of black or brown. Following my gut I grab the brown, kick out of my sneakers, sit down and shove my huge feet in these bad boys right here. Launching myself to test them out I adjust my hard-on, nod that these boots feel damn good. “What do you think? You like ‘em?”

  Celia’s mouth is slackened, her eyes on them before the hottest I-can’t-wait-to-fuck-you look travels up my body.

  My eyes roll back and I groan, “You’re killing me. Let’s go.” She grabs the box, throws my sneakers in it, and offers her hand. Our fingers lace as we walk the narrow path, avoiding forgotten boxes and short benches with stupid mirrors on their sides. I pull out my wallet with my free hand, not wanting to let go of her as Celia sets my old shoes down. “Can you toss these for me?”

  The guy moves slower than a drugged snail.

  I’m standing here with my eyes on her, calm with my decision. Celia feels me looking, and from profile gives me a small smile. I bend down and kiss her cheek, say against the softness of her golden skin, “You’re amazing.”

  Her head turns, brown eyes flickering with disbelief. “You think I don’t know that?” She’s covering, because that surprise wasn’t at being told the obvious. Humor is way easier than showing insecurity since I’ve been so cold with her.

  I had to be.

  I’ll explain it to her later.

  But right now, in front of the lethargic clerk I kiss her. “You didn’t think I knew. I’m telling you, I’ve known all along.”



  I ’m crazy about him, keeps crashing through my mind as we take quick strides out of the store, hands separating at the last second before we mount our Harleys. I’m wet, throbbing, and this motorcycle ride is going to be way more fun than usual because of it. “There are a lot of hidden places in South Vacherie,” I tell him as we strap on our helmets. “And I know all of them.”

  He nods once, slides his key in the ignition, and somehow makes it look erotic. I’ve been riding since I was seven, but never with the promise of sex coming. My glance darts to the bulge in his crotch, legs spread wide to make room for the cock I saw that day in the bathroom. Swallowing a moan of need I adjust my pussy on the seat, closing my eyes briefly at the hum of my engine. It’s hitting me in just the right way.

  “You like that?” he asks, ready to take off.
  I just smile and bite my lip. “Shut up.”

  “Ceels…you like how that beast vibrates between your legs?”

  “Oh my...” I whisper, eyeing him and raising my volume to be heard over the roar, “I do like it.”

  He gives me a wink, that one I’ve been missing and waiting for. “I’m going to give you better than that.”

  I follow him out of the parking lot. “Turn left!”

  “Got it!” he says with a raise of his scarred hand.

  We ride like this, me giving him directions while I follow his lead, drink in the hot sight of his ass, those thick thighs, the smokin’ new boots. His hair is a little longer than when he joined us, and his neck muscles have more girth. Those shoulders are insane, and on a six-foot-two-inch man who was born to fight, they’ve gotten so ripped I have to rub on my seat a little just to ease the ache. A tight ball of heat is inside me, dying for a way out.

  “This is it!”

  “Up here, yeah?” he calls back, pointing his chin to a field of trees, their leaves gold, amber and crimson.

  “Yep, there’s a place to park just up ahead!”

  We hook the helmets up, clasp hands and he helps me get over the fence. I don’t dare tell him I can do it myself. He’s so proud to be helping me and frankly, I want to lean on him a little. I’m always working so hard to prove myself at the house. Show that I can do anything Soph can do. It’s nice, really nice, to be soft with Sean out here, enjoy being alone with a man who wants to guide me and show me he cares.

  “There’s a river up this way.”

  He squeezes my hand, “Perfect.”

  “Now you don’t have to be worried about brambles getting in your socks. You’ve finally got respectable motorcycle boots!”

  “Best way I can think of to break them in.” Sounding casual even as I detect a change in his tone, he asks, “How do you know about this place?”

  “Jealous?” I tease with a smile as we trudge through overgrown grass.


  The bluntness stops me. He turns, sapphires sharp as he waits for what I might say. “I’ve never been out here with anyone.”

  Believing me, his voice becomes merely curious, “How do you know about it?”

  “Sofia and Luke wanted to try smoking when we were kids. We came here. Atlas was with us, too. He told them they were stupid. They coughed their brains out, laughed even harder. It was a pretty good time. So we’ve come back here a lot when we wanted to be on our own. Sage, too, when she got old enough.”

  Sean moves a lock of hair the breeze blew over my eyes. “Okay, now I’m jealous again.” He comes in for a kiss, lingers against my lips.

  A clearing breaks, the rushing water so clean you can see glimpses of stones in the riverbed. Weeds and tree trunks spike out from the shore, and Sean walks us right to the edge. He gathers me to him, sapphires darkening before our mouths crash into each other. I lose myself to desire, our tongues teasing each other, then growing more urgent. I grip his shoulders as he grinds with me, tearing the pulse deeper into my core. My breath hitches as Sean’s fingers slip under my shirt and slowly travel up my shivering skin. “You cold?”

  “This is from you.”

  A proud smile pulls at his lips before they dive to meet me again. His jaw unlocks mine and we meld with each other, tongues dipping in and out. Warm, callused hands travel around my back, unsnap my bra with a little effort. “Been a long time,” he murmurs into my ear as he tries harder. The latch gives and he chuckles, “Almost lost you there.”

  “No, you didn’t,” I smile into his eyes as those beautifully masculine hands cup my breasts under my shirt. “I want you, Sean.”

  His light brown eyebrows crease up and he rasps, “I had a fantasy you said that to me, once.”

  Cocking my head I dryly ask, “Only once?”

  He laughs, frown vanishing. “Okay, maybe about twenty times before…” Stopping himself he bends to kiss my neck.

  “Before Luke told you to stay away from me.”

  He looks at me with surprise. “Yeah! He told you that?”

  “Sofia did.”

  Long eyelashes blink at me before his expression clears. “Jett didn’t say to get these boots, did he?”

  “He probably did. But he definitely didn’t say to take just me with you.”

  Sean stares at the memory, his face toward the river so that the sunlight dancing on it illuminates how handsome he is. I trace his jaw and bring him back to me. His sapphires gaze down, so beautiful I get lost in all the shades of blue. “Celia,” he whispers, coming in for a kiss. “I’ve tried to stay away.”

  “Did a pretty good job, too.”

  “I’m going to do a terrible job at it now.” With that his right hand snakes into my jeans, under my panties where he pauses to kiss me, then pulls back the cotton for a look. “So fuckin’ sexy. You don’t shave.”

  “Well, I didn’t know this was going to happen.”

  “Forget it’s going to happen next time, too.” Moving his hand lower he cups me and watches me moan. “You’re so wet.” Slipping his finger into my folds he gives me one long stroke that makes me shudder. “Let’s see how tight you are, huh?” We both moan as his finger slides into me, gives a few long, very slow pumps. “Mmm, so tight, Ceels. Fuck baby, I don’t know if you’ll be able to handle me.” He pulls out his hand as my knees nearly buckle with longing for more. “Let’s find out.” Sean gives me this cocky smirk as he unzips his pants, eyes drinking in every inch of me. I bite my lip, excited to see if he’s right. Will it be too much? Is he too big?

  “Don’t take them all the way off, we have to get back soon.”

  He nods, and pushes his jeans down his thighs, his cock larger than I remember because it’s fully hard this time. Wrapping my hand around it makes him groan, but I’m trying to touch my fingers to my thumb, and I can’t.

  Clearing my throat I confess, “I’ve never been with someone as big as you!” The length of veiny, silky smooth skin over a steeled shaft, I can’t stop staring. His fingers cover mine, the other hand pulling my chin up to meet his eyes.

  “I’ll go slow.”

  Suddenly I’m backed against a tree, and Sean is tugging my boots off. “Sorry but we’re not doing it doggie style the first time, so your jeans are coming off.”

  “Why not doggie style?”

  “I need to see your face, that’s why.”

  He slides my jeans down, and I step out of them, socks still on. But he checks them for brambles, pats the ground under and around my feet. “All good,” he mutters.

  Amused and impatient I pull on his pants next. “Yours, too. We’ll leave our shirts on since it’s cold.”

  He eyes me. “Fuck the cold,” and strips completely naked.

  “Oh my God,” I breathe. “Your body has changed so much since you first moved here.”

  Uninterested in himself he comes close, sliding his hands under my shirt again, his pulsing erection grabbed and laid against my hip. “You’re keeping your Ciphers jacket on so we don’t rub your back to pieces, and I like feeling you up under your shirt out in the woods.”

  “Like we’re not supposed to be doing this?”

  His eyes sober up. “We’re not.”

  I stare at him, mouth opening to ask if he’s sure about this, but he dives in and kisses me hard, the words stolen in an instant. Wrapping my arms around his neck I let him lift me up, hooking my legs behind him. Sean’s tongue strokes mine as he touches his cock’s tip against my opening. Our breaths become ragged as he slowly works it in, a little at a time, never stopping the kiss. It relaxes me to have us linked like this, his breath mixed with mine. I haven’t been with anyone in a long time, but with his patience I begin to yield to him, soften in my core. He pushes in deeper, hisses against my lips, cusses a few times and kisses me some more, beginning to rock back and forth to open me. The stretch of my walls when I’m this aroused is the best sexual feeling I’ve ever known.

  Sean gr
oans as I arch my back, forcing him to fuck me a little deeper. “Yeah Ceels, do that again.” I do and he winces. “So hot.”

  We start to move faster, feel the ache and desperation to get closer, take us over. Callused fingers dig into my thighs, my hips as he manipulates them. I moan, “You’re so good,” and go rigid as the heat threatens to drown me.

  “Enjoy it, Ceels. Let go. Relax, baby, I’ve got you.”

  I start to shake. It’s resistance. But Sean won’t let me pull back inside my shell. “You’re so big, it’s amazing!”

  He grips my head, searches my face, his lips parted and panting as he fucks me with such skill I whimper as my body gives in to his, lets him take me to that place I’ve never been from intercourse alone. My eyes are squeezed shut when I feel his mouth on mine, bending me to his will. Softening I wrap my arms around him and cry out as the heat grips me again. Each thrust, his cocks fills me so completely. He groans and stiffens. “I have to pull out.”

  “I know.”

  “It’s not because I don’t want to—”

  “I know! It’s okay!’

  Maybe it’s just me but there’s something about a man cumming that turns me on. To see him lose control, stroking himself just the right way like Sean is doing now while I hold onto him and avoid his lips so I can watch, it’s so exciting. Maybe because it’s strange, primal, and more than anything, private. Here I am, bearing witness. He laughs at my expression, shakes his head and mutters, “Every time I’ve been with someone, I used a condom. Never had anyone stare while I did this before.”

  “I love it.”

  The self-consciousness leaves his eyes and his handsome face becomes still. He swoops in for a kiss that knocks the wind out of me. Our tongues move, explore, until we moan together. With his clean hand he feels goosebumps on my skin.

  “You’re cold.”

  “I don’t know if it’s that,” I smile, feeling so close to him.

  He grins, and says, “Just in case, let’s get some clothes on you. I’m going to rinse my hand in the water. Be right back.”

  We put ourselves together in no real hurry. “I kinda don’t want to go home.”


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