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Avenge (Hillcrest Book 2)

Page 3

by Cassie Pierce

  “We have a plan?” I send to him telepathically, laughing at the sarcasm that filters across my tone. The duo from hell may have taken most of my soul, but the one thing that they couldn’t seem to beat out of me is my smartass nature.

  And trust me.....they tried.

  Zane, already accustomed to my moodiness from our long talks during my unconscious periods, simply laughs before replying in much the same tone. Something tells me that if we ever do get to actually meet in real life, we will be a lot alike.

  “Yes. We have a plan, and before you ask, it does not involve getting you killed. I wouldn’t.....I will never let that happen. So, for once Maci can you be quiet for five seconds and listen. I am trying to save your life.”

  Well....when you put it that way.

  I nod like a total moron before I remember that he cannot see me. Laughing at myself I whisper, “I’m listening.”

  “Your signal is about ten minutes from us. We have a plan. All you have to do is make sure that when you step into the tomb that you aren’t touching anyone. It’s important Maci. No one.”

  My mind fires off about a million thoughts at the same time, as understanding dawns, taking with it my hope. They are planning to shimmer me out, but they don’t know that it won’t work. It can’t. Not as long as Charon’s chains make me her bitch.

  There is a reason that my not-so-best-bestie chose them. They stop Angel’s from accessing almost all of their powers, including the ability to shimmer.

  “Listen Z,” I say, using the nickname that I gave him after our first talk. It just fit him somehow. “I am not trying to burst your bubble of awesomeness, but your plan won’t work. They have me in Charon’s chains. I can’t shimmer,” I sigh, letting defeat creep into my tone.

  Warmth flashes across my mind, traveling a path straight to my heart. I have an insane urge to reach up and rub my chest, but can’t since my hands are bound. Zane’s voice takes on a lethal edge, full of fury and fierce determination.

  “No Angel,” he whispers, but I hear it so clearly that he may as well be shouting. “Those chains are no match for me. Besides, I don’t shimmer. Just trust me and be ready.”

  I am almost offended by Zane’s assumption that I don’t listen, but....damn if that wasn’t hot. Just a little. Which is all kinds of wrong to think for a multitude of reasons, the main one because I still love Jaxon. Even if he is a douche.

  He doesn’t know me. I can totally listen. He said not to touch anyone when I walked into the tomb. There is just one problem with that.

  “Wait!” I mind shout, somehow knowing that he is about to up and disappear on me like he always does.

  “Yes Angel?” he says, only sounding slightly annoyed at me. I don’t care though. This is important.

  “What about Talon? You are getting him too right? Because as much as being sacrificed sucks and all, I won’t leave. Not without him.”

  I have never met Zane before, but I swear I have a mental image right now of him rolling his eyes. He is silent for a moment, but then his voice filters through our connection. Steady, and strong, and honest. Something that I could use more of in my life.

  “You have my word that after I get you out, I will go back for your friend.”

  I want to believe him, but life hasn’t exactly been great for me lately. I have to be sure.

  “Why should I trust you?”

  The words taste bad leaving my lips, but they need to be said. Trust is earned, not given. I have given too much.

  His reply is instant.

  “Because I am too damn selfish to let you die.”

  Then, with those cryptic words that leave more questions than answers our connection goes blank.

  And as crazy as it may be, I believe him. That no matter what happens here today, Zane won’t fail me. I know it is insane to put so much faith in a total stranger, but from the first moment that I heard his voice he felt like an old friend.

  The entire world may have failed me. Jaxon...Braxton...Ryker....Ashlee...... but Zane?

  Zane won’t.


  True to his word, exactly ten minutes later we arrive at Maple Hill Cemetery. The van rolls to a rough stop, throwing Talon and I into each other. I now know for a fact that it is Talon beside me, because he lets out a curse in his British accent that makes me giggle despite the bleakness of our situation.

  The van door slides open, and someone grabs me by my ankles and not-so-gently throws me on the ground. The distinctive female laughter that follows my fight with the ground letting me know that Ashlee is here.

  The sack is ripped roughly from my head, and I bite my lip to keep from crying out as a few hairs and a piece of my scalp come with it. I squint my eyes against the fading afternoon light. It has been what? Days? Weeks? Since I last saw the sun. I try to savor a few minutes of peace, but Ashlee’s shadow steps in front of my light, taking the sun and my peace with her.

  I would complain, but the gleeful smirk that paints her ugly face tells me that she knows exactly what she is doing. That she enjoys torturing me. One thing that my time in captivity taught me, is that the more pain you show, the more pain my crazy ex-bestie will cause.

  Ashlee has officially gone off of the rails. I don’t know what happened to her when she fake died, but the girl that came back is not the same one who left me.

  I should be furious at all the pain that she has caused me, but looking at her now.....all I feel is sad.

  Could I really have been so wrong about her, or did something horrible happen to my best friend? Something worse than dying?

  I am still staring at her as I try to figure it out. I realize my mistake a few seconds too late. “Awwww bestie? Are you going to cry?” she teases, leaning down and grabbing my chin forcefully. I ignore her, my eyes making quick work of the fresh hell that I have just landed in.

  I know that we have a plan, but if that plan fails than I need a plan B. My plan B is to run like hell.

  Speaking of hell, that is kind of what this place reminds me of. It takes creepy to a whole new level. Think horror movie cemetery meets uncared for garden, and you can begin to get a picture of Maple Hill.

  As far as the eye can see in both directions are tomb stones, arranged haphazardly in all shapes and sizes. There is no particular pattern or size to the grave markers. It is kind of like they were just scattered wherever the bodies fell. Some are sideways, while others sit straight. A few unlucky ones missing chunks and full of cracks.

  The names worn and long since forgotten. Weeds run freely throughout the place, proving that no one cares enough to look after what should be considered sacred.

  Darkness descends like a blanket over the forgotten cemetery, and a thin layer of fog gives the place an even eerier feel.

  I must ignore my phyco-ex-bestie for a little too long, because a jarring kick to the ribs quickly snaps me painfully back to reality. I feel the bone break beneath the impact, but I don’t give her the satisfaction of making a sound. I could really use my healing powers right now. I hate these damn chains. They really take all of the fun out of this angel stuff.

  “Ashlee love,” my not so dear dad coos, coming to her side. “Do try not to break her. We need her alive. At least until we reach the tomb,” he laughs, pulling me roughly to my feet.

  Talon manages to make it to his feet without assistance, shooting daggers at Michael. I shake my head slightly and wait until they start to pull us along before I mouth the words that I have been waiting to tell him since my little mind chat with Zane.

  “We have a plan. The tomb.”

  That is all that I dare risk mouthing to him as Michael’s rough grip digs into my already bruised arm and pulls me forward.

  My bare feet get sliced on rocks and sticks along the way, and not for the first time I find myself missing my shoes. It’s insane I know, but I feel like with the right pair of shoes a girl can conquer the world. In my case....maybe save it?

  We must walk around hundreds of graves before w
e reach the center of the massive graveyard. In that center, resides a beautiful mausoleum. The gothic structure is carved from marble, and ivy and wildflowers cover the entire building. Above the door a symbol rest, and from my short time at Hillcrest Academy I vaguely recognize it as the angelic rune for dishonor.

  Poor Lila Delaney. Even in death, her own people disgraced her. Forever marking her final resting place with her shame.

  Ashlee and Michael look like two spoiled little kids on Christmas morning as we draw closer to the tomb.


  I am smiling like the Grinch, because if all goes to plan, I am about to steal everything that they want. I just have to get Michael to let go of me first. Zane said I could not be touching anyone when I walked in. Stressed it even, which makes me think that the timing is critical.

  That there won’t be a second chance. Good thing for Z, I have gotten really good at pushing Michael and Ashlee’s buttons.

  I wait until we reach the door before I make my move. “I’m surprised you guys aren’t going to toss me in there first. You know, to make sure it’s not spelled or anything,” I say with a laugh. I try my best to keep my voice light, like I am trying to make a joke.

  “Wouldn’t want anything to mess up your pretty face. Would you Ash?” I tease. Her eyes spark, and I can see the barely caged rage that she is about to unleash. You see....I know her, better than I know anyone. Which is why I know that she will say this.....

  “You want to go first Maci? Here,” she says, throwing open the door and pushing me into the tomb so hard that I stumble over my own feet.

  I fly through the double doors, and right into the arms of who could only be Zane.

  ~ Chapter 4~

  One second I am tumbling to certain death, and the next his arms wrap around me and we are just gone. It isn’t like shimmering. There is no light. It feels more like my body breaks apart into a million tiny molecules before slamming back together with a painful force that leaves me gasping for air.

  My feet hit soft ground, and I have to fight the sudden rush of tears as my toes sink into the carpet.

  Carpet. I never thought that I would feel the soft comfort of carpet again.

  The walls slowly take shape around me, and for the first time in I don’t know how many days, I feel safe. Something else that I never thought that I would feel again.

  I am at Jaxon’s house.

  I can’t focus on that right now though. All I can see....all I can feel, is Zane. His strong arms slowly piece back together right before my eyes, each atom reforming to form solid muscle over olive skin. Dark amber eyes that remind me of melted honey stare into mine before a look of confusion slams his brow down.

  A bronzy blond wave tumbles into his eye, and he blows a small puff of air up to get it out of his face. I don’t know how I know that this is Zane. I just do. Just like I know that fire will burn you or that water is wet, I know that the man who stands with me still in his arms is Zane.

  Before I can ask any of the one hundred million questions that I have, Zane winks at me. His arms open, and then I am tumbling away from him. His laughter carries on the wind as he breaks apart into hundreds of atoms or whatever they are. He disappears as quickly as he appeared.

  I slam into another hard chest with a huff. I instantly stiffen, expecting the worst. My chin snaps up, but when I see who now holds me, I crumble.

  Is it possible to hate someone and also love them?

  “Princess. I am so sorry. I....” Jaxon starts, and even I surprise myself by what I do next. My hand snaps out, slapping him across the face with so much force that his head whips to the side.

  “I deserved that,” he says, gritting his teeth as he reaches for my trembling hand. I almost let him touch me. I crave it on a bone deep level, but at the last second I pull away. I tuck my hands safely out of his reach. If Jaxon touches me, I will crumble. Every broken piece that I have tried so hard to hold together will fall.

  “You deserve worse,” I say sadly. The room is so silent, that it surprises me when I turn around and see the others here. I see Braxton first, and the sight of Pinky is what finally breaks a tear free.

  I move before I realize what I am doing, jumping into his open arms as more tears fall. Somewhere along the way, Braxton Lux became like the big brother that I never had. I missed him.

  “Don’t cry,” he says softly. “You know I hate it when girls cry. I missed you my little half-breed.” He mutters a curse word before reaching down and breaking the chains that bind my wrist.

  A pale pink light encloses us as I feel Braxton’s magical pink healing power going to work on all my unseen injuries. He looks almost sad as he pulls his power away.

  “Thank you, Pinky,” I whisper.

  “Anything for my favorite little half-breed,” he teases, his words light and tinged with a hint of a much deeper emotion.

  I laugh as I pull away from him, or I guess I should say I am pulled away from him. Ryker is next. He pulls me in for a quick hug as he scans my disheveled state. He closes his eyes, and a tingly sensation washes over me. The dirty dress that I wore to the ball fades away and is replaced by a soft white t-shirt and black tights.

  I still say that is the coolest angel power ever.

  Something cold appears in my right hand, and when I look down to see the green bottle of Mtn. Dew that I now hold my face splits into a smile.

  I take it that is the coolest angel power ever.

  “Thanks C.J.,” I say, my eyes going to the doorway where she greets me with a grin. I twist the cap on the ice-cold dew, sighing as the liquid orgasm washes down my parched throat. I have missed Mtn. Dew.

  “I thought you might be in withdrawals by now,” she says with a laugh, launching herself off of the door and wrapping me in a fierce hug.

  “Don’t ever do that to me again. You scared the hog mess outta me Maci!” C.J. chides softly. I nod, laughing at her southern twang. Seeing C.J. reminds me of Talon. Speaking of? Where is he? Zane promised that he would get him.

  Almost like just thinking his name conjures him or something, a strange pressure fills the air as thousands of tiny little particles slam back together to form two male shapes.

  “Talon!” I shout, throwing myself at him before he even fully pieces back together. He uses his vamp speed to catch me, laughing as he pulls me in.

  “I can’t believe it! You actually did it! We are free!” he exclaims, twirling me and placing me gently back on my feet. “ are,” he adds sadly. The joy draining from his face as the words leave him in a whisper.

  “Talon?” C.J. questions, taking my place in his embrace as I step aside to give them time together. The way she says his name, like she is confused he is here. She didn’t know. Testing a theory, I send a thought to Jaxon. There is a part of me that prays he doesn’t hear it. That he couldn’t hear me crying for him....screaming for him. That our connection is broken somehow, and that is why he couldn’t find me.

  “You didn’t tell her Talon was with me?”

  I make sure to look at him when I say it, so that I can see his face. I have found that people can lie with their words, but their expressions always reveal the truth.

  He stiffens, and I know....I know with every fiber of my being that he hears me. I would be lying if I said that it didn’t hurt. A lot.

  “We didn’t know until Zane showed up the day before yesterday. We didn’t want to tell her. In case.....”

  “In case you couldn’t get him out,” I finish for him, and he answers by nodding at me from across the room. I don’t want to talk to him. He is actually the last person that I ever want to talk to, but something Talon said still bothers me. I don’t want to ask in front of everyone, and besides.... Jaxon owes me answers.

  “What did Talon mean when he said that I was free? Why does he think he isn’t?” I demand, crossing my arms and giving Jax a look that Lucifer himself would be proud of.

  “Princess.....” Jax
sighs, and even in my head I can hear his reluctance. My don’t mess with me stare makes him relent with a sigh.

  “Talon is still bound to Xavier through the blood bond. Saving you didn’t break that. It gave him a few hours maybe, but once they realize he is gone, they will call him back. It is the way that it works.”

  “Ummmmm Maci?” Ryker’s voice cuts in, and for the first time in several minutes I notice how quiet the room has become.

  “I don’t know what you and Jax are talking about, but you might want to calm down.”

  Calm down? Why would I want to do that? I am furious! I don’t care who I have to kill, Xavier is not getting my friend!

  “Yeah are kind of on fire right now.”

  I look down, and gasp when I see smoke and small blue flames jumping from my skin. Holy......

  “What do I do? How do I put it out? This! This has never happened before!” I shout, patting my flesh in vain. Every time I push a flame down, a bigger one grows in its place.

  “Don’t just stand there! Someone help her!” C.J. says, taking a step in my direction, only to have Talon pull her back. His eyes are sad as he looks at me, like he knows something that I don’t.

  “You can’t touch her. That is no ordinary fire. That...that is hell fire. It is lethal to angels. Touching it means death.” Talon says, looking at me like he has never seen me before.

  Hell fire? That can’t be right! Can it?

  “Hello people! That is crazy! I- am -an- angel! How can an angel control hell fire? That is insane with a capital I!” I shout, even as the flames grow larger on my skin. They don’t burn me though. It more tickles.

  Everyone starts to argue amongst themselves about what to do with my flaming ass, and a new wave of sadness settles like lead in my soul. Even among those like me, I am a freak. I will never belong anywhere. I am toxic. Dangerous. A disaster.


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