Alien King's Match: Alien Abduction Breeder Romance (Timegate Mars Book 2)

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Alien King's Match: Alien Abduction Breeder Romance (Timegate Mars Book 2) Page 14

by Scarlett Grove

I can feel his joy radiating through him as he presses his lips to mine and runs his hands over my shoulders, pushing down my nightgown.

  The fabric slides over my skin, exposing my breasts to the night air and his hungry eyes. He kisses me deeply and cups my breast in his hand, kneading the flesh with his giant palm and fingers.

  I groan into his lips, gushing with need for the man I love. He slides a hand under the nightgown, finding the slit between my legs. My pussy contracts at his touch and I quiver against him.

  His other hand grips the back of my head, angling my mouth up to him as his fingers slide inside my damp panties.

  Soon, he’s pressing his fingers against me as his tongue darts into my mouth. The taste of him on my lips is intoxicating. I slide my hands down his shoulders and find his length.

  Stroking his hardness over his pants, I gasp and quiver at the size of him. Even after being together multiple times, it still amazes me what he has to offer.

  He pulls me down on the bed, sliding my nightgown and panties off all at once. He’s out of his clothes and between my legs in an instant, kissing across my chest and shoulders.

  His hands cup and fondle my breasts, nibbling at my nipples. My mouth drops open as he spreads my legs. His tongue leaves a trail of heat as it runs down my stomach and over my thighs. He kisses the tender flesh at my pantie line. Then he kisses the wet slit between my legs.

  My body jolts with his touch. I need him so much. His tongue flicks out, wiggling over the entrance to my sex. Slowly, he pushes through, pressing against my swollen clit. I groan and run my fingers through his hair, pulling him against me and rocking my hips.

  He holds me still, taking his time with my body. He twirls his tongue on my bud and flicks it over my channel. Darting into my pussy and then flicking up to my clit, he is driving me insane.

  It’s like he’s dragging out my release on purpose, pushing me to the edge, but never letting me fall over it.

  “Damious,” I moan. “I want to come.”

  He chuckles against my sex, the vibration only adding to the growing frustration I feel from his slow, shallow ministrations.

  “You want to come?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I groan, trying to buck against him.

  He circles his tongue gently over my clit, pressing a finger into the entrance of my pussy, but too shallowly to rub my g-spot.

  I moan in protest and arch my back.

  “I thought I made you come too much.” He laughs again, holding my hips as he flicks my clit in a languid, teasing rhythm.

  “Damious,” I protest.

  He crawls over me, pressing his hard length over my slippery wetness. I tilt myself against him. He licks my earlobe and bites gently, sending a shockwave of desire down my spine. I reach out to him, pulling his hips toward me. But he gathers my hands and holds them above my head with one hand.

  I’m powerless against his strength, and I whimper in protest.

  “You’re killing me right now,” I say.

  “Sweet torture,” he whispers in my ear, sliding his cock over me in a slow rocking motion.

  I groan and try to move against him, but he just moves away, keeping the pressure just below what I need. It’s building up inside me to a fever pitch. I pant and groan, sweat breaking out on my brow. The pressure in my clit is breaking my mind into tiny fragments. I don’t think I can take much more.

  With his free hand, he moves his cock and positions it against my sopping wet entrance. He pushes slightly inside, and I gasp frantically. I need him so much deeper. So much harder.

  “Do you want me?” he whispers.


  “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you inside me. I want you to fuck me.”

  “Say please.”

  “Please fuck me, Damious. Dear God, please fuck me.”

  With that, he plunges inside me, thrusting deep and hard until he’s buried to the hilt. I come in a blinding flash of light, my whole body going rigid with the climax. I let out a guttural groan and then go silent as the orgasm rips me to shreds.

  He lets go of my hands and places them on my hips. He lifts up onto his knees below me, taking my body with him. I’m tilted into the air, my shoulders resting on the bed while my ass is above me. He has total control of my body.

  I shriek and hold onto the headboard as he begins to thrust into me. With the first pump of his hips, I’m catapulted into a new dimension.

  I’m coming like a firecracker, popping off blast after blast. A shuddering moan of satisfaction escapes my lips. I really hope this room is soundproof because I can’t hold back the sex noises I’m making.

  He lifts me up to him, pulling me to his chest as he climbs out of the bed. He holds me effortlessly in his strong arms. I’m so tiny compared to him, he can move me like a ragdoll. And he does. Sliding me up and down on his massive cock as he stands in the center of the room.

  I’m weightless, my arms wrapped around his neck for purchase. His hands grip my ass, moving me in powerful thrusts has his hips work under me.

  I latch onto his mouth, needing his kiss. I need him all around me, inside me in every way imaginable. His fingers slide between my ass cheeks and press against my hole as he thrusts into me relentlessly.

  I’m coming in an endless wave. I’m an instrument of pleasure in his strong hands. And just when I think I can’t take any more, he places me on the bed and turns me over on all fours.

  He slaps my ass, and I gasp at the sharp flash of pain. But when he presses his cock to my pussy and thrusts inside, the pain turns to absolute ecstasy.

  My breasts bounce below me as he takes me fully and completely from behind. I know I’m his. It’s beyond anything I could ever have imagined. And it’s all I want.

  His hands grip my hips so hard I think it will bruise. But I want his hardness. I want to feel the full power of his strength.

  Then it happens, he growls behind me. I feel his cock thicken, lengthening deeper into my quivering core. His seed shoots into me, hot and wet. I come at the feeling of it, my pussy clenching rhythmically around him. He holds me to him, ensuring every last drop of his come reaches its mark.

  Finally, when the aftershocks have dissipated and rational thought begins to return, we both collapse onto the bed.

  He pulls me to him under the blankets and we hold each other as the rain falls outside the dark windows. I breathe deeply, inhaling his scent, inhaling the moment.

  I feel like I finally know what it means to be a woman. Maybe it’s a silly, stupid, old-fashioned idea. But until Damious thrust his big, hard cock inside me, it’s like I didn’t know what my body could do.

  I know we were both virgins. And we showed each other what sex was all about. But when he takes control of my body and my pleasure, it’s like I know the absolute power of surrender.

  I run my finger down his chest, enjoying the smell of him after our lovemaking. He kisses me on the forehead, with a deep trembling sigh.

  “My God, I love you, Madeline Weber. You are my queen. You are my goddess.”

  I giggle knowingly. “I feel the same about you, my king,” I say.

  He captures my chin in his hands and claims my mouth, kissing me deep and hard. His kiss is so passionate, I think for a moment that we might make love again. But he lets me go, and I settle into his arms.

  We are both drifting into sleep in a matter of moments.

  I wake to the sunlight streaming through the windows and find that Damious is already gone. I frown, wishing we could have a replay of last night this morning. The pressure in my loins is already back.

  I climb out of bed and pull on a robe. Damious bursts through the door, happy as can be. I smile at him and ask him what’s going on.

  “The antidote is ready to be administered. Ships are about to deploy across Mars. We will soon be a planet of peace and cooperation. And then, my beloved, the work on the timegate can continue.”

  I run to him and throw myself into his arms. I am so
happy. I’m overjoyed. The people will be safe. The women will be safe, and we are one step closer to bringing my sister home to Mars.



  Within a few days of deploying the serum antidote, the men of Mars began to calm down. They laid down their weapons one by one, realizing how irrational they’d been.

  Damious and I watched this together with joy in our hearts. Now that the danger has passed, I finally feel that I belong by his side as his queen.

  I am no longer a problem for him. I’m a comfort. Which he tells me every day. I never expected to feel so satisfied to be a man’s match, but when that man is the King of Mars, being his match means a great deal more than warming his bed.

  “I’ve sent for Medic Foxx, my love. It is time to test for conception,” he tells me as we sit on the balcony of the penthouse overlooking the city.

  I cup my coffee mug in my hands, inhaling the fragrant aroma of dark brew and hazelnut cream. The air is cool this high above the ground. But a blanket covers my legs, and a heater blows warm air over my body. It’s a comfortable experience, being up here in the chill with the warmth radiating all around me.

  Since the rebels surrendered a few weeks ago, I hadn’t thought of much besides being with Damious in this new world of love and satisfaction. Sophia and I have been shopping and enjoying each other’s company. And our conversations have mostly been about what a relief it is that it’s safe for us to go outside again.

  I haven’t even thought about conception. Although, now that I think of it, I haven’t had a period. I’d just chalked that up to all the excitement and stress.

  “Do you really think I’m…?” I rub my hand over my flat belly, both excited and terrified at the same time.

  Back on Earth, I wouldn’t have passed this threshold until much later in life. I would have finished college, started a career, gotten married, and then once we were settled, I would have gotten pregnant. But now, here on Mars, matched with the king, I might already be pregnant.

  And I hope I am. I never would have expected that I’d want to start a family this young. But here, I do. I want to feel his baby grow inside me. I want us to have a family together to save this planet that is now my home.

  I feel safe with him. I feel he will always protect me and provide for me. And that is the most important thing a woman could want when she is expecting, anywhere in the universe.

  “Your vitals suggest it might be the case, but we will have to confirm it to be sure.”

  I take another sip of coffee, my heart racing at the prospect of being pregnant with his child.

  “How do you feel?” he asks me, taking my hand. He is so gentle. So thoughtful. It melts my heart.

  “I’m not sure.” I laugh with a mixture of sarcasm and surprise.

  “Are you worried?” he asks me.

  I look out at the view as the cloudy sky begins to part to reveal the bright blue day underneath.

  “A little. It’s just so soon. Back on Earth, girls don’t usually get married and pregnant so young. I’m trying to wrap my head around it.”

  “Why wouldn’t you have a child at your age? You are in perfect physical condition.”

  “Hmm, it’s hard to explain. Back on Earth, we weren’t trying to save humanity from extinction. In fact, it was kind of the opposite.”

  He looks at me blankly. And then his face turns sad.

  “That must have been confusing.”

  “Just different expectations, I guess. People adjust. I’m trying to adjust to this new reality.”

  “I hope that I can help you with that.”

  “You have. You’ve been amazing. I’m so glad you’re in my life. I miss Earth. I miss Abigail. But being with you…” I stop. I don’t know how to say what I want to say. It’s too painful. A tear slides down my cheek and he wipes it away.

  “Are you thinking of your sister?” he asks me.

  I sigh and wipe away another stray tear. “Yeah.”

  “We have all our scientists on the problem now. As soon as we have a solution, we will return for Abigail.”

  I look up at him and cup his cheek with my hand. He is the sweetest man. He takes my hand and kisses my palm.

  The AI announces that Medic Foxx has arrived. We meet him inside the atrium sitting room. Massive tropical plants grow out of huge pots and reach up to the sky. The atrium room is even more impressive than the entryway. Damious explained to me that he enjoys nature and likes to have it around him even when he’s in the city.

  I recline on a settee and watch as Medic Foxx waves his medical wand over my body and then presses it to my arm. I jump slightly as a tiny drop of blood is extracted. The device beeps and the medic stares at a holographic screen with my results.

  “And?” Damious says impatiently, gripping my hand.

  “Congratulations, both of you. Well done. You are now carrying the heir to the throne of Mars. And from these readings, it is a girl.”

  Damious throws his arms around me and lifts me off the chair in his huge arms. He holds me to him, twirling me around and raining kisses over my face.

  I am ecstatic at the news. I thought I would be conflicted, but now that I hear the results, all I feel is joyful expectation.

  “A baby girl!” I say, throwing my arms around his neck and squeezing him tight. “We’re going to have a daughter.”

  He sets me down on my feet and hugs me gently. “This is the best news.”

  He then turns to Medic Foxx and slaps him on the back. “Thank you.”

  “I will send you a nutritional report as soon as I return to the lab. You are very strong and healthy. But for optimum gestation, you need optimum nutrition.”

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my baby healthy,” I say, rubbing my belly.

  I’m going to be a mom! I can’t believe it. I feel like all the good grades, athletic teams, and school organizations I led did not prepare me for this. It’s the biggest job of my life. But I know that with Damious by my side, I’m ready for it.

  “What’s everyone so excited about?” Sophia says from the doorway.

  I run to her and throw my arms around her shoulders, making her take a step back. She’s so tiny compared to Damious, it’s easy to forget.

  “I’m pregnant,” I say, grinning from ear to ear. “It’s a girl.”

  “You can tell it’s a girl already?” she asks, dumbfounded.

  “Yes. It is a simple process,” Medic Foxx informs her. “Congratulations again, my King. I must be going.”

  The medic leaves with Damious, and Sophia and I are alone in the atrium. We sit down in front of a fountain and listen to the water bubbling in the growing sunlight.

  “How do you feel?” she asks.

  “I feel amazing. I’m so happy.”

  “That’s good,” she says. “I’m glad you’re happy. It would suck if you weren’t.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be happy? I love Damious. We both want to save the human race. It’s kind of a big deal.”

  “I know. It’s just. You know. Abigail. Earth. It’s hard for me to forget.”

  “It is for me too. But I’ve learned to compartmentalize the issues. Because they are separate. When time travel is possible, you can be patient for things to work in your favor.”

  “You have a point,” she says, pushing a loose stone with the tip of her toe.

  “You don’t sound convinced.”

  “It just makes me sad.”

  “Yeah. I know. It makes me sad too. I haven’t forgotten about her. But I can’t spend my whole life stressed out about something I have no control over. It’s something I learned a long time ago. You can’t spend your energy on things you can’t control. Like the weather or politics, or other people’s behavior. If you focus on what you do control, your own life, you end up far more successful.”

  “I know. You’ve always said that. And I’ve tried to follow your lead. You have this way of always making things makes sense. Even this.” She waves her han
ds around, indicating this world.

  “I’m glad you are here, Sophia.” I reach out and squeeze her hand.

  But the fact is that I let Sophia influence me too much when I first got involved with Damious. She isn’t as strong as me. I love her to pieces, but she tends to react emotionally when she should react logically. And because I was also stressed out of my mind, I forgot my own principles for a short period.

  But I’m glad I’m back in control of myself. Damious and I worked through our problems. And saved Mars in the process. I’ve been having group sessions with the women every other day. It’s helped more than the counseling from the massive Martian therapists. And the girls who were having nervous breakdowns are pulling themselves together and eating and sleeping on a normal schedule again. I hope that soon their mental health will recover completely, and they will pick up and start over with their new lives on Mars.

  Some of the women have husbands and children back on Earth, and for them, it’s a lot harder to cope with the loss. But I’ve suggested to Damious that any woman who wants to go should be taken back to Earth when the rescue mission commences.

  We’ve discussed rescuing all of their families. But if we are going to rescue Abigail with any hope of returning to Mars, the mission has to be fast. They can’t rescue everyone. But they can return some women who want to go.

  I haven’t discussed it with them because, as of now, the mission is a secret. And purely hypothetical since the technology to return to Earth has not been discovered yet.

  Damious walks into the room, his face wide with shock. I stand from my chair and go to him.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” My mind is racing. I am momentarily convinced that the rebels have started attacking again.

  He turns to me, his eyes wide. I see a tear slide down his face and he falls to his knees. I’m shocked by this and rub his back as he holds me around the waist.

  “Damious. You’re scaring me.”

  Sophia stands and walks over to us, concern in her face.

  “Is it the rebels?” I ask.

  He shakes his head, regaining his composure. He stands and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.


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