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Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets)

Page 24

by Michael Anderle

  Bethany Anne caught Kevin’s attention. “Sorry about that, your bank was being robbed. I would really hate to have my day interrupted.”

  “What… what did you do?” Kevin’s face had gone white when he saw the guns the lady suddenly appeared with.

  “Hmmm? Oh, I just took the guns away from the annoying fuck-nuts outside that wanted to rob your bank. I don’t have time to deal with the cops right now. Can we get moving with this? Does disappearing and reappearing with guns suit you just fine? If not, I could use a little energy.” When she finished saying that, she willed her eyes to start moving into the red realm on purpose. Usually, they went red when she was completely vamping out. But she’d had a discussion with TOM and he explained that he could manipulate the right nerves to get the effect.

  It worked, splendidly. “No, no, I think translocation is a working reference for me. I have the documents and the account numbers right here for you.” He quickly sat down at the table and pulled out the documents and a pen from inside his jacket. He directed her through all of the locations to sign and provided copies for her.

  Bethany Anne finished all of the signatures, took the copies and slipped the envelope into her Coach purse.

  There was a knocking at the door. Nathan turned around and raised an eyebrow at Bethany Anne. She turned back towards Kevin. “Mr. Berger, I really don’t want to be interrupted right now. Please see what they want. Oh, and I’ll need appropriate credit cards to pull from my accounts. How do I go about procuring three sets of cards?”

  The knocking repeated. Kevin jumped up and slipped by Nathan to crack the door an inch and talked to a person on the other side. He quickly closed the door and came back into the room. “As you said, there has been a robbery attempt and the police are interviewing everyone before they leave the building. I explained that you were a very important client who didn’t want to be involved, but they are very confused about what happened outside. One minute the criminals have guns and black masks and the next they are all on the floor without their masks or guns. They have them all cuffed, but don’t understand what happened. They are asking for our video.”

  “Who did you talk with out there?”

  “A local officer, I think. I’m sure an Inspector will be here as soon as he can.”

  “When the Inspector arrives, please have him come here. I’ll take care of his questions. I’ll need a large hat and veil to get back out of here.”

  “Why wouldn’t you just,” Kevin moved his hands around as if something exploded.

  “I would have to request a small token of your affection, Mr. Berger, say a few ounces. Are you offering?”

  “No, no. I am sorry for letting my curiosity go like that, it is inexcusable. I will find a hat, my lady.” With that, Kevin bowed and went out through the door.

  Nathan went to sit on the couch, out of the direct line of sight from someone coming in the door. “So that disappearing trick takes a bunch of energy?”

  “Always trying to get information, aren’t we Nathan?” Bethany smiled mischievously. “But I didn’t use much energy for what I did. I just wanted to encourage Mr. Berger here to be a little more circumspect.”

  “Can you take someone with you?”

  Bethany Anne pursed her lips. “I don’t know. If I do, it might take a dramatically larger amount of energy. I could end up on the other side immediately needing a top up and the person I took might become my snack. Seems a little risky.”

  “Do you always have to, ah, eat them?” Nathan was thinking back to the clearing where they had first met. Bethany Anne had grabbed at least 80 lbs of hungry wolf and plucked it out of the air as if it were a feather. Then proceeded to rip its neck open and drink before dropping the lifeless body back on the ground in front of him. It made a very deep impression.

  “You know, Nathan, I really haven’t tried just taking a little sip yet. How about we try it real quick?”

  Nathan suddenly realized how the presently missing Mr. Berger felt. It was a damn useful way to shut someone up quickly.

  “I’m good, thanks.”

  A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and Mr. Berger came back in. He handed Bethany Anne a small manila envelope. “My lady, here are the cards that allow you access to the accounts at any cash access point almost anywhere in Europe. The Inspector is here, and will be coming this way shortly. I’ve made sure the video will not be available. As someone with responsibility for your accounts, I have the ability to override even the bank’s president if necessary. We will give them any video that doesn’t directly show what happened. They will be less than pleased but they don’t have a bank robbery to solve either. I think they came out ahead on this one. I have a lady out purchasing the requested hat and veil right now.

  “Very good, Mr. Berger. While I wait, would you give me a printout of the accounts and any annuities and how the income is derived and how much is in cash? Thank you so much.” Kevin bowed his head and left.

  “What do you want to do with the weapons?” Nathan looked longingly at the AR-15.

  “Well, we can probably get away with the pistols, but I’m not sure how to deal with the rifle. It isn’t like we can take it with us on the train. Then again, I suppose we could get a case to hide it in.”

  “It’s a weapon not traceable to us. I’d feel a little better with a couple of options. The randomness of this attack concerns me.”

  “Why, you don’t think it’s random?” Bethany Anne went over to the couch and sat down. Nathan stuck the pistol behind his waistband under his coat. Setting the rifle down beside the couch, he sat with Bethany Anne.

  “Yes, I think it is most likely random. To assume every problem is an enemy action targeted at you just leads to crazy. But to not take precautions in case I’m wrong and it is enemy action is also foolish. Just because the EPC told the Brasov pack to back down doesn’t mean that there isn’t a suborning team on the Council that wouldn’t like to take out a new Vamp.”

  Bethany Anne raised an eyebrow at Nathan.

  “Look, everyone pretty much assumes that new Vamps aren’t as powerful as you are.”

  “One minute.” Bethany Anne went inside herself for a moment.

  TOM, what’s the story behind this weak vampire comment?

  It makes sense, Bethany Anne. When you consider that the nanocytes are propagating and taking some of the best and worst features to their next host, they won’t be as pure as those from my ship. With each generation it will take longer to accomplish the change and the connections to the etheric would take time as well. There would be fewer nanocytes created capable of connecting to the etheric. However, not even Michael has as many nanocytes as you, and I stay on top of what they are doing at all times. Michael was never taught how to direct the efforts so I doubt any of the other children know it can be done either.

  That’s interesting, I didn’t know this.

  You have me.

  Right, but not forever. Don’t forget I expect to eventually find a way to provide you a different host to annoy.

  You wound me, Bethany Anne. I’ve been quiet for a while.

  I know, and it worries me.


  Like with a small child, the biggest problems happen when they are quietest. When we get done here, you and I are going to talk.

  Bethany Anne didn’t get a response, which confirmed her suspicion that TOM was up to something and now wasn’t wanting to own up to what he was doing. Damn. Served her right for ignoring him for the last week. She turned back to Nathan. “OK, what you’re saying makes complete sense. It’s very unlikely that a regular vampire would be as powerful as I am.”

  It was Nathan’s turn to ponder in silence for a minute. “So, this could have been set up to see how you reacted?” There was a knock on the door. Nathan stood up and motioned for Bethany Anne to stay seated. She hid a smile at how this man was taking the responsibility for protection, over his objective experience that she was better suited to handle problems than
even he was. However, he certainly caused more people to reconsider violence when they took a look at him.

  Nathan came back after closing the door and offered her a shopping bag with a large box inside. Bethany Anne pulled the box out and set it on the coffee table. It contained a very fashionable hat with a black veil which would keep any cameras from getting a good picture of her face.

  Nathan snorted as she giggled like a little girl trying on the hat. “How do I look?”

  He shook his head and was saved from having to answer that question by another knock on the door. He went to the door and looked out. Seeing the Inspector, he opened the door and allowed him in.


  Zurich, Switzerland

  Inspector Golay knocked on the door. If he hadn’t been directed to this section of the wood covered wall, he wouldn’t have realized there was a door there.

  Whoever was inside must be important to the bank. They didn’t want to be part of the circus that was happening. While he could sympathize, he wasn’t willing to treat anyone as special just because the bank management would wring their hands.

  He was still annoyed at the video runaround. To have it all be available except for the clips where the criminals were taken down was beyond suspect. It was a crime to keep evidence out of the hands of the police.

  This bank was one of Switzerland's oldest. They had secrets from their secrets. Trying to get too much information out of them would certainly bring him headaches—if not from his chief, then from people leaning on his chief.

  The rumor was that it was a couple of Americans. While not particularly rare for Americans to bank in Switzerland, avoiding publicity was not what you expected. They usually seemed to be publicity hounds.

  The door was opened and one of the biggest men Inspector Golay had ever seen was in front of him. He was dressed in a sports jacket with a couple of days’ growth on his cheeks. He glanced around behind the Inspector and opened the door to let him in.

  This man was a professional. Right now he was a professional guard, it seemed, but he wasn’t so sure that the man wasn’t a professional with the darker deeds, as well.

  As he stepped into the suite, the door shut behind him and all noise ceased. Ah, he thought, soundproof.

  He pulled out his recorder and walked into the room. To his left, a lady in a suit, hat and veil was sitting demurely on the couch.

  “Welcome, Inspector. How can we help you today?”

  “Thank you, I appreciate your willingness to talk with me. Do you mind taking the hat off?”

  “Why would you need me to do that, Inspector?” He could see enough of her lower face to see a small smile.

  He looked around, walked over to the table, grabbed a chair and brought it back to the couch and sat down. “I like to see the eyes of the people I speak with. Certainly you have nothing to hide?” She smiled at him but said nothing and didn’t take off the hat.

  “Inspector, are you suggesting that an American woman was able to take down those bank robbers and no one was able to see?” She lifted a foot, and a very shapely leg, from behind the coffee table. “In high heels, no less? This is what I’m trying to hide?”

  Well, it was obvious she wasn’t running in those high heels and taking down alert bank robbers. Even in the conservative suit, he was sure no man would fail to notice her.

  He looked up at the guard, who had come to stand by the couch, his arms crossed in front of him. “What about you?” He looked down at his notes. He had stopped by the receptionist’s desk and written down the names of all of the people who had waited in line for help. “Mr. Lowell?”

  The man’s green eyes stared back at the Inspector, completely at ease with him knowing his name. “I’m sorry, Inspector. I haven’t been out of the room since we came in. I didn’t see anything out in the teller area and I can’t help. I wish I could.” He shrugged.

  The Inspector knew that he was both getting the runaround and wasting his time. They had good alibis. People saw them coming into the room, but never leaving. The door never opened. He felt sure someone would have noticed if a door had unexpectedly appeared in the wall.

  But something was nagging at him. They were too calm, too collected. They should be talking about it, at least.

  He started looking around the room, keeping them in his peripheral vision. “Did you know that the robber’s guns disappeared?”

  Ah! He got a little start from the man who had looked down at the lady. Maybe this wasn’t going to be a waste of his time.

  Bethany Anne decided to take control of the conversation. “Why yes, Inspector Golay. I did know. How do you believe it occurred?” What had Ecaterina said back with Petre? Oh yes, ‘father said to use the right bait.’ She stood up and walked right by the Inspector on her way to the table, allowing Nathan to sit back in the couch where he had been. The Inspector’s eyes followed Bethany Anne the whole way, ignoring Nathan.

  Nathan took the time to push the AR-15 back under the couch a little better, hiding it well unless the Inspector chose to get on his hands and knees to look.

  “Well, I don’t really know. That is why I am asking you. I thought perhaps Americans would know better? There seem to be guns all over the United States.”

  Bethany Anne started laughing quietly. To think that she was getting thrown into the gun toting American stereotype. If the Inspector knew how dangerous she could be without a gun, he wouldn’t have worried about asking her that question. Then she realized it wasn’t a stereotype. Both she and Nathan had guns on them at that very moment. They hadn’t brought them into the bank, but they did have them and planned on keeping them. Gott Verdammt, his profile was right in this case. Bethany Anne hated being a stereotype. She sighed and faced him, raising her arms just a little to accentuate her figure. “Do you need to search me, Inspector?”

  Inspector Golay started sweating a little. This woman had just turned the tables on him, playing with him. He was tempted to inspect her just to be a prick. Still, she wasn’t hiding anything that he could see, and certainly neither one had an AR-15 under their coats. She wasn’t hiding anything illegal, possibly immoral, but not illegal under her suit coat. He stood up. “Certainly not, Fräulein. I appreciate your time and should I have any additional questions, where might I contact you?”

  “I’m sorry, Inspector, Mr. Lowell and I are only here to take care of banking business. We’ll be leaving in a couple of hours.”

  “Are you heading back to America, Fräulein?”

  “No, we’re actually heading back to Romania, Inspector. May we go, now?”

  “Certainly. I will see myself out and let the others know you may leave. Have a pleasant day.”

  With that, Inspector Golay tipped his head at Nathan and left the two Americans in the room.

  On the train, Nathan spotted two men who were surreptitiously paying attention to Bethany Anne and had each taken seats that allowed them to see the door to her sleeping compartment. One, Nathan had pegged as probably just someone who was excited by her looks. The other, however, had that edge that suggested a hunter. Probably a government agent.

  He knocked on Bethany Anne’s door. “Yes?”

  “It’s Nathan, do you have a moment?” She cracked the door and peeked out the slit, raising an eyebrow.

  “Privately?” She pursed her lips and opened the door to let him in. The sleeping compartment was very small. She liked to lie down and hadn’t wanted to share a compartment so had purchased her own and asked Nathan what he wanted. He wasn’t sleepy so had opted to sit out in a seat to see what was going on. He still wasn’t comfortable about the robbery happening while they were at the bank.

  She was wearing a nightgown and a robe. Appropriate, but hardly demure. Fortunately, he was still well aware of her dark side and frankly, he was still anxious to see Ecaterina again. Ecaterina was gorgeous, fun, gregarious, enjoyed the outdoors and didn’t have red eyes. A major plus for Nathan. Plus, she had an accent to die for. He had almost died for Ecateri
na once already.

  Nathan got to the point. “We have two guys watching your compartment. I think one has a romantic interest, but the other is probably undercover.”

  “You mean like an inspector from the police back at the bank?”

  “No, like a governmental individual.”


  “Could be, or he might be American. I can’t tell and I haven’t talked with him yet. I haven’t spoken to Frank in a while, so it could be another person sent to look after me, looking after you. Or, it could be pack related. Either way, I’ve been out of touch for a while.”

  Bethany Anne felt a pang of remorse. She knew she had taken too much of Nathan’s time, but she was too new to the UnknownWorld and she needed Nathan as a lifeline to keep her from screwing up too much. But she needed to not take advantage of her, admittedly few, friends right now.

  “I guess we do need to talk with Frank. But I refuse to label it ‘checking in.’ I’m not a big fan of someone thinking he has me on the proverbial leash. You either.” Then she smiled up at Nathan in that ‘I’m going to have fun at your expense’ way he was getting used to. “Well, let’s be honest, I’m only OK with holding your leash myself, or maybe Ecaterina?”

  Big, bad Mr. Lowell looked down at the shorter vampire, and both blushed and gave her a long suffering look at the same time. “That obvious?”

  “Only to everyone else, Nathan. You know she has it bad for you, too. Right?” Bethany Anne didn’t promise to not get involved and the longer these two danced around each other the more annoying it was.


  Bethany Anne rolled her eyes. “It’s obvious to Alexi, Ivan and myself. The only two clueless ones are you and Ecaterina. Like two teenagers mooning at each other. Wipe that grin off of your face, Nathan. What do you suggest we do about you checking with your Council and Frank and our unexpected guests outside?”

  Nathan tried to dampen his smile and focus on her questions, but Bethany Anne shouldn’t have confirmed that Ecaterina liked him if she wanted his full attention.


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