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Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets)

Page 55

by Michael Anderle

  Thomas noticed everyone sitting up a little straighter. Those that had to turn in their seats adjusted themselves again to make sure they could see better.

  A female two seats ahead of him spoke up, all Thomas could see was dark curly hair over the seat. “A question, sir?”

  “Yes, Gunnery Officer Dukes?” The older man, Frank, was busy writing in a notebook beside Dan.

  The woman hesitated, forgetting that every one of them was probably hand picked and the ops manager would know everyone. She got over it quickly. “What kind of action are you talking about?”

  Dan nodded at her question, “Good question. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you the future because we are writing it right now. I can only tell you of one episode that has no bearing on what my team did before. Does everyone know about the terrorist attack at the Southwest Financial Center in Miami a while back?”

  Thomas certainly did. It was news everywhere and the biggest question he and his friends talked about over beer was what team took down the terrorists. The FBI was stumped and the CIA wasn’t speaking a word.

  Thomas noticed the marine lean forward in his chair. Officer Dukes just said, “Sure.”

  “This will never be admitted by me or any of my team outside of this company, but my team, led by my boss, put paid to the terrorists.” There was a general level of excitement with that announcement.

  “Why was everyone killed?” This lady didn’t have much of a filter between her curiosity and her mouth.

  Dan smiled. “My team has only one rule of engagement. That rule is kill or be killed. It seemed that no one thought about that when asking for our help. Since no one is familiar with our group, they wouldn’t know to ask. Wasn’t that just a splendid result?” His open smile let everyone understand where Dan Bosse stood on how to treat terrorists.

  A couple of the other people were grinning. The Navy had been hit a few times by terrorist assholes including the USS Cole and the Chattanooga incident. Not too much sympathy in the Navy for terrorists, either. Hell, he found himself grinning. He wanted to shake the hands of the team that worked that operation.

  “But I digress, so I’ll have to continue. I’m going to introduce each of you. You will have to stand up and turn to face around. This is the worst designed plane for meetings, let me tell you. Let’s start with you, Gunnery Officer Dukes.”

  Thomas saw a shorter woman of Hispanic origin stand up. She had curly black hair cut about mid length and her skin was a lighter color. A little pudgy, she was a strong woman who could probably blister the paint off the bulwarks when she got cross with anyone.

  “Everyone, may I present Gunnery Officer Jean Dukes. She is late off of a Ticonderoga class Cruiser out of Florida. Like every person here, she opened her mouth and the Navy felt it would be better if she should choose to stay quiet, or quietly leave the Navy. Do you care to explain your disagreement, Officer Dukes?”

  Her eyes became granite, she wasn’t over this disagreement apparently. “No problem, sir. Our ship was on a long patrol when two of the officers went on the town on a three day pass. I was out stretching my own legs heading back to the ship. I cut back between two bars and I heard a woman pleading. I found two officers in a compromising position with an unwilling participant. I kicked their asses. This was made infinitely easier since their pants were down by their feet. I got called to the Captain’s Office the next morning when these two jackoffs made some shit up. I was able to find the lady who corroborated my story and the Captain had a real problem on his hands as these officers were high ranking and liked by the crew. My group liked me, but not too many Gunnery Officers are female. I don’t believe in bros before hos, sir.”

  Dan smiled, “Neither do I, Jean. You will find that my boss will like your response. Although, to be fair she would have put them in the infirmary for sure, possibly the morgue. Thank you.”

  Jean sat down. She had been carrying this chip on her shoulder for over four months now. She knew that her time in the Navy was done when she got called up to the Captain’s cabin. That she was able to find the woman and she was willing to press charges was the only thing that saved her.

  Jean had gone out on a couple of job interviews and people respected her military time. But personally she needed more excitement than a desk job in a corporate environment. She had her doubts about this gig, but the ten thousand she was going to receive for this job interview plus the fun of flying on this sweet corporate jet was too much to pass on. Now, she was going to meet the crew that took out the Miami terrorists. With all of these people around her, she was letting herself feel a little optimistic that she might have another home. One that didn’t permit assholes like Nelson and Williams on the team.

  Dan nodded to the man across from Jean. “Chief Engineer Rodriquez?” Thomas recognized Chief Rodriquez’s name. He was pretty famous among the captains as one who could get the slowest boat to get up and haul ass. He had heard that Rodriquez had left the Navy, but not why.

  John Rodriquez stood up. He was forty years old and his skin was pretty dark. He had hard eyes and he probably stood about 5’8” but was somewhat wide. He looked around at everyone. He looked at the sitting Jean Dukes. “Dukes, it is my pleasure to meet you. I am a Navy man, but in my Navy, we don’t hurt women. We protect them. I had heard two captains talking about Officer Dukes’ situation and neither seemed upset about it. I took it up with my captain who was sympathetic but not willing to rock the boat. It seemed to me that my Navy wasn’t taking care of its own the way my mom taught me to take care of mi familia. I was due up and left the Navy. I dropped my duffle as I left the ship to make sure everyone knew I wouldn’t be back.” He looked back at Dan. “That your boss wants Jean Dukes to be a part of whatever we’re doing is enough for me. I would be proud to be a part of a company that seeks her out.” He sat back down.

  Damn, Thomas thought, he would really love to have these people on his team. Then he thought about it. Shit! This was his team. Bosse was giving him the chance to meet everyone before they even landed and enough background information to form a small team based on the shared experiences of the Navy and standing up for their personal ideals. That every one of the people on board had a personal code spoke to the person driving this effort. That the boss had fronted the team that took out the terrorists only caused Thomas to really start looking forward to working again towards a goal, not just a paycheck.

  The next person to stand was the marine. His name was Todd Jenkins. He was a career Marine who had spoken plainly to a congressional member who had asked his honest opinion. It seemed that the unvarnished truth, in front of a camera, wasn’t the response the good congressman had actually wanted. That the brass at the top stood firm for him for two years was a testament to the Marines supporting their own. The congressman got himself appointed to every appropriations committee that he could. He was then a horrible pain in the ass each and every time. When the congressman got another term, Todd decided it would be better for the Marines if he stepped aside. They had done right by him and no one was happy with his decision. He had been on the beach for six months when he got called. He had obviously stayed in shape.

  Dan introduced the pilot as Lt. Cmdr. Paul Jameson who was with the Navy for twelve years before having his own disagreement over the rules of engagement. He felt those engagement rules were the cause of his best friend’s death and no one would even discuss the reasons for the rules with him. He couldn’t be a part of a team any more that didn’t have a defined target.

  Up in the front, Paul was listening to Dan and the others talk. Personally, he believed this flight a short term gig. But he realized that by not having been asked to interview, the bastards were making him want to be a part of the team.

  Paul was still sore with any sort of upper management. It was why he free-lanced his piloting skills instead of joining up with any company. He had been recruited hard by both commercial and private groups. Everyone wanted someone with his skills. He could fly a large plane with just
packages on it for three weeks out of the month and rest the fourth and pull in twice his previous salary. Without getting shot at.

  He nursed anger at the loss of his friend. He wanted to make a difference, not help someone’s package go from Oklahoma to Brazil overnight.

  Jean’s story pissed him off. If he ever met these two asswipes they would lose their teeth. He would also have to shake the hand of the Chief Engineer. It was obvious just from listening that he hadn’t realized that Jean Dukes was on the plane with him and she was the reason he had quit the Navy. The marine had given up his life to help his team. Not his physical life, but certainly his emotional life.

  He realized he was proud to be the pilot for this group.

  Dan hadn’t realized what was going through Paul’s head. He continued, “Lt. Commander Max Wagner, would you care to share?”

  Thomas waited to see what this gentleman had to say. Here was his number two, if he didn’t miss his guess.

  His voice had an interesting cross between a Texas and a German accent. How the hell did someone get that? “My name is Maximilian Wagner. I was the second on a Destroyer who had issues with the financials. I took it to my captain and was told to drop it. I didn’t. The further I looked the more I found the rot had gone over to the mainland and up the chain. I passed the information on and while a good portion of the group was charged and the theft ring was broken up, not enough of the highest brass could be formally charged. They all had black marks put in their jackets and I was targeted by some of their friends. The best that the Navy could do after the first year was monitor the activity. I decided that no good deed would go unpunished and took the offered package. I’ve got two years before most of the group will be out, so I find myself wondering what to do next. Frankly, I need to work for someone or something I believe in and the Navy doesn’t have my trust at the moment.” He sat down and heard murmurs of agreement from everyone there.

  He had summed up all of their feelings. They were all professionals wanting to work for something they could believe in. It was his turn.

  Dan looked at him, “Captain Thomas?”

  Thomas stood up and walked the aisle over to Jean. He offered her a salute, which was totally inappropriate in the regs, but every Navy man there stood up and saluted her as well. She started tearing up as she stood and saluted Captain Thomas back. He walked up next to Dan who sat down with a smile on his face.

  Thomas turned around. “This morning, I was sitting on my couch in Jacksonville drinking a beer at 10:00 AM. Why? Because I spoke out that I felt the mentoring program used for retired high level officers, both in the military generally and in the Navy specifically, wasn’t being run appropriately. I felt it needed more transparency when they represent a defense company and yet come back to consult at the same time. Obviously, I was in the minority. The more I was told to keep quiet, the more it pissed me off. I kept mentioning the issues with mentoring until I was, very politely, shown the door. That was over two months ago.”

  He looked at all of the people in front of him, these would be his crew if everything worked out. “Fortunately for me, Mr. Kurns here told me he would pay me to go on a job interview with a free flight to Nassau before I could let slip I would swim here for free.” Everyone laughed at that comment. They were all feeling the same, now.

  “Now that I hear this group was part of the terrorist takedown in Miami, I would walk on water to go to this meeting. I am personally proud to have been selected to even be on this plane with each and every one of you.” From over the loudspeaker the pilot added, “Hear, hear!” They all smiled at his interjection.

  “Hopefully, they don’t have a rowboat with holes in it for me to captain, but if they do, I happen to know enough about Chief Rodriquez over here to know that it will be the fastest damn row boat in this hemisphere!” Everyone laughed.

  Most had heard of the chief, even if they didn’t immediately put the man in their plane together with the crazy engineer getting crazy results down in the engine room. “Max, looking around this plane, I get the feeling it won’t be a rowboat we are dealing with. I believe your attention to the finances will be important and probably no little part of the decision to be on this plane. Should we work together, I will always have your back. Dukes?”

  She looked at him. “Let me know next time someone’s ass needs kicking. I wouldn’t want your leg to get tired so I’m volunteering Jenkins’ legs. Not because I’m not willing, but rather so I can make sure the ass kicking is the best we can do.” This got a lot of laughs from the team. Todd actually blushed but added a quiet, “Hell yeah!” to the group.

  “I’m sure our pilot has a good story, but I’m not really in the mood to jiggle his elbow right now.” When he said that, the plane did a little wing bounce to let him know the pilot was listening. “But if he doesn’t set this plane down well, I happen to know where a ‘Vette that can be traded in for a Prius is parked.” Everyone had to laugh since it was pretty well known that fighter jockeys usually had testosterone powered cars and everyone had noticed the Corvette.

  The speaker came back on, “This is your pilot speaking. Having heard all of the stories let me say that I will make this the smoothest landing you have ever had.” The mic clicked off, then after a couple of seconds clicked back on again, “And leave my fucking Vette alone!” You could hear the grin in his voice.

  Everyone laughed.

  Dan thought that he had a first class seat on how to pull a team together, this captain was an artist and it was Dan’s pleasure to watch it happen. Frank just continued his writing.


  Nassau, Bahamas

  The landing was one of the smoothest the team had ever felt. Everyone was shaking hands and getting to know each other as Paul taxied out to the hangar that Ecaterina had rented ahead of time. She had stayed out of the way, just listening to everyone. She was a quick study of people as well as wildlife and she was sure Bethany Anne was going to like this group. Frank and Dan, with no little help from Nathan, had done Bethany Anne proud.

  Now, she was looking forward to seeing what kind of boat Bethany Anne had procured for the team to use.

  Dan was on the phone in the back and Frank had pulled out his laptop to get online. It was the special laptop with the link to Frank’s office back in Washington D.C.. It had more biometric security on it than laptops had in the Pentagon. With Frank’s knowledge and Nathan’s added to it, this laptop was not going to be able to be used by anyone without Frank’s help. Looking satisfied, Frank closed it as the plane came to a stop.

  Ecaterina started the process to open the door. She was met by airport help on the outside. Dan had come up to the front.

  Todd Jenkins noticed that Dan was positioning himself to cover the door entry and had his hand ready for a draw inside his coat. Todd had noticed the shoulder holster within a minute of coming on the plane. He missed it in the beginning because a large part of his focus was on the lovely smile of the hostess.

  Todd prepared to go into action if necessary and positioned his body.

  The door opened and he watched Dan look out and around in a professional manner. Ecaterina beside him stayed out of his way looking accustomed to the activity. That was an interesting tidbit of information. Todd filed that knowledge away.

  Dan stepped off first and Ecaterina shook everyone’s hand as they exited. Frank was the last and he went past her to stick his head in the pilot’s cabin.

  Paul was busy shutting down the plane. He had just finished his checklist. He really was happy for having done this gig. He noticed the older man step by Ecaterina and he looked over his shoulder as Frank stuck his head in the cabin. “So Mr. Jameson, would you like to take the blue pill where you wake up believing that working for yourself is the only way to make things happen, or would you like the red pill and go with Captain Thomas and the team? If you take the red pill, I will get someone to finish shutting down the plane.”

  Paul Jameson was having an existential moment. Paul tho
ught about the amount of time that Frank and his team had put in to finding these people and making this set of job interviews happen so fast. He doubted that his piloting of the craft was accidental. He wasn’t unhappy doing what he was doing, but there was only so much that one person can do when what needs to change is so vast. There was something going on here, and it felt like the beginning of something unique. Something special. He unclipped his belt and smiled up at Frank. “I think I’ll take you up on that interview option, Mr. Kurns.”

  “My boy, I didn’t ask you to interview. I asked a good friend how to get you interested and you know what she told me?”

  Paul stopped and turned back to Mr. Kurns, “What was that?”

  “She told me to use the right bait, Mr. Jameson. Think on that and hurry your ass up so you don’t get left behind, I hear the helicopter now.”

  Paul turned back around, what helicopter? He jumped down the steps and went behind the plane. He could see the group about fifty yards away looking at the sky towards the north and the water. There was a big bird coming in. Holy shit! It was a Black Hawk and did she ever look mean. The whole team was just as surprised at their ride.

  Toto, they weren’t in Kansas, anymore.

  Paul noticed how nicely the helicopter landed. As if it weighed as much as a feather. There was one helluva large black man holding a slung P90 inside the bird. He nodded to Dan and offered the first seat to Captain Thomas. Captain Thomas nodded to the person inside the bird and jumped on. The rest followed his lead. Paul was the last on and Rodriquez waved him over. Dan closed the door. Paul heard the crewmember call to the pilot that they were all aboard and the chopper took off and angled back over the water.


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