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Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets)

Page 85

by Michael Anderle

  According to Ecaterina, there were five in this plane. A few others who had wanted to join decided to wait until this first group went through the paces and word about what they could expect got back to the pack and was disseminated.

  Onboard the aircraft, Tim “Rocky” Kinley was grabbing his duffel. The group on the plane had been told to bring the minimum, as anything not allowed would be summarily dumped overboard. While he wasn’t too keen on having his stuff thrown away, he figured it would be a small price to pay to get the hell out from under the pack council’s laws. He had a temper. He wasn’t one to just randomly hurt people, but he had trouble controlling himself. With him being as large as he was, randomly punching people who pissed him off for fairly innocuous reasons had caused a black cloud above his head. He had issues ever since he was fourteen and went through an impressive growth spurt. Now, at six foot two and 220 lbs, there were few people he really respected in life.

  The other four in the group didn’t fit into the pack life for reasons of their own and so far, no one had asked why they wanted out. It was understood that all of them would meet the vampire before too long. While Tim hadn’t met her back in New York—he was too far away to attend—he had been at the meet-up in New York with Gerry and Nathan. Tim wasn’t a screw off, he worked hard and maybe he wasn’t a super smart guy, but he wasn’t a meathead either. He needed to be able to fit in with a group and the only way to accomplish this, he felt, was joining a group of people so badass they would be able to put him in his place if he got out of control.

  This vampire, by all accounts, would be able to make that happen. Now, whether any of the humans could was another matter. Hopefully, his anger wouldn’t get him in trouble like it had in the past. May God forgive him if it did.

  The copilot had unbuckled and started opening the door for the guys. When the door was completely open, the man stepped back and Tim started down the steps and looked up to see Nathan Lowell, the Queen Bitch’s Guard Pete Silvers and a middle-aged man with a grin and a notebook in his hand waiting for them. There was a black SUV behind them.

  Nathan Lowell was one man Tim would keep his emotions in check around. He hadn’t personally dealt with Nathan, but enough of the Wechselbalg community told stories about him that made Tim cautious. He had watched Pete calmly shoot Terry in the kneecap from a distance and then toss him out on his ass at the meeting. He respected Pete’s accomplishment, but Terry was just a fucking whiner. His inner wolf wasn’t convinced yet of Pete’s martial abilities. The older man was a human. That he was in on this meant he must be a helper, maybe a librarian, or someone up the chain. Either way, he wasn’t a physical threat and he was dismissed.

  The four other guys followed him out. Every one of them had alpha issues and couldn’t adjust to being within the pack as it was, but none of them tried to push Tim around. Enough stories had circulated that Tim was a hothead. He didn’t look for trouble, but sure as hell didn’t back down from it, either. If they wanted a fight, a sneeze in the wrong direction could grant them an audience immediately. No one thought fighting on the Queen Bitch’s personal plane was a good way to introduce themselves.

  Each had his own duffel, provided at La Guardia. They were black with a blue patch, similar to the Queen Bitch’s Guard, but instead of hair, the vampire skull had ears like wolves. As a symbol, it wasn’t very subtle. Maybe that was the point?

  They formed in a rough line in front of Nathan who simply nodded to each as they arrived. He was wearing a green long sleeved shirt and hadn’t shaved in a couple of days. His grey-blue eyes evaluated them. He appeared both at ease and ready to pounce if necessary. Pete next to him just looked at ease.

  Behind them, the plane’s engines cycled back up and it started to taxi, moving a short distance away.

  Nathan waited for the noise to settle down. “Gentleman, and I use that term very loosely because if gentle is anywhere in your personality, I suggest you request a flight back to New York right now.” Everyone enjoyed a small chuckle; a truly gentle Wechselbalg was rare.

  Nathan continued, “I’m here to officially pass you over from the Pack to Bethany Anne’s group. Right now, the aircraft is refueling. When you get back on that plane, you have officially renounced the pack ties you enjoy now.”

  Nathan smiled a little. “Well, maybe enjoy isn’t the right word to use, but you were under their protection such as it was. When you step on Bethany Anne’s plane again, you are officially under her protection and her control. Don’t mistake that last part. If any of Bethany Anne’s team makes the decision to toss your ass out, it will be tossed out. Until you make the team, there is no reason for Bethany Anne to believe your word over someone she has taken into the dark and come through the other side with, usually by killing the problems between point A and B. Don’t make the mistake of judging any of her team as anything less than professionals who have been through hell and made it to the other side. They have probably seen and killed beings that will turn you human.” There were laughs at that.

  Nathan finished, “Welcome to the team. I hope to see all of you at the end of your training.” With that he stepped back and Pete stepped up.

  Pete looked at each of them in turn, making sure he had their attention. “I doubt any one of you will be turned human, God forbid.” He got another small chuckle, “But I will tell you that you had better leave your B game here in Miami. When you get on that plane, Bethany Anne will own your ass. Since I am in charge of this group through the training, I will own your ass. Everyone know what this patch means?” Pete pointed to the patch on his left arm. He got nods from everyone. “Good, then you know I won’t hesitate to throw your asses onto the nearest helicopter, plane or rowboat if necessary if you embarrass this group. I don’t care if you make a mistake, we all do. But you had better be running full steam when you make that mistake, do you understand?” He got five nods. “I’ll get your names on the plane, I see it coming back over here. Grab your duffels and let’s make history.”

  Tim was impressed. Maybe this Pete was at least someone to get to know, hopefully before Tim did something stupid.

  Anton’s Residence Buenos Aires, Argentina

  Anton grabbed one of his throwaway phones, looked back at the computer open to a well used social board for hookups and dialed the number that started with the girl’s measurements. Not a valid number, that was for sure. The female would have to have a forklift to carry those around if they were real.

  The phone rang twice before it was picked up. “George is a dick…”

  Anton replied, “Costanza was, but must you always be so crass?” Anton wasn’t fond of the TV show, but he could appreciate the acting to some degree. The pass phrase complete, he got down to business. “Have you figured out where the team is that ruined San Jose for me?”

  The man was an operative for the American government who had been in South America too long. The agent succumbed to the idea that money was more important than his honor, his lack of allegiance to his country replied to the question. “Not exactly. We know it was a Black Hawk that came in from the east. The pilot was good, he stayed as close to the floor as he could most of the way. Our first positive blip was about ten miles off the coast, so either they came in from a shore base or off a ship. My vote is from a ship, it’s a cleaner solution than a base on land. But I don’t have any information about any US assets in that area.”

  “Trust me, it isn’t a US ship. There isn’t anything the US has that could have handled the fight the way it went down.” Anton heard a gruff grump on the phone. He decided to placate the American agent. “Stop beating your American chest. I’m not saying you don’t have deadly people, but until you meet and beat a Nosferatu, you’re nothing but a virgin. If you weren’t a virgin, you would be dead. I want more intelligence; I need to know more about their operations group. Get some people who can deal with this. Earn your keep and your retirement only gets closer, fail me and your retirement becomes irrelevant. Make this happen, understand?” />
  The operative agreed and they hung up. Anton went through the process of destroying the phone, thinking about where this Bethany Anne could be, and what she could have with her. That she was flying in a military helicopter suggested she had military contacts already. This was a disturbing precedent. Maybe he needed to go back to his research group and see about pushing through the latest two serum trials.

  He stood up from behind his desk and grabbed his coat. It was a balmy 75 outside, but he used the special lining as protection from the sun. Always be prepared—that philosophy helped him stay alive for centuries.

  When he finally took over the world, he would slap those little Boy Scout bastards who used his phrase and make them pay tribute.

  Miami, FL, USA

  Lance read the number on his cell phone. He was sitting on a couch in Bethany Anne’s home in Key Biscayne. Frank was on the other couch. He clicked the accept button.

  “Hey daughter dear, what do you have for me this time?”

  Bethany Anne snorted on the other end of the line. “Can’t I just be a concerned daughter looking out for her dear loving dad?”

  It was Lance’s turn to snort.

  He could hear her grin coming over the line. “Ok, you got me there. I wanted to talk to you about Patricia.”

  “Oh? Really! That’s interesting, as I don’t recall us talking about Patricia such that you might need to talk with me about her.” Lance looked over at Frank, who studiously ignored the byplay on the phone and kept writing in that strange language in his notebook. Great, now this was going to be part of the story.

  Bethany Anne ignored his effort to put off the conversation. “Can it, Dad. Get your dander up another time. How well do you know Patricia, really know her?”

  Lance considered the question. They weren’t playing for a small local win here, but for all the worldwide marbles. His daughter had a point, dammit.

  He said, “Well, not well enough to have a shotgun wedding, but well enough to know she’d have my back in a pinch.”

  “Dad, this is going to be considerably more than a pinch. Every one of my ex-military people has sworn their lives to what we’re trying to accomplish. You will be forced to have this same talk with Patricia and if she doesn’t join in, I’m going to have to remove this information. Are you willing to make sure this happens, Dad? Because I’m not going to risk every one of my crew’s future because you have a good friend who can make your life easier.”

  “No need for theatrics, Bethany Anne, I get your point. I’m comfortable she’s the right person and I do need her for more than just making my life easier. I do think she needs to have a chat with you to hash this out before we pull her in. Can you catch a flight up here when she arrives to have a chat? I need her inside as quick as possible.”

  “Probably. Just call me or Ecaterina when you’ve had your discussion. Who knows, I might be in the area.”

  Lance wasn’t sure what she meant by that. He wasn’t aware that she was planning on coming up to Miami from the Polarus. He would have to ask Frank about that, or maybe Nathan, later.

  “All right, she arrives in a couple of days. I’ll let you know when it should happen… pretty soon I think.” He told her good-bye and hung up.

  He knew Bethany Anne wouldn’t hurt Patricia, but he did have to consider that Patricia might not see Lance as the same man she respected for his effort to protect his nation when she worked for him. If Patricia disapproved of what he was working on now with Bethany Anne, that might hurt more than he had thought.

  He wasn’t sure how bad it would hurt Patricia if Bethany Anne did have to erase some of her memory. Unfortunately, whatever Patricia would say to Lance before that happened would stay with him the rest of his, now longer, life.


  The Queen Bitch’s Ship Polarus

  Gabrielle was walking down the hallway to Bethany Anne’s room. She had just left Darryl and Scott moaning and groaning on the practice mats after throwing them around. Darryl had asked if something was bothering her when she got more and more aggressive during the session.

  Gathering her thoughts, she was ashamed to realize that she had in fact allowed worry to invade her emotions while working with her team. Nothing too bad, but it needed to be addressed and there was only one person who was even remotely able to understand Gabrielle’s unique position.

  She was a vampire who could have children.

  She told the guys to slap some duct tape on their boo boos and swallow some Ben-Gay, they were being a couple of babies. Scott had just lain on the mat and slowly raised one arm and then gave her the middle tent pole answer to that statement. She laughed it off and tossed them each a towel. She had worked out with John and Eric earlier. They were as ready for a showdown with the Were group as she could make them.

  She nodded to John as she came into Bethany Anne’s quarters. Eric was walking around up top and Killian, she knew, was up in his sniper position. She hadn’t seen Dan yet today.

  She knocked on Bethany Anne’s door and it opened a couple of seconds later. Ecaterina stood aside to let Gabrielle in and then proceeded to leave the room herself. Ecaterina called over her shoulder, “Sorry, got to run and get ready for a party!” Gabrielle stopped to look at the smiling Romanian. She realized she hadn’t really seen the woman smile in a couple of weeks. Party?

  Gabrielle shook her head and closed the door. Bethany Anne was sitting on her bed, her legs crossed, and she raised an eyebrow at Gabrielle. Her direct and often simple modes of communication were one of the traits Gabrielle liked about this woman.

  Gabrielle was quick to get to the point. “I need to talk something out, and you’re the only option here.”

  Bethany Anne thought about that for a split second, jumping into Vamp-speed to dissect the statement. Well, she was the only female vampire and the ultimate boss. Typically, Gabrielle could talk to Dan for anything her Bitches needed, so probably female vampire need. Gabrielle looked a little distressed, which was not very normal for the older, much older, woman. Bethany Anne sighed. “Children?”

  Gabrielle nodded in agreement and slid into a chair against the wall. “You are not so naive for such a youngling.”

  “Process of elimination. Plus, I have to admit I’m thinking about it, too. This ability to have children again took me by surprise and I can’t say that I’m happy about revisiting this decision again.”

  Gabrielle looked confused. “You have a guy that you want to have children with? How did I not know this?”

  Bethany Anne stuck her tongue out. “You know I don’t, and stop trying to tweak me because I called you wank-bait.”

  Gabrielle looked at the younger woman. “It wasn’t simply ‘wank-bait.’ You also called me ‘boner gypsy, jizz-queen, wank conductor, boner barn and penis harmonica.”

  “Dick harmonica, but who’s taking notes?”

  “Apparently, you.”

  Bethany Anne tapped her forehead. “Alien symbiont, remember? There’s nothing he forgets.”

  I didn’t remind you of what you said.

  Keep quiet, I might get to score again.


  Gabrielle’s mouth twisted as if she had eaten a sour lemon. “I looked up jizz. Really? Queen of sperm? That is disgusting.”

  Bethany Anne smiled. “Is that so? I figured after five hundred years, you had just about tried everything. You have that tattoo and all.”

  Gabrielle was quick to snap, “I am not five hundred years old!” Then she got it. Gabrielle hadn’t told Bethany Anne her real age and her dad, bless his black soul, had agreed not to tell anyone a very long time ago. “You are baiting me, it won’t work.”

  “Maybe not this time, but now I know you’re less than five hundred.” She winked at the older vampire.

  Gabrielle put her hands to her temples and started rubbing. “You can be insufferable. Why can’t you just let it go? Can’t a woman have a secret or two?”

  Bethany Anne replied, “I’m sure you have more secrets
than I’m ever going to find out. For example, how many lovers have you had?”

  Gabrielle sputtered, “What? Why would I tell you such a thing? I am not a slut! But after a… few… years, a woman might acquire… companions. After a few… more years, they might exceed a handful.”

  “A handful at a time?”

  “Not a handful at a time!”

  “Ok, four.”

  “It was not four! Just three.” Gabrielle’s face turned red as she stomped her foot. “Shit!”

  Bethany Anne rolled around on her bed, cracking up. “My, my, Gabrielle, does Stephen know that you have been quite the lucky lady?”

  She pointed at Bethany Anne. “No! I swear you had better not tell him, either. He would never let me live it down if I admitted to such a thing. Look at this, I come in here to bare my heart and you pull this information out of me.” Her eyes narrowed, “You are a very evil woman.”

  Bethany Anne got her laughter under control. “I’m just curious, it’s the natural predilection of females, and since I have lived such a chaste life…” Gabrielle snorted. Bethany Anne glared at her. “May I continue? Since I have led such a chaste life I’m trying to figure out what my future might be and you are the only one who I know that has been alive long enough to share. That you don’t drives me a little nuts.” She finished with a smile. “So, all of this is actually your fault for not sharing.”

  Gabrielle was about to tell Bethany Anne off, but realized she herself had come for a similar reason. “Ok, I get it. I may not have realized that you have a decent reason for wanting to know my past. I never considered you might be thinking about your future. I just thought you wanted prurient details.”


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