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Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets)

Page 151

by Michael Anderle

Bethany Anne took a step closer. “That psychotic reprobate? I hope the hell he didn’t have anything nice to say about me. If he did, I’d take it as an insult. Besides, he can’t give me any more grief.”

  Barnabas nodded. “I understood from Lance here that he is dead. Did you do that?”

  She shook her head. “No, I promised Michael the opportunity. He took his damn time, though.”

  Barnabas cocked his head slightly to the left. “Michael took David’s life?”

  Bethany Anne nodded. Why was he always asking for verification? It was like he didn’t want to misunderstand, or he didn’t work with people too often. “Yes. Michael punched David’s heart right out of his chest and then tore his head off to complete the deal.”

  “You were with him?”

  Bethany Anne was getting tired of twenty questions. “Can we do something for you?”

  Stephen noticed Bethany Anne’s frustration. She was never a patient individual and Barnabas’s questioning style could be a bit… annoying at times. “Barnabas, what brought you out of your mountain retreat?”

  “I believe Bethany Anne did.” She raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. “Do you walk through the plane?”

  She pursed her lips. “If you mean the Etheric, then yes. I use it to step from place to place.”

  “Would you mind providing me an example?”

  Stephen asked, “For what reason, brother?”

  Barnabas turned to his brother, noticing his concern. “I mean no harm, Stephen. I am trying to identify which of the ripples I have felt belong to her, and which belong to the others.”

  “Ripples?” Bethany Anne asked.

  Barnabas turned back to Bethany Anne. “Yes, ripples. I have worked over the centuries to become closer to the plane which we, as Nacht, draw our energy from.” Barnabas turned to Lance. “My apologies, I do not like the term vampire.”

  Lance shrugged. “I don’t care what you call yourself, Nacht or vampire. It’s just a label.”

  Barnabas nodded then turned back to Bethany Anne. “That is how I reduce the amount of blood I must draw to keep my strength up. Through this effort, I have become sensitive to the energy flow. I have noticed the energy fluctuations increase significantly over these last many seasons.”

  Fascinating! He has learned how to pull power from his connection.

  Yes, fascinating. So, what does he want?

  Well, how am I supposed to know?

  Beats me! Do you think it’s safe to do a jump around him?

  I wouldn’t think it’s a problem, but I wouldn’t jump with him until we know more.

  Good answer.

  Bethany Anne asked Stephen, “You vouch for Barnabas?”

  Stephen looked at his brother. “Have you changed your vow of neutrality?”

  Barnabas shook his head. “No brother, I have been and I remain neutral in all things related to our affliction.”

  Stephen turned back to Bethany Anne. “He won’t harm or help any save they are doing something generally helpful to the world. He wouldn’t help us against the Forsaken if they were still a problem, nor would he have helped them against us.”

  “Ah, you’re the Nacht version of Switzerland?”

  Barnabas shrugged. “Not so much a neutral location, as I don’t believe in that which our Lord would not support.”

  Bethany Anne was surprised. “You’re religious?”

  “Not really religious, but rather I believe that the views espoused in the Lord’s efforts should be supported.”

  Gabrielle cut into the conversation. “Basically, Barnabas has the undying belief that there is no one too dark that can’t come back into the light and no one is in the light so much that they could not become dark.”

  Bethany Anne mused, “I guess I have an easier time believing the second assertion over the first, but I understand the logic. So, how do you feel about David’s inability to turn from his darkness now that he is dead?”

  Barnabas answered, “The same as if he had gone swimming in the ocean and been eaten by a shark. His time was up. I will not be a party to his death, but it doesn’t mean I judge those who brought it about.”

  Bethany Anne nodded. “Ok. What do you need to do to, what, feel a ripple?”

  “Usually, I am meditating. I could probably just sit down and relax since you are so close.”

  “Ok, let’s do this.” She looked around, “Everyone stay still, I’ll be right back.”

  Barnabas sat back down and everyone watched as his face relaxed. He nodded a few moments later.

  Bethany Anne shrugged. She took a step and disappeared. She spoke from the outer office, “Ready?”

  Barnabas nodded and Stephen replied, “Yes.”

  Then she was back. Barnabas opened his eyes and regarded her. “That was you all of those times?”

  She shrugged. “I can’t answer that. I can say I’ve been around.”

  “Yes, you have. Yours is the most powerful ripple I feel.”

  Lance asked, “How many different ripples are there?”


  Lance pursed his lips. “So, you believe that there are three different entities using the Etheric and causing these ripples?”

  Barnabas nodded. “That is what I believe.”

  Lance considered his next question. “How long have you felt three?”

  Barnabas thought about it. “I noticed Bethany Anne’s ripple about a year and a half ago. The other two ripples are within the last six months. That is why I came out from my home. There was something going on and I went to seek out the answer. I found that Peter is no more, then met with David and he gave me a clue that you might be the answer, Bethany Anne.”

  Stephen asked, “You are sure Peter is passed?”

  Barnabas said, “We can go into it later, but I am sure.”

  Stephen responded, “Hugo has passed, David killed him.”

  Barnabas nodded his acceptance of Stephen’s information.

  Bethany Anne asked, “Is there anything different from my ripple and the other two?”

  “In what way?”

  Bethany Anne started pacing between the office wall and back. “I’m not sure. I’m wondering if we can determine if these ripples are caused by someone like me, a Nacht, or not.”

  Barnabas’s face scrunched up. “If not a Nacht, then who?”

  Bethany Anne stopped pacing and looked at Barnabas. “Wow, you are so out of the loop it isn’t funny. Do you have television where you live?”

  Barnabas laughed out loud. “Yes! I’m not isolated, I just dress this way because it is comfortable. I’m not huge into technology but I do try to keep up. I flew here to the States.”

  Lance asked, “Why did you walk up to the gate?”

  Barnabas answered, “Because almost no one is worried about a monk arriving on foot to a gate. At least, not here in the States. The taxi let me off a mile down the road just out of sight. I walked the rest of the way.”

  Bethany Anne stopped her pacing and sat on her dad’s desk. He made a face at her and grabbed the pen and pad that was near where she sat down. She told Barnabas, “There are nanocytes in your body.” She paused to see if he knew what those were.

  Barnabas asked, “Nanotechnology focused on the blood, right?”

  She nodded. “Yes, although the nanocytes that are in your blood have the ability of becoming nanobots or the more generic nanites to fix you. This technology was provided by an alien group called the Kurtherians. They came to Earth to upgrade humans to help them fight another group of aliens. We have been visited in the past by the opposing group because that is the technology that created the Wechselbalg.”

  She paused to see if Barnabas had any questions. When he didn’t, she continued. “So, when Michael offered me the chance to become a vampire he took me back to the alien spacecraft which had changed him originally. I’m changed at the source and for better or worse, I’m the link to the aliens that want our help.”

  She pointed at Stephen. “He c
ame to my aid as did many others to help fight the Forsaken and the Nosferatu. My teams are attempting to figure out how to use the alien technology to fight the ‘seven’ as my alien contact calls them. We have taken care of the Forsaken conflict here on Earth while seeking our way to the stars.”

  She looked around and raised an eyebrow at her dad. “Have they done it?” He nodded. She turned to Barnabas. “So, one of my teams has placed our first test package on the moon. We are no longer Earthbound. I was hoping that David was my final loose end to clean up and then our teams could move off-planet, but I’m told we need to keep this base open for a while. So, we are moving to phase two and we will start construction of our space program. We’re going to try to keep it quiet as long as possible so we don’t have government interference. We shall see.”

  Bethany Anne waited to see how Barnabas took the information dump. She waited for a while and then looked at Stephen who smiled and mouthed ‘patience.’

  She stuck her tongue out at him. She hated to wait!

  Barnabas finally asked, “You are not seeking to rule this planet with your strength and technology?”

  This time, it was Bethany Anne’s turn to laugh. “Hell no! All my team and I want to do is offer the world a chance to make their own decisions, not have them dictated to them. But there is one thing that I know and that is I will not back down from taking out these alien assholes who are subjugating others. I’ll make sure they can’t take over our world, then I’m going to root these motherfuckers out and crush them with whoever cares to help me. If this seven will change, I’ll let them change. If they refuse?”

  Barnabas watched in fascination as her visage changed. Her eyes became a brighter red than any he had seen to date and her teeth grew. Her voice carried her determination mixed with rock hard ruthlessness. “Then they will be crushed, root and branch. Not a single individual to carry on the sickness that drives them will be allowed to come back and infect future generations.”

  “That is the declaration of the Queen Bitch!”


  Author’s Notes

  Written March 6, 2016

  Thank you, I cannot express my appreciation enough that not only did you pick up the SEVENTH book, but you read it all the way to the end and NOW, you’re reading this as well. Since this book is part of a series, I am presuming you have blessed me by reading them all and what a fantastic feeling that is for any author!

  I’m writing this about 1 month and 2 days from the last release (Feb 4th). Life throws us curves and the curves included a major website release for my consulting company, my production editor working through an illness and a passing away of a loving aunt of mine. However, with the help of everyone involved, the absolute CLEANEST Kurtherian Gambit book was produced I’ve ever put out.

  You know what? From the day the team started (Friday, Feb 12th) to release date (Mon March 7th) is 25 days. Twenty-five incredible days to put out what I think is a hella-good fun read for the WORLD’S BEST FANS!

  Damn, you guys and gals are the most fun! Want to know what a group of you did starting last night through today? A scavenger hunt to read two extra chapters (4 & 5). Did I figure out some way to ‘pull the fans together, get them engaged, do this, do that, blah blah blah’?


  I was minding my own business answering a few questions on the Amazon Forums for my author page and then… stuff… happened.

  Here is the Amazon Forum post that started this whole thing. Tutt commented on the forum after reading the weekend release of Chapters 1-3.

  Posted on Mar 5, 2016 6:06:38 PM PST

  Tutt says:

  You certainly didn't do ME any favors releasing those three chapters!! I was P.O'ed...I got to the end and thought WTF!! Man I was in the GROOVE... And then...nothing...Okay...where have you hidden chapter Four. If it is a scavenger hunt, just say so. I LUV a good scavenger hunt. I loved the three chapters...and NO ERRORS!!! I calmly await Armageddon...( I love a good ellipse). Whatever. 72 hours is too long, but I'm not the one releasing the book, so there. Hurry up, dude.

  What is a proper author to do? Beats the hell out of me. As soon as I meet a proper author, I’ll ask him or her! But, I can tell you what I did. I (apparently) didn’t have enough to do that night, so I answered Tutt like this….

  Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 5, 2016 6:10:30 PM PST

  Kindle Customer says:


  Ok... FINE! You want a scavenger hunt?

  I'll GIVE you a scavenger hunt!

  Give me a few minutes...


  About an hour and fifteen minutes later, I posted this:

  Your post: Mar 5, 2016 7:24:30 PM PST

  Kindle Customer says:

  All answers in lower case (one word - never any spaces between words)

  So, that was a large portion of Saturday night and Sunday for a few fans that had fun helping everyone out finding the path to get chapters 4 & 5… Because a fan was snarky online and I accepted the snark, and raised her a challenge to get the chapters. (I think Tutt’s female… I can’t remember why I think that, tho’). You know, I never did find out if Tutt took on the challenge… She (he?) will have to reach out and let me know.

  The energy you have all given back means the world to me. That I can ‘give’ back and make the experience wonderful for you?


  It took 32 days to get book 7 out from the release of book 6.


  Life doesn’t care about my pitiful plans.

  But you know what? Together, I’ve released, fans have risen to the challenge to help make each book better, and you have all read these books at a pace of 500,000 WORDS IN 5 MONTHS!

  Not only that, but I’ve broken the top 1,000 Authors on Amazon a couple of times (meaning, my final ranking for that day was inside the top 1,000).

  In 5 months.

  You know something else? I’m getting fan letters to KEEP IT UP. Here is a f#cking awesome comment string between two fans I read earlier today after they read the pre-release chapters.

  (This was on Facebook)

  RaeLea Hurt: I was thinking that little fix would satisfy me longer. I’m officially a junkie, tapping a vein, eagerly awaiting my next hit.

  Andrew Charles Rebeck: Agreed, but the only problem I have is I can’t seem to OD.

  RaeLea Hurt: *laughs* Niiiice!

  Freaking Facebook has turned into a party every few nights. ESPECIALLY around new book release time. Hopefully, I get stuff out before all of the ‘pitchforks and matches’ comments. D@mn, some readers (looking at you Earl Brunner) can be so crotchety when they don’t get their hit soon enough!

  Others, nicely enough, leave encouraging notes or message me directly with heartwarming comments.

  Due to one of those conversations, Bethany Anne and whoever is with her (or her team, depends on the story) will be making a stop in Australia next book.

  Specifically here:

  Why? Because FANS RULE. Always. Even fans that slap the author around a little (that is COMPLETELY figurative BTW). You would have to read the comments on our conversation (on FB) to understand that statement.

  So, if you’re in Sydney and swing by this cafe, shoot me a picture and let’s put it up on the Facebook group, ok?

  I could go on. Go on about how the beta readers worked to make this awesome. How Stephen Russell worked while in bed sick to put stuff out and kissed his weekend (this weekend) goodbye to help make tomorrow a reality. How when I was feeling overwhelmed in the middle of the book someone had something good to say about their experiences reading Bethany Anne’s story that reinvigorated a worn out author.

  I had the Amazon Echo play a little Disturbed, or AC/DC or Two Cellos and decided I should stop WHIMPING OUT! You know what? There are parts I love about this book. Scenes that make me crack
up, or smile, or jump and go… (ready for it?) TAKE THAT SUCKA! I’m so enthused now by the story.

  Damn, I SO wanted to kill that bastard David! I had a conversation with a reader who mentioned David’s comment about another Blackhawk down and how it made her feel. I agonized about keeping that line in (book 6). I, in no way, want to minimize the deaths of any country’s military. However, to be true to the character who hates America for multiple reasons, I left it in. It’s hard to care about the death of a bad guy if they’re bland. David, by the time he passed, so needed to die.

  I particularly liked how he stares down at his own heart in Michael’s hand, uselessly trying to push it back into his chest.

  Here is what I said last Author’s note:

  We Will Build - Book 8 is what I understand to be called an ‘entry point’ for a reader. A book that allows readers to get into the story without missing too much. If you would like to know the titles for the next few books, check out the very, very end of book 5. I did that whole ‘Marvel ending’ where I added stuff past the credits and the reviews.

  Guess what? That isn’t happening!

  Based on reader feedback (again started on FB & the Amazon Forums), it was pretty unanimous that new readers needed to start back in the front of the line (so to speak) and go from there.

  I’ve got some housekeeping I need to do before starting hard again on Book 8. However, I’m going to put out a short story called: Frank Kurns -Tales of the Unknown World 01 (John Grimes Takes Action). I’ll have it out by the end of the month, I believe.

  I’m probably going to keep doing these smaller stories to get into some side stories that aren’t ‘part’ of the main series. I’ve requests for Ashur, Tabitha and one or two others already. Want to suggest anything? Hit me up on the FB page (you can message me directly there). I’d do email, but due to marketing ’shtuff’ I miss some of the emails for days or just miss it sometimes.

  Purchased vs. Kindle Unlimited update. As we go into book Seven, the Kindle Unlimited side has slid behind in gross sales vs. The Kindle purchased group. Income is now 55% Purchased vs. 45% Unlimited (after Amazon’s cut). Not sure about going wide right now. Have to wait to see what Amazon does with the KENP per page payout. With so many books being pushed, plus my own company efforts I’m just happy my family is ‘older’ and I’m not trying to do this with newborns, but have the time to juggle both. That would be hella-tough otherwise.


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