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Him for the Holidays

Page 2

by Jaxx Steele

  “I— I don’t know. My sister was supposed to pick this stuff up. The list belongs to her. How much do people usually buy?”

  “Well, I guess that would depend on how much smooching you plan on doing,” the man answered with a mischievous grin. “With lips as sexy as yours are, I bet you do a lot. Perhaps you should return after you’ve spoken to your significant other to see how much kissing you will be doing in your future,” he added with a chuckle.

  Donald let out an embarrassed laugh. “I don’t have one of those.”

  He put the carrier on top of a nearby tote “ Really? A handsome man like you is single? That’s downright tragic. I’m Trevor, by the way. What’s your name?” he said, offering his hand.


  He shook Donald’s hand slowly as he stared at the ceiling. “Donald? Hmm, delicious Donald. I’m sure I’ll have no trouble remembering that.” He looked at Donald again.

  Eyes widening, Donald let out a soft gasp. Trevor’s gaze mesmerized him, warmth flooding his body with euphoria. Now he knew what people meant when they said it felt like someone was looking right into their souls. His breathing quickened and his hard-on returned with a vengeance.

  Trevor opened his hand, releasing the mistletoe, then pinched some from its container to hold over Donald’s head. He moved so close that Donald could smell his minty breath.

  “Well, Donny, to answer your question, I would hang about this much over every doorway in my house if I knew you were coming over. But then, I wouldn’t want to miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

  Donald’s breath caught at Trevor’s closeness. He could hardly breathe let alone complete a sentence. Suddenly the front door swung open and bells rang loudly, breaking the hypnotic hold Trevor seemed to have on him.

  “Trevor, I’m here! I came to pick up that box of decorations for my window,” a woman cried cheerfully as she walked across the floor toward the counter.

  Trevor shook his head. “That’s Mrs. David from the bakery. I have some stuff on hold for her. She’s a sweet old lady, but her timing sucks,” he said with a soft laugh. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

  Donald nodded. Saved by the bell.

  Trevor took a step back and snatched a baggie out of the basket. He dropped a small amount of mistletoe into it along with the rest of the things on Donald’s list.

  “It would seem I have some other work to do. I’ll see you at the register.” He slid a finger underneath Donald’s chin then handed him the basket before walking away.

  Donald’s jaw dropped and he was finally able to breathe again. He watched with a raised eyebrow as Trevor sauntered over to the counter to help the woman who waited for him. He was charming and pleasant with her. When he gathered the things she needed, Trevor followed her out of the door carrying the box. As Donald walked to the register, he stared at the door.

  Who is this guy? Where is Mr. Oxford?

  He may not have known who Trevor was, but somehow Trevor knew he was gay and he seemed interested.

  “How the hell did he know that?” he mumbled.

  An interaction like what had just happened between him and Trevor had never happened to Donald before. He didn’t know what to do. In college, he’d met his so-called boyfriend during a gay rights rally on campus. They had gone to a couple of meetings together, had a few beers and since they’d both been single, they’d decided to do the friends-with-benefits thing. That had been Donald’s introduction to sex and relationships. After graduation was over, he had often wondered what it would be like to date someone or have a real relationship.

  Donald replayed the scene with Trevor over in his mind again, his cock jumping at the memory. Trevor had come on to him so aggressively it surprised and excited Donald. Most of the good-looking guys he had come in contact with fell into two categories—taken or jerks. Trevor didn’t seem to fit either.

  It was a shame that he was only going to be home until after the New Year. He could see himself with a man like Trevor, if the guy was serious about being with him. It didn’t make sense to start something Donald couldn’t finish. Everyone knew long-distance love affairs didn’t work.

  The door swung open. A cold breeze washed over him jarring him from his thoughts.

  “Whew! I should have grabbed my coat,” Trevor said, brushing the snow from his shoulders and shaking his head. “The snow is really starting to come down now.” He went behind the counter and stopped in front of Donald. “I was about to take my half hour for lunch. Want to join me?”

  “I, uh…”

  “I have a fireplace that can keep us warm—unless you’d prefer to use body heat.”

  Donald’s eyes widened. Trevor laughed and held his hands up.

  “Okay, okay, too soon. Let’s ring this stuff up and get you on your way.”

  Donald handed Trevor the money and Trevor held his hand longer than necessary. Trevor pushed the bag to him and Donald rushed out of the store with it. Once out in the cold air, Donald managed to control his breathing again.

  “I don’t even know what to say about all that,” he muttered on his trek home.

  Thoughts of Trevor slowed his pace making the return home longer, though he took the same route.

  “I’m back, Ma,” he announced, walking into the kitchen.

  His mother chuckled and slid a cup of steaming liquid across the table. “Yes, Don, I can see that.”

  “Thanks.” He put the bag on the table with a soft thud and shrugged out of his coat then placed it over the back of his chair.

  “See? I knew you’d have no trouble,” she said, taking a seat.

  “Ma, what happed to Mr. Oxford? There’s another guy running the store.”

  “Mr. Oxford retired, Don. Didn’t I mention that?”

  “No, Ma, you didn’t,” he said, picking up the mug.

  His hands warmed instantly. The steam heated his face and the smell made him smile. A moan of pleasure escaped as the chocolaty liquid slid down his throat, removing the chill from the rest of his body.

  “Oh yes, that’s Trevor, his nephew. He’s a wonderful young man—sweet, handsome, considerate, helpful and respectful too. He’s not that much older than you are, Don. Two, maybe three years, I think. He used to live in the city, but when his uncle got sick back in February, Trevor came to help him. When Mr. Oxford decided to retire, Trevor stayed to run the store in his place.”

  “Really? Did he say what he used to do for a living?”

  “He’s a nurse. He went back home for a few weeks to get his things in order but he returned here for good in the summer.”

  “Huh, I wonder why he didn’t want to be a nurse anymore.”

  “He’s still a nurse, sweetheart. He picks up hours at the hospital and takes care of his uncle mostly. Mr. Oxford has willed the store to him since he has no children of his own.”

  “Oh, yeah? That was nice of him,” he said, taking another sip.

  “So, what do you think of Trevor?”

  “He’s cool. You know, friendly, knowledgeable and helpful.” Not to mention sexy.

  “That’s nice. Everyone in town seems to feel that way about him. When I’m busy, all I have to do is call, tell him what I want and he delivers the groceries right to the house. Since you’ll be home for a little longer, I won’t have to bother Trevor that much. I can just send you to pick them up. Maybe you and Trevor will become friends while you’re here.”

  Donald shrugged. “Maybe.”

  Chapter Two

  New profiles appeared on www.I’ every day during the winter months. It made Donald’s and his employees’ workload during November, December and January heavy and extremely stressful. The outlines were incredibly detailed to help the computer match the clients to someone they might be compatible with. The program he had come up with did all the work, but he and his team still had to input the information manually then upload the results for the customers to choose from.

  Donald had been inputting data for the l
ast three days. He’d only left his chair for bathroom breaks, an occasional sandwich and catnaps. Every time he saw a new member profile, he thought of Trevor and wondered if it was him. Trevor was good-looking and seemed very nice. A man he could go for. Too bad their timing was all wrong.

  “Well, well, well, look at what the cat dragged in,” a woman said with a giggle when Donald shuffled into the kitchen.

  “Don’t start with me, Andie. It’s too early.” He sat across from her then put his head down on the table.

  “Early? Did you hear that, Ma? He thinks it’s early.”

  “Leave your brother alone, Andie. He’s been working hard for the last few days.”

  “And nights,” Andie added. “You can’t meet anyone when you’re attached to your computer. Perhaps you should consider a nine-to-five job, Don. You could have a normal sleep schedule, you won’t be so tired all the time, and here’s another perk you probably didn’t think of—you might even get to meet real, live people.” She gasped, covering her mouth in faux shock.

  He ignored her jibe. “It’s just busy like this over the holiday season, Andie. No one wants to be alone this time of the year,” he said, sleepily reaching for her plate.

  His sister slapped his hand. “Don’t you stick your hand over here,” she snapped. “Did you even wash your hands when you got up from your computer? Have you even brushed your teeth or washed your face in days, Don?” Andie asked, raising a questioning eyebrow.

  Donald looked up at his sister and laughed. “Yes, Andie, I washed my face and brushed my teeth like a good little brother. Are you satisfied now?”

  His mother laughed and slid a plate in front of her son. “Here, sweetheart, eat. I’ll see you later.”

  Donald sat up. “Where you going, Ma?”

  “Christmas shopping with Helen.” She handed him a mug then kissed the top of his head before leaving.

  He turned to his sister, furrowing his brow. She chuckled.

  “Helen is Mrs. Samuels, Don,” she clarified.

  Donald nodded and dove into his food. He sensed the burning stares from his sister as he ate. He stopped his fork in mid-air and met her gaze.

  “You know, I’m sure if you spent more time with live people your manners would improve.” She shook her head.

  He stuck his tongue out at her then continued eating. She remained silent for a few moments longer as he at before she spoke again.

  “So, Mom says you met Trevor.”

  “Uh-huh,” he said between bites of chicken.

  Andie picked up her cup. “So what did you think?”

  Donald blew the steam off the top of his mug before taking a long gulp. “He was nice.” He shrugged.

  “He works with me sometimes at the hospital. That’s where I met him. He’s a cutie, don’t you think?”

  Hell yeah!

  He shrugged again. “He’s all right.”

  “Good, I’m glad you approve. I was thinking about asking him out.”

  Donald choked on his last bite of food. He gulped at his drink to clear his throat. “You were what? No, no, no, Andie. I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not? He’s single, handsome, has a job and he’s educated. Not to mention he’s an all-around nice guy and Mom already likes him. That makes him prime eligible bachelor material. A woman doesn’t run across a good man like that every day, you know.”

  Huh, neither does a man.

  “Don’t you think I should nab him before someone else does?” she added.

  “I… I… Well…” He paused not knowing what to say. “What if you’re not his type, Andie?” he blurted out.

  His sister burst into laughter. “Believe me, honey, I can be whatever type he needs me to be. That will not be an issue,” she said with a wave of her hand.


  Andie took their plates to the sink and used the small pot on the stove to refill his mug.

  “Don, will you be up for a while?”

  He nodded, sipping his reheated drink. “Mmm-hmm.”

  “Good, I have secret Santa gifts for my co-workers and a few presents for some of the children on the burn unit left to decorate. I knew I wouldn’t have time to pick up some more bows and wrapping paper from the store so I asked Trevor to deliver them here.”

  Donald put his mug down with a thud.

  Trevor is coming here?

  “I have to go to work in a bit, so I can’t wait. Would you put in the good word for me when he gets here?”

  Donald picked up his mug and emptied it in one gulp—ignoring the heat—to wet his dry mouth. He coughed again. “Wouldn’t it be easier if I just go pick those things up for you, Andie, instead of him coming here?” he asked, pulling in puffs of air to cool his mouth off.

  “I didn’t know when you’d be up, Don. I called this morning while you were asleep. He’s already coming. He said he’d be over as soon as Mr. Brent returned from his lunch break.” She looked at her watch. “I have to go. There are some leftovers in the refrigerator if you get hungry again.” She kissed the top of his head just like his mother had done then left the kitchen.

  “Andie’s interested in Trevor too? Well that’s just great!” He sat back, holding his drink close to his face. “Could I have read the signs wrong? God knows I haven’t had lots of experience reading signs at all,” he muttered, rolling his eyes. Donald stared into his cup for a few minutes then slid it across the table. “He was probably just being nice to me like he was with Mrs. David.” He sighed. “If he’s really interested in Andie and not me that means…”

  He pushed his seat back with a grunt and stood. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t live here, remember? I’m just visiting. If Andie ends up with Trevor, well… Then I’m happy for her. She deserves a good guy in her life.” He placed the cup in the sink. “Trevor is handsome and nice… Sexy…with a nice butt… And that bulge in front of his pants looked more than adequate. Who doesn’t want a man like that?” he said, repeating Andie’s words.

  With a sigh, he pushed open the kitchen door and went straight to the bathroom to strip. All his exhaustion, thoughts of work and Trevor rushed down the drain along with the water. He stood there for what seemed like hours. When he finally stepped out the tub, he reached back to turn the water off then snapped his head to the right to look over his shoulder.


  Don snatched a towel from the rack wrapping it around him, ran from the bathroom to the living room and swung the front door open.

  “Well now, that’s the type of greeting worth waiting in the cold for.”

  Donald’s mouth dropped open and he gasped. Trevor stood before him bundled up in winter wear, holding a shopping bag by the plastic handles on one finger and juggling several long tubes in his arm.

  “I hate to sound pushy, but can I come in now? I’ve been out here knocking for a while. I’m freezing.”

  “Oh! I’m so sorry. Yes, please come in.”

  Donald moved to the side to let Trevor pass then he leaned against the door, pulling it closed behind him. They stood opposite each other. Trevor openly ogled him. His lustful stares pinned Donald to the door and quickened his heartbeat. Trevor turned away from him to put the rolls on the couch then pulled off his gloves.

  “May I?” he asked, tugging at his coat lapels.

  Donald managed a nod. Trevor grinned then quickly discarded his outerwear.

  “It’s way warmer in here than it is outside, but I think it can get downright hot in here if we wanted it to,” he added.

  Trevor wore a long-sleeved shirt over another garment. Don couldn’t tell if the shirt was one piece or two because the fabric hugged Trevor’s husky physique, leaving no wrinkles, then fell loose around a slim waist. Though he’d left his top untucked, the blatant bulge in the front of his pants was not covered. Upon seeing it, Donald swallowed a lump forming in his throat then averted his eyes, remembering that he wore only a towel. Concentrating on counting, Donald forced his mouth to work.

bsp; “Yes, well, Andie told me you were coming to drop her stuff off. Feel free to relax and warm up. I’ll be right back.”

  He started to leave the foyer but Trevor moved quickly to block his retreat.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I… I’m going to change. I was getting out the shower when I heard you knocking.”

  Trevor smiled and looked him over again with shining eyes. “Don’t feel like you have to change from your current attire because of me. You look damn good in what you’ve got on.”

  Trevor pressed his body against him and Donald’s cock responded instantly. It pulsed, pushing against the towel. Donald took in a shattered breath. He knew that no amount of counting would help him now.

  “So, you’re here alone?”

  “Yes,” he answered on a gasp.

  “Perfect,” Trevor whispered against Donald’s ear. “Do you know how badly I want to touch you right now?”

  Need filled his raspy voice. The sound sent shivers down Donald’s back. He hoped that Trevor’s question was rhetorical, because he was sure he couldn’t voice an answer. Trevor moved his head so they were face to face. Donald had to raise his gaze to look at him. Trevor traced the outline of Donald’s lips with his index finger, a feather-like touch as he stared at Donald’s mouth.

  “These sensual lips of yours look so soft and delicious. When was the last time someone kissed you, Donny?” he asked, meeting Donald’s eyes.

  Donald’s jaw bobbed, but he still could not speak. Trevor smiled. He moved his fingers across Donald’s stubbly chin. He continued his light caress down Donald’s throat to his shoulders, but stopped when he reached Donald’s chest. Trevor let out a noise that sounded like a combination of a moan and a growl.

  Hearing it, Donald gulped as his cock twitched. It left him weak in the knees. He reached back to touch the door for balance. Trevor spread his fingers wide as he glided them through the soft hair across Donald’s pectorals.

  “Oh, my God, you are so fucking sexy,” Trevor panted.

  Donald leaned heavily against the door. Trevor continued to move his hand through the hairy ridges of Donald’s stomach where he finally stopped. He leaned forward, leaving a gentle kiss on Donald’s neck.


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