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The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete)

Page 10

by Charlene Hartnady

  “Go!” Storm growled, finally issuing a command and doing so in a warning tone.

  Crystal didn’t flinch. “If you change your mind, my lord…” Another quick bow and she left.

  Jolene shook with anger as she turned to face Storm. “You shouldn’t have turned her away on account of me.” She shook her head. “Beck has babysat me for almost an entire day. What was a few hours more? Even a whole night more. Hell, may as well make it the next few weeks even.” She didn’t wait for a response. “Then again, you were probably getting your rocks off earlier, so you didn’t need her.” The words kept coming. “You’re probably all sexed out, hence the need for a shower and a nap. Come to think of it, you more than likely went after someone else’s woman. Less chance of commitment that way. That’s why you got beaten up, isn’t it?”

  Chapter 11

  “That’s not why I got beaten up.” He narrowed his eyes. “Besides, it’s a few scratches, I’m hardly beaten up. You should see the other male.”

  “You sure as heck look beaten to me.”

  “Well, I’m not. I don’t have a single broken bone. I’m not missing an organ. I’m certainly not bleeding profusely, so I am not beaten up.”

  “Fine!” Her chest heaved. She had a ton more to say, but right then she was too busy grinding her teeth together and breathing like mad through her nose to get a word out. Her anger was still blazing as she recalled those hip thrusts against his groin area.

  “Are you done?” Storm’s eyes blazed.

  “No!” she yelled. “Furthermore, you’re an asshole!”

  “Tell me something I don’t already know!” he yelled back.

  “If you know it, why don’t you do something about it?” Jolene put her hands on her hips.

  “I’m trying!” he snapped. “For the record, I didn’t fuck anyone earlier today. Nor did I get beaten because of another female. Mated or otherwise.”

  “Oh, so you admit you got beaten up.”

  He groaned. Truth was, she felt something ease when he told her he hadn’t been with anyone else. “I’m trying here.”

  “Trying my ass. You growl if I talk to your best friend. You growl if he even looks at me innocently. You keep telling me I’m yours, and yet you let that…that…her…” Jolene pointed at the door. “Sit all over you with her naked ass. She kissed you and you did nothing about it.”

  “I was trying to be nice.” Storm ran a hand through his hair.

  “Nice! Why the hell would you be nice? Why would you choose right then to be nice?” She made a noise of frustration. “You know what, don’t even answer that. You were nice because you guys clearly have a history.”

  “Yes, we have a history and yes, that’s why I was trying to be nice.”

  “Of course, you have a history,” she muttered, shaking her head and managing to sound incredibly jealous. Which she was! Jolene hated the emotion. She shouldn’t be jealous of Storm.

  “Yes, we do have a history. We’ve rutted and that’s it.” He said it like it was supposed to make her feel better or something. “Up until recently, she was one of my favorites.”

  “Favorites!” Jolene pushed out a heavy breath. “Women are not chocolates. What is wrong with you?”

  “I know that.” He forced the words out.

  “Doesn’t sound like it. You were rude back then.” She pointed at the couch.

  “I was trying to be nice to Crystal. Trying to do the right thing for once.”

  “You were rude to me. I couldn’t give a stuff about Crystal.” Jolene widened her eyes. “You disrespected me. You shouldn’t have been nice to her and by doing so you made me look like an idiot.”

  “How can I disrespect you when you don’t even like me? When you want nothing to do with me? You call me an asshole at every turn. You don’t want to even try to be friends with me. How is it that—”

  “Cut the bull! You don’t want to be friends. You don’t want anything to do with any type of relationship with me. You want to fuck me.”

  “I won’t deny it. Yes, I want to bend you over and fuck you into next week.” Storm stepped up close, his voice deepened. “I’ve never denied it. I’ve been open and honest from the start. It’s you who feels the need to lie about that particular subject.”

  “Rubbish!” she yelled.

  “You want me just as much as I want you. Why won’t you admit it?” Another step brought him right into her personal space.

  “Because it’s nonsense.” More like by admitting it, she would be opening herself right up to him.

  “This whole blow up is because you’re jealous. You’re jealous because you are attracted to me and the thought of me with another female drives you nuts. Why are you lying?”

  “Screw you!” Dammit but it was true.

  “Screw you? Yes please, but first, admit it. Stop the talking in circles. Stop!” he growled in her face. “You want me to fuck you. You just won’t admit it. Admit it already, Jolene. Fucking admit it!”

  Maybe it was the way he growled her name. Probably because he was spot on. Jolene finally nodded. “Yes, okay! Fine!” she yelled. “I am attracted to you. I would love you to fuck me but—”

  “No buts. The time for buts has long since passed.” Storm yanked her against him. One hand clasped her firmly around the waist, while the other gripped her hair in what felt like a tight fist at the base of her skull. It stung but it also felt good. His mouth plundered hers.

  Storm wasn’t in the least bit gentle. In fact, it was safe to say he was rough. His stubble rubbed her skin, his teeth clashed with hers. His erection was hard against her belly. She moaned in frustration because she wanted him so badly but also because it felt so good. She’d never been manhandled like this. Like Storm might just die if he didn’t—

  Oh shit! This couldn’t happen. It didn’t matter that it felt good. That she wanted this as much ‒ maybe more than he did. He’d win if he had her though. She’d be giving the milk away for free. He couldn’t have her milk. Jolene’s eyes widened and she tried to pull away.

  Storm didn’t let her. He picked her up and began to walk, stopping only when her ass hit something. He lifted her onto that something and there was a ripping sound.

  Then his fingers were there. Right there, his thumb quickly finding her clit through her lace panties.

  Jolene moaned, her mind fogging over with need. She glanced down. Her denim skirt was ripped.

  “I’m fucking you,” Storm leaned in and whispered against her lips. “You’re going to love it.”

  “We can’t!” It came out sounding needy…desperate even.

  His thumb kept moving. Her eyes felt hazed over. Her vision blurred. Her breathing was so heavy it was like she had run a good couple of miles.

  “We can and we are. I know you’re on birth control. You wouldn’t be here otherwise and I can’t give you anything so no backing out now. No excuses!” Storm pulled back, he lifted her ass up and pulled up her skirt so that it was bunched up around her waist. “We stick to our deal.” His face was just inches away. His thumb continued to trace lazy circles around her clit.

  No fair. Her legs shook with the need to come. Her eyes were wide. Her chest heaved. Okay, maybe one time.

  She shouldn’t!

  “If you don’t like it, we leave it at that.” His gorgeous eyes were on her. Boring into her. His face had a pinched look that told her he was just as desperate.

  She really shouldn’t.

  Jolene moaned as he pressed a little harder. She threw her head back for a moment before locking eyes with him. “Your lip. It’s bleeding.”

  “Fuck my lip. Fuck all of it. All that matters is this.” He pushed her panties aside and made sweet contact with her flesh. “O-ohhhh!” Right then, she couldn’t think of a single argument. She couldn’t remember why she was fighting him. “Yes, okay, yes!” she blurted.

  There was another tearing noise and her ruined underwear went flying. She felt a moment of dizziness as he flipped her onto her bell
y. It was the dining room table. Her hands were splayed on the wood, on either side of her head. Her boobs were pressed against the hard surface. Her toes were only just on the ground. Her ass must be up in the air.

  Using a knee, Storm shoved her legs open. She yelled as he thrust into her. It hurt. He was big. Huge! Storm didn’t give her time to get used to his size. He thrust into her again, just as hard and forcefully. Her eyes widened and the air caught in her lungs. More pain. She yelled when he thrust again. She’d meant to shout stop, only the word didn’t quite form as pleasure intermingled itself with the pain. It was strange how the two things could happen at the same time.

  Storm took. Not just that, he all out demanded. He was just as much an asshole right now as ever. Only, in some weird way, he gave too. He was sweet too. The hand that held her hip gripped her softly. He grunted a few times, like it might be hurting him as well. It took seconds for her yells of pain to turn to those of ecstasy. For his grunts to turn to groans. “So good,” he whispered.

  Storm gripped the hair on the back of her head, holding her down so that he could have his way with her. The side of her face was pressed into the table. He fucked her hard. Harder than she’d ever been taken before. Even in this, there was no lying. There would be no candy, no roses. There would be no candles and no forevers. All things she needed. Craved but would never have with him.

  She needed the orgasm that was building inside of her as well, craved it just as much as everything else. Her cries and pants were evidence of that. His hand tightened on her hair, her roots pulling, stinging, adding to the pleasure. He stroked her back, his touch soft and careful. “Fucking amazing.” He grunted. “Fuck!” A hard groan. “Come for me, Jolene.” By then, his words were choked. “Now. Come now!” he commanded.

  With a hard yell, she plunged, her channel tightening around him. A deep groan was torn from her as she reached the pinnacle. Storm snarled, letting go of her hair so that he could grip both her hips. His movements became jerky and rough. His name was torn from her. Her eyes were squeezed shut. Her hands tried to find purchase on the smooth table. She couldn’t seem to catch her breath. It felt like an age before she started to come down, before his movements slowed. Rough turned soft. Deep and plunging to slow and easy.

  His breathing was ragged. His hands eased their hold. Then he was caging her with his body. His front to her back. Still inside. Still moving. Storm moaned. It was sexy. “You feel…so good.” He was breathing hard. “I could do that several times a day and it wouldn’t be enough.”

  There was no way she could deny what had just happened. His mind was reeling. His cock was in heaven. “So damned good.” He couldn’t stop moving. In fact, his dick was hardening right back up again. Not that he’d really lost his erection in the first place. “I knew fucking you would be good, I didn’t realize it would be this good.” He kept making these noises. Groaning, grunting, heavy breathing but he couldn’t help it.

  Jolene tensed underneath him. “Get off me,” she whispered.

  “What?” Storm wasn’t sure he had heard right. After that, he was ready to go another round. Make that, a couple more rounds, yet, it seemed like she wanted him to stop.

  “You heard me.” Her voice held a sharp edge. She was still tense.

  Storm pulled out immediately, he kept his hands on her hips. “Did I hurt you? Shit! I’m sorry. I was too rough, wasn’t I?” He couldn’t see any bruising but that didn’t mean anything. He had been desperate for her. Blinded by need. He pulled away completely.

  Jolene stood up and straightened out what was left of her skirt. She turned around. She looked…upset. There was a definite frown line on her forehead and ‒ damn but…damn ‒ she looked unhappy. It was her eyes.

  “I’m sorry…fuck.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Do you need a healer? I was so desperate to be inside you, I—”

  “You were rough, but you didn’t hurt me.” She shook her head.

  He frowned. “What then?”

  She pulled in a breath. “You said if I didn’t like it…if I wasn’t satisfied that we could leave it at that. Well, I’d like to leave it at that.” She tugged at her skirt, trying to pull the tear together.

  “Wait just a fucking minute.” He was rough but she admitted he hadn’t hurt her. “You came, and by the way you squeezed my dick, you came hard.”

  Jolene rolled her eyes. “Do you have to be so crude?”

  “I’m honest. You came hard, Jolene. Don’t try to deny it.”

  She shrugged and made a face. Like sex with him had been average. What the hell? No way in hell. Just no!

  “Don’t go there. That, right there, was fantastic sex. That was…next fucking level.”

  “For you maybe.” She shook her head again. That upset look was gone from her eyes, instead, they shone with determination.

  What the fuck!? “That was the best sex you have ever had and now you’re running scared.”

  Jolene snorted. “Scared of what?”

  “Of falling for me.”

  Another snort, louder this time. “Forget it! I don’t like you, why on earth would I fall for you? That’s absurd.”

  “You loved that. Your pussy loved the hell out of that. You screamed my name, for fuck sakes.”

  She shrugged. “An accident, I assure you.”

  “Accident my ass! That was the best sex you have—”

  “I heard you the first time and no, it wasn’t. I have had better sex.” She looked like she meant it. Jolene might deny things, even to herself, but she wasn’t one to all-out lie.

  Yet, he couldn’t believe it. “You’ve had better sex?” Not a chance. He narrowed his eyes on her. “You said you don’t miss sex when you’re not having it. Sorry but I find it hard to believe that any of your loser boyfriends did any kind of a good job if that’s the case. You said you’ve had better. Look at you…your cheeks are flushed. You’re shivering, for scale’s sake. Your eyes still have a hazy, glassy look and you reek of endorphins.” He sniffed the air for good measure.

  “I had an orgasm, yes…sure…fine…it was okay.” Another shrug. One-shouldered this time, like she couldn’t be bothered to raise them both. “That explains the cheeks and all that. I’m shivering because I’m cold.” She wrapped her arms around herself. “The fire has died down and I’m not wearing a sweater. Don’t beat yourself up, I’ve had worse sex, but I’ve also definitely had better. I know that there is amazing somewhere in my future. I’m glad that,” using her thumb, she pointed to the table behind her, “sex with me was amazing for you but it was lacking for me. Sorry! Thanks for the orgasm. It was nice, but I don’t need a repeat.”


  Fucking ‘nice’.

  She looked sincere. Jolene even winced as she said it. Like she didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

  “I’m not buying it.” Fuck that!

  “We agreed you wouldn’t keep pursuing this if we did it once. We’ve been there, done that and I don’t want to do it again. I’m sorry if your ego doesn’t agree. In fact, we’ve had sex now, so this whole hormonal thing going on with you should stop, right?”

  She still wanted to leave. Nothing had changed. He was so sure that sex with him would convince her to stay for the duration of their term. “Yeah.” He nodded. “You’re right. It might take a few hours for whatever chemical imbalances to right themselves and then you can be on your way.”

  “Good.” She nodded, looking relieved.

  Relieved! Why did that screw with his mind so badly? “Good.” He nodded as well, trying hard to act cool.

  Chapter 12

  Her legs still shook. As did her hands. Cold? Forget cold. She was burning hot. Red freaking hot. Jolene had never come so hard in all of her life. It shamed her how hard she had come.

  Screaming his name had been an accident. A total accident. One she would repeatedly make if they did that again. There would be no doing that again though. No way! She hadn't been lying though when she had said she'd had better.
br />   She may not have come so hard in some instances, she hadn’t come at all in others. In fact, she’d been left hanging more times than she cared to admit, but at least there had been feelings involved. Previous encounters hadn’t just been hardcore fucking. It had never been sex for the sake of sex and the end result. At least, it hadn’t ever been that way for her. And yes, while sex with Storm had rocked her world, it had done nothing to move her soul. It had done nothing to move his either. She could see it in his eyes the moment she turned around.

  Why had she given in?

  It was over! She’d given him exactly what he was after. Her body. It was done. They were done. Come morning, he was going to send her on her way. The sadness that welled in her was confusing. She should be happy. She shouldn’t be jealous when other women flirted with him. She shouldn’t be sad, hurt, even now that he was done with her. This fiasco was finally over. She could move on with her life.

  “I’m going to take a shower.” She needed to wash him away. To be just as done with him as he was with her. Walk away with dignity.

  “Be my guest.” He gestured to the bathroom. “Are you happy with steak for dinner? Or would you prefer pasta?”

  “Steak would be good.”

  Now he was being polite to her. It sucked! No, it didn't. This was good. Great even. Tomorrow, she could actually start working on her life. On her dream. Her forever.

  No more Storm.

  No more irritation.

  Forget Golden Boy.

  His mind reeled. Adrenaline coursed. Storm paced up and down while Jolene was in the shower. He couldn’t seem to calm himself down. No female had ever left his bed unsatisfied before. Or had they? Maybe they had and he just didn’t know it.

  Not a fuck!

  You didn’t scream a person’s name if the sex was bad. Whether it was an accident or otherwise. Jolene had enjoyed it. Her pussy had tightened around him almost to the point of pain. The noises she had made. His name on her lips. The wet sucking noises her channel had made as he drove into her. None of that would have happened if she wasn’t turned on as fuck. If she hadn’t come damn freaking hard.


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