Book Read Free

Photo Bombed

Page 4

by Daria White

  Casting her eyes to her dog, she asked. “Are you done?”

  Casper paid no attention to her. At least before work she could walk him through the park with no problems. Besides she had flexibility since she worked from home.

  Then Casper barked. Bianca looked in his direction. What had caught his attention? A squirrel.

  “Okay, let’s go.” She tugged at his leash, but she was careful not to hurt him. She didn’t need anyone recording her for animal cruelty. Not that Bianca would do that. Her mother would be the first to press charges against her.

  A giggle escaped her mouth. “Casper, let’s go. You’ve done your business.” She pulled a little harder as she shuffled backward. Bianca only bumped into something hard.

  She heard a yelp. The man must have tripped over his feet since he tumbled to the ground. Bianca lost her own footing and fell with him. Thud. She only hoped she wouldn’t bruise. Casper barked even more.

  “Oh, man.” A man’s voice grunted, but his deep and husky tone sent shivers up her spine.

  Bianca did her best to stand, but Casper’s leash had tangled around their legs. “I’m so sorry. Are you all right?”

  “Nothing’s broken. At least I don’t think it is.” He groaned.

  “Give me a second.” She did her best to untangle the leash around their legs. What did Casper do? Jump through hoops? “I’ll have it in a minute.” When she felt a twinge in her low back, she paused. “Oh my.”

  “Are you okay?” the man asked.

  “I will be.” She eyed Casper, who wagged his tail. “I’ll remember this one.”

  Bark, bark.

  Bianca turned see the man from the bakery. Her breath caught, but she swallowed. His muscled shirt showed his defined abs, but she looked away as quickly as she spotted them. Her scalp tingled. Judging by the smirk on his full lips, he wasn’t annoyed with her dog’s antics. Bianca finally untangled their legs. “Got it. Are you all right?”

  “No permanent damage.” He dusted the dirt off his hands.

  “I don’t know what happened.”

  He faced her with his gray eyes. His back still on the ground. “I remember your face. The bakery, right?”

  He did? “Right.” Her eyes bugged as Casper trotted closer to the gentleman. He licked his face.

  The man gave a smile. “He’s friendly.”

  “That’s Casper. The newest addition in my life. Let’s hope he’s learned his lesson here not to tie up strangers.” Bianca stood to her feet as Casper jumped on his hind legs. He must have been amused too by his little trick. Thank goodness the leash was still in her grip and he didn’t get away. She didn’t want to report a missing dog.

  The man chuckled as he followed to stand, taking care not to step on her dog. “And you are?”

  She extended her hand. “Bianca. Bianca Wallace.”

  He shook her hand. “Lamar Sims. Pleasure. Finally, we meet.” Finally? Did she cross his mind since their first encounter? Had he been wanting to meet her officially?

  Bianca ignored it. If she didn’t know any better, her mother may have paid him to run into her. Not her mother’s usual style, although there was a dentist last year who’d “happened” to meet Bianca at the movie theater during her “me time” on her day off. Not to mention the personal trainer who’d caught her during her occasional morning run in the park. The matchmaking would never end, unless Bianca met a man on her own. Judging by her current dating life, that wasn’t happening anytime soon. “Are you new to Edenville?”

  “I am.” He dusted off the front of his black workout shorts. “It’ll be two weeks this week.”

  Bianca’s eyes lowered as Casper pawed at her feet. “Welcome. Sorry again about bumping into you. Casper is still learning.”

  He bobbed his head and met her gaze. “No problem. I’m good, so don’t worry about me suing.”

  She laughed. “We don’t do that here unless it’s necessary.”

  “No personal injury lawyers around?” He scanned the park as if he were looking for one.

  Bianca shook her head. “You’re out of luck.”

  “Well, hopefully, next time we’ll meet with both feet on the ground. Unless this little guy has a different idea.” He bent down and scratched Casper behind his ears. Her puppy licked his hand. “Looks like I made a new friend already.”

  “It’s a friendly town. We pretty much embrace newcomers.”

  “Good to know.” Lamar straightened to his feet. He had a handsome face, and his gray eyes were captivating. Then he cleared his throat. “I’ll see you around then.”

  He smiled, backed away, and resumed his pace for his run. Bianca turned since she didn’t want to stare. Casper wagged his tail.

  “What was that?” she asked her dog. They made no more stops on the way home. After a quick shower and change of clothes, Bianca opened her emails. Two more clients had sent in requests.

  She spent the rest of her day sketching designs, answering emails, and mapping out her calendar for the next quarter. Wallace Designs had taken off for her in the last four years, and she’d been able to support herself and Alyssa. Bianca hadn’t thought she could after depending on Malcom as the breadwinner. What had she known about owning her own business after their divorce?

  The fear of failure had almost held her back from starting her own company. But what pained her more than failure was not trying at all. She had held back enough in life, putting her dreams on hold for her husband and child. It had been time for her to realize that her dreams weren’t selfish.

  Bianca huffed at the thought of her failed marriage. Perhaps she wasn’t the same woman anymore. That had been one of Malcom’s reasons for filing for divorce. Had he expected her to be the same eighteen-year-old girl who’d gushed at the sight of him forever? She’d grown up. She’d changed for the better, and if that was what had driven him away, then Bianca was better off.

  Casper lapped at his bowl of water just as Bianca checked the clock on her wall. Her bridesmaid’s dress hung in her closet. The rehearsal dinner was tomorrow evening. Then the wedding arrived Saturday afternoon. Hair and makeup were first, while the pictures would follow the ceremony at the venue.

  Bianca would stand next to her friend and watch her exchange vows with the man she loved. She prayed for nothing but the best for the couple. Even if her own marriage hadn’t lasted.

  Chapter 5

  Just like that. The night before the wedding arrived. Bianca didn’t expect Mexican food for the rehearsal dinner, but according to Nicole, Chad had insisted since it was his favorite food. He’d already compromised on the reception meal, so Nicole and his mother had caved. Bianca enjoyed her chicken enchiladas Verde.

  Her tongue tingled because of the spice, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. Her practice speech was coming soon. Her mind raced with what to say, but she only gulped her iced water to calm her nerves.

  Martin caught her eye as he stood by the wall. When did he step away from his table with his wife? Bianca followed his gaze to Nicole. He took a gulp from his glass, as his eyes lingered. Bianca’s skin prickled as something didn’t sit well. Looking over at Priscilla, she saw her talking with the guests. When a waiter offered Priscilla a champagne glass, she declined it.

  Bianca finished her plate, and took out her portable camera from her purse. Walking around the room, she snapped photos. She would take more at the wedding reception, but there were some great shots from the rehearsal dinner.

  The wedding planner, standing in her pencil suit, tapped her fork to a glass. Her medium length brunette hair flowed in loose curls. Perfect arched eyebrows, long acrylic nails, and a slender frame. Bianca had met her at the engagement party, and had talked to her briefly when accompanying Nicole to the bridal shop for her dress. “I think we’re ready for the toasts, everyone.”

  Bianca returned her camera to her purse. Dean, Chad’s best friend, had already said to her, “Ladies first.”

  Bianca held up her glass. “Good evening everyone.�

  “Good evening.” The crowd gave her their attention.

  Bianca touched her throat but continued. “Nicole and I became friends in college. She was definitely a social butterfly, and we managed to keep in touch all these years. I was so glad to find out that she too lived here in Edenville.” Looking over at the couple, Chad draped an arm around Nicole’s shoulders. “When she told me she and Chad were engaged, I couldn’t help but be happy for her. Chad, you’re getting a great woman. Treat each other well.” Bianca held her glass higher in the air. “To the bride and groom.”

  Chad kissed Nicole and Bianca walked over to hug them both.

  “Thank you,” Chad said. He kissed Bianca’s cheek.

  “I just hope I remember all of that tomorrow.” The group laughed. Crash! Bianca’s body jerked as she watched Martin storm from the hallway in front of the kitchen. Glass in hand, Richard trailed behind him. Was Richard holding a knife?

  “Oh, no.” Chad hurried over as the men argued.

  Bianca took Nicole’s hand. She’d never seen them argue so loudly. Not even at the stargazing party.

  “Why don’t you get out?” Richard shoved Martin’s shoulder.

  Chad stood between them, mostly to keep Richard from attacking Martin.

  “I don’t think so.” Martin looked at the crowd. “Don’t you see there’s a wedding going on this weekend?” He took another swallow from the dark liquid in his medium-sized glass. No doubt it was alcohol.

  “They don’t want you here anymore than I do!” Richard shouted.

  Bianca then spotted Priscilla cover her forehead with her hand. This wasn’t good for her. She rushed over and touched her shoulder. “Are you all right?”

  Priscilla nodded. “I am. Sometimes my heart…” She touched a hand to her chest.

  Heart trouble. Bianca knew that too well from her late father. That was how they’d lost him a few years back. Bianca pressed her lips together, choking up at the memory. This wasn’t the time.

  Martin walked over, just as Chad got Richard to return to the kitchen. Martin wobbled a bit, but leaned over his wife. How much had he had to drink? “Are you all right?”

  Priscilla nodded, not making eye contact with her husband. Bianca didn’t blame her.

  “No thanks to you.” Chad stalked over, taking Bianca’s place next to his mother. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “I’m fine, dear.” She touched her son’s cheek.

  Martin chugged the last of his glass. Then he stared at Nicole and licked his thin lips. “Do me the honor of a dance?”

  Nicole swallowed. Bianca raised an eyebrow. She wouldn’t want to dance with the man, either. Not after his stunt with his step-brother. Bianca’s eyes roamed around the room. Apparently, the guests of Chad and Nicole resumed their meals.

  “No, thanks. I need a moment.” Nicole walked to the ladies’ room. Bianca followed her, finding her friend in front of the sink. She sniffled and wiped underneath her eyes.


  “I’m sorry.” She grabbed a napkin from the dispenser and touched up her makeup.

  Bianca moved closer and gave her a side hug.

  Nicole said, “I’m sure he’s only had too much to drink.”

  Bianca sighed. “Well… I’d focus on what’s important.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You’re getting married tomorrow!” Bianca squealed.

  Nicole laughed. “Thank you. I’m glad you’re here.”

  The women stared in the mirror. Bianca heard music through the speakers. Earth, Wind, & Fire’s “Shining Star” played. She shimmied her hips. Nicole giggled but tossed her blonde hair from her shoulders as she rocked to the music. They laughed as they had their own dance party.

  “Oh, my goodness.” Nicole touched a hand to her chest. “I feel better. Tomorrow Chad and I’ll be Mr. and Mrs. Lee.”

  “Keep that in mind despite all this craziness.”

  A knock sounded at the door. “Nicole?”

  Bianca recognized Chad’s voice.

  “Coming.” Nicole’s eyes beamed but widened as she felt around her wrist. “Oh, no. Not again. My bracelet’s gone.”

  Bianca stared at the tiled floor. “I’ll look for it. Go talk to Chad.”

  Nicole nodded and headed to the door.

  Bianca’s eyes scanned the floors, but she didn’t detect Nicole’s bracelet. Bianca only hoped it wasn’t lost for good.

  Perhaps it was in the hallway. Leaving the ladies’ room, Bianca saw no trace of the bracelet. She bit her bottom lip. It would disappoint Nicole.

  “You’re just bitter.” Martin? Again?

  Bianca saw him at the end of the hall with Chad. Bianca lowered her eyes as she walked past them, but she couldn’t help but overhear in passing.

  “You stay away from Nicole. I’m warning you,” Chad said.

  Bianca paused just as her phone buzzed inside the pocket of her skirt. It was a text from Alyssa.

  Mom, can you pick up some dogs treats for Casper on the way home?


  “Bad news?” Martin’s rough voice made Bianca inwardly wince.

  She pivoted to face the older man. His fair skin wrinkled around his eyes when he did smile. He must have been amused today, but Bianca’s muscles tensed. “No, everything’s fine.”

  Martin extended his hand. “Think you can keep up?”

  “I’d much rather I be the one to dance with you,” Priscilla said, standing right behind her husband.

  Martin unbuttoned the top button on his collared black shirt. “Jealous, my dear?” he asked his wife.

  Bianca stepped to the side for Priscilla to dance with her husband. Priscilla shook her head slightly, but Bianca gave a slight smile back. Martin had had too much to drink. Perhaps his wife could calm him down. Hopefully, he’d be better for the wedding.


  A wedding she would never forget. Chad and Nicole were now Mr. and Mrs. Lee. Bianca had pressed her lips together when she’d heard the couple exchange vows, but a tear had escaped her eye nonetheless.

  Even when her own wedding flashed through her mind, Bianca recalled the smiles and congrats she’d received from friends and family. Her heart had swelled with joy. She couldn’t wait to start her life with Malcom. Bianca played with her gold necklace.

  That was then. This was now. A new beginning.

  Now at Chad and Nicole’s wedding reception, Bianca stared at the long, dusty roses and plum flowers standing tall in clear vases on all the tabletops covered in black cloth. The black-tie theme wedding hadn’t appealed to Bianca at first, but the decorations had turned out to be amazing. The way the newlyweds danced, embracing one another. Dancing to Dave Barnes’ “God Gave Me You,” they were happy.

  Bianca was grateful the wedding had gone smoothly. Martin was supposed to be seated beside his wife, but she hadn’t seen him since the ceremony. Bianca sipped from her glass as she swayed to the music. The day brought back memories for her, but she wouldn’t dwell on her failed marriage. She had Alyssa. The best gift she could have received.

  “Having fun, sweetie?” her mother asked as she adjusted her shawl on her black floral gown.

  Bianca adjusted in her seat. Her strapless black gown accentuated her honey skin, and her updo hairstyle complemented her round face. Bianca tucked a loose tendril of hair behind her ear. “I think so. I got some great photos so far. This wedding tuned out great, despite last night.”

  “I heard. You know the people in this town cannot keep a secret.”

  Bianca giggled. “I’m just glad Nicole’s doing better. She’s been on edge lately.”

  “I haven’t seen Martin since we got here. One moment he was at the bar, and the next he was gone.”

  “Maybe he left. I don’t miss him. Do you?”

  Her mother covered her giggle with her free hand. Bianca stared into the crowd as more couples danced along with Chad and Nicole. Priscilla chatted with guests as they stood off from the dancefloor,
but she walked over to where Bianca and her mother were sitting.

  Priscilla placed her white gloved hand on Bianca’s shoulder. “You should be dancing, Bianca. There’re so many prospects out here.”

  Bianca scanned the room again.

  There were a few handsome faces in the crowd, but none caught Bianca’s attention. Not like Lamar Sims. Bianca swallowed. “Maybe later.”

  A waiter approached their table with a tray of filled champagne glasses. Stubble on his chin, tall, with olive skin against his black and white uniform. “Ladies?”

  “No thank you,” Priscilla said. “I don’t drink.” She tapped a gloved hand to her chest.

  Bianca and her mother accepted a glass, thanking him in return.

  Priscilla continued. “I still say there are more than plenty of men for you to dance with, Bianca.”

  “I was thinking the same thing.” Her mother then sipped her glass.

  “You’re both on my case now?” She looked between them both with a grin on her face.

  “Maybe I can help with that,” a bass voice said.

  Bianca squealed at the sight of the man’s face. Crew haircut, full dark brown beard, and muscular build. His gentle speckled eyes beamed as his white smile grew. Nicole’s other best friend. He came, though she wondered how he was accepting Nicole’s marriage after years of his unrequited love for her. The fact that he came showed his support for her in Bianca’s eyes.

  Bianca exclaimed. “Jordan!”

  He chuckled as she hurried to her feet and hugged his neck. “I didn’t think I would see you here.”

  Jordan gestured to the dance floor. “Let’s dance.” He acknowledged Bianca’s mother and Priscilla. “Ladies.”

  Bianca’s mother nodded with beaming eyes, while Priscilla’s face grimaced. Adjusting her shawl, she marched to the next table. Bianca didn’t ask about her annoyed reaction.


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