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Nico: Adamo Bodyguards Book 1

Page 4

by Madison, Mia

  Once the tremors start to die down, I use my teeth on her, just a little, and she goes off like a rocket again. Fuck, this girl is hot. I can’t wait until she comes this hard while I’m inside her.

  I’m planning to bring her a couple more times, but she rips off her blindfold, drops her hips into the water, and splashes toward me. I grab her and bring her close, too close for her to peer down into the water and get a good look at me.

  That was the other reason for the blindfold. To keep her from seeing my cock, or touching it, before it’s inside her. Because her sweet virginal brain might freak right the fuck out, and I don’t want her scared.

  I want her hot and wet and eager for me, like she is right now.

  Wrapping a hand around the back of her neck, I give her a long, deep kiss, letting her taste herself on me. She squirms closer, until her pussy rubs right up against my cock. Instead of shying away at the contact, she does it some more.

  Fuck. I shift my attention to her pretty little breasts, sucking her nipples, tugging at them with my teeth, trying not to be too rough. My gut says she’ll be fine with every nasty, dirty thing I want to do with her once we get going, but we’re not there yet.

  “Nico.” Small, strong hands clench in my hair. Her voice is deep and throaty, and it sharpens my hunger like a whetstone against a blade.

  “You want more, princess?”

  “Yes.” No hesitation.

  “You want all of me?”

  Big gray eyes fix on mine. “Yes.”



  She Totally Knows

  He goes to his knees in the tub, picking me up by my ass as he does, and I grab his shoulders for balance. Keeping one hand under my ass, he uses the other to line himself up with my entrance.

  My eyes get huge when I feel him. I really ought to tell him this is my first time.

  “Easy, babe.” His voice is deep. “I’ve got you. Just let your weight carry you down, and go as slow as you need to.”

  “Um. Just so you know … I’ve never, uh, done this before.”

  He presses a kiss over my heart. “I know, princess. And I’m honored.”

  With that, need overcomes fear. I start to settle on him, then wince and lift up again. Nico doesn’t complain, just holds me up with both hands, letting me control the pace.

  I try again, and again, each time able to go a little farther. Part of me can’t believe I’m doing this. Giving my virginity to a man I met only a few hours ago, who’s going to be in my life for a very short time.

  Another, deeper part of me has no doubt at all that this is the right thing to do. Maybe that’s just my libido talking, but I don’t care. I’ve spent my life being the good girl, never stepping out of line, being the perfect political offspring.

  This, tonight, is for me. No one else. It’s what I want, what I choose.

  That’s the one thing I’m sure of amidst the chaos that’s invaded my life. I want this. Want him.

  Taking in a little more of him, I let myself adjust. It’s not exactly comfortable, but at the same time, it feels amazing. The more of him I feel, the more I want.

  “Try moving a little.” The heat of Nico’s gaze scalds my skin. He makes me feel beautiful, in a way no one ever has before.

  “Um. Moving?” With him, it’s somehow safe to reveal my ignorance.

  In answer, he raises me a little, then lowers me. Oh. I spread my knees a fraction wider, put my hands on his shoulders, and try it myself.

  Up, down. Again. “Ohh.”


  “Oh, god.”

  Nico gives me a beatific smile that, against all logic, doesn’t clash with the wicked light in his eyes. “That’s my girl. Listen to your body, babe, and do what it wants.”

  It’s one instruction I’m more than willing to follow. My eyes flutter closed as I ride his cock, sinking lower and lower as I get wetter and wetter, until he’s deeper inside me than I knew was possible. And it only makes me hungrier for more.

  When I try to move faster, I really can’t, because of the water and the position of our bodies. Nico tightens his grip, halting me. “Let’s try a different position.”

  “Oh. Um. Okay.”

  Then I do feel kind of stupid, because I have no idea how to do that, the actual mechanics of moving our bodies around during sex. It doesn’t matter; Nico just kisses me, hot and hard, like I’m the most gorgeous creature in the world. He lifts me all the way off him, and I can’t help making a sound of protest at the sudden emptiness.

  Shifting me to kneel against the side of the tub, my arms on the ledge, he leans over and opens the drain, then lines himself up behind me and slides back in.

  “Oh, fuck.” He feels even bigger from this angle, but holy fuck it feels good.

  His chest burns my back. The rapidly receding water has gone cool, but I’m not cold. At all.

  When Nico starts to move, I start to moan. I can’t help it; the friction of his cock inside me is the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt. He keeps things slow at first, his fingers lightly brushing the curls around my clit as he rocks his girth into me.

  Listen to your body, he said. Well, my body wants more. I push back against him; he speeds up a little, rubbing directly over my clit now, but gently.

  My hunger grows like a wildfire with every stroke, every touch. When his pace picks up, he starts hitting some sensitive spot deep inside me, and my nerve endings light up like someone’s just dropped a tanker full of gas on the fire. “Nico!”

  My body is straining toward something I desperately need that’s just out of reach. His fingers press hard on my swollen clit, circling and rolling, and then he pinches me, and I scream his name as my body explodes.

  Pleasure beyond comprehension rolls over me in waves. Every time I clamp down on his cock, it triggers another round. I think maybe I swear a lot, but I’m not fully conscious.

  Not until my aftershocks have died away do I realize he’s still hard inside me. “Um …” I have no idea how to ask if that’s normal without sounding like a dork.

  “You still with me, babe?”

  “Yes,” I say tentatively. I’m not exactly sure what he means.

  His fingers do the splits on either side of my clit, moving up and down, stimulating it without touching it, and it shoots me right to the edge again. “Nico,” I gasp.

  “Let it happen. I’m gonna finish, and I want you with me.” He starts to move again, this time picking up speed, going faster and faster, until he’s pounding into me, his hand moving furiously around my clit.

  My body responds like it was born for this. Pleasure grows and swells until it erupts, and another climax hits me, even bigger than the first one.

  As soon as I start to come, Nico sets his teeth in the juncture of my neck and shoulder. The tiny jolt of pain intensifies my orgasm. I scream with the force of it, and then he’s pouring out inside me, liquid fire that makes me shudder and shake and tighten around him all over again.

  When he’s done, he sits back on his haunches, bringing me with him, both arms around my waist, his lips against my shoulder where he marked me. We stay like that for long moments, which is okay, because I’m trying to process what just happened. All of it.

  I love sex. At least, I love it with Nico. If he wanted to fuck me all day long, I’d say yes. Even if it meant ignoring my classes and my family and everything else about my life.

  Which is kind of scary, but that’s how I feel. Like I’ve become an instant addict to him, his touch, his body.

  Maybe, if we have lots of sex, I’ll get used to it. And then, when this is over, and he’s gone from my life, missing him won’t make me feel all hollow inside, like just the thought of his absence is doing right now.

  I shove all of that out of my mind as he slowly unlinks our bodies. Live in the moment; isn’t that what all the wise teachings say? I’m making memories, and the more I can pay attention to the now, the better they’ll be.

  He ca
rries me to the shower and has just set me down when I hear a ping from the other room. “That’s my phone. It’s probably my mother.”

  “Fuck,” Nico mutters. “We said we’d call her. Tell her thirty minutes.”

  “She’s going to want it to be now.”

  “Tell her we’re in transit. I assume she wants to talk to me too.”

  “Right.” I don’t like misleading my mother, but she’d like it even less if Nico and I did a video call with her in the nude. And we are in transit … from naked to dressed.

  Half an hour is enough time for him to join me in the shower, his big hands rubbing soap all over me. When they dip between my legs, I arch against him and moan. “Are you sure this was a good idea?”

  “Probably not.” He kisses me, lets the hot spray rinse me clean, then kneels in front of me and drapes one of my legs over his shoulder. His mouth gives me another, more intimate kiss, while one hand splays out across my lower back to steady me, and his other hand — still soapy or freshly soaped, I’m not sure — reaches up between my legs, into my cleft, and fingers me there.

  “Nico!” My hands, already in his hair, grip tightly as my eyes fly open. He’s not really penetrating me, just teasing the opening, exciting all those sensitive nerve endings while he sucks my clit, and it shocks my system out of its post-coital complacency, gets everything awake and revving at high speed. I cry out, my head going back, and seconds later another climax rockets through me.

  “Holy fuck,” I gasp, trying not to fall over. It’s like I’m drunk or something.

  Dark eyes smile up at me, hot and wicked and very masculine. “I love making you come, princess.”

  He shouldn’t have done that. Shouldn’t have used the L word, even in the context of sex. It gives me all sorts of feelings that aren’t allowed.

  Hoping they don’t show, I muster up a smile of my own. “I think you’re winning. You need to give me a chance to catch up.”

  “I’ll always be ahead, babe.” He kisses the inside of my thigh, then nips it, making me moan as fresh sensations batter my system. “But I’m happy to let you try to balance the scales.”

  “Nico,” I pant. “My mother.”

  “Right.” He kisses the spot he just marked again, then stands up. “You’re clean enough; go dry your hair or whatever else you need to do while I finish up.” A pat on the ass simultaneously sends me away and makes me want to turn around and jump him, and screw the phone call.

  My hair isn’t soaking wet, but I don’t want to look like I just showered, either. I blow it dry, scramble into some clothes, and put on a little bit of face powder. Fortunately, I don’t normally wear a ton of makeup, so I don’t have to worry about that.

  It’s while I’m dressing that Nico strolls out of the bathroom without so much as a towel wrapped around his waist. He gets that little smirk, the one that only a few hours ago made me want to smack him, when he sees me eyeing his body, especially certain key portions of his anatomy.

  “You can’t walk around like that and expect me not to look,” I point out.

  “Fair enough.” He pulls on his boxer briefs, and I sigh a little. “We have unfinished business, by the way.”

  I frown. “We do?”

  “You took off your blindfold, babe. That was naughty.”

  My breath hitches. “But—”

  “We don’t have time to deal with it right now. Later, though …”

  He finishes dressing, leaving me with a whole new set of tingles.

  * * *

  Right on time, we’re sitting side by side on a loveseat in his living room, nothing but a blank wall behind us. My mother requested a video call, as we expected. As soon as her phone starts to ring, she answers, and there she and my father are, at their residence in Washington.

  “Senator. Mr. North.” Nico suddenly sounds completely different, somber and professional, like he’s channeling Rafael. It’s starting to dawn on me how much his chameleon-like versatility must come in handy when he’s working. I’ll have to ask him, later, if he and Rafael specialize in different kinds of jobs.

  Do his other brothers work with Adamo Protection Services? I forgot to ask about that, too. Almost too late, I remember what I’m supposed to be doing, and focus back in on the phone call in time to see my mother scrutinizing me as only a parent can do.

  “Juliet.” Her tone is crisp, professional — a habit ingrained from years of public service — but I hear the worry underneath it. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I was shaken up, but that’s all.”

  “Did you see a doctor?”

  “Nico took me to one.”

  My mother’s eyes slash in his direction, then back to me, and I’m instantly sorry I made the mistake of using his first name. She studies me for several long seconds, like she’s trying to use x-ray vision to see inside my head, read my mind.

  “Mr. Adamo,” she says at last, pinning him with a cool-eyed gaze. “Your brother informs me that you served in the military.”

  “That’s correct.” Nico’s mirroring her attitude perfectly. I have to suppress a smile.

  “What exactly did you do in the service?”

  “I’m afraid I can’t tell you that, Senator, unless you have the requisite security clearances.”

  They go into a stare-down. Normally, I’d bet on my mother, but not this time. “Very well,” she says after a few long moments. “But this isn’t exactly a military situation.”

  “I’m also a licensed and certified personal security agent, trained in evasive driving, threat assessment, and emergency medical protocols, among several other relevant skills.” Nico cocks his head. “But you already know that, Senator, or you wouldn’t have recommended that your daughter contact us in the first place.”

  His tone is mild, but I don’t miss the steel woven through his words. Neither does my mother. She closes her eyes, and when she opens them again, she’s more mother than senator.

  “I apologize, Mr. Adamo. This is a very frustrating situation for me. I want to fix it, and I can’t.”

  Nico leans forward. “I promise you, Senator. We will get to the bottom of this.” At that moment, he sounds purely lethal.

  My mother’s gaze sharpens; and then, as if by an effort of will, she lets it go and retreats back into mother mode. Taking my father’s hand, she says to me, “We’ll tell Tabitha and Benjamin that you’re well.”

  I smile. “Ben no doubt thinks it’s super cool that someone rammed my car, and Tabby’s jealous that I have a bodyguard and she doesn’t.”

  My father’s lips twitch. “You know your siblings well, sweetheart. But they are worried about you.”

  “Tell them I miss them.”

  “We will.” My mother’s gaze travels between me and Nico again, and a faint premonition of danger trickles up my spine. She can’t possibly have guessed. Can she?

  All she says, though, is, “We’re in touch with the police, and of course with your brother, Mr. Adamo. I trust we’ll receive regular updates.” She scans what little there is to see of our surroundings. “I take it you’re in a safe house?”

  “Yes,” Nico responds without missing a beat.

  “Good. Juliet, I’ll speak to you soon.”

  “Yes. Good night.”

  “Good night, sweetheart,” my father says. “We love you.”

  “Love you too. Bye.”

  Then they’re gone, and I stare at the phone and say, “She totally knows.”


  Never Better

  “Knows what?” I say.

  “About us.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Juliet waves away my skepticism. “She may not be the warmest, fuzziest mother on the planet, but she’s still a mom, with mom instincts. I’m telling you, she knows, or at least suspects.”

  That’s not good. But there’s nothing to be done about it; I can’t unfuck the senator’s daughter, and I wouldn’t even if I could. “I can’t argue with you about mom in
stincts, babe. The women in my family are pretty damn good at figuring stuff out, too.”

  “Well.” She shrugs it off. “It is what it is.”

  “True thing.” I trace my finger down the shell of her ear, making her shiver. “Guess what time it is now.”

  It takes her brain a moment to connect the dots and remember our unfinished business. As soon as it does, she’s off the loveseat, eyeing me from several feet away. Standing, I advance on her; she backs away, chewing her bottom lip.

  I crook a finger at her. “Come here, naughty girl.”

  She stops, uncertain, then says, “No.”

  “Ooh. The princess likes to live dangerously.” I pounce at her, and she whirls with a little scream and races off.

  The floor plan lets her circle through the whole house, so I don’t catch her right away; it’s too much fun chasing her, watching her hair bounce, her ass move in those jeans. When she’s in the hallway right outside my bedroom, I snatch her up — which gets me another little shriek — toss her over my shoulder, and carry her inside.

  Sitting on the end of the bed, I stand her up in front of me, hands on her hips. “Do you understand why you’re being punished?”

  “Because I took off my blindfold.” She fidgets. “Nico?”

  I can guess what she wants to say. “When’s the last time someone spanked you?”

  Her cheeks go pink. “I was four, I think.”

  “That doesn’t count, babe.”

  She turns red as a tomato. “I just — I don’t really like pain.”

  I tug her down to straddle me. “First of all, there’s a fine line between pain and pleasure. Especially when it comes to sex.”

  Her face, which was back to its normal shade, goes pink again. So fucking cute. “Okay, I get that.”

  “Second, there’s a very simple rule for this kind of game: if it’s too much, you tell me, and I stop.”


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