Mountain Man's Lucky Charm: A Single Dad Romance (Mountain Men of Liberty)

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Mountain Man's Lucky Charm: A Single Dad Romance (Mountain Men of Liberty) Page 8

by K. C. Crowne

  I’d ridden in the backseat of the car many times over the years. Always the backseat because Clark got the front since he was family. Declan, Ezra, and I would be crammed back there like sardines, but even if it would be easier to walk, we never missed a chance to ride in the Camaro.

  Everything about the car was perfection. Jet black, shiny paint. An engine that purred as it took the curves of the mountain roads. Everything I had ever wanted in a car as a teen, and while I had given up my dream of a muscle car as an adult, focusing on a more practical vehicle, the dream was alive and well once again.

  Besides, this wasn’t just any car - this was Cammy.

  It wasn’t just about the car; it was the memories. The feelings she invoked every time we’d climb inside as teens. The way the other kids would watch, jealousy in their eyes as we rode off into the sunset in this beauty.

  I had been dirt poor most of my life. My da never bought my brother or me a car, and he didn’t leave us a pot to piss in when he died. I envied Mike for what his da had left him, and now… it could be mine.

  I started the engine and listened to that familiar purr.

  I shifted into gear and pulled out onto the main road, heading further out of town - away from Liberty and into the mountains surrounding it.

  The sky was clear with only a sprinkling of perfect, white clouds dotting the landscape above the mountains that soared above me, like something from a postcard or a calendar. The view was almost too fucking perfect to believe.

  And the car was so easy to drive, taking the switchback turns without any pull. It felt so natural to be behind that wheel. I was meant to be the owner.

  This car was mine.

  It had to be mine.

  Clark would likely give me a run for my money, and I had to make sure he didn’t win.

  That none of them did.

  I laughed to myself as I began planning exactly how I was going to help them lose.

  I’d never thought of myself as a matchmaker, but if it meant I’d get to keep driving this beauty… I was there for it.

  Chapter 10


  I bit my lip as I stared down at my phone. I contemplated what I was about to do very carefully. After the night before, I knew stepping back from Liam was important, but I was also worried about the baby. I hadn't heard from him all day to ask if she felt better.

  I quickly typed a message, trying to be as casual as possible.

  Hey there. I just wanted to see how the baby is doing today? Did the fever go down at all?

  I leaned against the wall. The boys were finally down, so I had a few minutes to breathe after a very long day. I was in bed, as usual, Netflix loaded and ready to go on the screen. But I couldn’t stop staring at my messages, waiting for an answer from Liam. After waiting for what felt like an eternity, I got a response.

  Hey. Yeah, she’s good. I took her to the doctor just to be sure. He agreed she was likely just teething. Thanks for everything.

  I was relieved the baby was doing better, but I was bummed that his message left no room for a conversation. I had to admit, I’d enjoyed talking to him over the last few days. I didn’t have many friends outside of Rachel, especially after Tessa and Charlie ran off together. Talking to Liam had given me something to look forward to in the evenings after the boys were down, and now I had no idea if we’d be able to have those friendly chats anymore.

  Probably for the best, I told myself with a sigh. I fired off one last text.

  Good, I’m glad to hear she’s doing better. I’m always here if you have any questions or anything.

  His response was quick and simple. Thanks Alex.

  And that was it. Our friendship had fizzled to nothing, gone as quickly as it had come, and I would no longer be talking to Liam in the evenings. I placed my phone next to me on the bed and started flipping through the options for shows on Netflix when my phone rang.

  I nearly jumped from the bed, and a part of me was hopeful - could it be Liam wanting to talk? I grabbed the phone and my heart dropped.


  Dammit. It had been months since we talked, and last I heard, he was in Chicago with Tessa. He said he’d never wanted to move to this shithole town, that he’d done it for me. Just like he agreed to adopt the boys. All for me. And now he was living for himself.

  I had half a mind to not answer, but technically he was listed as the boys’ father and we had to deal with one another, at least until I could talk to him about signing over his rights entirely.

  “Yes?” I muttered, hoping the annoyance was clear in my voice.


  “Yes, it’s me, Charlie. What do you want?” A knot formed in my throat. I remembered a time when hearing his voice made my heart flutter with joy, but now it filled me with dread.

  “How are things?” he asked.

  I didn’t really want to make small talk with him, of all people, but it was easier to keep my feelings out of it and talk to him. I sighed and said, “They’re good. How are things for you?”

  “Good, work’s going great. Richard was happy to have me back,” he said with a dry laugh.

  I knew my ex, and there was a reason he called me, even if he wasn’t getting to it yet, so I pushed him along. “Charlie, I hate to be rude, but can we cut to the chase here? I haven’t heard from you in what, six months? What’s going on?”

  “I just— well, I wanted to see how the boys were doing.”

  “They’re doing well.” I frowned. He’d told me he didn’t want to be a father, and he’d never asked about their well-being before. I humored him as my curiosity was piqued. “They’ll be two in a few months. They’ve gotten so big, and Lucas talks up a storm. Jacob is quieter, but he’s finally caught up to his brother weight-wise and is within a healthy weight and height for his age.”

  “That’s good,” Charlie said softly. “So um, yes, I was wondering if I could see them?”

  “You want to see them? As in, come for a visit?” I asked, shocked. We’d agreed that he wouldn’t have to pay child support. It was only a matter of time before I’d get him to sign over his rights. Why did he suddenly want to see the boys after all this time? After walking out on us?

  “Yes, and, well, I was thinking— we might want to have them come visit us.”

  “Visit you? As in, you and—”

  “Yes,” he said before I could finish the sentence.

  I switched the phone to my other ear, my body stiffening. “Charlie, I don’t know how I feel about that. You know she signed over all her rights to the boys for a reason.”

  Before I could finish the sentence, there was a shuffling on the other end of the phone, and suddenly a woman’s voice came through instead of Charlie’s.

  “Alex, it’s me,” Tessa said.

  Every hair on my body stood on end. Even though I was over Charlie, I could never forgive either of them for running off together. Little did I know that while Charlie and I were finalizing the adoption, she was getting a little friendly with my then-husband.

  My voice barely came out. “Yes, Tessa?”

  “I’ve been talking to Charlie, and I think it would be a good idea for me to be in the boys’ lives,” she said matter-of-factly. “After all, I’m their real mom and—”

  “No, I’m their real mom,” I corrected her, my blood starting to boil.

  “You know what I mean. Their birth mom,” she replied dryly. “I think it would be best for them to know both of us as moms.”

  “Absolutely not. You signed over all your rights during the adoption, Tessa,” I reminded her, speaking slowly.

  “I know, but Charlie technically has rights as their adoptive father.”

  I had long since wondered if Charlie might even be their birth father. Their relationship seemed to progress quickly, and there was a lot I didn’t know - a lot I didn’t want to know.

  “Charlie has his rights, yes.” I didn’t add for now because the conversation would get uglier. I was willing to fight f
or my boys, and if Charlie wasn’t interested in paying child support or being in their lives, I would be fine. I’d do it alone. But he couldn’t have it both ways.

  And I had a feeling Charlie hadn’t chosen to make this call - he didn’t suddenly develop a desire to spend time with the boys. He didn’t grow a conscience overnight.

  Tessa, however…I feared she might use this little loophole to still be involved in my sons’ lives.

  Rachel and others had warned me - I should adopt from someone I didn’t know. The timing had felt perfect, like it was meant to be. I couldn’t have children, I was starting to look into adopting, and Tessa was pregnant and had no desire to be a mother.

  Even though I agreed that others were right to be worried, I wouldn’t change anything.

  Tessa had said something, but I missed it while trying to calm the panic attack coming on. If Tessa was involved in the boys’ lives, she would throw around the real mom title, and it hurt. Just hearing those words felt like someone had carved out my heart.

  I was their mom. I was the one who stayed in the NICU with Jacob until he was strong enough to come home. I was the one who stayed up late, feeding them and balancing a full-time job while doing everything for them. Charlie had only been in their lives for a short time before it had become clear he didn’t want to be a father. I did everything.

  I was not going to sit back and let anyone take the mom title away from me. They were my boys, my heart and soul.

  “I’ll talk to my lawyer,” I said, wanting to end the conversation.

  “And we will talk to ours,” Tessa responded. After a short pause, she added, “Don’t do this to us, Alex. The boys deserve to know Charlie and me.”

  I clenched my teeth to avoid saying something I’d regret. “My lawyer will be in touch with yours.”

  I hung up before Tessa could say anything else to get under my skin. My hands were shaking, and I was on the verge of tears. I stood up and paced the room, unable to calm down. I heard Rachel’s door open and knew she was awake and moving around, so I walked out into the hallway.

  As soon as she saw me, she could tell something was wrong. “What happened?”

  “I got a call from Charlie and Tessa. They want to see the boys and potentially be in their lives.”

  “That skank,” she grumbled angrily. Tears rolled down my cheeks, and my best friend wrapped her arms around me. “It’s going to be okay. They have no rights.”

  “Charlie still does.”

  “Is he ready to start paying child support? I bet the second the judge asks that of him, he’ll walk out of the courtroom.”

  “I don’t know, Rach. It’s just, she even called herself their real mom, as if I’m…” I trailed off in a sniffle.

  “I’m going to kill her,” Rachel spoke under her breath. “I’m going to book the next flight to Chicago and kill her.”

  “What if the boys agree with her? You know, when they’re older?”

  “Agree with her?” Rachel asked, frowning.

  “Yeah, you know, what if they feel like I’m not their real mother since I didn’t give birth to them?”

  She forced me to look at her. “Listen here, you might not have birthed those boys, but you’re always there to wipe away their tears, to care for them when they’re sick, and you will be there every step of the way. Even if Charlie and Tessa are in their lives, there’s no way they can replace you. The love you have for those boys…” She shook her head in disgust. “I can’t see Tessa caring about anyone that much, honestly. She only cares about herself. The first time one of them throws up on her, she’s gone. Trust me, I’ve known her my entire life.”

  I knew she was right. I never questioned Tessa letting me adopt the boys because she wasn’t interested in being a mother. Ever. As in, she found children to be utterly disgusting most of the time, and she even admitted she didn’t feel much after they were born - no instant bond or any of that. But I felt it. The first moment I held them in my arms, I knew I was their mother and that I would die for them.

  Rachel wiped away my tears and walked me into the living room after grabbing a pint of cookie dough ice cream from the fridge. She handed it to me with a spoon.

  “Eat up,” she ordered, plopping down on the couch beside me. “And let’s talk about this. Because I know for a fact they have no rights, and no judge will give them custody. Not with the way they’ve acted so far.”

  I took a large spoonful of ice cream and ate my feelings. “I know you’re right. I’m going to call my lawyer in the morning. I told them we’d let our lawyers handle this. I don’t understand where this is coming from all of a sudden,” I confessed. “You know me, Rach. I would happily accept anyone in the boys’ lives who wanted to love them - the more the merrier as far as family is concerned. And it’s not like I have much family for them. But I don’t think their motives are pure, and that’s what scares me the most.”

  “It worries me too,” Rachel agreed, seemingly lost in thought. “I can’t imagine Tessa doing this unless there’s something in it for her. And Charlie had his chance; he clearly didn’t want anything to do with the boys. So why now?’

  “That’s exactly what I keep asking myself, and so far, I have no answer whatsoever.”

  Rachel squeezed my knee with a firm grip and smiled. “Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out. I’m sure they’ll drop this in a few days.”

  “I hope so, Rachel. I really, really hope so.”

  Chapter 11


  “How’d you know I was craving some country fried steak today?” Clark asked as he slipped into the booth across from me. “I got your message about coming to lunch just as I was preparing to warm up some pizza. But this place is much better.”

  I glanced behind my friend as the waitress headed for the table. She was a cute, late twenty-something named Tasha. A petite blonde with a good figure and exactly Clark’s type with the girl-next-door vibe going on. I’d noticed that Clark and Tasha had checked each other out the last time we had lunch together, and I made a note to find out when Tasha was usually working.

  “Afternoon, boys,” she said, putting some napkins down in front of us. Her blue eyes never left Clark, as if I wasn’t even there. Perfect. “What can I get you to drink?”

  “Just a Coke for me,” Clark said.

  “Same,” I agreed. I wasn’t even sure Tasha heard me as she winked at Clark.

  “Coming right up, handsome,” she said. She walked past us, and Clark’s eyes lingered on her ass.

  “She’s hot,” I said.

  “Yeah, she is,” Clark agreed.

  “I bet you could get her number if you asked.”

  Clark scoffed and turned to the menu, ignoring my statement entirely. I was starting to think I was actually invisible.

  Tasha came back with our drinks, and she did actually get mine. I was surprised. She smiled at me for a second before turning back to Clark and asking, “What can I get you?”

  “I’ll have the chicken fried steak. Eggs over-easy. Double the bacon, please.”

  “You sure like your protein, don’t ya?” she asked, giggling as she wrote down the order. She turned to me next. “And for you?”

  “Just a club sandwich and fries,” I said.

  “Alrighty then. I’ll get this right out to ya.” Her blue eyes lingered on Clark before she turned and walked away, and I swear she was swishing her hips even more, as if she knew Clark was watching and she wanted to put on a show.

  I sipped my Coke and watched as my friend nearly fell out of the booth checking out the waitress, and I couldn’t hold back the grin.

  Clark caught me. “What’s that look for?”

  I shrugged. I couldn’t admit to him that my plan was working. “I think you should ask her out.”

  “Uh no,” Clark said, shaking his head. “Because women like that - they aren’t just in it for hookups, and we both know it. And I’m not gonna lose that car.”

  “You’d really give up a chance a
t real love over a car?”

  Clark scoffed. “You sound like Declan. And no, we both know I have no desire to settle down anytime soon. I would think of all the guys, you’d understand that. Or are you getting sentimental in your old age?”

  “Nah, I just want my friends to be happy.”

  “Sentimental bastard. I might as well have eaten lunch with Declan,” Clark said, rolling his eyes.”

  Tasha dropped off our food a while later, a smile on her pretty face. “Anything else you need, boys? Anything at all?”

  I looked at Clark, hoping he’d pull a sly move and ask for her phone number. But he said, “No thanks, darlin’. I think we’re all good here.”

  Tasha giggled and walked away.

  “I’m telling you, man. You really should get a piece of that.”

  “I hope you’re talking about the steak, because hell yeah, I’m about to eat the hell out of it,” Clark said with a laugh, diving into his food.

  I ate my sandwich and watched Tasha. She kept looking our way, and Clark would check her out every time she walked by our table, but neither of them was making a move yet. Clark was stubborn as hell, I knew that, but I also knew he had a weakness for beautiful blondes like Tasha. So why wasn’t he biting?

  We finished our food, and Tasha was on her way back over. Wanting to give the two of them a second to themselves, I stood up. “I’ll be right back. Gotta take a leak.”

  As I walked to the bathroom, I glanced back at Clark and Tasha. She was giggling, twirling her hair and batting her lashes - all signs that she was into him. And he was smiling and enjoying the view. Maybe she would make a move now that I was gone.

  I took my time in the bathroom, scrolling through my phone, and I thought about Alex. I wondered how she was doing but pushed those thoughts out of my mind. I couldn’t be weak. I needed to stay single and win this car. Clark was going to give me a run for my money, that was for sure.

  After long enough, I washed my hands and exited the bathroom to find Clark sitting alone in the booth, on his phone. I slipped into my seat.


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