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Mountain Man's Lucky Charm: A Single Dad Romance (Mountain Men of Liberty)

Page 10

by K. C. Crowne

  “Your parents are gone?” he asked.

  “Yes, a car accident about five years ago,” I said, looking down at my hands. It was long enough that I could talk about it without bursting into tears, but my heart still ached every time I thought about it. I missed them more than words could express. “It’s one of the reasons I moved here, to be honest. Chicago held too many memories for me.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss,” he said quietly. “I lost both my parents too.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” I said. “Was that back in Ireland?”

  He chuckled and relaxed back into the seat. “My accent give it away? I thought I’d lost it over the years.”

  “There’s just a hint.” Enough that it’s sexy as hell.

  “I moved here my freshman year of high school, after my mom died. My da moved my brother and me here after that, so I understand wanting to get away after losing someone you love.”

  “I’m sorry.” It felt like the only thing I could say, though from experience, I knew it wasn’t enough.

  “Yeah, and my da passed about ten years ago. Drank himself to death. A habit he picked up after my mother died.” His voice held pain, though he tried to cover it up with nonchalant posture.

  “And your nieces, they’re your brother’s daughters?”

  “Yes, we lost touch after da died. I had no idea he had kids until I got the call.”

  “I hate to pry, but… do you think you two will be able to work things out? For the girl’s sakes?”

  I assumed that his brother would get the girls back at some point, since most parents did. And I hoped that Liam would still be able to be in their lives.

  “I don’t think he’s going to be in the girl’s lives, or mine. In fact, that’s what I came over to talk about. You know I’m only keeping them temporarily, and well, there’s a potential foster family coming over to meet them later this week.”

  “Oh, so the girls won’t be going back to your brother?”

  “He’s likely to be in prison until the girls are adults, so no.”

  “Oh. Wow. I’m sorry, Liam. I had no idea.”

  “It’s fine,” he said. “I only took the girls in until they could find someone to possibly adopt them, because God knows I’m in no shape to be a father. And the social worker thinks she found a good family for them.”

  “That’s good,” I said, assuming he wanted that.

  He looked at me with doubt in his eyes. “Is it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, throwing his head back as he leaned against the back of the couch. “I know I can’t give them the life they deserve. I’d be a terrible father. But these last few days, as exhausting as it’s been, have been pretty amazing.” He smiled wistfully. “I’m not gonna lie. I never thought I’d want kids, but these girls… they’re something else. And I think they’re getting attached to me already.”

  “So you’re having doubts about giving them up?” I asked. My heart tripled in size.

  He looked at me, his brow furrowed in deep thought. “I am, yes. I haven’t told anyone this. You’re the only person I felt I could talk to.” He scoffed, almost a laugh. “I can’t believe I’m having these feelings after only a few days.” He looked at me. “Tell me it’s a mistake? These girls deserve better than what I can give them. A mother and a father who know what the fuck they’re doing. I don’t want to mess them up the way my da did my brother and me.”

  “Liam, I don’t know what to say. I barely know you, to be honest, but from what I’ve seen, I think the girls would be very lucky to have you raising them. You clearly care about them, you want what’s best, and you’re willing to learn. I don’t believe anyone is a natural parent.”

  “You are. You most definitely are a natural,” Liam said.

  I blushed but shook my head. “No, Liam, I’m not. It took work to get as confident as I am, and I have to admit, it’s often an act - on the inside, I worry every single day that I’m going to mess these boys up. They have no father, and when I signed up for this parenting gig, I didn’t intend to do it alone. And now I have Charlie and Tessa pulling their crap, making me doubt myself even more.”

  “Charlie is your ex, right? And Tessa is…”

  I sighed. “She’s their birth mom. She signed over all her rights to Charlie and me, but get this…” I shifted on the couch to face him. “My ex left me for her. Talk about a twisted mess, right? And now Charlie and Tessa want to see the boys, and I don’t know what the right thing is.”

  “I think you do,” Liam said.

  I stared into his deep blue eyes, and my stomach fluttered. I had to look away before I did something stupid. “What do you mean?”

  His hand stroked my cheek, and he gently turned my face toward him, looking me in the eye again. “I think you know what’s best for them. You’re just having doubts. You are better at this parenting gig than you think, Alex. In fact, I am downright impressed with you. You amaze me.”

  “Really?” My voice nearly caught in my throat.


  I don’t know if I scooted closer or if he did - maybe we both did – I can’t be sure. But I was within inches of his face. His warm breath brushed against my skin, and I imagined what his lips would feel like against mine again.

  I took a deep breath and nearly went for it. But I stopped in the nick of time, pulling back from his grasp.

  “Liam, I’m so sorry about the other night.”

  “No, I’m sorry,” he said, shaking his head. “And I almost kissed you now too. I don’t know what’s gotten into me.”

  “Me either,” I said with a dry laugh. “I mean, I guess it makes sense. I’m a warm-blooded woman who hasn’t been with a man in a year, you’re attractive, and, I mean, I have needs, but I can’t do this. I can’t have a relationship, and I can’t fall for someone right now.”

  “I understand,” he said. “Trust me, I understand completely. The timing of this couldn’t be worse for me.”

  I looked down, and even though I knew it was for the best, it felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest. “I’d still like to be friends, though,” I said slowly. “Like, I don’t want you to avoid me, and I want to be there if you need help with the girls.”

  “Honestly, Alex…I’m afraid to be around you,” he confided. “I can’t really control myself. All logic and common sense go out the window when I’m with you.”

  I chuckled quietly. “Oh, I understand that completely.”

  I looked at him and caught him staring at me. The look in his eyes… God, the way he looked at me made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. And somehow, I made my way closer to him and before either of us could say another word, our lips were pressed against each other’s.

  “Just once more,” I whispered against his lips. “One more night.”

  “Yes,” he answered, grabbing my face in his strong hands and pulling me against him. “One more night.”

  One night. I deserved the pleasure and the distraction. Then we’d keep our distance from each other, I’d make sure of it.

  But what harm could one more night cause?

  Chapter 13


  “Shhh,” Alex said, pressing her fingers to my lips as she tried to stifle a giggle. “The boy’s room is right here.”

  I felt like a teenager being snuck into my girlfriend’s place, as if we were hiding from her parents. It was hard not to laugh out loud at the craziness, but I’d catch a look at Alex’s curves and any doubt left my mind.

  One more night together. Just one. No more. Because I couldn’t afford to get attached to her, and I knew she couldn’t afford to get attached to me either. We were from two different worlds. It wouldn’t work, and I’d be out of the car too. I couldn’t let that happen.

  But one more night together? I’d be an idiot to pass up that opportunity.

  “Oh crap,” Alex said as she fell forward. I reached out and cau
ght her, preventing her from falling. On the floor at her feet was a pair of toddler shoes.

  She giggled as she turned in my arms, pressing those soft lips to mine. “Sorry,” she whispered against my mouth. “Clearly, I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  “It’s okay, no need to apologize,” I assured her, stroking the hair back from her face.

  “My room is right this way,” she said, nibbling her lower lip as she directed me to the last door at the end of the hallway. “The boy’s room is right there, so we’ll have to be quiet.”

  “I think I can manage that.”

  I would have said anything to be with her again. I would have agreed to jumping through any number of hoops. My erection pressed against my jeans, causing a familiar ache. I needed release, and in this case, not just anyone would do. This ache was for Alex, and the only way to stop it was to be with her.

  Only tonight, though. You’ll have to figure something else out in the future, Liam. You can’t keep running to her bed.

  Alex opened the bedroom door and we fell into the room. She was still giggling, a nervous sound that was adorable and sexy as hell. Her innocence and sweetness were one of the sexiest things about her, like my Kryptonite.

  Once inside the bedroom, I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her up. Her legs wrapped around my waist, and she fit so perfectly against me. I kissed her deeply until she pulled away and whispered, “We need to close the door.”

  “Shit. Yes, of course.”

  I put her down and went over to the door, quietly closing it, careful not to wake the kids sleeping in the nearby rooms. As soon as the door was closed, she was on me again, nearly jumping in my arms with a girlish chuckle, pulling at my shirt. With my help, we managed to get it off as I carried her over to the bed. I laid her down, but she sat up and began yanking at my jeans.

  “Off,” she ordered. “These need to come off, now.”

  “Only if you take your top off first,” I teased.

  She gave me an adorable, mischievous grin as she slipped the pink sweater over her head and tossed it to the floor. Her bra was almost the same color pink, with a little lace bow between her perfectly plump breasts.

  I dropped to my knees and reached around, unhooking the bra.

  “Much better,” I growled against her lips.

  Her breasts fell free, and I cupped them in my hands. Her skin was the softest thing I had ever touched, and her smell… like vanilla and something lightly floral. Not overpowering, just a natural, soft scent that caused the rest of the blood in my body to head south.

  Her breasts were round and full, overflowing in my large hands. Pink nipples were begging for attention, and I couldn’t deny them what they wanted. I sucked one while teasing the other with my fingertips. Alex’s chest heaved as she gasped.

  “Oh God,” she whimpered as her body seemed to turn to jelly in my arms. She fell backward onto the bed, and I was about to climb on top of her when she said, “Pants first.”

  I stood up and removed my pants, letting both the jeans and the boxers fall to the floor.

  “Now your skirt,” I said. “Let me help you with that.”

  “Shhh,” Alex said, hopping up from the bed.

  There was a sound of a door opening and closing, and footsteps. Was one of the kids awake? Before I could ask, Alex grabbed her sweater and said, “Rachel is home, one second.”

  She wrapped the sweater around her rather than wearing it and opened the door a crack.

  “Psst,” she said from the doorway. “Hey, Rachel, the boys are asleep. There’s also two little girls sleeping in the office, so if you have to go in there, please be quiet.”

  Another voice came from the other side of the door. I couldn’t see her. She seemed to try and stand on her tiptoes to see past Alex, but Alex blocked the view with an awkward chuckle.

  “Is someone here?” Rachel asked.

  “Uhh maybe,” Alex hedged.

  “Maybe? As in, a man? In your room right now?”

  “No time to talk. I just wanted to let you know,” Alex said, giggling as she shut the door. Once the door was closed, she fell against it and broke into a fit of laughter, which she promptly concealed with her hand. “Sorry, I feel like a teenager sneaking her boyfriend over,” she said, echoing a feeling I had only moments before. “Which is not something I ever did.”

  Oh, you sweet, summer child, I thought. So sweet. So innocent.

  I was back on my feet and closed the distance between us in record time. I grabbed her skirt and found the zipper, my hands fumbling as I helped her remove it.

  Everything about her… God, she was everything I never went after. Not that it was a bad thing, I just didn’t get involved with good girls like her. And everything about it was incredibly hot.

  I pressed her against the door, my erection sliding between her thick thighs. Her breasts pressed into my chest. Her hands explored my muscles as her lips met mine. I lifted her higher so her legs wrapped around me again, and held her against the door.

  After a few minutes of ravishing her mouth, I took her to the bed and laid her down. She wrapped her body around me, and everything was so soft and heavenly. I melted into her, my erection rubbing against her wetness.

  Alex reached for my cock, guiding it toward her opening. As much as I was dying to thrust into her, I also wanted to tease her, so I rubbed the tip of my cock against her opening, the heat from her pussy nearly driving me crazy.

  Her back arched upward as she moaned, and that was it. I couldn’t hold it a second longer. I buried myself inside her, the warmth of her body encasing my cock.

  “Jesus,” I muttered as she trembled beneath me.

  Everything about her was just… amazing. Her little sounds every time I moved inside her. The sweet scent of her skin. Her softness. Her curves. The feel of her body against mine. It was almost too much for me, complete sensory overload in the best way possible. I rocked back and forth, slowly thrusting into her, not wanting to take it too fast for her sake and mine. I knew that if I went too fast, I’d lose control too soon, and I didn’t want this to end that quickly.

  No, I wanted to go all night, if I could. I wanted to savor the feeling of being sheathed inside her.

  “Oh God,” she whimpered, burying her face into the crook of my neck. “Don’t stop, Liam… I’m close already.”

  Her nails dug into my back as she arched upward, her teeth biting into my skin to suppress the sounds. I didn’t speed up or slow down; I kept the rhythm up, trying to extend her orgasm for as long as possible. I filled her up until her body relaxed into the bed, her breath heavy.

  “Come here. I want you on top of me,” I said, grabbing her hips and rolling us over, trying not to fall out of her as we rolled.

  With her on top of me, I got a view of that amazing body. She sat upright, clenching her muscles around my member as she stared into my eyes. A shy smile on her lips and a pink flush to her cheeks nearly did me in. She slowly began to rock on top of me, bobbing up and down as her breasts bounced in my face.

  I took one of her nipples between my lips again and sucked, teasing it with my tongue as she gasped.

  “Liam, oh Liam,” she whimpered softly. “God, you feel so good inside me.”

  I would never grow tired of hearing her say my name, especially in that breathless tone.

  I grabbed her hips, my fingers sinking into that soft flesh as I helped guide her up and down, and I knew I couldn’t last all night. As much as I wanted to, it just felt so damned good to be inside her. And when her pussy spasmed around my cock, it was like she was milking me.

  She fell forward and whisper-screamed, “I’m coming again.”

  I kissed her deeply, letting her moans disappear into the depths of my mouth.

  And to silence mine as well.

  I held her against my body as my cock exploded inside her, the pleasure too intense for words. She quivered against me, and I held her tightly, coming together in a way that literally had me se
eing stars.

  Damn. It was too much for me. Too good to be real.

  She laid there after our orgasms subsided, her breathing heavy and her face covered by all her beautiful hair, except for her big, brown eyes, which stared deeply into mine.

  You’re in trouble. You’re in so much fucking trouble, Liam.

  I pushed the hair from her face and reveled in her beauty. I’d been with many women in my life. But none made me feel the way Alex did, and I couldn’t imagine ever looking at a more beautiful woman, especially as she sat on top of me and stared at me with so much emotion.

  My heart ached in my chest.

  I kissed her delicately, holding her face in my hands.

  She slowly removed herself from me, and instantly, I regretted coming so quickly. I didn’t want this to be over… Maybe there could be a round two.

  She laid down next to me, and I rolled to face her, wrapping myself around her as if shielding her from… what, I don’t know. I just felt fiercely protective of her, and part of me never wanted to let her go. Which is how I knew I was fucked six ways from Sunday.

  No friend with benefits or one night stand had ever made me feel this way. Hell, no woman had ever done this to me. I couldn’t recall ever wanting to cuddle after sex. I usually got up and left awkwardly.

  Alex was the first one to speak since I was afraid my voice might fail me.

  “I meant it. I have never done anything like this before,” she said with a cute little giggle. “Before Charlie, I’d been with one other guy - a high school boyfriend. I never did hookups, never had a friend with benefits. I don’t even think I know how to do it.”

  She looked away briefly, a hint of shyness.

  We were so, so different. From totally different worlds. I found her innocence attractive, but I knew that it went deeper than that. Would she be okay with my history? The fact that I was a literal manwhore for years? And was I truly ready to settle down? Yes, in that moment and even the days leading up to it, I’d thought maybe I’d be willing to give every other woman up for her, and I believed it too. But kids and a steady relationship and everything… all at once? It was a bit much, and I was filled with anxiety just thinking about it.


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