The Barrel Mystery
Page 9
"'How could you manage in so many different places without knowing thelanguage?' I inquired, not quite knowing the ramifications of theMafia.
"'I found Italians everywhere, and would get directions from themuntil I found some _friends_.' He spoke the last word significantly.
"'Did you understand English then?'
"'Did not even dream of it.'
"'Have you worked while you have been in America?'
"'Never,' grinned Uncle Vincent. 'Neither do I expect to work. If Iknew the man who invented work, and met him, I would kill him.'
"'What do you do to live?'
"'You are too young to know certain things,' he explained with aveiled glance. 'When you have become well interested in the affairs ofour society you will know _how to live without work_.'
"'Then you belong to some society which gives you money?' I inquired,feigning stupidity.
"'Yes, but not like _your_ societies. When you leave your societiesand join ours you will feel better.'
"'And what is the price of initiation?'
"'How will I be admitted then?'
"'We must try you with a courageous deed requiring secrecy.'
"'And what is this society of yours called?' I asked.
"'It has no name.'
"'Is it a mutual aid society?'
"'Where are its headquarters?'
"'In all parts of the world.'
"'In Italy?'
"'Yes, in Italy.'
"'Then it must be the Masons?'
"'What, the Masons? Pooh-pooh! my friend. _Ours_ is a society that_never ends_ and is bigger than the Masons.'
"'And when will you allow me to enter?'
"'I must school you first,' he grumbled, eyeing me suspiciously. 'Andwhen you become known to the heads, and are respected, then we willchristen you.'
"'You will christen me?' I exclaimed.
"'How is that? I have already been baptized in the Roman Catholicreligion, and now you would baptize me again?'
"'Certainly!' he grinned. 'But it is not a matter of religion. You arechristened into the society. We give you a title that you will bear insecret, a title that will make you obeyed and respected in all partsof the world.'
"'I am curious to attend a meeting of your society.'
"'In time you will attend; but first, I would have to ask thesuperiors.'
"At this moment I was called by Caterina and the discussion ended. Ihad absorbed enough to surmise about the vast, hidden power of the'Black-Hand' menace reaching as it does with arms steeped in gore allaround the globe."