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A Farewell to Justice

Page 94

by Joan Mellen

  ———. 1966. Whitewash II: the FBI Secret Service Coverup. Hyattstown, MD: Harold Weisberg.

  ———. 1967. Oswald in New Orleans. New York: Canyon Books.

  ———. 1967. Photographic Whitewash: Suppressed Kennedy Assassination Pictures. Hyattstown, MD: Harold Weisberg.

  ———. 1974. Whitewash IV: JFK Assassination Transcript. Hyattstown, MD: Harold Weisberg.

  ———. 1994. Case Open: The Omissions, Distortions and Falsifications of Case Closed. New York: Carroll and Graf.

  Wilson, Jane. 1967. “Hurricane Garrison Flattens New Orleans.” Los Angeles Free Press, October 20, 1967.

  Wiltz, Christine. 2000. The Last Madam: A Life in the New Orleans Underworld. New York: Faber and Faber.

  Winters, Francis X. 1999. The Year of the Hare: America in Vietnam, January 25, 1963–February 15, 1964. Athens: University of Georgia Press.

  Wise, David, Ross Wise, and Thomas B. Wise. 1962. The U-2 Affair. New York: Bantam Books.

  Woodward, Bob. 2005. The Secret Man: The Story of Watergate’s Deep Throat. New York: Simon & Schuster.

  Wrone, David R., ed. 1978. The Freedom of Information Act and Political Assassinations. Vol. I. The Legal Proceedings of Harold Weisberg v. General Services Administration, together with the January 22 and 27 Warren Commission Transcripts. Stevens Point, WI: Foundation Press, University of Wisconsin.

  ———. 2003. The Zapruder Film: Reframing JFK’s Assassination. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.



  Aase, Jean, 63

  Abt, John, 30, 275

  Acoca, Mike, 278

  Adames, Juan, 88–89

  AEJUMP, 400


  “Affidavit” (Garrison), 364–365

  Aguero, Hector (Indio Mikoyan), 249

  Aguilar, Manolo, 280

  AID (Agency for International Development), 403

  Alba, Adrian, 67

  al-Awlaki, Anwar, 473

  Alcock, James, 24, 92, 102, 230, 296

  Augustinovich and, 157

  Bradley, Edgar Eugene, and, 266, 267

  Dauenhauer and, 66

  on Heindel, 272

  JG and, 109, 326–327, 336

  Kennedy (Regis) and, 29

  Litchfield and, 233

  Moran and, 125–127

  Shaw trial and, 302–303, 305–310, 312–316, 320–321

  Spiesel and, 261–262

  Alcorn, Dan, 411

  Aldrich, Stephen, 296

  Alexander, William, 244

  Alford, William

  Connally and, 301

  Connick, Frazier and, 316

  JG and, 11–12, 174, 327–329, 335

  Shaw’s arrest and, 118, 119

  on Spiesel, 306

  Alice, John, 175

  Allen, Robert, 449–450

  ALPHA 66, 48, 57, 94, 155, 171

  Alvarado, Jorge Rodriguez, 87

  AMCARBON-1, 170

  AMCARBON-3, 253

  AMJUTE-1, 56

  Amlash Legacy, The (Phillips), 220

  Amory, Robert, 166 American Tragedy, An, 62

  Anderson, Alden Benum “Andy,” 393, 398

  Anderson, Eleanor (alias of Eleanor Reed), 393, 398

  Anderson, Jack, 184, 327

  Andrews, Dean

  charged with perjury, 197, 202–203, 319

  on Gurvich, 61–62

  Oswald and, 14, 27–28

  Shaw and, 27–30, 66, 115–116

  Shaw trial testimony of, 312

  in “White Paper,” 196–197

  Andrews, J. A., 207

  Angers, Robert J., 208–209

  Angleton, James, 137, 166, 175–176, 251, 278, 355, 357, 391–392, 393, 398, 399–400, 404, 431 Another Country, 20

  Antony, Marc, 6–7

  Appel, Charles Andrew, 312

  Árbenz, Jacobo Guzmán, 162

  Armstrong, John, 468

  as CIA agent, and Garrison, 421

  Arthur, Edward I., 379

  Artime, Manuel, 201, 378

  Ashworth, Valentine, 121 “Assassin, The” (Garrison), 5

  assassination of JFK. See Kennedy assassination investigations assassination programs, 391–392, 397

  Assassination Records and Review Board (ARRB), 396, 470

  Attwood, William, 79, 172, 259, 376

  Augustine, Israel, 321, 341

  Augustinovich, Ronald Lee, 157

  Aurillo, Gerald, 100

  Aydelotte, Carol, 264, 265, 266, 268, 269

  Aynesworth, Hugh, 61, 151–152, 187, 198, 235–236, 259–260, 268, 301, 419–421, 425


  B & L Enterprises Thrift Shoppe, 284

  Bagert, Bernard, 11, 149, 182, 183

  Baggs, Bill, 171

  Bagley, Tennent “Pete,” 399, 404

  Bailey, Emily, 230

  Bailey, F. Lee, 173, 201, 332, 337, 448

  Baker, Peggie, 4, 5, 22

  Balaban, Rudy (aka “Rudy Valentino”;

  “Valentinov”), 394, 396

  Baldwin, Beverly, 399

  Baldwin, David G., 131, 183

  Baldwin, Edward, 189, 200–201, 326

  Banister, Guy, 21, 223, 224

  Beckham on, 287

  Boxley on, 240

  CIA and, 35, 57, 69–70, 133

  death of, 72

  Ferrie and, 44

  Hemming’s claims about, 250

  intelligence connections of, 35

  Martello and, 60

  Martin (Jack) and, 34, 74–81

  OAS and, 136

  Oswald and, 44, 67, 70–74

  Banister, Mary, 71, 72, 98

  Banister, Ross, 71, 131

  Bannerman, Robert L., 431

  Barnes, C. Tracy, 156, 166

  Baron, Michael, 233

  Barry, Denis A., 7, 10, 22, 366

  Brigette and, 25

  Gervais and, 13

  JG’s death and, 367, 463

  Louisiana Court of Appeal election and, 340

  Bartes, Frank (Clarens Francisco Bartes), 220–221, 252, 348, 415

  Bartlett, Charles, 173

  Batista, Fulgencio, 75

  Batista, Laureano, 92

  Baumler, Thomas, 71

  Beaubouef, Alvin, 33, 44, 45, 106, 191–200, 203, 238, 361, 383

  Beck, Raymond L., 26, 31

  Beckham, Thomas Edward

  and Kennedy assassination, 415–416

  as alternative scapegoat, 371–374, 411–412

  Banister and, 67–70, 74–78

  CIA training of, 370–371, 374

  Crisman and, 282–284

  evangelical sects and, 290

  Hall and Howard and, 277–278

  JG questions, 288–289, 374–375

  JG vindicated by, 376–377, 385–386

  JG’s search for, 239–41

  Martin (Jack) and, 36, 43–44, 74–78, 284–286, 405, 406, 409, 412

  McKnight on, 415–417 1970s investigation and, 349–355

  Oswald and Ruby and, 77, 96, 416

  Ruby’s murder of Oswald and, 82

  sent to Dallas with plans, 81–82, 416

  Shaw trial and, 298

  as singer, 74, 385

  Smith and, 94

  in 2005, 384–386

  Belisle, David I., 435, 436, 442, 444, 454

  Bell, James, 229

  Bell, Verla, 223, 224, 229, 230

  Belli, Melvin, 364

  Bennett, Barbara, 121, 123

  Benoit, Ann, 360

  Bertel, Numa, 125, 236, 267, 327

  Bertrand, Clay. See Shaw, Clay Lavergne

  Beschloss, Michael, 164–165

  Best and the Brightest, The, 334

  Betancourt, Ernesto, 460

  Bethel, Paul, 88

  Bethell, Tom, 61, 251 257, 92–293, 319

  Bezou, Henry Charles, 326–327

  Bezou, Jacques, 327

  Bezou, James F., 326–327

  Bezou, Pierre, 326–328

Bidderson, Arthur J., 305

  Biddison, Jeff, 223

  Billings, Richard N., 62, 95, 99, 115, 249

  on Blakey, 356

  on JG’s investigation, 32 Life article and, 255–257

  Malone and, 146 Paese Sera and, 142

  on RFK, 259

  Shaw defense and, 301

  Bishop, Maurice (aka David Atlee Phillips), 469

  Bishop, William, 156

  Bissell, Richard, 137, 162–164, 166, 431, 469

  Black, Cofer, 472

  Blackmer, Jonathan, 213, 345 349, 352

  Blake, George, 397

  Blakey, G. Robert

  assassination records and, 234–235, 360

  de Torres and, 89, 90

  Leap and, 178

  Life and, 258

  National Convention of

  District Attorneys and, 291

  1970s investigation and, 345, 348, 356–360

  Blanchard, D. J., 216, 230

  Block, William S., 314

  Bloomfield, Justine Adelaide (née Stern), 389–390

  Bloomfield, L. M., 301, 389–390

  Boasberg, Louis, 330

  Boatwright, Philip, 272–273

  Boggs, Hale, 2, 27, 69

  Bohlen, Chip, 164

  Bohning, Donald, 253

  Boland, A. F., 271

  BOLD, 338

  Bolton, Clint, 276

  Bomboy, Gretchen, 49

  Bonoura, Felix, 9, 256

  Booth, John Wilkes, 331

  Bordelon, Steve, 121, 280, 328–329, 363

  Borenstein, E. Lorenz, 342–343

  Borja, Gloria, 75, 76

  Borja, Isidro, 58, 383, 456

  Bosco, Joe, 362

  Boston Globe, 425–426

  Boswell, J. Thornton, 299, 311

  Bouhe, George, 275

  Boxley, Bill (William C. Wood)

  attempts to derail investigation, 239–242, 295–297

  Bradley and, 264–265

  fired, 296–297

  Thornley and, 273

  Boyce, Sallee, 342, 363

  Boylston, Bob, 42–43

  Bradberry, Louis Dell, 423

  Braden, Jim (Eugene Hale Brading), 268

  Bradley, Edgar Eugene, 224, 264–270, 279, 295–296

  Bradley, Leslie Norman, 129, 266, 269–270

  Brady, William Cuthbert, 252, 272, 285

  Brahney, Thomas, 12, 18, 102

  Braniff, Matthew, 321

  Branigan, William, 232, 233

  Breckinridge, Scott, 358–360

  Breitner, Thomas, 122, 299

  Bremermann, H. John (Jack), 6, 119

  Bremermann, Mickey, 6

  Brener, Milton, 7

  Brengel, Mary Helen, 71

  Brennan, D. J., 166

  Brennan, Ella, 121

  Brennan, William, 20

  Brent, Theodore, 131

  Bretos, Luis, 94

  Brice, Wesley, 265–266

  Brigette, Linda, 24–25

  Bringuier, Carlos, 55–59, 61, 93, 94, 95, 105, 275

  Broman, David, 215

  Broshears, Raymond, 82, 101, 122–123, 151, 284, 290, 300

  Broussard, Chandler, 259

  Broussard, Ernie, 209

  Brown & Root, 389, 418–424

  Brown Foundation, 423–425

  Brown, George, 418–425

  Brown, Henry, 219

  Brown, Herman, 389, 418, 419, 423–425

  Browning, Robert, 337

  Brown, Marshall, 9

  Brown, William, 352

  Brownlee, Morris, 45, 107, 120, 189

  Broyles, Guy, 233

  Bruce, David K. E., 476

  Bruce, Russell, 48

  Bruno, Vincent, 341

  Bucaro, Andrew, 25

  Buchanan, Juanita, 438

  Buckley, Ross, 285

  Buckley, William F., Jr., 285 “Bugs Bunny”, 96

  Bulik, Joseph J., 396

  Bultman, Muriel, 119

  Bunch, Carl, 215, 236, 237

  Bundy, McGeorge, 469

  Bundy, Vernon, 148–149, 193, 197, 304

  Buras, Robert, 11, 12, 24, 26, 71

  as artist, 114

  Beckham and, 374

  hospital “lab” and, 52

  on Klan, 217

  on Martin (Jack), 34, 410

  1970s investigation and, 344–350, 387, 406, 466

  suspension of, 412

  Burbank, Thomas, 207

  Burchette, William, 268

  Burglass, Anna, 79

  Burke, William P., 69, 134

  Burnes, Richard V., 199, 273

  Beckham’s testimony and, 288–289

  Bradley and, 266

  Cancler and, 202

  Gurvich and, 200

  leaves JG’s investigation, 289

  Shaw and, 133

  Wight and, 320

  Burns, Van, 42–43

  Burt, Al, 170

  Burton, Steven, 277, 296

  Bush, George W., 445, 446, 472–473, 473

  Butler, Edward, 53, 68, 69, 182

  Butzman, Jonas, 309


  Cabell, Charles, 133, 143, 167, 168

  Cabell, Earle, 294, 361

  Cabrera Infante, Guillermo, 377

  Cahn, Bill, 291

  Caire, Ronny, 97

  Calderon, Luisa, 359

  Callaghan, Patrick M., 340–341

  Callery, John Aruns, 334–335

  Campbell, Allen, 39, 69, 70, 97, 276, 321

  Campbell, Daniel, 57, 69, 70, 75, 107, 321

  Campbell, Fanny (boarding house), 365

  Campisi, Joe, 82

  Cancler, John, 197, 202

  Caracci, Frank, 18, 24

  Carlucci, Frank C., 355

  Carona, Vic, 322

  Carson, Johnny, 245–246

  Carter, Clifford Crawford, 459

  Carter, Jimmy, 472

  Carter, Ken, 115

  Carter, Marshall, 459, 460

  Casasin, Thomas, 176–177, 396–397

  Casey, Martin Xavier, 254

  Castillo, Luis Angel, 191

  Castro, Fidel

  assassination of, planned, 34, 54–55, 69, 166–173, 201–202, 248–249, 378–379, 382, 426, 439, 458–461, 469

  JG’s code name for, 32

  RFK and assassination plot, 456, 457–461

  Cathey, William R., 441

  Centola, Larry, 150

  Centola, Lawrence, Jr., 338

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  agents employed by, in 2010, 472

  AINS/EIN (identification numbers), 402, 408, 411

  assassination programs, 391–392, 397, 441, 456, 458, 471, 472–473, 474

  Aynesworth and, 419–420

  Beckham and, 282–286, 370–371, 375–377, 384–385

  Bloomfield and, 389–390

  Boxley and, 240–242

  Brown & Root and, 418–423

  Castro assassination plans of, 34, 54–55, 69, 166–173, 201–202, 249, 378–379, 381

  concealment of documents within, 404

  “Confidential Correspondent Program,” 403

  Crisman and, 412–415

  debriefing process of defectors by, 391–395, 397–398

  disruption agents in, 413–414

  drone program, 471, 473

  Ferrie and, 33–34, 44–45, 104–105, 387, 389, 410, 467

  Ferrie and Tolliver memo and, 109–110

  and Garrison, 406

  Gurvich and, 418–419

  Hall and Howard and, 277, 279, 280–281

  Hemming and, 248–252 Heritage of Stone and, 323

  Historical Review Program, 396, 412

  History Staff of, 388

  internal structure of, 397, 401–405

  JFK and, 161–162, 165–172, 416, 471, 472, 475

  JG’s investigation and, 26, 144–146, 152–153, 156, 159, 318, 333, 344

  Kennedy assassination and, 174–176, 182–186, 342–343, 371–374, 376–377, 382–385, 388, 415

  Martin (Jack) and, 35–37, 405–411

  McNabb/Rose and, 253–254

  Moran and, 126–127 1970s investigation and, 342, 345–350, 355–360

  OAS and, 393

  Oswald and, 26–27, 35, 43, 175, 177–182, 308, 395–396, 405, 410, 455

  policy-making, 391, 404–405, 471, 472

  power of, post-JFK assassination, 470–476

  and the press, 474

  Powers’ U-2

  flight and, 162–165

  PROJFILES “CIA Matters,” 388

  records of, unavailable, 469–470

  RFK and, 426, 443

  Shaw and, 131–143, 312–314, 387–390

  Sheridan and, 187–188 see also specific individuals torture practices of, 418, 473, 474–475

  Centro Mondiale Commerciale, 136–139, 389, 390

  Chambers, Judy, 22

  Chandler, David

  Bethell and, 293

  JG and, 23, 65, 144 Life article and, 256–259

  Shaw’s arrest and, 120

  Sherman’s research and, 52

  Thornley on, 276

  Chandler, Jeff, 228

  Chandler, Patricia, 92, 139

  Charity Hospital, 408, 409

  Chavin, Lamar, 327

  Chemical and Biological Warfare School, 276

  Cheramie, Rose, 206–208, 215, 260, 261

  Chetta, Nicholas, 106–108, 115, 147, 440 “Choaden, Michael”, 180–181

  Christenberry, Herbert, 319, 330, 334–335

  Christian, George, 184

  Christiana, Nick, 15

  Church Committee, 391, 392, 393, 401, 405, 410, 460, 466, 469, 470

  Ciravalo, John, 41

  Civello, Joe, 82

  Civil Air Patrol (CAP), 41, 42–43

  Clark, George, 320

  Clark, Henry Burnell, 228

  Clark, Ramsey, 128–129, 169, 183, 187, 460

  Clark, Thomas Lewis, 41, 197

  Clark, Tom, 187

  Clement Bertrand Society, 122

  Cline, Ray, 404

  Cobb, Alvin, 69, 214, 347

  Cobb, Lloyd J., 131, 213–214, 232, 310–311, 312, 315–316, 347

  Cobos, Arturo, 89

  Cochran, Mrs., 223, 230–231

  Coffey, Melvin, 44

  Cohen, Jerry, 278, 324


  Colby, William, 392, 404

  Cole, David, 475

  Collins, Corrie C., 228–231, 236, 303–305, 353

  Collins, Emmett (“Snowball”), 236

  Colomb, C. Earl, 320

  Comiskey, James A., 196

  Comstock, Raymond, 9, 12, 28

  Confidential Correspondent Program, 403

  Connally, John, 77–78, 97, 301

  Connick, Harry, 307, 311, 316, 322, 338, 348

  Conor, Peter Francis, 271

  Contoslavlos, Dimitri L., 107

  Cook, Fred, 446

  Cooper, Joseph, 224

  CORE, 211, 214, 228–229

  Core, Jesse, 24, 130, 131

  Cornwell, Gary, 90, 179, 347, 348–349, 352, 357, 366

  Corsini, Jean-Franco, 141

  Costello, Frank, 19


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