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Capturing the Goddess

Page 2

by Lucy Eden

  After what felt like several long minutes locking eyes with Trevor Edwards, but was more likely thirty seconds, he turned his attention to Eloise.

  “Darling, would you like to visit the chocolate fountain?” She nodded furiously grinning. She was missing a front tooth. It made her even more adorable. “This nice lady,” he motioned to a nearby security guard, “will take you to Auntie Victoria and I’m going to talk to your new friend.”

  “Sir, I’m supposed to guard the painting. I can’t…”

  “Oh, I’m sure she’ll be all right for a few minutes.” He motioned to the eternally slumbering Marguerite. “Dr. Victoria Swensen.” He gave her a stern look. She withered under his gaze, nodded and smiling at Eloise, took her hand and disappeared around the corner. I was alone with him again.

  “Now, Miss Wesley.” He rounded on me. I felt his eyes burrowing into me, devouring every inch of my body. I felt naked, vulnerable and oddly, safe. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “You’re a fan of Gaia, after you…" In an instant he closed the distance between us and pressed a finger against my lips, silencing me. It was the first time he touched me, and I felt a jolt of electricity course through my body. I felt his arm slide across the small of my back encircling my waist. He pulled me close, and I could feel every muscle and sinew of his body against mine. He slowly withdrew his finger and I could feel the heat of his lips, mere inches from my own. His eyes met mine, and I was silently pleading for him to kiss me. The anticipation was killing me, and he seemed to be enjoying the effect. He slid the hand that wasn't keeping me pressed against him around my small round ass and slipped a middle finger between my cheeks all while maintaining the intense eye contact that kept me his silent prisoner. He continued exploring until he found the wetness between my thighs, already slick with juices, his roving finger slid easily between my outer lips, and he growled in my ear.

  “So wet… So ready…” he said. I felt my breath quicken, and now I was panting with desire. He slowly slid his middle finger inside my throbbing entrance and used his thumb to rub my clit in slow rhythmic circles. I felt my hips begin to rock in motion with his hand and felt my climax building in waves. He slid his finger in deeper until he felt resistance, my hymen. He stopped suddenly, and I could feel him backing away, his arm slowly sliding across my back releasing me.

  “It’s okay.” I pleaded. “I’m ready. I want you to…” He silenced me again with his finger.

  “I know you are and I will take you,” He hooked a finger under my chin tilting my head upward until our eyes met, “but not here, not like this.”

  I'm sure my disappointment was apparent because he gave me a devilish grin and began to trail kisses down my neck, down my chest where he playfully bit at one of my nipples. I gasped at the shockwaves his touch was sending through every inch of my aching body. He was now on his knees. The most unattainable billionaire bachelor in the world was kneeling in front of me, wearing a tuxedo that probably cost more than my car. He was hooking his thumbs into the sides of my panties and sliding them down my legs, carefully lifting one then the other before bringing my panties to his nose and closing his eyes as he inhaled the fragrance that he created with one smoldering look. I watched him carefully tuck my black lacy panties into the pocket of his tuxedo jacket. Then he gave me one last devilish smirk before his entire head disappeared under my skirt. The next sensation I felt was his tongue parting my outer lips and sliding over my sensitive nub sending waves of pleasure through my entire body. Overcome by desire, I felt my knees buckle, and I didn't know how I would be able to stand. In one smooth motion, Trevor grabbed my thighs and hoisted me onto his shoulders, supporting my full weight and granting his mouth full access to my wanting sex. I leaned back against the wall, succumbing to the pleasure as Trevor Edwards explored me with his tongue. My legs jerked helplessly hanging over his shoulders as I felt the climax building again, but faster and more intense than before. I began to moan involuntarily as I got closer to release. Trevor tried to cover my mouth with one hand, but my moans only grew louder. I couldn't help myself. As he circled my clit with his tongue, my legs began to buck, and I knew an explosion was coming. Just as I went to scream Trevor quickly shoved my panties in my mouth and muffled the sound of my release as I jerked and spasmed for what felt like a full minute or maybe a lifetime of pleasure.

  When my orgasm subsided, Trevor planted a tiny kiss on my outer lips, which caused an aftershock of pleasure. He emerged from beneath my skirt, wiping his mouth with his pocket square looking quite pleased with himself. He turned and walked away, and to my horror, I was sure he was leaving to return to the party without saying a word, but he stopped and picked something up from the floor and returned to me holding it out for me to see. It was one of my stilettos. I apparently kicked it off during the biggest orgasm I'd ever had. I went to thank him for the shoe and realized I still had my panties in my mouth. I reached to remove them, and he stopped me, pulling my hand away.

  “No, no.,” He admonished as he slowly pulled the panties from my lips, “These are mine now.” He replaced them in his pocket. “You are mine now.”

  With those words, I felt my knees buckle, but I managed to keep my balance. Trevor Edwards was right. I was his. I'd known it from the moment he looked at me in his study. I thought I had ruined everything with that outburst, but it didn't matter. I was his, and I knew there was nothing I could do about it.


  I couldn’t believe what I’d just done. I’d been looking forward to this gallery opening for months and disappeared down a side corridor to gorge myself on the sweet nectar that flowed from the flower of Gaia Wesley. As my business expands and takes me further away from my passion, I usually relish any opportunity I can get to immerse myself in the art world.

  It would seem now that I have a new passion to immerse myself in and that passion is standing thirty feet away from me engaged in conversation with Victoria and one of my junior executives.

  I couldn't think of anything else as I watched her. Her long chestnut hair fell in waves over her shoulder and down her back. She tried to tame it as best she could, but it still had a freshly fucked tousle to it, and her face was still flushed from the massive orgasm I'd just given her with my tongue. Her dress was slightly wrinkled, and she squirmed uncomfortably as, only she and I knew, she was no longer wearing panties, because at this very moment they were residing in my pocket where I was gently stroking the lace, reliving inhaling her intoxicating scent and tasting her.

  I didn't like watching her talk to other men. I certainly didn't like the way this little punk was looking at her, his eyes roving over every inch of her body, my body. I felt a wave of anger begin to build and crest as I started to make my way to the trio. Just before I got to them, Mr. Junior executive, who'd I'd have to remember to promote to the London office on Monday, was spared my wrath by none other than Eloise. She grabbed Gaia by the hand and led her over to the chocolate fountain where I watched with an overwhelming feeling of pride and passion as Gaia, Eloise and Liam spent the next few minutes making elaborate confectionary creations before dousing them in chocolate. They’d have stomachaches tomorrow, but for now, I enjoyed seeing them happy again. I'd never seen my children so comfortable, and so at ease with someone they'd just met. Gaia's face read an expression of pure joy. She wasn’t humoring the children or just playing along for my sake. It would seem as if there was no place in the world she'd rather be at that moment than stacking bits of bananas, strawberries, and marshmallows on skewers and drowning them in a river of chocolate.

  My entire body ached with longing, and I didn't think I could wait any longer to have her, but then Liam pretended to shoot her with imaginary spider webs. Her eyes went wide, she clasped the back of her hand to her forehead and staggered backward collapsing into a nearby chair. Her body went limp, and her head lolled to the side, eyes closed. Liam gasped with shock, and when he and Eloise crept closer to investigate, she sprang to life scooping them up
and tickling them until they squealed with laughter. In one of the most important events on the social calendar, anyone else in her position would have been networking, making contacts and trying to secure internships and jobs after graduation, but Gaia Wesley instead chose to focus on making my children laugh. She was laughing as well, a deep penetrating laugh that somehow filled your soul and brightened the room. She caught my eye at that moment and in that perfect moment, the most beautiful woman in the world, was holding my laughing children, smiling and had just offered me the only thing in the world my billions of dollars couldn't buy and the one thing that I wanted. I wasn't waiting any longer to claim it.

  I strode over the dessert table, turned Liam & Eloise to face me and crouched down to get to their eye level.

  "Time to go, you two. I think you've had enough candy and it's getting close to bedtime…for all of us." I looked at Gaia, and she looked down blushing.

  “Awe, Daddy! We were having fun with Gaia.” Whined Liam.

  “Yeah,” chimed Eloise, “We want to stay with Gaia!”

  “Well,” I whispered, “what if I told you Gaia was coming home with us?”

  “You are?!" Eloise looked into Gaia's face, her eyes full of hope. Our eyes met, and her sparkling blue eyes told me everything I wanted to hear.

  "Yes. Yes, I am."


  The ride home from the gallery was something like a dream. I couldn't believe that I had met this man a mere two days ago and not only had I fallen in love with him but also his adorable children, who were at this moment fast asleep with their heads in my lap, the victims of a massive sugar crash.

  Their father sat next me gripping my hand, our fingers interlocked while furiously texting with his other hand.

  "How were you able to leave the gallery in the middle of the party? Weren't you supposed to make a speech or say goodbye or…"

  “Baby, I can do whatever I want and besides I have more pressing matters to attend to.” He lifted our interlocked hands and kissed mine before returning to his phone. My heart skipped a beat when he called me baby.

  "It's a beautiful space. When Professor Swensen offered me the ticket, I jumped at the chance to see it, but I had no idea it was yours."

  “Would you have stayed away if you’d known?”

  "Well," I started nervously. We were having a good time, and now I was going to ruin it…again. "I just assumed…after the first time we met…you would never want to see me again."

  “After the first time we met, I was afraid I’d never see you again…Wait…” His brow furrowed. “Did you say Victoria invited you to the opening?”

  “Yes, sometimes, Professor Swensen has mini competitions between her grad students with the prize being a ticket to a coveted event; movie premieres, gallery openings, book releases… This time I won." I squeezed his hand. He smiled at me but seemed deep in thought before laughing to himself.

  “I think we all won tonight.”


  When we arrived at the townhouse, Liam and Eloise were fast asleep, and I still couldn't shake the thought that Victoria had orchestrated the events of past three days. She had been Olivia's best friend, and the three of us started Pax together. When Olivia was sick, Victoria promised she would always look after us. She left Pax after her friend died, saying she could bear the thought of the place with her there, but she remained close to the children and me, keeping her promise to my wife. Vic tried setting me up again and again over the years. About the time when Mrs. Bast retired she dropped the subject. Then she dropped the little goddess in my lap, not once but twice. As I watched Gaia carefully unbuckling their seat belts before following Fredrick and I as we carried them inside, I realized that her plan worked like a charm.

  Liam woke up just long enough to be helped into superhero pajamas and Eloise insisted on sleeping in what she called her princess dress. They had their own rooms, of course, but since Mrs. Bast left, Liam had taken to sleeping in the spare bed in Eloise's room, to protect her, he insisted.

  "Gaia, will you be here when we wake up tomorrow?" Eloise's green eyes blinked lazily, still heavy with exhaustion as she waited for a response. Gaia looked at me, and I nodded. If I had my way, she would never leave us again.

  “Yes, Eloise. I’ll be here when you wake up tomorrow?”

  “Oh. Good.” She yawned lazily, closed her eyes, then opened them again.

  “Gaia, do you like waffles with chocolate chips?”

  “I love waffles with chocolate chips.”

  "Oh. Good. Gaia…"

  “Alright, bug. It’s time for you to go to sleep.” I bent over and kissed her forehead. “You can ask Gaia all of the questions you want to tomorrow.”

  “Ok, Daddy. Goodnight, Gaia. See you when I wake up tomorrow.”

  "Goodnight, Eloise." Gaia and I said in unison. It felt so comfortable, so natural. We closed the door to the nursery, and I rounded on her.

  “First things first.” I bent down, picked her up, tossed her over my shoulder in a fireman’s lift and carried her down the hall like a Viking sacking a village. This was the moment I'd waited for since I saw her in that dress.

  She looked nothing like the demure librarian type that timidly shuffled into my office looking for a job. What stood before me was the image of the wild, untamed spirit I glimpsed as she was giving me a tongue-lashing before storming out of my house two days ago. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders and down her back in chocolate-hued waves. Gone were the dark-rimmed glasses, that while they made me rock hard, they hid the long, thick dark lashes that framed her iridescent sapphire colored eyes and made them somehow brighter by contrast. She stared at me in a little black dress that hugged her small breasts and waist before flaring into a many-layered tulle skirt, like a ballerina. She towered in what couldn't have been less than four-inch black stilettos. It was like Edward Degas, and Gustav Klimt joined forces to paint a goddess, my little goddess.

  My first thought when I had her to myself was to rip her out of that dress, bend her over, grab handfuls of those shiny auburn locks and slam my rock hard cock into her waiting pussy over and over again until she collapsed with paroxysms of pleasure. I wanted her in every way I could get her, but my little goddess was a virgin, untouched by man. There would be plenty of time for hard fucking as I planned to never let her out of my sight again. Her little body was so tight and eager, silently screaming to be touched. I knew that if I kissed her, I would never stop. Her first time needed to be special, gentle and loving, not a quick fuck against the wall of a public place so instead I gave her a tongue-lashing of my own. I couldn't stop thinking about the taste of her, the fragrant heat emanating from between her thighs, the feeling of her bucking and jerking as explored every inch of her nether regions with my tongue.

  One last thought raced through my minds as I strode the length of the corridor with the little goddess slung over my shoulder like a pirate's treasure, if Miss Gaia Wesley thought she'd experienced pleasure in that secluded corridor of the art gallery, she hadn't seen anything yet.


  My body burned with anticipation. Every square inch of flesh tingled with every stride Trevor made down the long corridor. I had no idea where he was taking me, but I knew I was desperate to feel his hands all over me again.

  He finally stopped at the door of the master suite and pushed it open to reveal the largest bedroom I’d ever seen, though my view was upside down. I thought he was headed for the massive bed when he made a left into a slightly smaller room and carefully set me down on a large chaise in what must have been a bathroom, but didn't resemble any bathroom I'd ever seen. It was stark white with pops of color in forms of rugs, pillows, flowers, and towels. The walls were decorated with framed Van Gogh sketches.

  I returned my attention to Trevor as I felt his strong hands caressing me. He had begun to undress me slowly. He removed my shoes one at a time, gently kissing the tender red indentation across the top of my foot caused by the stress of wearing four-inch heel
s for hours and massaging away the soreness. He leaned over my prone figure and grabbed the spaghetti straps of my dress and began to pull them over my shoulders. I watched him devour my body with his eyes. He growled hungrily as he pulled the dress over my chest exposing my small breasts. He whipped the dress down the rest of my body and over his shoulder in a swift motion leaving me naked and vulnerable, served to him on a platter.

  "Fuck, you're beautiful." He moaned. "I'm going to take you now, and when I do, you'll be mine. Is that what you want?"

  I nodded hungrily. I never wanted anything more in my life. I wanted to belong to Trevor Edwards. I wanted to give him what no man has ever had, my love, my body, all of it.

  “Good.” He growled as he hoisted my nude form into his arms so quickly that I squealed. “Because I can’t wait another second.”

  In an instant, I felt myself being lowered onto his bed. He leaned over me with his face hovering inches from mine.

  "My beautiful little goddess…" He said before closing the distance between our mouths. I kissed him hungrily, exploring his mouth with my tongue. He lowered the full weight of his body on mine. As I writhed and squirmed under the fullness of him, feeling the pressure of the large bulge in his pants against my thigh as my hands reached down to his belt buckle. He lifted his weight, still kissing me like a man possessed and I slid the belt out of its loops and tossed it aside. I made short work of his button and zipper and slid my hand down his boxer briefs.


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