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Out of Tune

Page 20

by Amy Sumida

  “That's very kind of you to say.” I slid a look at my men to make sure they weren't about to go rumbly like Verin, but they knew court flirtation when they heard it and were unaffected by the Prince. Saif was being courteous, not flirtatious. You'd think that Verin would have realized that as well but, evidently, undersea courts were a bit different from those on land. “Love, as you said, cannot be forced; it grows where it will,” I went on. “And when your garden is as full as mine, it's harder to find an open patch of ground for planting, as it were.”

  “What will happen if you do not find a new lover?” The King asked.

  “Nothing good.” I used his maneuver and waved it away. “But not to worry; the most powerful Witches of Earth are working on a spell to help us. I have every faith in them.”

  “That's a relief,” King Baha grinned but it was forced and his eyes, along with those of his son and wife, filled with pity.

  That didn't sit well with me.

  “Don't waste your sympathy on me, Your Majesty. I have more happiness and love”—I shared adoring looks with my men—“than any one person should be allowed. Time has come to pay the toll.” I shrugged. “I'll pay it gladly, even if it's with my life. Being loved by these men is worth it. A mere second of their love is worth it. And if I do die, my spirit will go on. It will find a way back to them; of that, I have no doubt.”

  Queen Sabah teared up, her pity melting into tenderness. The King took her hand and lifted it to his lips. They shared a look that expressed an understanding that could only come from personal experience and gratitude that mirrored mine.

  “We will not allow you to pay any price, my fire,” Darcraxis declared. “Love and happiness are not commodities to be purchased.”

  “No, but magic is,” I said gently. “And you know as well as I that in this instance, it's price will be great.”

  “Then we will pay it together,” Declan said firmly. “You are not alone, Elaria.”

  “No, but I'm the source. I'm the only one who can pay, Declan.” I softened my stare on him and took his hand. “And that's okay. My choices led us here, but I wouldn't change a single one. I'm ready for whatever happens.”

  “Fuck that,” Gage growled. “If you die, you'll take us with you, El. You might as well slice open my chest and pull out my heart. It'll be my death as surely as it will be yours. And I don't go down easy.”

  I grinned at him. “I know and neither do I. I'm trying to tell you all that I'm ready to face this, not give up. If I go down, I'll do it swinging and, probably, singing. So, can we let this go? We'll deal with one problem at a time. And besides, my breakfast is getting cold.”

  My men gave in and the Jinn Royals smiled politely, despite Gage's outburst. We all went back to eating. But I caught Verin staring at me strangely; a look that was part concern, part suspicion, and all predator.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  The Royal Enchanters hadn't finished with the containment device, even after we were done with breakfast and planning our attack. So, we went on a short tour of Dahabi. It took two royal carriages to transport us all. They were open-air carriages with so many golden swirls adorning them that I was grateful I didn't have to open the door; I wouldn't have been able to find the handle. I sat in the lead carriage with Prince Saif, Banning, and King Verin. My other husbands had taken the back carriage before Verin could reach it, forcing him into the front one with me. I told RS to convey a message to my well-meaning lovers for me; back the fuck off!

  Verin was already spooked by my speech, if they kept pushing him, he'd bolt. And, honestly, it was freaking me out a little too. The whole situation reminded me of when it had only been Declan and Banning in my spell-circle, and we were hunting for a third man. Having my lovers help pick out my next lover was probably the most awkward experience of my life.

  I glanced at Verin, who sat stiffly on the bench across from me, and knew he felt it too. I wanted to tell him that I wouldn't try to trick him into anything, but I could hardly bring it up in front of Saif. It was bad enough that we had aired our dirty laundry earlier. I wasn't about to mess up his tour by making both Verin and him uncomfortable.

  “This is our college,” Saif said brightly and waved his hand toward a sprawling compound on our left.

  “You have a university?” Verin asked with keen interest. “What do you teach?”

  “A myriad of things. Our classes cover both scientific and magical topics.”

  “I've often thought about creating an academic program for my people,” Verin said. “But I'm unsure where to start or what would be most beneficial for them to learn. Currently, basic knowledge is passed on from parents to children and that feels inadequate to me.”

  “I hope you won't take offense, but I'm shocked to hear that of such an advanced race,” Saif said.

  “I think it's those very advancements that have made us... indifferent. My people believe that we have all we need so why should we pursue more?”

  “Because without that pursuit, your race will go stagnant,” Saif went somber. “Knowledge keeps us, especially us immortals, from becoming bored and apathetic. And if you don't reach for more, how will you get it?”

  Verin grunted in agreement.

  “I'll schedule a meeting for you with our headmaster,” Saif offered. “He can go over our curriculum and give you suggestions.”

  “I would appreciate that.” Verin turned sideways to shake Saif's hand.

  I could hear the echo of Queen Savassa's voice in my mind; urging me to show Verin the delights of the surface world. But how did I do that now without sounding self-serving?

  “The Beneath has many things you could bring back to your people,” I suggested. “Or perhaps you could encourage them to visit the surface and learn for themselves what the land has to offer. We have Beneather communities now, you've seen them, there's no reason for the Lóng to stay hidden underwater.”

  Verin stared at me a minute then nodded. “Perhaps.”

  “Your people are most welcome to visit our world,” Saif declared. “Please, bring your mother with you when you return to speak to the headmaster; my parents would love to meet her.”

  “Thank you, I'll extend the invitation.”

  I'd said my piece and did my part to repay Savassa. I felt justified in shutting up for the rest of the tour. So, I leaned back into the curve of Banning's arm and listened distractedly as Saif explained the workings of his city while my thoughts turned toward Slate. A nervous churning had overtaken my belly. I was so anxious to return to him and free him from the Jinx. That bastard could be doing irreparable harm to Slate's zone right that second. Not to mention the mental anguish Slate would be suffering. And there I was; touring a city and fighting my attraction for another man. I wanted to slap myself. Several times.

  “El?” Banning shook me a little by bouncing his bicep.

  “Huh?” I looked over at him.

  He looked pointedly at Saif. I transferred my questioning stare to the Jinn Prince.

  “I asked about Slate's wards,” Saif said.

  I frowned and looked at the passing scenery. “Are we turning around?”

  “Yes, we're heading back. But the Zone's wards, Queen Elaria; will they allow me through?”

  “Oh.” I blinked. “No, likely not. Slate secured the Zone so that no one could leave or get inside. My men and I are the only ones who are allowed through his ward. But that's only if he hasn't thought to change it.” I looked at Banning. “If he has, our plan is screwed.”

  “If he has, we'll find a way to draw him out,” Banning reassured me.

  “And if he hasn't, I won't be able to attend you,” Verin grumbled.

  Banning chuckled, “Upset that you'll be left out of the fight, Dragon?”

  “I was told that I was specifically needed for it,” Verin reminded us.

  Banning and I shared a look. I hadn't told my guys about what Savassa said; I didn't have the time. But Banning's look said that RS had filled them in. We had to
act as if we believed Verin was necessary, but we couldn't pass up the opportunity of an easy way into the Zone.

  “I suppose if we make it through the wards, it means your mother was mistaken,” I suggested.

  “My mother is never mistaken,” Verin said grimly.

  “Then perhaps you'll be needed for another reason,” Banning offered. “Either way, we're not giving up the chance to get at Slate sooner rather than later.”

  Verin grunted; it sounded annoyed and sympathetic all at once.

  “At least we'll have more time to talk about the college while we wait for them,” Saif said to the Blue Dragon.

  Verin grunted again but didn't take his eyes off me.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  We waited another half an hour for the bottle. By the time it was finished, Darcraxis was pacing like a caged beast. After the tour, Saif had taken us to a bright sitting room where refreshments awaited us. The spiced tea and cakes disappeared first and then the conversation followed. That's when Darc had begun his prowling.

  The pacing stopped as soon as the bottle entered the room; carried in by a stoic man with walnut skin and tired eyes. We all straightened eagerly. Saif thanked the exhausted man as he accepted the bottle then handed it to the hovering Darc. It was a slim-necked, full-bodied thing made of dark green glass and topped with a golden stopper. Tiny, intricate symbols had been etched into the surface, swirling around the bottle in precise lines.

  “Is everyone clear on the plan?” Darcraxis asked.

  We all nodded in answer.

  “King Verin and I shall await you here,” Saif said. “Good luck to you all.”

  “Thank you,” I said for us. My gaze landed on Verin's grim one and skittered away.

  My men and I took our traveling stones in hand. Eyes closed and minds focused on Slate's zone, we set out. Or tried to.

  I opened my eyes knowing what I'd find; the same room I'd begun in. I cursed and tried again. I could feel myself lighten, move away from Zuja, and then hit something that sent me spinning back. I reformed gasping the second time.

  Verin's expression was mollified and a little smug.

  “Yes, your mother was right,” I growled at him. “Don't be an ass about it.”

  Verin burst into laughter but quickly sobered when he saw our grave expressions. He cleared his throat and nodded regally. “My apologies.”

  Declan strode to the couch he'd been lounging on before our traveling attempt and dropped onto its cushions with a disgruntled sound. “How do we draw him out?”

  “What does the Jinx want?” Saif asked with a prompting look at Darc.

  “Me,” Darc whispered in revelation. “He wants vengeance on Lucifer, Elaria, and me.”

  “So, we use you as bait,” Saif said simply.

  Verin grunted. “A rather mercenary mentality.”

  “I'm trying to save my entire race.” Saif shrugged. “If I must be cold to do so, I will.”

  Verin grunted approvingly this time.

  “And I do not hold it against you,” Darcraxis added. “In fact, I wholly support your idea.”

  “How do we let the Jinx know where to find us?” I asked.

  Banning snorted. “That's easy enough.”

  We all turned to look at him.

  “We go to him. We may not be able to travel directly into the Zone, but we can travel to its gates. The guards there will summon their lord as soon as we're spotted.”

  “If there are guards there to spot us,” I murmured. “I think the gates are sealed off, doing away with the need for guards.”

  “Then we'll knock on the gates until someone answers.” Darcraxis shrugged.

  “And we'll be able to join you,” Saif said brightly.

  Verin grinned. It made my blood run cold.

  “I'll take the Prince,” Darc offered. “Elaria, can you escort King Verin?”

  I narrowed my eyes at Darc. He grinned innocently. I looked at Verin and found him watching the exchange thoughtfully.

  “You know what?” I said to Darc snidely. “Unlike the rest of you, I've never been to the front gates of Slate's zone. I'll need someone to take me as well.”

  Darc grimaced.

  “Enough already! Slate is suffering every second we argue,” Gage growled as he took my hand. “Torin, take Verin. Let's go!”

  We immediately stopped bickering and traveled to the front gates of Slate's zone... if it was even Slate's zone anymore.

  Chapter Forty

  The gates were indeed sealed and no Gargoyles manned them but it didn't take much effort to get some attention. The gates may have been closed but there were still cameras monitoring them. Those cameras zeroed in on us and a familiar voice came through its speaker.

  “Diva, what the fuck are you doing here?”

  “Jago, let us in; we need to see Slate.”

  “Slate isn't Slate anymore,” Jago huffed. “I don't know what the fuck is up with him, but he's lost his damn marbles. You need to leave before he hears that you're here. Trust me; you don't want to fuck with him right now. We've all learned that lesson the hard way.”

  “I know he isn't himself,” I asserted. “And I also happen to know who he is.”

  Jago went silent for two heartbeats then burst out with, “Well? What does that mean? Who the fuck is he if he's not Slate?!”

  “He's a Jinn after vengeance. I've got a way to get him out of Slate, Jago. All I need you to do is either get me to him or bring him to me.”

  Jago laughed. “Well, bend me over a boulder and smack my ass! Why didn't you say so to begin with? I'll go let him know he has visitors.”

  “Thanks, Jago.”

  “Be careful, Diva, whoever he is, he's got some serious mojo. Everyone who's dared to challenge him is dead.”

  The speaker went silent on that cryptic report, leaving me staring at my men with anger and worry. Slate had killed more people? Or, rather, the Jinx had. Fuck; this was going to wreck Slate.

  I brooded the entire time we waited for the Jinx to appear. When the gates finally groaned apart and Slate's body strode through them with a host of Gargoyles at his back, I nearly screamed out the Jinx's name. But I bit my lip and waited for him to get closer. I had one shot to take control of him and I didn't want to screw it up. We'd agreed that I'd be the one to call out the name since I also had Kyanite and my Spellsong to strengthen my voice. I hoped that I wouldn't need that kind of help but it wouldn't hurt.

  The Jinx grinned viciously at me as he approached. He glanced at Darc and then the others but only to dismiss them. His gaze swung back to me.

  “How nice to see you again, sweetheart,” the Jinx drawled. His voice had become utterly unlike Slate's. “And you brought your male whores with you; how thoughtful. I hope you don't mind if I slaughter them before I enslave you.” He held up one of those horrid collars and grinned.

  “Good luck with that, Idrisanigal,” I put intent into the name; pronouncing it carefully and powerfully.

  Slate's head cocked and his beautiful eyes blinked. “Who is Idrisanigal?”

  We all went still.

  “You are Idrisanigal,” Darc attempted to use the name.

  “Am I?” The being in Slate asked maliciously. Then he laughed and laughed and laughed. He showed no sign of stopping.

  “Oh, fuck,” I whispered as I looked at my men. “Your first conclusion will be wrong. Daha didn't mean Gargo's blood; that was a separate threat. My first conclusion was the Jinni. This isn't the Jinx.”

  The interloper finally stopped laughing to smile at me covetously.

  “Who are you?” I demanded.

  “And here I thought that you recognized me,” the spirit in Slate purred. “How devastating. And after all we've shared, Elaria.”

  The Gargoyles behind him shifted. They knew this wasn't the Zone Lord but would they oppose him to help us? Or would they back him up to save themselves? But that was merely a secondary worry; my main concern was identifying the spirit possessing Slate. And
there was only one other option.

  “Gargo,” I concluded.

  Slate's body bent in a courtly bow. “In the flesh. Again. And it's becoming more my flesh every day.”

  My men cursed violently.

  “I'm so glad you returned to me, Elaria, because I'm eager to show you what I've learned from this body; the things I've begun to savor.” He closed his eyes and breathed in as if in the throes of ecstasy. “Even your scent thrills me now. I had no idea that a body could have such influence over a God's soul. In your grandfather's shell, I felt nothing sexual for you but in your beloved Slate, I'm aroused by everything about you; your eyes, your hair, your skin, your—”


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