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Caught in the Dark

Page 21

by Ann Jensen

  “You get what I give you,” Tek chided. “Open your mouth.”

  The feel of his fingers against her tongue was erotic. The earthy taste of her own excitement mixed with the cherry of her lip balm. She closed her lips and sucked, pretending his fingers were his cock. Desperate to do something to get him to move faster.

  While she sucked, his other hand released her throat and slipped down her back. The rough jerk shocked her as her panties were ripped away from her body. The lack of sight made her feel off balance. When his other hand filled her in one quick thrust, she screamed her pleasure around his fingers.

  He slipped his fingers out of her mouth with a chuckle. He was stretching her with two fingers in a brutal rhythm that was building pleasure into a tidal wave.

  “Please, Tek, I need to come.” Cami panted.

  He slowed his speed. His thumb circled her ass, coating the rosette with her own honey. New nerves sparked to life, and she didn’t know how much longer she could hold off the orgasm.

  “Who do you belong to, kitten?”

  “You, Tek.” She moaned pushing back against his hand seeking something to push her over the edge. She no longer cared if she got in trouble, she needed to come.

  He bit her neck right at the shoulder and the pain pushed back her pleasure for a moment. Then it came rushing back as he twisted her nipple.

  “I want everyone in the room to hear it. Say it louder.” He fucked her with his fingers, rubbing along her G-spot with every fast thrust.

  “You!” she shouted. “I belong to you!”

  His thumb breached her ass as her body spasmed in release. He bit down again on her throat holding her still and the pain pushed the orgasm higher. She screamed her pleasure to the room.

  The blindfold was yanked off her eyes as she started to come down. The bright light made it hard to focus, and she barely caught sight of the men watching before she was flipped onto her back. Tek’s hand caught her head before it hit the hard floor.

  His eyes almost glowed as he took her mouth in a possessive kiss that stole her breath away. The cool of the floor was a beautiful bliss against her punished backside and she groaned into his mouth. They paused, panting, breath mingling in a perfect moment. Then he was thrusting into her, the rough denim of his jeans rubbing against her thighs.

  There was something dirty and delicious about the fact she was in nothing but boots and chains, and he was completely dressed with only his cock out and diving deep within her. He was claiming her in front of his Brothers, in an almost ritualistic way. She was wild and free in a way she had never experienced before. Knowing she would not only have Tek but this strange found family opened her heart in ways she’d never thought possible.

  Tek arched up out of the kiss, grabbing her hips and thrust. Lights danced behind Cami’s eyes as he just brushed against the end of her. She planted her heels onto the ground and arched to meet him in a rhythm that was undeniable.

  “You’re mine, Cami. My patch on your back. My Old Lady.”

  Orgasm burst over her as she shouted. “Yes, Tek. I’m yours!”

  He slammed into her, his motions jerky. “Dark Sons for life!”

  Cami saw flickers of light as the room echoed with the Brothers’ answer.

  “Dark Sons for Life.”


  Enter Thunderdome.

  A few weeks later Tek sat at the bar in the partially full Dark Sons’ Clubhouse waiting for Cami. They had moved into his house on the compound and often came over to join in the community dinners Pixie set out. His sister was ready to pop out his nephew any day now but still insisted on cooking dinner every weeknight.

  This morning he had signed the papers that changed his life with a smile on his face. With that last piece of paperwork, Vallier Technologies was now officially closed. Lisen and Kane would separate, rebrand, and create their own visions from here on out with him as a very silent partner. Cami and he would start fresh and create a foundation to assist with kidnapped children and their families.

  “Hey, handsome, come here often?”

  Tek looked over at his woman with a chuckle. Cami was dressed in red and blue booty shorts and a ripped t-shirt that said Daddy’s Little Monster. Her hair was done up in ponytails, but his favorite parts of the outfit were the titanium choker with a chameleon on the lock and the black leather cut with his name on the back.

  He pulled her close and took her lips in a claiming kiss that had his dick hardening. “Is this where I tell you that you are my one and only madness?”

  Cami winked. “Aww Puddin’ you say the sweetest things.”

  “You two are crazy.” Max sat at the other end of the bar with a laptop.

  Cami snuggled her head against his shoulder. “You’re just jealous.”

  Tek kissed the top of Cami’s head, loving every unique thing about her. His woman had blossomed over the last few weeks. Her lack of stuttering was a sign of how comfortable in her own skin she had become. Cami’s wardrobe was growing exponentially and looked more like something in a costume shop. Every outfit a unique signal to tell Tek what adventure she wanted to explore. He knew in his heart he would never be bored again.

  Max did an exaggerated shudder. “Not at all. I have no interest in being tied down.” He smiled and changed the subject. “Haven’t seen your sidekick around lately.”

  “Jojo has been busy helping Lisen restructure their new Data Security company.”

  “Good for her.”

  Tek had let Cami’s friend buy him out of a good portion of his stock after discussing it with Lisen. The two of them would be a force to be reckoned with once they got started. Cami stepped out of his arms and skipped over to study Max’s screen.

  “What are you working on?”

  Max leaned back with a sigh. “I’ve been tracking the women we saved last year making sure they are getting the help they need.”

  “That’s awesome! Why the long face?”

  Max hit a few keys. “This one disappeared right after the rescue, and I can’t find her anywhere. It’s like an itch I can’t scratch.”

  “Maybe she doesn’t want to be found.”

  Tek knew which one of the girls Max was talking about. A picture of the statuesque woman with auburn hair had been sent to all the Brothers in case they saw her. Max hadn’t even been able to find her original identity from the files they had stolen. Tek had run a basic facial search but found nothing.

  “Or maybe she fell back into trouble. If I knew she’d built a new life or was safe somewhere, I could let it go. But until I know I can’t give up.” Max took a deep breath and gave Tek’s woman a solemn look. “I’ve got too much to make up for. Mistakes I can’t undo.”

  Cami placed her hand on Max’s and squeezed. “You want some help?”

  He smiled. “Tek already did his computer thing, but I appreciate the offer.”

  Cami giggled. “Don’t tell my Old Man,” she whispered loudly, “But while his hacking skills may rock, I’m much better at finding people.”

  Max laughed. “Well, in that case, I’d love some help.”

  A shout from the kitchen interrupted more discussion. “What do you mean you’re having contractions!”

  Tek was off his chair and sprinting to the kitchen before he processed the words.

  “Calm down, Sharp. I’m not due for four weeks. These are probably just Braxton Hicks and will go away.” Pixie talked through clenched teeth as she leaned against the prep counter. “I can finish this up. If I’m still having them after dinner, then we can go to the hospital.”

  “The hell we’re waiting, woman.” Sharp looked over at Tek and the other Brothers now filling the doorway, his eyes wild. “We’re going with plan Pappa 2.”

  Sharp had been creating emergency birth plans for the last month and sharing them with the Brothers via email and quizzing them at random times. The plans had ranged from what to do in a blizzard, or natural disaster to the more normal. Tek smiled at how twisted up the usual cal
m man was.

  Tek watched as Hawk took off at a jog out the back door. He was headed to the chopper that Tek had parked there two weeks ago to help reduce his Brother’s stress over the distance needed to travel. Cami slipped by him to stand next to his sister. She rubbed Pixies back while his other Brothers started calling for Doc.

  “What is Pappa 2?” Pixie stood, her breath returning to normal.

  Tek smiled as Sharp ran to the pantry, probably to grab one of the hundreds of go bags he had stashed around the compound. “You, Sharp, and Doc get a helicopter ride to Denver Health.”

  Tek used his phone to send the message to the hospital so they would be ready, and the flight path cleared. Even if it was a false alarm, it was best to be prepared. It was amazing what you could get arranged with money. The costs and the headache involved in arranging things had been his gift to the parents to be.

  “I was wondering why that thing was p-parked in the m-middle of the compound.” Cami was trying but failing to hide her amusement.

  “No! Absolutely not! The lasagna will be done in ten minutes. Then we can take the car in if you insist.” Pixie stomped her foot as if that would affect her stubborn man.

  “We are doing this, Darlin’. Stop arguing.” Sharp’s voice echoed with command.

  Pixie looked ready to do battle, but Cami’s hand on her arm stopped whatever she was going to say.

  “I’ve got the lasagna. You should just give in. Helicopter rides are fun.”

  Pixie stomped her foot again, but whatever she was going to say was lost in her grunt of pain. A splashing noise startled them all, and Tek looked down to see a small puddle forming under his sister.

  Doc pushed his way into the room and Tek barely registered anything that went on after that. Pixie’s water had broken! He was about to become an uncle. His sister was a lunatic. Shouting instructions for the lasagna as Sharp carried her out the door.

  Six hours later, Tek stood with Cami at his side in Pixie’s hospital room. His sister looked tired, but her happiness was something that filled the air like the warmth of a fire. Val, Dozer, and Hawk stood at the foot of the bed—all of them admiring the tiny miracle in his sister’s arms.

  Pixie looked up at Sharp and smiled. She ran a finger down the baby’s cheek. “I would like you all to meet Sean Joseph Oliver. Named after his father and his uncle—two of the strongest men I know. All of you are the family I always dreamed of. Thank you for giving me a home.”

  The world felt like it got a little bit brighter. Tek hugged Cami to his side and marveled at how after so many years of struggling he was finally completely happy. He gave Sharp a nod and shared a look with his Brothers. This is what they all fought for. This was the life they would defend with the last breath in their bodies.

  Val cleared her throat and rubbed her very pregnant belly. “Don’t you fuss, girl. You and that baby are family. Remember. Dark Sons for life.”

  They all chuckled and smiled.

  “Dark Sons for life.”

  * * *

  The End

  Ann Jensen

  I’m a snarky Jersey Woman who dreamed of one day becoming an Author. I write Romance with bigger than life characters who have to dodge every obstacle I gleefully throw in their paths. Somehow my characters also find time for steamy fun on their way to their HEAs.

  I’m an avid reader, engineer, photographer, and a proud Bi woman. My life is a journey that I hope never stops in one place too long. I fill it with love and laughter whenever possible and when I can’t, I pull out my clue by four and use it with deadly precision.

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  * * *

  Dark Sons Motorcycle Club

  Saved by the Dark

  Lost in the Dark

  Caught in the Dark

  Undercover In the Dark

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