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Ethereal Ascendant

Page 16

by Luke DeSalvo

  “I’m furious,” Danielle Avilya stated, her green eyes mesmerizing the elite soldier.

  “It's Xerrast, isn't it?” Faelynx countered, hoping for the response to be taken in lightly.

  “He means to destroy us,” Avilya said turning her back on her subject.

  Faelynx trailed after her and followed her back to her rightful seat of command.

  “Do you think it's time?” the elf asked respectfully.

  Danielle Avilya blinked in approval, operations were closer than ever. They had the bait for the one known as Ildarachi, a summoner who made a pact with a Star Child from the very own wyverns they sent. In other matters, the portal was nearing completion only days away. Xyl’thos, the dragon's soul was bound to the device and under their control now, he was weakening now, but his sacrifice would send Avilya away to the other world. She did not know why she was so worried, deep down she knew that any army in existence could be no match for Amethyst Divine at such a time like this.

  However, she was a careful leader, keeping ears to the ground in all places, when she heard of Ildarachi's endeavor, the plan was implemented long before with careful tactics that left her wondering.

  There was always the conundrum of the face that the humans from Thyne were mad, they threatened war daily, but it was a bark with no bite. The ogres from the south had their demanding bouts, full on war was out of the question. She theorized that the remaining Golden Hearts members was all that led the assault for her head.

  But, the scion...

  “Try to leave her unharmed,” Danielle cooed at last, never keeping her gaze from Faelynx. “As for that so-called high summoner, capture him along with the helpless traitor, Xerrast.”

  “You still aim to protect the scion?” Faelynx questioned in alarm. “We know where he's going, no sympathy should be shown, or mercy from our divine decree,” He finished.

  Danielle looked complexed, gazing at the ground as if frightened.

  “My lover chose her over me?” Her eyes watered.

  Faelynx drew nearer and embraced her.

  “The Zodiac was meant to guide you to transcendence, everything is just a game to play and a temporary one,” He suggested.

  Danielle quickly dried her eyes to hide the shame, but she did seem wounded and distraught.

  “Bring your Squad, as well as every hover unit available from parties A through J. Go to the scion's temple and if she gets in the way, destroy her as well.”

  Faelynx gave a bow and kissed her hand.

  “As you desire,” He began walking. “I believe I'll keep Xerrast intact. He may be deadly, but not foolish. He will quickly decide the right fate and rejoin his glory in our ranks once more.”

  “Will you hesitate again to kill that boy?” Avilya asked with venom.

  “Never again, your highness.” Faelynx said as he made his departure.

  “It'll be the end soon regardless,” Danielle Avilya said leaving the question to float alone, She made her way back to her crystal throne and sat, trapped into the misery of her own thoughts.

  Chapter 25

  “Then I saw them. The magician, too young to be that powerful. He must have dived deep into his unconscious for that much extraordinaire. The enchantress too hid some of the light that I was more than happier to see, only hers seemed to shine brighter. Then there was the Star Being himself so magnificent to behold. My brother, a savior was with them, that were accompanied by the legendary twin flames. A magnificent destiny I’ve always wanted to see.”

  Clairvona Aya, Sleet

  Scion of Systralas

  Xerrast led the Codiac and the others through the forest of Aya, sacred land to the scion, druids, hunters and wood elf alike. The scenery was lush with moss covering evergreens, tangling shrubs met them along with the vast glowing ferns. The berries on the bush were colorful and edible where the party found themselves picking the many blackberries and blueberries straight from the vine along the way to their delight. The forest’s beauty was outstanding to them.

  There were frogs, scattered among helipads through the vast river and creek work, creating ponds filled from waterfalls. The rocks spoke an ancient language of immobility as they were edged away from eons of ware. The trees too stood tall and wide, larger than life they appeared, bringing lush homes, cottages whole city structures were induced among their tree tops, but still Xerrast led on, ignoring the careful watch of elves gazing above them.

  They knew Xerrast, Xerrast knew them.

  After all, he had his sister, Sleet were legendary figures in these parts. Their names were given to the forest. Saving Systralas in more than one occasion, from Dark Lords, giants, to the terrible beasts known as the wyvern. It all came down to plague on Xerrast's shoulders, who evaded these parts with certainty, but always watching, always close by.

  The rest of the members were outsiders, and exhausted ones at that, but still they remained enthralled by the image before them in the enchanted forest, bringing a drive to go on further. At times, elk would cross their pathway before them, in herds, giving much chance of an awestruck rest until the journey began again.

  They began climbing a mountain to find a special tree, separated from the rest. A life tree said to have roots that dug deep enough to reach the core of the planet. It was known as Kasal and it stood miles high, penetrating the tops of the forest and cloud alike.

  The center of enlightenment.

  ` “My sister resides there,” Xerrast pointed to the massive structure that housed tens of thousands of clans.

  It was multi-layered, and spiraled high to the mists where at its roots produced an elevator and ramp system that connected the whole tree city as one, all carved into the magnificent construction.

  Xerrast made quick entry to the nearest elevator after walking several miles not saying a word. He hated speaking up to the guardsman now. The bounty hunter explained beforehand the necessity to see the scion to the wood elf guards. They listened with a keen ear and without further explanation let the party enter the wooden structure that where the wood elf archers stood hundreds of feet above, nestled deep within the branches.

  The elevator was fast and swift and the party found themselves arriving at their floor within moments where a wooden shrine temple awaited the crew in the center of the tree, made from fine wooden work that seem to make the structure glisten. The structure was painted white, spiraling out amongst the leaves of green that guarded them.

  Xerrast led the others past the courtyard and inside the building, where a dozen of druids was chanting in ritual, uninterrupted, none even stirring to their arrival. The disciples continued as if working a long work shift, sweating and humming in a deep rich low tone.

  The party ignored this and with a few twists and turns they reached the center chamber, where a stunning tan elf figures was standing before them, doors closed behind her. Lolit.

  “Xerrast!” She said happily.

  “Lolit,” the ranger returned.

  “You did it! She’s been speaking of these dreams for days now. Please come on in.”

  Xerrast bowed and pressed hard on the dark wooden doors and opened them where he was greeted with the Scion’s ambience. Red couches stood out as they lined the walls of Kasal, behind them waterfalls so thick from the rain the tree was produced trickled unto temporary ponds beside them.

  In the center lay the purple rune where a lone, half-dressed female elf appeared before them, meditating in the center of the markings. She looked young, with sand blonde hair tossed to one side, bare backed in a green attire. She seemed undisturbed by their entrance, but after pausing what considered to be a chant, she stood up and seemed astonish, glancing at each member with firm traces of love.

  “You're here!?” She exclaimed.

  “As ordered,” Codiac replied gently, mesmerized by the beauty of this being. The scion was even better looking in person.

  As to take a queue, Sleet ran over and grabbed Codiac harshly into the deepest of hugs, leaving a blushing Su
zette in the corner.

  “I always see you in my dreams,” She whispered in his ears.

  Codiac staggered backwards, breath torn away.

  Sleet said nothing, just simply backed a few paces backwards to examine the companion’s faces once again. Her emerald green eyes scanned everyone from left to right, her smile widening while doing so.

  “You are they,” She said with a nod and giggled herself to the nearest couch.

  She stretched out on it and moved her index finger in a motioning manner.

  “Come,” She said out loud, the most authoritative they've heard.

  She then pressed a button on the couch and whispered.

  “Lolit, bring refreshments for our party,”

  “Yes, m'lady,” the speaker responded.

  By then, the party had made their way, Suzette and Codiac found themselves sitting on the adjacent couch, while the others preferring to stand.

  For the longest time, no one said a word, but Sleet would eye Ildarachi, Aurora, and then check on Codiac, then Suzette on the couch. Back and forth this ritual commenced only stopping at times to give Codiac and the Guardian a smile.

  Why does she just keep staring at us? Suzette dared to think out loud.

  “Because you're special. You are soulmates,” Sleet said beaming at Suzette reading her mind perfectly.

  It gave a puzzled frightened face the girl who simply gasped. Codiac too was surprised and now his attention drifted towards Suzette.

  “The forests spoke to me of your great departure from Entos,” Sleet tried to explain, “It was an exciting dream,” She added and then paused as she placed her index finger around her mouth, “And it ended in success,”

  “Barely,” Suzette inquired. “No doubt Avilya found her way back to her hiding place, I'm afraid any assassination attempt will be even more that of a trial,” She finished with a cool breath.

  “But you both must know something, isn't that right, Xerrast?” Codiac called. “Being ex-amethyst after all.”

  “Rest assured,” Xerrast began. “All hope is not lost.”

  “Something tells me this isn't a mere gimmick to kill Avilya,” Kaeltrys mentioned. “Why would the Scion want her dead anyway.”

  All eyes focused in on the Sleet, she crinkled her cute tiny nose and closed her eyes.

  “There are many choices with the world of Systralas,” the scion said at last. “But the future is bleak with that being still being in this existence, plus there’s always that thing.” She hissed.

  “What thing!?” Suzette cried.

  “A portal,” Xerrast answered, straightening up again.

  The news brought hushed remarks to everyone in the room. Portals were expensive that took lifetimes to create. They were technology of old, when the lizard folk still ruled the planet. In modern history only one guild such as Amethyst Divine could ever hope to build one.

  “To where?” Suzette asked sharply, breaking the silence.

  All eyes were on Sleet and then Xerrast who simply cleared his throat.

  “To space,” He said quietly.

  “She will eradicate Systralas in a judgement day from her being there, her darkness is an insult to the higher places. We must stop her first,” Sleet finished.

  “Avilya built that!?” Codiac cried. “I don’t believe this!” He spat. “I knew it was true, but on the cost of so many lives including my family!”

  Everyone turned to regard Codiac, who was standing now in rage. He looked as if he were to kill somebody.

  “We must pass into it with purity and grace, not by mimic or revenge,” Sleet countered.

  “Why the temptation for Avilya!?” Codiac shouted.

  “We need you,” Sleet whispered.

  Codiac paused from his tirade and looked down exhausted.

  “I'll go wherever you lead, but…” He said then paused. “May I take my leave for a moment to catch my breath?” He asked then licked his lips. “It’s been a long journey and I need some fresh air. This is all so unexpected.” He eyed the scion with boisterous concern. “A lot has happened,” he added with a calming breath.

  Sleet nodded compliance.

  “Your mission remains true, Captain Codiac,” Sleet said.

  Codiac simply nodded before trailing off and walking as if a zombie out of the temple and past the courtyard until there was nothing to see but forest below him.

  When he turned, he noticed a frustrated Suzette coming along behind him.

  “You again?” He asked weakly.

  When she entered the outside premise, she could only smile at the remark.

  “Yes, me,” She replied coolly.

  “I'm here for a deadly mission to save the planet,” Codiac muttered softly. “What about you?” Codiac asked in a jokingly manner. “You don't normally see foxes in trees,” He teased.

  They both laughed a heartfelt laugh, much needed after miles of ruggedness.

  “No, I'm here to escort you back,” Suzette said when the laughter subsided. “We need you, Codi!”

  Codiac turned and said nothing, after a moment he shrugged.

  “But I'm here to escort you around the city,” He said, completely relaxed. “When's the last time you've been on a date?”

  She said nothing, but simply smiled that girlish crooked smile.

  “I believe I'm already on one,” She said, still beaming.

  Chapter 26

  “I never felt so much joy in my life. My spirit called upon me to do something of this nature for a very long time. My soul called to me. Nothing heard, yet extreme heart rates remained.”

  Suzette Monroe

  Guardian of Thyne

  It was date night in Kasal.

  The crowd of elves before both Codiac and Suzette practically parted at the seams from first glance as both were led the night with cheerful smiles. As an entire city in an enormous tree, the two often got lost and turned around asking directions for the nearest festivities.

  There were dances, movie sphere theaters, pubs, shooting ranges, shopping and diners that could keep one occupied for a lifetime. Codiac promised a sphere movie date as soon as it was mentioned, but the pair decided to take the scenic route, enjoying their company the whole way.

  It was a brief night away from duty for the two, with the tragedy of Golden Hearts, none was too certain how turn of events was to happen, and now with the new news at hand, both were a little distraught as if they would make it back from this mission alive, but they kept to their company and treated the night as if it were one of their last.

  Ignorance is bliss.

  The two would make small talk on their past, being that they were both almost motherless and fighting wars at an early age. They each tried to hide their smiles as if one were poking fun of each other for the constant agreeance on matters, especially travel.

  “You say you've been here before!?” Suzette asked beaming up towards Codiac.

  “Yes,” he replied, scratching the back of his neck “Once, when I was little, my father took me,” He meant for the phrase to sound honest, but the sentence ended with bitter regret and silence once again took them.

  “You really do miss him, don't you?” She asked, placing her fingers in his hand as they walked.

  “I do,” Codiac said, accepting her hand gracefully.

  “Yet, I seem to have great company even now,” He added turning to her.

  Suzette grinned that girly grin she always had when she was excited and pointed at a nearby parlor.

  “Want to get smashed before we go to the movie?” She asked, her grin turning wicked.

  Codiac laughed until he was literally being pulled along towards the bar.

  “Come!” She giggled.

  They entered the pub, it was designed so elegantly with the tree that the branches seemed to make up the seats and tables themselves. A clash of modern work design of wood prefecture and nature's finest dueled in this spot to command a cozy, yet natural environment.

  A band was performing,
as usual in elvish culture, and the two made their way to the bar quietly, smiling at each other once seated.

  “First rounds on me,” She laughed, pulling hard on the young man's wrist.

  “What's the matter with you!?” Codiac jokingly asked, leaving a brief stop to Suzette's giddy attitude.

  “You act as if you're on roses,” He said with a smile.

  This brought another harsh giggle from the young Guardian who simply smiled and ordered the two harshest most bitter drinks of dwarvish nature, Snaule.

  The elf bartender was dressed old fashioned, suit and tie, seeming rigid, but even this brought a smile on the seemingly young elf's face.

  “Well, to tell the truth, I never really ever had the chance to do this,” She said, in a more serious manner.

  “You mean like getting fucked up?” Codiac smiled sheepishly.

  She burst in laughter.

  “No silly,” Suzette said, slowly composing herself. “A date, I suppose,”

  There was a serious demeanor for a moment before their order was delivered. They picked the glasses up greedily and smiled again.

  “To us!” Codiac offered.

  Suzette grinned her charming smile.

  “To Systralas!” She corrected.

  Light clank of glasses as the each took a deep gulp of the black red liquid, sour faces persisted immediately after and remained.

  “You look like shit!” Codiac teased, his own face turning.

  “Ugh, this is awful, but man oh man,” She said trying to force a smile. “It's working stat.”

  An elf appeared before them, holding a guitar and wearing lavished leather attire embroidered with leaves and crosses. He had a guitar in one hand.

  They did not notice that the music stopped, but they were each entranced by this figure.

  “Song for the lovely couple?” He asked.

  They pair turned to regard each other, Suzette blushing.

  “We'd uh, love one,” Codiac stammered.

  “I am Khur, it would be my honor,” The elf replied.

  The name struck a bell, in the rock musician world, he was on top of the elvish territories and he did have the appearance. As if his eyes danced, saying I am the maker.


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