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Be Careful What You Wish For

Page 6

by Notabot

  “I’m sorry, can I help you?” Samantha asked, putting one hand on her wide hips.

  “Yes, I apologize,” the woman said. “My name is Neera and…well…your ex-husband is the father of my babies.”

  Lori and Tori, both already walking toward the door, stopped in place and looked at one another. Tori shot me a confused gaze and I shrugged back.

  “You are, huh?” Samantha said, touching one hand to her own belly.

  “Yes I…we had been seeing each other for a while and when I found out I was pregnant, I got a new house for the two of us to live together. Then I found out he was married and…he pulled it all out from under me. Said the house was his and…I have nowhere else to go…” Neera began to sob. “I-I’m so sorry, I had no idea he was married!”

  “Shh, shh,” Samantha said, bringing Neera inside and wrapping her up in a hug. “Take it easy. How did you find me?”

  “When I found out he was married, I just started looking into him. I work in internet security…but I never did a background check on him. I’m so stupid!”

  “No, you aren’t stupid,” Samantha purred, running one hand down Neera’s back. “He can be a charmer but he’s also a liar. He hurt us too.”

  “I didn’t know where else to try and turn but I thought…if you’d kicked him out…” Neera wept.

  “Then I’d let you in? That would be poetic justice, wouldn’t it?” Samantha chuckled.

  “If I could just stay for a few days–”

  “Neera, you can stay as long as you need,” Samantha said, turning to face me and my step-sisters. “I’m guessing you all heard that.”

  “A little,” Tori snickered.

  “Well to recap, this is Neera and she’ll be staying with us. These are my daughters, Lori and Tori.”

  “Hi,” they both said in unison.

  “And this,” Samantha said with a small sigh. “is Alex. Rick’s son and my step-son.”

  “H-hi,” I said, giving a little wave. Neera looked a little confused but smiled back.

  “He decided to stay with us when Rick and I…well, anyway, he can help you to your room,” Samantha said, starting to close the door.

  “Um, which room is that?” I asked.

  “My room. The bed’s big enough for two, after all,” Samantha said with a bitter laugh. As my face turned red, a delivery boy made his way up to the door with two plastic bags full of Chinese food. “Oh good, dinner’ll be ready in just a few minutes, Neera.”

  “Thank you,” Neera called as she slowly followed behind me. I dragged her suitcase down the hall, past Lori and Tori’s room, into Samantha’s. I hadn’t been in here since my dad left. Only one half of the bed had the sheets pulled back. It was a big bed but I wondered if two pregnant women could fit in it, especially as big as they were both set to be. “So, your name is Alex?”

  Neera’s question shook me out of my fantasy of Samantha and her sharing the bed, their growing bellies touching and rubbing. “Y-yes,” I said, lifting her bag and putting it on the foot of the bed.

  She looked down at her round stomach and rested one hand on top. “I suppose I’m carrying your brothers and sisters.”

  I had my suspicions about just how pregnant Neera was, given her size and her remarks to Samantha. “H-how many?” I asked.

  “Six fetuses, only a few months along,” Neera nodded, turning back up to face me, a small smile on her lavender lips. “I suppose it’s the same for your step-mother?” I nodded slowly. “I thought so…I’m sorry, it must be strange having two women carrying your half-siblings.”

  I shrugged. “A-a little but everything has been kind of strange in the past months. But we’re getting by and trying to support one another.”

  Neera smiled widely and softened her eyelids. “Good, that’s good.” A churning growl emanated from her large bump and she began to pet her curves. “Now then, I believe Samantha said something about dinner.”

  The first day of school after news of the “pregnancy pact” came to light, things were awkward. But now, I was practically trembling as I stepped through the front door.

  Bellies everywhere.

  Big ones.

  It only got harder to process as I got closer to students in my own grade. The famous beauties of my class had only gotten more beautiful with the passing months. Skin was radiant and glowing, hair was sleek and shimmering, breasts were firm and heaving, butts were plump and ripe, and of course, their pregnant stomachs hung from their bodies, forcing them to waddle and bend to conform to their new bodies.

  None of the girls’ excitement about their pregnancy had died down over the summer. They were eager to touch one another’s bellies, share ultrasound pictures, talk about skin care regiments and stretches, and things of that nature. Some were even happy to lift their shirts and show each other their bulging wombs.

  “Hangin’ in there?” I heard a familiar voice whisper in my ear. I turned around quickly to see Natasha with a chuckling grin on her face, one hand on her own belly.

  For years of our friendship, since we both hit puberty, I had been telling myself not to find Natasha attractive. I knew she was beautiful but I didn’t want anything coming between us and I hoped we could both confide in one another when we had relationships and continue to live as platonic friends. But now, seeing Natasha with her radiant chestnut skin, fluttering black pixie cut, swollen breasts, curvy waist, and pregnant belly, I couldn’t lie to myself.

  Natasha was sexy.

  “Not sure,” I choked out in response. Natasha let out an aww and rested against the lockers, crossing her arms against her chest. Each breast was larger than my hand and it looked like they were being restrained by her bra and shirt. Her belly was a little bit bigger than a watermelon and showed no signs of dropping any time soon. “How was D.C.?”

  “Good. Studying math all summer was kind of fun if you can believe it,” she chuckled. “And everyone up there is just as pregnant as they are here.”

  “R-really?” I said.

  “Well, sorta. I met some old women who worked for the government or for tech companies and they were baby-free,” Natasha shrugged. “They didn’t seem thrilled that all the girls in the program were pregnant but we’re also geniuses so they couldn’t get too mad at us.”

  “My summer was uneventful too,” I said, averting my eyes. “Well, except for…”

  Natasha’s cheeky smile vanished like ice on a stove. “Oh, dude, I heard. I’m really sorry about the stuff with your dad. That’s…that’s fucked up.”

  “Yeah, well, things with Samantha and my sisters has been cool,” I said. Natasha put one hand on my shoulder and I turned back to her. “How did you hear? I thought they put you on a communications black-out in that math program.”

  “Yeah but I could still get past their child-locks and peek at Facebook and stuff. Not enough to risk getting caught but I wanted to stay in the loop some,” Natasha said. “Have you seen him since he left?”

  I shook my head. “Some legal documents came in the mail. I had to sign them to keep staying in the house with my step-family but otherwise it’s been silent.” I paused. “A-actually, there has been one change at home.”

  “Aside from your step-mom and sisters slowly growing human beings inside them,” Natasha said, her smile starting to return.

  “Yes, aside from that,” I sighed. “Another woman has started living with us. She was my dad’s…mistress. And she’s pregnant too.”

  Natasha’s jaw dropped. “So you’ve got four pregnant women living in your house? And one of them you aren’t even related to?” I nodded slowly. “So are you, like, about to explode?”

  My blush finally returned and in full force. “N-Natty…jesus…”

  “No, no, I get it, you still want to be on the down-low,” Natasha said, starting to whisper. “But I worry about you. Nothing good comes from being sex wild. But don’t worry. You have your run of the litter when it comes to pregnant women in school and I can’t have us ladies giving birt
h before you get laid.”

  I gulped, my eyes settling on her big belly, shaking slightly with each word. If Natasha wanted, the two of us could settle things in the bathroom easily but I knew that was a non-starter.

  “Thanks,” I said with a laugh. “But I don’t want you to be my wingwoman. That could get…weird.”

  Natasha smacked one hand against her stomach. “Things are already weird, dude.”

  With a shudder, I crossed my arms and tried not to stare as she rubbed her belly. “So…do you know how many you’re carrying?”

  Natasha held up one open hand. “Quints. Not what I expected when I first decided to get pregnant. How about your family?”

  “Samantha and Neera have…six,” I murmured.


  “The…other woman in the house,” I said.

  “Ah,” Natasha nodded, giggling a little, moving her hand up and down the full size of her pregnant stomach. “I guess this’ll make me one of the bigger girls in school.”

  “Do you know how many everyone else is carrying?” I asked, speaking way too quickly.

  “Trying to size up the class, eh?” Natasha grinned. “Well I don’t know everyone but some girls have started posting on Facebook and I’ve picked up some others through gossip. Anyone you’ve got your eyes on?”

  “A-anyone bigger than five?” I whispered.

  “Ouch,” Natasha said. “I guess we quintuplet gals are just chopped liver, huh?” I tried to open my mouth to protest but Natasha punched me on the arm. “Relax dude. You aren’t much fun since all this started. I hope you get laid soon.” She sighed and turned back to survey the students waddling around. “But no, as far as I know, six is the ceiling and not many girls are in that category. But I know one who is.”

  “Yeah, who?” I asked. “Just out of curiosity.”

  “Just out of curiosity, of course,” Natasha grinned as the bell rang. “It’s Ms. Briggs.”

  My face flushed and Natasha cackled back. My first period teacher was calculus – proper calculus, none of this “pre” nonsense – with Ms. Briggs herself. And something told me Natty knew that. Trembling, I tightened my grip on my backpack’s shoulder straps and headed into class.

  As I situated myself and watched the other students with blooming bellies waddle by and sit down, my eyes were caught when my teacher walked in the door, wearing a long red dress that clung to her body like a second skin, making it clear just how big her belly was and how many cup sizes she had jumped up over the summer.

  I had watched Lori and Tori and Samantha and just about every other pregnant woman in town step slightly off-balance, trying to support and distribute their considerable maternal weight, but Ms. Briggs was by far the clumsiest. Her bubble butt swayed back and forth like a swing and she paused and cooed before taking each new step, unsure if her foot would touch the floor. Then again, with her own swollen belly, she likely couldn’t see her feet so I understood her caution.

  “H-hello class,” Ms. Briggs said with a forced smile, steadying herself on her desk. “Welcome to calculus. I know that sounds intimidating but it is just like any other math. Multiplication tables probably seemed scary once but then you learned it a-and it’s the same thing with calculus.”

  She turned around to the board but her belly knocked over a stack of papers. The other students started to giggle and Ms. Briggs grunted while she tried to bend over and pick them up. Once she doubled over, she clutched her belly, clearly pulling down farther as gravity took over. She straightened back up, took a deep breath, and squatted, spreading her legs as far as she could and accentuating her belly in the process. The bottom of her long red dress folded back and I could see her thick, bare thighs. Down in that position, she picked up the papers, and got back up. I had never seen anything like it and I knew I could watch Ms. Briggs struggle with her belly all day long.

  “A-anyway, this was going to be your homework tonight,” Ms. Briggs said with a small smile. “Just to refresh you on the pre-calculus you learned last year. And if you find anything is, um, tricky, just remember that my door is always open.”

  I shifted in my seat, worried about how I would be able to do in class with such a distracting beauty. Math was already a weak subject for me and the idea of going to Ms. Briggs’ office for private tutoring felt even more dangerous. All class long, I watched her fertile body sway back and forth, her big red lips form phrases such as “order of approximation,” and watched as her hand couldn’t go long before returning to her wide belly to stroke and caress her six unborn children.

  After class, I walked past her desk with everyone else. She looked up and smiled as I passed by, brushing some of her feathered blonde hair out of her face. “H-hi,” I said. “How was your summer?”

  “Oh, g-good,” Ms. Briggs said, giving a little smile and nodding. “Went to some doctor’s appointments, talked over one of my proofs at some universities. It was nice and calm.” She patted her belly again. “Probably the last bit of calm I’ll have for a while, raising all of these.”

  “I-I’m sure you’ll be a good mom,” I blurted out.

  She smiled and looked down at herself. “That’s nice of you to say.”

  As I left the classroom, I could hear the other students gossiping. “You see? Still no ring on her finger,” one pregnant girl said to her friend.

  “We always knew she had a wild side to her,” he said back to her. “I guess if none of you are getting expelled, the school won’t fire her.”

  “Yeah, she’s lucky she doesn’t work at a religious school,” the girl replied. “I heard some of the nuns at St. Andrew’s Academy got knocked up and they fired them immediately.”

  “The nuns?” another friend asked.

  “Guess Ms. Briggs isn’t the only one with a wild side,” she snickered.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I felt like I was going to burst out of my pants. Darting through the crowd of students and bellies, I headed for the bathroom. This would be the first time I ever masturbated at the school’s bathroom and I wasn’t proud of it.

  Looking back, maybe I was fortunate that all of the stalls were occupied. But at the time, I groaned and bolted out, heading for another building across school grounds. Then, as I headed around the building, I saw her. Leaning against the wall, texting, was a student I hadn’t seen before. She had pale skin, heavily dyed short red hair, jeans, and a black tank top that didn’t cover all of her pregnant belly. Compared to people like Tori or Natasha, she was small but she looked close to full term for any other pregnant woman.

  “Hi,” I said, approaching her, my whole body shaking.

  “Hi,” she said in a monotone not looking up.

  “Hey, this might sound crazy,” I said, my hands hidden in my pockets. “But would you want to go and fuck in the bathroom?”

  She brought her head up and held on me. “Yeah.”

  I nearly came right there. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah, you’re right. You sound crazy,” she said, putting her phone away as she waddled away.

  “O-oh,” I said, my face burning up. “W-well I hope we can be friends someday instead.”

  “Sure thing, guy,” she sighed, giving me a limp thumbs-up. I sighed, feeling the rejection deflate my erection some. Having sex with a pregnant woman would be a little harder than I thought.

  Somehow, I was able to maintain my sanity for another three months. But like the pregnant women I was surrounded by, once their various gestations got to the third trimester, something inside me popped.


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