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Hunter's Claim

Page 13

by S. E. Smith

  “I will watch over them, my lord,” Bronze said. “My Amate and I will protect them.”

  “Thank you, Bronze,” Hunter murmured as he watched his family fade from view. “Thank Charma for me as well.”

  “I will, my lord,” Bronze replied as he steered the transport toward Julumont.


  “What do we do now?” Taylor asked as she watched the transport disappear.

  “We do what we’ve always done. We push forward,” Jesse said quietly. “We continue learning about our new world so we can make a better life. We all have a lot to catch up on. We’ll take this time to focus on it.”

  “Did he say anything about Dagger and Saber?” Jordan asked, staring up into the empty sky.

  “Just that he was joining up with them,” Jesse said. “Come on. Charma said her grandkids were coming over this afternoon. That was why she needed the ingredients from the market, plus you need to make the dough for the pizza so it can rise. I’m sure the other kids will enjoy trying out an Earth dish.”

  She straightened her shoulders and turned back toward the house. She would focus on learning how to make their home better for when Hunter returned. She would also think about what she wanted to do with her own life.

  Charma had asked her what she was interested in a few days ago. She had spent so many years caring for her sisters and dad then just trying to survive she never really thought about what she wanted to do. She had planned to focus on art restoration. She loved art but she didn’t have the same talent that Jordan did. Her love came in the history behind it and the preservation. She didn’t know if there was much need for that on Rathon. Still, she could see what was available and learn a new skill.

  Anything to keep me busy so the pain doesn’t overwhelm me, she thought. I miss him already.

  Chapter 21

  One month dragged into two which soon turned into three. Hunter’s parents had come to stay with them a few days after he left. Jesse had to admit that she was glad.

  She had fallen in love with the couple and appreciated their acceptance of her and her sisters. She knew they had been surprised when they first met her, Jordan and Taylor but that didn’t stop his mom, Shana, from wrapping her arms around them.

  Since then, both his mother and father had taken them under their wing. It had been so long since her sisters had the positive influence of an older, and definitely more experienced, couple that Jesse wasn’t surprised that Taylor, especially, was lapping up the extra attention. Shana doted on Jordan, seeming to understand that she was more reserved, while Scout, Hunter’s father, had fallen in love with Taylor who asked him a million and one questions and followed him everywhere.

  Jesse leaned back tiredly from the small area in the garden that she had been helping Bronze clear. It was a very warm day and she was covered in sweat and dirt. She hadn’t slept well since Hunter left and it was catching up with her as she always seemed to be exhausted.

  “Why don’t you take a break, Jesse?” Bronze said. “I can finish this up.”

  Jesse shook her head. “No, we’re almost done. I can take a break then.”

  “Have you always been this stubborn?” Bronze teased as he raked up the weeds they had pulled. “It is too hot to work much longer. We can finish this afternoon when the sun has gone down a bit.”

  “No, because I know that when I come back this afternoon you’d already have it done,” Jesse chuckled, smearing dirt across her forehead when she wiped at the sweat threatening to get into her eyes. “Just a little more then we’ll call it quits.”

  “Good,” Shana said, coming up behind her. “I’ll have Charma bring lunch out in half an hour onto the patio. It is much cooler in the shade.”

  “Thanks, Shana,” Jesse smiled. “Are the girls back yet?”

  “No, they asked if they could stay over at Charma’s daughter’s house for a bit longer. Scout will pick them up later,” Shana replied.

  Jesse stood up stiffly, swaying for a moment before she locked her knees. She was getting out of shape if a little yard work caused her to feel shaky and dizzy. She smiled at Bronze again when he took a step toward her.

  “Are you feeling well, Jesse?” He asked in concern.

  “I think I’m out of shape from sitting around and eating too much of Charma’s excellent cooking,” Jesse said. “Perhaps I will go get cleaned up and rest for a bit.”

  Shana reached out to help Jesse but Jesse shook her head. She didn’t want Hunter’s mom to get filthy. She nodded to both of them before she walked back into the side room of the house where she could slip out of her dirty clothes. She pressed a hand to her head as another wave of dizziness swept through her. She definitely needed to get some rest.


  Jesse woke with a start later that afternoon. Her eyes turned to look out the window. She was surprised to see it was growing dark. She stretched before pressing a hand over her mouth. Rolling from the bed, she rushed to the bathroom. Holding onto the wall, she emptied what little contents she had in her stomach. She sank to the floor and pressed her trembling hands to her forehead.

  “I was surprised you had not been sick before this,” a soft, concerned voice said from the doorway.

  Jesse looked up to see Shana step into the bathroom. She picked up a washcloth and ran cold water over it before coming to kneel next to Jesse. Jesse closed her eyes in relief as the cold seemed to help the queasiness in her stomach.

  “What do you mean?” Jesse asked huskily.

  “I was sick from the very first day when I was expecting Hunter,” Shana said with a smile. “I swore I was going to gut Scout if he ever got me pregnant again.”

  “Pregnant?” Jesse whispered, her eyes popping open in shock. “I...”

  She was about to deny she could be pregnant but she hadn’t had a period since right before she and Hunter had made love the first time. That would make her at least four months pregnant. She placed her cold fingers in Shana’s hand as Hunter’s mom stood up, grateful for the help.

  “Why don’t you get cleaned up and come out? Dinner is ready. I was getting worried about you. When I came to check on you earlier you were sound asleep which was the best thing at the time. Now, you need something in your stomach,” Shana encouraged her. “I am so glad Hunter found you and your sisters, Jesse.”

  “Thank you, Shana,” Jesse said with a shaky smile. “I’m glad we are here as well.”

  Jesse closed the door to the bathroom and leaned against it. She and Hunter were going to be parents. Her hand moved to cover her stomach.

  “Oh Hunter, I wish you were here,” Jesse whispered. “I really need you to come home now.”


  Several days later, Jesse grinned when Jordan came up behind her and rested her hands on her stomach. Since the night she had woken up sick, she had been more careful about listening to her body. Shana and Scout had given her a private moment with her sisters to tell them. Taylor had squealed in delight and danced around her while Jordan had given her a huge hug. Both of her sisters had been doting on her, much to Jesse’s amusement.

  “I wish dad were still alive. He would be thrilled, Jesse,” Jordan said quietly. “He was very proud of you.”

  “He was proud of all of us,” Jesse said, placing her hands over Jordan’s. “I miss him too, Jordan.”

  “Have you heard from Hunter?” Jordan asked, taking a step back and turning to pull a cup out of the cabinet.

  “Not in over a week,” Jesse replied. She leaned back against the counter. “He, Saber and Dagger were heading back out. He wasn’t sure how long they would be gone.”


  Jesse looked at her sister. It was hard to believe that Jordan was eighteen and Taylor was sixteen now. They had changed so much.

  So have I, she thought as she slid her hand over her stomach. Our lives have changed and yet, we are still the same.

  Both of them turned when Shana came into the kitchen. She was very pale. Scout was behind her. His
face was drawn into a tight mask of forced calm. A third man that Jesse had never seen was standing behind them. Her hand started to shake when she saw that he was wearing a uniform similar to what Hunter wore.

  She was already shaking her head in denial. Her breathing began to become erratic as she remembered what it meant back on Earth when her dad had to go to someone’s house.

  “No,” she whispered. “No, I would know. I would know. He’s not… he’s not…”

  “Jesse,” Shana said, shaking her head. “They don’t know. He is missing. Along with Saber and Dagger. They lost contact with their transport in heavy fighting. They’ve sent in teams to bring them out.”

  The huge male standing behind them cleared his throat. He glanced at Scout who nodded before he spoke. From the grim expression on his face, things did not look good.

  “If you would all have a seat, I will update you on information I received on the way over,” the man said.

  Jesse moved to sit at the table as Jordan and Taylor gathered closer to her. They each held her hand tightly as the man began giving them a brief summary of what had happened to date.

  “Unexpected fighting broke out in an area previously thought to be secure. Ten warriors were trapped behind enemy lines. Hunter’s crew went in after them. Hunter, Saber and Dagger were to protect the rescue crews. Both transports, the one piloted by Hunter and Saber and the other piloted by Dagger and Edge, were shot down,” the man said calmly. “We believe Hunter and Saber were able to make an emergency landing. Transmissions were received from their transport after the fighting.”

  “What of Dagger?” Jordan asked quietly. “You said they were both shot down. What about Dagger’s transport?”

  The man shook his head. “Both men were killed. Their transport exploded shortly after it crashed. The remains of two men were found in the burned debris.”

  Jordan’s hand tightened on Jesse’s until Jesse looked in concern at Jordan’s deathly pale face. Her expression was closed but Jesse could feel the violent trembling in her sister’s body. She squeezed Jordan’s hand in encouragement.

  “You said you received a message from Hunter’s transport?” Jesse asked. “What are you doing about it?”

  “It was the emergency signal transmitting their location. Their personal ES are moving which indicates that Hunter and Saber are on the ground heading toward the line where we have control. Our troops are pushing forward. I have been informed to keep you posted per the council,” the man assured her. “We do not leave our men behind.”

  Jesse nodded. “I promised him I would not leave him behind either,” she said quietly. “Thank you for letting us know what has happened.”

  Jesse rose automatically when the others did. Her heart was heavy as Scout escorted the man to the door. She turned when Jordan murmured to her and hurried from the room. Jesse started to follow but stumbled.

  “Jesse,” Shana said in concern.

  “He’s alive,” Jesse whispered. “He promised me he would always come back. He has to keep his promise.”

  Jesse’s eyes pleaded with Shana to agree with her as Hunter’s mom slid a supporting arm around her. She couldn’t accept losing him. He had to come back. They were going to be parents. He needed to know that.

  “He will come back to you, Jesse,” Shana promised. “He has a family now and a new one on the way. That is the greatest gift a Trivator warrior can ask for and he would never give that up without a fight.”

  Chapter 22

  “Get your ass up,” Hunter growled at Saber. “You can take a damn nap when we get across the line.”

  “Fuck you,” Saber slurred. “We are both going to die if you don’t leave me.”

  “Then we both fucking die,” Hunter retorted. “Now, help me get your ass up. We have to move.”

  Hunter heard the loud hiss that Saber emitted as he wrapped his arm around his waist and lifted him. They had been on the move for over a week now, one step ahead of the opposing military. He cursed when he smelled fresh blood coming from Saber. His friend had lost a lot of blood and couldn’t afford to lose any more.

  The Alliance military had taken control of this planet two years before after the initial Trivator contact had secured it. Unfortunately, the Alliance governing board that monitored planets after the Trivator troops left had been slow to call in re-enforcements when an insurgent group rose up. The civil war between two different factions had caught the Alliance off guard.

  His people had been called in to save the asses of the Alliance ambassadors and the merchants who had followed them. Hunter cursed as Saber sagged again, barely conscious. Neither one of them were in that great of a shape. He knew he had at least three broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder that he had snapped back into place before wrapping it tightly to keep it from popping out again and was covered in cuts and bruises.

  It was Saber he was worried about. He had set Saber’s broken leg but it had been an ugly break. In addition, he knew Saber had head injuries along with broken ribs, a broken arm and several deep lacerations that he had to cauterize. He suspected one of the wounds had re-opened.

  “Come on, Saber, we’re close. I can feel the other members of our team,” Hunter grunted. “It is growing more powerful. They will be able to sense us soon if they haven’t already.”

  “Tired,” Saber muttered. “Hurt. Sleep.”

  “Soon, not now. Now, I need you to stay awake,” Hunter demanded. “I swear I can’t believe you are giving up. Hell, even Taylor would kick your ass,” he said desperately. “She liked to kick it when you were in good shape.”

  A choked sound was the closest sound to a chuckle that Saber could make. Hunter knew he had found the one thing that might keep his friend motivated. He hadn’t been wrong about Saber’s interest in Jesse’s younger sister.

  “She needs her ass spanked,” Saber mumbled. “Takes too many risks.”

  “It is going to be hard when she is of age to decide which warrior can handle her,” Hunter said, pausing at a section of buildings and scanning the area to see if it was safe. He scented the air. There, to the left. He could just catch the scent of another Trivator warrior. “She is going to be a handful.”

  “Already is,” Saber muttered.

  “So, which warrior do you think would be good for her?” Hunter asked, gripping Saber tighter and half dragging, half carrying his friend.

  “Needs someone strong,” Saber grunted.

  Hunter heard Saber hiss when he stumbled and Saber instinctively used his bad leg to keep from falling. Hunter felt Saber pitch forward as he lost consciousness. Gritting his teeth against the pain, he pulled Saber’s limp body over his good shoulder. He would not leave his friend behind.

  Hunter leaned against the wall to keep from falling. His legs were threatening to give out under him and his shoulder and ribs were killing him. It was the pain that kept him going. That and the fear that he was losing Saber. He could hear Saber struggling to breathe.

  He refused to think about Dagger. He had seen the other transport as it hit the ground. A few minutes later, a huge explosion had ripped through the air. That was probably the only thing that had saved his and Saber’s life. The black smoke from the explosion combined with other return fire had caused enough confusion that he had been able to get out and drag Saber with him.

  He thumbed the tracking device on his vest. Hopefully, it was still working. He was about to step out and head for the next alley when the wind shifted and he caught the unfamiliar scent of others. A moment later, the air lit up with laser exchanges.

  He had walked right into the middle of a clash between the two opposing sides. Stepping back into the shadows, he carefully lowered Saber to the ground. He knelt over his friend and looked up at the sprinkling of stars that appeared in the cool night.

  He turned and sat down, the last of his strength drained. He wondered if this was what Jesse had felt that night when she had saved his life. He clenched his fists. He had promised her that he would come back
to her. He would keep that promise. Never before had he ever had something so important worth fighting for, worth living for, as he did now.

  Resting his head, he knew if they were going to survive he was going to have to make a decision. He needed to find his people. He needed to get Saber medical attention immediately. He looked down at Saber who was breathing in low, shallow pants. One side of his face was smooth while the other had been cut open by flying debris.

  “Don’t you fucking die on me now,” Hunter whispered before pushing off the ground. “I need you, my friend. I don’t have a clue how to handle three females on my own so don’t you fucking die on me.”

  Hunter knew that Saber couldn’t hear him but it didn’t matter. He looked up at the stars again. He would go up and over the buildings. It was the only way to avoid the conflict raging on the streets. Not letting doubt cloud his decision, he gripped the deep grooves in the stone and began climbing. Once on the roof, he rolled his bad shoulder to ease the ache and took off running toward the west. It was time to get out of this hellhole.


  Hunter crossed over three blocks before he was forced back to the ground. He could scent other Trivator warriors in the air and knew they would be able to scent him as well. He rolled over the side of the building he was on and climbed down the wall.

  He was almost to the bottom when his bad shoulder gave out and he fell the last few feet. He landed hard and fell to his knees as blackness threatened to engulf him as he jarred his broken ribs. He rose just as a small group of men came around the corner.

  Low cursing filled the air from the men as they rushed him. Hunter caught the first man under the chin with his good arm. He could feel the bones crunching as he struck him. He was no match for the other eight men who swarmed him.

  The blows to his broken ribs was excruciating. He fought as best he could but one of his broken ribs had punctured his lung. Breathing was growing more and more difficult as he tried to protect his injured ribcage. He fell to the side when another male slammed a long pole across his back.


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