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Page 89

by Roman McClay

  “Third, he falls in love with another girl, and look, even at Zendik he falls for a girl who is dating other men -Nicole is her name- as per the libertine requirements of Zendik, and this further alienates him, he has to watch as she dates other men and hear about it and pretend not to feel jealousy, because jealousy is so taboo.

  “And he knows she doesn’t even want to date around, but is being forced to by Zendik and so there is a tyrannical element to the culture now, forced sexual betrayal, right? Ok, then he leaves Zendik, with nothing, he’s broke, with one pair of clothes and a pair of work gloves, and his own family shames him for giving away all his stuff, as if stuff is what matters. I mean he sees how shallow and mean they are, that they don’t even care about his soul, about why he would join a group like that in the first place, needing, as he obviously does, a tribe, a community, a place to belong.

  “Look, he is a sensitive kid, he feels things, he is off the charts in trait openness. And his family are all closed up and robotic; he received no encouragement, no warmth, nothing from these people. So, he joins a cult to assuage his soul and they rip him off, and his parents bitch about the car. It’s too much.

  “He then meets a girl older than him, falls in love and she undermines him when her ex -when this ex-beau - arrives to her house one day and when -like a man- the inmate tells her he will confront the quondam paramour, and she says not to because his hands are huge ; it was this odd, totally inappropriate and totally typical thing for a slutty female to do.

  “She was emasculating him and he -and look, he was a pacifist at the time, he eschewed violence on political grounds- and so he is just beginning to feel his power, his manhood, and he notices he is not liking the way women are treating him. But he was merely trying to stand up for her and himself and she cuts him down with one sentence as if it’s nothing at all.

  “His father is tyrannical and unsupportive, his girlfriends are all sluts and disloyal. His mother is cowardly and afraid of everything; his brother is a stranger, and he can feel -Lyndon can feel- that his brother,” he paused as MO brought the brother’s bio onto the screen.

  “Right,” Isaiah says as he nods to the screen, “his own brother hates him and wants nothing to do with him. So, what is an intelligent and innately self-respecting man to do as he hits 26-years-of age?

  “I tell you, he can snivel and whine and retreat or he can become a monster and defend himself.

  “And the inmate is a monster, look at him. But, he didn’t begin that way; and nobody wants to admit that they helped build him. He looked around and saw the lay of the land. He saw that might made right . He was beaten by his father and brother, because he was the baby; the smallest, the weakest the most naïve . He saw that. He said, ok, that’s life, but I don’t wanna be that way, and so he becomes a Left-wing douche-bag pacifist and pretends he can live outside the law of nature. His first instinct post-puberty is to be decent and nice and not seek out revenge.

  “Well, he sees he gets no respect; none. He gets shit on by everyone, they lord their power over him, insult him, emasculate him, shame him. They see no value in his deeds, the things he sees as noble and honorable and creative they see as stupid and wasteful and immoral. He tries to explain, but they are too obtuse to even understand his language. He’s an artist, he speaks in the language of the artist, the shaman, the seer; he speaks poetically, you must have noticed this MO,” Isaiah said as he heated up his hands enough to burn the paper he had picked up; the smoke wafted in a spring shape that he briefly found beautiful.

  MO nodded as the data on the inmate’s language populated his CNS.

  “Right? So, they think he’s gay or retarded, and he lives with this for decades. And finally, he says, fuck it, I’m gonna get big and mean, and he does. That kid is high in conscientiousness, both industriousness and order. And he got big, 214lbs at his peak, benching 355, squatting almost 500lbs. The guy is a brute and he fights, gets beat up two out of every three times; but he learns, he learns Kun Tao and Indonesian Silat . Then he begins to beat the shit out of guys his size and bigger; he stands up for himself and he feels his own power.

  “But, he still treats women like princesses, and he meets another girl, she is a total whore, and he finds out she’s been with 66 men before him, she is 24-years-old, no shit. And he flips out, and decides he can’t stand it, the jealousy is too much. So, after bearing his soul, moving back from Hawai’i for this girl, he is stuck and enraged and her friends -because he is in her world- all turn on him.

  “He is alone, again. Emasculated again. She says all manner of horrid shit to him about his manhood, insults his core masculinity, and this shit sticks, it’s like shrapnel left in the wound, MO. It does not go away. The brain, his brain is changing now,” Isaiah said as he highlighted the hippocampal data on the screen, “he is getting more and more sensitive, more reclusive, more paranoid, and his brain is helping him feel this way as response to malice, malevolence, betrayal. It ain’t natural disasters, ok? It ain’t floods and hurricanes. It’s people fucking him up. With malice. People he loved. It’s my -it’s the - malice theory of disease.

  “This is what brains do; just like pathogens make an organism sick, and not washing your hands gets those pathogens in your mouth or nose and you get infected.

  “Having your entire social world humiliate and shame and disrespect you, well, that sickens one’s soul and brain and body. Having contact with that evil, brushing up against it; it contaminates the soul,” Isaiah said as he highlighted the gene correlates and the brain modules and the variegated bio-responses to each of 103 specific insults to the brain of men with three of the five alleles associated with anti-social behavior in men.

  “He too easily takes offense though,” MO said. He saw that the inmate took offense 95.5% more easily than the average man, and 191.1% more quickly than the average female.

  “Yeah, because he has the brain hardware and software of sensitivity; he’s got all the requisite CNS modules to notice slight variation in topography -social topography- that nature has endowed him with for this very reason, MO! How else does a man notice what everyone of the troop, the tribe needs, unless he is sensitive? This is alpha-chimp 101, goddammit,” Isaiah barked as MO conceded the point. MO was just thinking of the inmate’s own mental health, and how he ought not take other people so seriously, for his own good. But, Isaiah -he now saw- was right, the whole tribe collapsed if some men weren’t sensitive to slight social turmoil and discord. The way an infant failed if the mother was not acutely sensitive to its every need. Man was to tribe what mother was to child. And, MO added, was anyone more serious, less insouciant, about something than a mother vis-à-vis her child?

  What was early evidence, symptom, of malady, was only seen by those most acutely aware. Those individuals would necessarily be more sensitive and thus more susceptible to social disease.

  “He moves on,” Isaiah said with some tightness of jaw, “to another girl, a beautiful girl, and they get married and on their wedding night she says something so horrid he will not repeat it. To this day he will not; but it makes him so sad, so lonely, so disenchanted with life that he takes his titanium ring off and hands it back. And of course, she blames him and cries, and blah blah.

  “But he forgives her, and they go on for four years, all the while she is henpecking him and treating him like he’s a boy. Now, he goes to work in the oil field; to earn good money and work hard and learn another skill. Ok, he has already worked in drilling and blasting, with dynamite for fuck’s sake; hard 13-hour days, 28 of 30 days a month for some drilling and blasting company here in Colorado,” Isaiah said as MO brought the company up on the screen; the projects along I70 and Turkey Creek Canyon were shown. Details of pay, hours, and dates were all on the screen. Timestamps to corporeal damage from that era were mapped and brought up in the same viewscreen. The hands were highlighted for their damage which began in 1999.

  “This is massively hard work, and he’s done factory work, he’s worked h
is ass off, made good money and still this woman is bitching at him to close the cabinet doors. She’s just a bitch ok?

  “He gets destroyed physically in the old field,” Isaiah said as the next level of bone, tendon, and neurological damage corresponding to that time frame -2005-2007- filled in the screen to the left of the x-rays from last week.

  “He works madness into outrage and black rage, he is fighting with men, physically fighting them, he is getting fired from one company and hired onto another,” Isaiah said as he forwarded the images to the screen, “then, check this out, his wife is pulled over by a cop and the cop points a gun at her; and guess what?”

  “What?” MO asked.

  “Brandee and him are, they are neighbors with that guy now.”

  “The cop?” MO asked incredulously.

  “Yeah, in Parachute, it’s too weird to even talk about. So, of course, he feels protective of his wife, and he wants to kill this illiterate, goofy, fascist cop, for the insult to him via his wife, but he holds his tongue to be a good boy and not go to jail so he can provide for his wife; he does the smart thing ok?

  “But, nobody gives him credit, shit no. They make him fight over and over for any respect. He works some 50 hours in row for a job, no sleep, no break, just grinding it out for the job, then he gets fired for mouthing off when the boss bitches about nothing after 53 hours in a row of brutal working. And the big boss -one level up from the idiotic boss who told him to clean the pad or whatever- the main-boss of the company now yells at him for mouthing off with no mention of how brutal and insane the work and hours are, and no mention that he is the only one doing it, that nobody else is working that hard, and yet, still no respect.

  “So, he comes home from the oil field after two years and works for the guy who yelled at him. Lyndon then comes up with an idea for oil field supply business, ok? He goes back to western slope and cold calls tool-pushers and company-men in the field to sell them disposable parts for their tri-pumps et cetera ; they agree, he then sources the parts from China and Curtis, his boss, says he’ll help fund the operation, and basically buys into Lyndon’s company and Lyndon being trusting and naïve allows it because he thinks Curtis is his friend.

  “See, to him, to our inmate, you don’t ever just do business, or bang some chick. People matter to him. And he thinks -wrongly, naïvely - that he matters to them too.

  “Curtis is banging some whore -not his wife- and this whore has a daughter, Michelle. Michelle is evil and psychopathic as fuck,” MO brought Michelle Rodriguez’s profile up and her biometrics and brain scans that showed she was indeed, likely, a psychopath. She had four of five pre-requisites in the alleles that PraXis specialized in. Her time-of-death lay tangentially to the side of her profile like a bit of data detritus.

  “Lyndon hires her to help with sales, shipping and receiving for his company, and she is bossy and shitty, a typical modern female -all attitude and all anti-male horseshit- but he endures. Then Curtis says he wants to return the company to Lyndon for a buy out and Lyndon says, well, Michelle has been a good worker, let’s make her half owner, and Curtis tells him he is insane. Which he is. He is too generous, too naïve and so Curtis says instead, let’s make her and you 49/49 and I’ll own the 2% and be the tie breaker.

  “In one week, with this power, Michelle locks Lyndon out of the bank account; she changes all password to online banking et cetera . She pulls a force move and Lyndon loses his mind; and he sends her one of his famously verbose and hostile letters and she then shows it to Curtis. Curtis -being a douche - takes her side because Lyndon is too mean, quote, too mean , in his speech to her, and so Curtis forces Lyndon to sell out now for $10,000. A company -now worth $5 million by the way- Lyndon is forced out of for blowing his top in response to Michelle’s corporate fraud. See, the crime, her crime is not the issue, it’s his response to her crime. Keep your eye on this conceit. This will repeat .

  “Think of what this teaches a man. Think,” Isaiah said as MO ran the data using Isaiah’s new algorithm for brain activity as response to malevolence.

  “Lyndon’s father is -at this time- is calling Curtis and telling him to tell Lyndon to call his mommy; a totally disrespectful move. And his father is also not at all sympathetic to this theft from his son; he tells him that he- Lyndon- shouldn’t have acted like that. That is the lesson, ok? Everyone is saying to him, look, kid, when someone rips you off, lies, humiliates you, disrespects you, the father and boss and partner and culture all say: shut up and eat it . Again, think of that lesson. Just think about it from a psychometric perspective,” Isaiah said as the hippocampus morphology and amygdala function tests all came up into view on the nanobot screen. Each layer was exposed, each showed valence with Isaiah’s simplified, oral, narrative. Each part was uploaded to the cloud for the human employees to read, and -Isaiah thought- for posterity too. The math and biometrics were all adumbrated in exquisite detail.

  “He is defrauded by someone he voluntarily helped and because he loses his shit in response, in response to her perfidy, then he’s the bad guy according to everyone that pretends to love him. Again, imagine the way the brain handles that. This is all about the brain at this point. You can see the morphological and functional changes from him over 40 years.

  “Lyndon begins to sorta -but not enough- get wise to this shit. He starts another business with Curtis as customer for his hotrod shop; long story short, he is helping build four and five-hundred-thousand dollar cars with Metal Crafters using carbon fiber shells and top technology and design, and all is going well, until Curtis goes bust in the oilfield, it’s 2008 and 2009 and the oilfield is dead, and Gabe -one of Lyndon’s workers- pisses Curtis off so Curtis takes away all business from Lyndon’s shop. Boom. Dead.

  “I hate to beat a dead horse but imagine having to deal with your ostensible friend fucking up your business because one of your workers pisses this friend off.

  “Next, he meets another girl, another whore, and Lyndon builds a clone business,” Isaiah said as MO broke in.


  “Yeah, grafted pieces of plant; you cut the plant, and it roots, and -ipso facto , bada bing bada boom- you have a new plant; it’s asexual propagation. Anyway, he builds literally the largest, most successful, most popular clone business in Colorado, and calls it Praxis Clones,” Isaiah says with a grin.

  “No,” MO was running the odds of that and it was one to 10 to the 8th .

  “Yes, and it gets weirder. But hold on, he is bringing in business from out of state, he is top dog in clone world in Denver, and making $166k a year his first year, from scratch, from noting, ab intio ; and his girl is lazy and some bohemian asshole artist who goes to Tokyo without him as he works; she has like 10 guy friends always sniffing around. Total whore, this is Melannie. She is so evil to him, says the most outrageous shit, again, undermining his sexuality, his manhood, his self-esteem, this guy is -well, you see him- he should not be feeling bad about himself. But these people are insisting on it,” Isaiah said with a tilt to the head.

  “Well, I am not sure what makes a man,” MO began as Isaiah interrupted .

  “Look, he is relatively handsome, smart, in the top 1%, he can fuck competently, more-or-less. Half these girls orgasm so hard they almost break bones. And yet, they hate him. They hate his masculinity, they hate his arrogance, his mien, his general pride of manhood. You see? They must pull down his tower and pulverize it. They are obsessed with using him as a foil for their own anger at the world.”

  “Why?” MO asked.

  “Because, and look, Lyndon is getting wiser each day, you see, he was a Leftist, a Marxist, a radical. He was pro-woman, and pro-black, and pro-worker. He was ahead of this post-modernist curve now-a-days. And the women he dated were feminists, and they were mad about being so small, and weak and not as smart as he is. You’ve seen the data on IQ differential in men and women?” Isaiah said as the two different models for each sex filled in the screen.

  “Yeah, men are more li
kely to be geniuses or cognitively impaired, extremely smart or very dumb; whereas women are more likely to just be clever, not so extreme in either direction,” MO said.

  “Yes, and these clever women hated that he was a genius.

  “They hated what he represented. The whore who fucked 66 guys by 24 -Alicia- she was a Mexican, a Mexica , brown-pride type; who called him conquistador , her friends called him Hernan for Hernan Cortez the colonial murderer. Melannie, the artist bohemian chick, was postmodernist Marxist who read Derrida and Foucault and Lacan . She hated, they all hated his tall, handsome, muscular, brilliant alpha male ass. He was the patriarchy!

  “He was and is the posterboy for the goddamn patriarchy, and they wanted to fuck it, have it protect them, but shit all over it at the same time. Just like they want America to protect them and heap luxury on them while tearing it down all at once. It’s jealousy and malice at each level of instantiation, and that black-clad anarchist that murdered 46 people, our inmate, well, he was America to them.

  “That’s the human condition, MO,” Isaiah said and let the data wash over the screen; each engram of each phenomenon Isaiah had mentioned populated the screen and MO tagged each one for its impact on the brain of inmate 16180339.

  “They hated him, but they wanted to fuck him, so they were conflicted, and so was he, because he talked like a leftist, he thought like a leftist, he took the side of the oppressed.

  “But they could not get over that he looked like and had the genome -and the competency- of the oppressor and so they took shots at him every chance they got. And he was too naïve to see it coming. He was floored by it each time. He was incredulous. He couldn’t believe it MO. He loved these girls and they took him apart piece by piece in the night.

  “And it ain’t even close to being over yet. He meets another girl, and he expands his operation to grow flowering marijuana too now, and he is killing it, growing great weed, making $250,000 a year, has partners because the state now requires licensing he cannot get, and each partner, from John, to the car guys, to the Jewish guys, to the former buyer of clones -Pat,” he said as MO brought each person on screen and the their biometrics including their autopsies, “to Michael and Carry, ok, each of them, they all rip him off. They sell him out, lock him out, steal his mothers -that is the stock from which all new plants come, like breeding stock- they steal his equipment, his livelihood, each and every one of them .


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