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The Lycan Wars- Revised Edition

Page 14

by Janet MacDonald

  The man moved to the door and opened it. Dr. Martine walked in, he looked extremely perplexed and there was a light sheen of sweat on his forehead.

  "What's wrong now?" Collin asked.

  "Well samples one through to thirty failed.” He said sounding nervous.

  "What the hell do you mean they failed?"

  "The sperm implanted with the egg... but they all failed to stay viable.” He stammered.

  "Damn it!” He yelled and drove the glass of bourbon across the room smashing it against the wall.

  The Doctor stood there holding a sheet of paper out to him. His hand shook as he tried to hand it to him.

  "What the hell is that?”Collin asked as he snatched the paper work out of his hand.

  "Its Mica's last blood work-up.” The doctor paused, his edginess was beginning to get on Collin's nerves." Sir.... she's pregnant."

  * * *~~~ * * *

  Victor sat in the living room with Mica, Frank, Ajei, Shea, and Scott as well as Jake and Jenni. They had been discussing the rapid healing that his mate now seemed to possess as did his infant daughter Lea. Victor was not sure what was going on nor did anyone else for that matter. Both Mica and Lea had their tracking devices removed only twenty minutes ago and now all that remained of them were faint pink scars from the incision. Lycan's by nature healed faster than humans, but not this rapidly.

  He knew his brother had subjected Mica to experiments, which included a bone marrow transplant and daily injection, as well as taking regular samples from both her and Lea. A shifting female werewolf was not heard of and now he worried what that meant for his child.

  "What do we do?" Mica looked up at him. Her soft blue eyes were full of worry.

  "We need to find out what he did to you." Victor told her as he held her small hand in his.

  "I have a friend...she works in the CSI unit in Denver, maybe we can get her to run some tests." Frank said.

  "Wouldn't that raise some flags?" Scott asked.

  "No she's kinfolk and will keep it discreet. I don't think we should wait to see what other changes might be taking place." Frank said sounding more concerned than was comforting.

  Victor nodded his head in agreement. The sooner they learned what was going on the better.

  "Well as soon as we have the samples, I'll rush them in." Jake offered.

  "I can draw the blood samples." Ajei informed them.

  "Jolynn could also just turn around and come back." Frank added.

  "No, we will do it tomorrow." Victor told them as he turned to Mica. She looked wiped out.

  "All right then, tomorrow we are headed to Carson to get some supplies, and can drop off the blood work at Jolynn's on our way there." Jake said.

  Jolynn was both Jake and Victor cousin who lived in Carson. She was a Veterinary Assistant and was the closest thing most of the werewolves here used for a doctor. He watched as both Jake and Jenni gave Mica a kiss on the cheek. They again told her they were happy she was finally home before they left.

  “I'll make the call. Until then I suggest we keep a close eye on anything that seems out of the ordinary, Mica anything at all that you feel is off you'll need to tell us right away." Frank said as he stood and so did Ajei.

  "I will." Mica answered him. Mica was not okay. Victor could tell by her body language that something else was bothering her, but so far she hadn’t confided in him as to what that was.

  "Come on Scott, I'll drive you home.” Shea offered as she grabbed the keys to the truck.

  The jealousy that flared up in him was hard to force down as Scott stood and looked over at Mica. The injured man had been stitched up by Jolynn. As Scott readied to leave Victor felt the connection between the human and his mate. Again their eyes met and held one another's. Both their eyes turned soft and there was something besides just concern in Scott's. Somehow they had bonded closely and Victor didn't like it at all.

  "Mica if you need me; I'm staying over at Jake and Jenni's so just call me, all right?” He said before turning to leave.

  "Thank you Scott." Mica murmured as the other man left.

  Mica pulled her hand from his and moved toward the kitchen. Victor followed her. The loneliness of not having her around for nearly a year had been overwhelming. But now her silent anguish now felt no less heartbreaking for him.

  "Mica let me!” He told her. Her hands shook a little as she attempted to fix them both a cup of coffee. He stepped up behind her and caught a glimpse of the tears lining her eyes.

  "What's wrong?” He asked, turning her to face him.

  "I'm just so glad to be home!” Her voice cracked as she stared into his eyes while the tears spilled down her cheeks.

  "I'm here baby and I'm never letting you go!” He whispered into her soft hair. The thoughts of losing her or Lea terrified him more than almost dying did. No words in the world could describe his love for his mate and child.

  "Come on, you should get some rest. Lea will be awake soon enough for a feeding and you need some sleep.” He told her as he guided her to their room.

  Victor got her tucked in under the covers and he crawled in behind her. He relished the feeling of being able to be this close to her again.

  "I love you Victor.” She said as he snuggled up beside her in the warm blankets. He fought his own tears at finally hearing those words from her lips.

  "I love you too Mica and I always will.” He finally felt complete inside.

  Chapter 21

  The soft cries woke her instantly. Carefully, she pulled herself out of the bed and looked down on Victor sleeping soundly. Her heart ached as she looked at him. She hadn’t told him everything that had happened at the facility. Mica didn't know how to tell him what his brother had done. As she stared at him, his face reminded her of Collin. It made her stomach ache and twist. She knew in her heart that her mate was nothing like his older brother. It was just the family resemblance that was going to be very hard to deal with.

  "I really do love you!” She whispered. Mica kissed him on the forehead before heading to the cradle. She picked up the tiny squirming bundle. Lea smelled of a soiled diaper and as she cried softly again. Mica felt her breasts fill with milk.

  "Come on before you wake up daddy." Mica said. A weak smile pulled at her lips as she took her to the living room to change and feed her.

  Daddy. The word she never thought she’d be able to one day hear her daughter say was now going to be a reality. It made her heart overjoyed.

  "Shh little one I know you're hungry!” She said softly as she brought her to her breast to nurse her. She smiled, looking into her daughter's eyes. They were small crystal blue pools just like her own and as Lea suckled nosily, she heard soft footsteps come from down the hall.

  "Oh hi!” Shea said quietly as she walked into the living room wearing a pale blue T-shirt and flannel pajama bottoms. She was holding her cell phone in one hand and a warm fuzzy throw in the other.

  "You're up late?"Mica said. The young woman walked over and took a seat in the big armchair beside the couch and wrapped the throw over herself.

  "Yeah I was just texting...a friend.” She said. Her cheeks reddened softly.

  "A guy I see." Mica replied with a grin.

  "Yeah...Ryder Caldara.” She answered softly.

  "Let me guess your dad doesn't approve."

  "Oh no, it's not that, it's” She seemed to be hiding something that she didn't want her parents to know.

  "You know I can keep a secret if you want to talk about it." Mica told her. It would be nice to think of someone else's worries she thought.

  Shea looked at her for a moment then at the baby and smiled. Shifting in her seat, Shea leaned closer.

  "Ryder asked me to be his mate!” She giggled the words out. The excitement flashed in her eyes. Mica could tell the girl was in love.

  "Oh and your folks?"

  "Well dad didn't say no. But Ryder also hasn't actually gotten the nerve up to ask him yet. That's what we were texting ab
out. He said he’d ask this weekend at the Gathering down home."

  "What do you think your father will say?"

  "Dad is pretty laid back as far as me finding my own mate goes. He just insists that it's a werewolf and not kinfolk. I know he wants him to be an Alpha, but Ryder isn't, so it might take a little bit of me pouting to get him to sway in favour of it. Mom likes Ryder and she's my Ace up the sleeve, as it were.” Shea explained.

  The two of them talked for nearly an hour about the upcoming Gathering. The event brought many allied packs together to discuss territory sharing, arrange matings and finances. They were also a time of great festivities as many Gatherings had dances, feasts, trade shows and fairs. Mica had always loved going to them with her best friends Cassie and Sabrina when she was younger. She felt a sudden longing for them as well as her father. It made her wish even more that this hadn't turned out the way it had. However, her father ordered her mate murdered before her eyes. She’d never forgive him for that.

  Shea told her she was forbidden to go as word had reached her father of a possible abduction. That had everyone on edge within her home pack. It was why she was staying with them and part of Mica felt for the girl as she could tell how much she missed being with her family.

  "Well I'm sure everything will turn out for the best. Your folks seem nice and very understanding." Mica told her as she finished getting Lea ready to go back to bed.

  "Yeah they are, but with this stupid war, it's hard to say what dad will think is best. The pack might need me to mate with another to form a new Ally.” Shea said weakly. Her voice echoed the worry of that happening.

  Mica stared at her for a moment and took a long deep breath. "Shea you should be allowed to pick someone you're in love with. Not someone who will benefit the pack.” Mica seethed. “That's so middle ages!"

  This was a sore point for her. Female kinfolk never had a say in the choosing of their mates and that drove her batty. It was something she’d full intentions on changing within her pack and the sooner the better, she thought.

  "Mica it's never that easy though. He's not just my dad but my Alpha. I sort a have to do what he says."

  "Why! Look Shea you’re your own person. Why do you have to abide by a way of life that is so outdated it makes walkman's look retro!” She growled.

  Shea laughed and smiled, her eyes beaming. "I like you Mica.... We think a lot alike. When I'm Alpha to a pack, I will never let my mate chose for the females in it!” She stated with great pride and resolve.

  "Well I think you will make a great Alpha, not just an Alpha Bitch either. That's another thing that always rubbed me the wrong way. Why is it the leaders are always male!" Mica stated. The two spent the next couple of hours discussing their thoughts, feelings and grievances at being werewolf kinfolk.

  * * * ~~~ * * *

  Scott laid in bed his mind on Mica. He had deep feelings for her, which he couldn't deny. Yet now she was with Victor and somehow he felt cheated. The two of them had become so very close in the last few months. After Collin had raped her, he couldn't deal with her being there anymore. The Flock had been planning a way to get her out of the facility and to Argentina. There Scott and the Flock had deep connections. After he found her in her cot looking devastated by what Collin had done, he needed to step up those plans. Now all his careful planning had done was reunite her with what they had both believed to be her dead lover.

  The air in here felt hot suddenly and his stomach ached. Scott felt the wave of nausea flow over him. He darted in his boxers to the small washroom and barely made the toilet in the basement apartment of Jake and Jenni's bungalow. Shakily, he stood after his stomach was empty. The foul taste in his mouth was disgusting. Scott gargled with mouthwash and spat it out into the sink. Deep red flecks of blood splattered against the white porcelain as well and he eyed the crimson dots.

  Looking in the medicine cabinet, he found some mild painkillers and popped two into his mouth, and swallowed them with a sip of tap water. He made his way back to the small bedroom and his hand throbbed painfully, it was hot and itchy too. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he carefully unwrapped the bandaging the vet had wrapped him up with. With a grimace, he eyed the stitched up wound from where Mica had bitten him. Dark blue tendrils were forming around the wound and crawling up over his hand to his wrist.

  This wasn't good; he thought. He rewrapped it and made for his new cell phone. Dialing the number he was given, he waited for the voice on the other end.

  "Yes?” The silky smooth woman's voice said.

  "It's me...we have a problem!” He stated as he felt the beads of sweat trickle down his forehead. These were the same symptoms Mica had for nearly ten days straight.

  "What's wrong, is the package compromised?” She asked.

  "No, the package is still secure but Victor Feral is still alive.” He said.

  There was a long pause on the other end of the phone and he heard her whisper to someone else.

  "Do you need an extraction team?” She asked softly.

  "No, not yet. I need to see this through. I'll keep you up to date and let you know when it's safe to hand over the package.” He told her.

  "Very well...and Dmitri remember, we are counting on you.” Anna said using his real name.

  "Yes Ma'am.” He replied and hung up the phone.

  Scott opened his duffle bag and pulled out the long fat steel hermetically sealed container. It was the most valuable thing that came from the facility other than Mica and Lea. Being werewolf kin, he knew the importance this experiment held for those in the Flock. How it could change the way the kinfolk would be regarded in the hierarchy of the packs. Everything they had fought for so far was going to balance on this small container with the Hybrid serum and Mica.

  * * *~~~ * * *

  Victor stared down into the cradle and smiled. The little one was wide awake and stared up at him with the mirrored eyes of her mother. The black silky hair was definitely that of the Feral family side. As was the Rolly Polly look all his family's babies seemed to have. Lea was his mother's name, which Mica had blessed their child with it. The simple gesture told him she’d not forgotten him when she was in that place. He looked back to the bed. His tired mate was curled up with both her hands tucked under her head. She looked like a sleeping angel.

  Carefully, Victor picked up his daughter and headed to the living room to change her and get her dressed so Mica could get more rest. He’d been given a second chance. For so long he’d imagined the worst for both his mate and child. He believed Collin may have caused Mica to lose the baby. There was no way he’d miss out on her life. So rarely does one get the chance to realize how precious having a child is. But he knew now and he planned on savouring every moment with his daughter for the true blessing she was.

  The baby fussed a little as he dressed her in a pink jumper that was decorated with tiny brown teddy bears. Her chubby little hands refused to let him put her arms into the sleeve of the outfit.

  "Stubborn like your Mommy I see.” He chuckled after he finally managed to manoeuvre the tiny pudgy arms into the sleeves.

  "Looks as if it's just you and Daddy this morning.” He told her. Victor cradled her in his arms as he stepped into the kitchen to make some breakfast. He secured her into the bouncy chair on the counter close to where he’d be fixing their morning meal Victor knew he wanted more kids...many more.

  He took the eggs, bacon, butter and milk from the fridge and set about cooking as his daughter cooed in her seat.

  "So how many eggs should daddy make for mommy?” He asked as he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. He pulled four eggs out then decided on six. Three for him and three for Mica. He knew she liked them over easy and he hoped this morning he could master the flip without destroying the yolks as he normally did.

  While Lea gurgled and gabbed away, he hummed a tune as he cooked. This was the happiest he’d been in so long now that he’d almost forgotten what it felt like to smile. Yes a house full of kids wouldn't bot
her him in the least he thought. Mica was starting a cycle. He could smell it and although he wanted her pregnant again as soon as they could, he thought it best now to wait until she was ready.

  Lost in his thoughts, he almost burnt the toast as the toaster was on the fritz and he’d never gotten around to replacing it. The bacon was slightly overcooked but the eggs he proudly managed to pull off perfectly. Victor set the food on the plates and turned to put them on the table. He stepped away from the counter and heard a soft whimpered yelp from behind him. It didn't sound human at all and he turned slowly to look at his daughter. Both plates crashed to the floor.

  Chapter 22

  Collin stood in the lab wearing the white smock and gloves. The last of the embryos had failed to stay viable, and now they were trying to fathom why. They had maybe three of Mica's unfertilized ova left. The sperm samples they had from Benjamin was still plentiful, but without more of her ova they would have to choose their next steps extremely carefully.

  The lead scientist on this particular project stood there. She stared at him with a strange twinkle in her eyes as she read a report from their last tests from Mica.

  "” She seemed hesitant.

  "Spit whatever is on your mind out!"

  "Well sir what if Mica is only compatible with lycanthrope mate?” She asked. Her eyes told him she thought it was a very plausible conclusion.


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