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Tenebrasco: The Pearl Wielder Trilogy

Page 18

by Hannah Reed

  “Is everyone okay?” Megan said appearing at the door.

  “We’re fine Megan, though a cup of tea wouldn’t go amiss,” Connor said flippantly. April and Alex rolled their eyes then smirked when they caught the other doing it too.

  “Ah okay. Tea coming up,” Megan said retreating from the cabin.

  The jet landed with a jolt. Looking out of the window April could see them rolling slowly into an air locker in the side of a vast cliff face. It was just like a film Setha’s Mum had been in. She missed her best friends, Setha and Ethan. As soon as she was back home she would tell them everything that had happened. Between them, they would know how to help her. She was excited to read the books Connor had mentioned too. Maybe the legged had access to some lost mer knowledge. She wanted something to explain this odd stone. The onyx stone was resting in her shirt pocket at the moment. The weight comforted her. Finally arriving at their destination, a sinking feeling settled on her chest. The danger she ignored while on Shell Island was becoming harder to deny. She hoped that Freddie would not be at the Rushton facility to recognise her. Though, she wondered if he would even recognise her in shorts and a t-shirt compared to the ball gown she wore for the Peace Treaty. A voice over the intercom announced that the jet was now safe to depart. April tried to sit up but the dead weight of Alex’s legs and Connor’s arm weighed her down.

  “Guys! It’s time to get up now.”

  An incomprehensible grumble reached her ears. She kicked out with her legs.

  “Ow, whaddya do that for?” Connor mumbled sleepily.

  “Oh sorry, April,” Alex said shifting himself then offering his hand to help pull her out from under Connor. His strength pulled her straight into his arms. Connor blanched as he fully opened his eyes and saw April and Alex in such a close embrace. April moved away and prodded Connor to cajole him out of bed in an attempt to recover from the awkwardness.

  “Right, I’ll quickly get changed and meet you both on the platform,” she said.

  April rapidly exited the room and returned to the cabin she was sharing with Megan.

  Megan’s stuff was already gone as was their luggage. But, a new outfit was waiting for her laid out on the bed. April still didn’t like flying but private jet was preferable to helicopter. She got changed and hurried to join the boys. She descended the steps to the platform carefully, not wanting a repeat of the last time she fell out of an aircraft. The second her feet hit the surface a heat flushed through her. Her hair lifted slightly from her shoulders and she stood up a little taller.

  “You just glowed,” Alex hissed at her as Connor moved to block her from anyone’s view.

  “My pearls,” she whispered in shock. But, a broad smile broke out across her face. Her pearls were close. She could feel them.

  “Greetings Master Alex and Master Connor and this must be Miss April. I’m Taylor,” President Darius’ personal assistant announced as he strode towards them his arms open wide. “Your Father asked me to come down and greet you all as he is busy. I’m here to escort you to your rooms and show you the safe areas of the building to visit and the exits into the forests. Please follow me.” Taylor gestured to a door and turned with purpose.

  “Yeah, right he’s busy. Can’t be bothered is more like it,” Connor muttered.

  Taylor showed them around the facility not needing much more than an affirmative when he pointed to an out of bounds area. Completely ignoring Taylor, April chose to quiz Alex and Connor instead.

  “So, what is this place?”

  “Umm,” Connor said.

  “It’s a state of the art facility for science and military ventures. It also acts as a safe house for the President. The entire area is heavily guarded. As all three units are top security and often interact, Dad decided to unite the three. It was one of the pet projects Freddie was assigned. He is probably around here somewhere,” Alex said.

  “Oh,” April replied as Connor continued where Alex left off.

  “Mum couldn’t stand the place. She refused to come here; she didn’t like the work of the science laboratories. What was the name of that psychopath?”


  “Yeah, that’s the one,” Connor said.

  “She’s the Head of Scientific Research and Advancement,” Alex explained. “Our Mum hated her. Shell Island was used as more of a safe house than here. You won’t have noticed but it’s heavily guarded. Mum had it built so that the safety elements wouldn’t intrude on our summer holidays.”

  “Shell Island was Mum’s favourite. She always told us about hidden underwater passages she had built under the house to hide treasure in when we were younger. I loved those stories of the black pearl rooms and the secret meetings of the mer and humans,” Connor said.

  “This place though. Well, you’re about to see. Let’s just say it is very white,” Alex said.

  April looked between the two brothers to see if they were over-exaggerating. But, they had tuned back into Taylor’s diatribe as he typed a code into the security pad and huge metal walls slid open.

  “Welcome to Rushton,” Connor said with a bleak smile.

  Very white and very black, that was April’s initial impression of Rushton. It was as if the designer of the strange facility had no knowledge that other colours existed. There weren’t even any grey tones to soothe down the stark white and pitch black. It made April feel on edge. In a way it was striking, but also terrifying. It reminded her of the Orca. They looked so beautiful and yet they were some of the most efficient killers she had ever seen. April walked into the cavernous reception area of Alex and Connor’s apartment. A geometric staircase made its way around the rectangular room with several plateaus jutting out as entrances to the different floors. Taylor led them through one reception room and into another.

  This room instantly became April’s favourite at Rushton. Blackwood covered the floor and in one corner of the massive room was an island kitchen with sleek white marble surfaces. Directly opposite the reception room entrance were several white leather square couches facing an enormous window. The window took up the entire wall. April couldn’t help walking towards it.

  “Magnificent isn’t it.” April heard Taylor start up again on his incessant monologue. Ignoring him she placed her hand on the glass and looked down. She was surprised to see that they were on the edge of a cliff face still. After walking for so long with Taylor she presumed they would be somewhere deep in a forest or deep underground. But no, dark blue seas churned beneath them with a smattering of treacherous rocks. The sky above was equally dark, mirroring the water below. She wondered if the sea was poisoned as it had been around Shell Island. It looked so inviting. April tapped Ethan’s Iris pad to see if it worked. She pressed send on one of her countless messages. Moments later the error message appeared once more. April longed to smash the window and dive through. She could swim home. Reaching for her powers she knew she could do it. At least, if everything went wrong, here was her escape route.


  How long does it take to assemble a small elite unit to ambush an island and perform a rescue mission? - Half a day. How long does it take to plan the mission? - One day. How long does it take to convince everyone that it’s suitable for her to lead the attack? - Forever.

  “I’m the Princess in charge around here, it’s my sister who needs rescuing and I’m the one who has a special connection with her.” Kayla realised that she was sounding whiny, but the time for a mature and well-argued debate had ended half a week ago. Why would no one listen to her?

  “Princess Kayla, you are set to be the new commander in chief of the meritia. It is not prudent for you to be on the front line. Please stay behind the attack and use your knowledge to relay information.” Gregor tried to reason with her.

  This was useless; they were going around in circles she thought. At this rate, she would have to wait until she was the meritia commander before the mission could happen, then she wouldn’t need permission.

  “How abou
t we set out and then reassess upon our arrival?” Kayla suggested.

  Demetrius smiled. Kayla had always struck bargains when she was younger.

  “Okay then,” Gregor finally acquiesced. He huffed and pulled out his Iris pad and typed away.

  There was no way she wasn’t going on this mission Kayla thought. At least this way everyone could stay happy for another day or two.


  The shellpedo fleet they were using for the Island X mission was Kayla’s favourite. They were modelled on the skin of a shortfin mako shark and known for their impressive speed and ability to change direction quickly. Inside the shellpedo, Kayla felt like she had the power of that awesome predator. They tore through the sea at alarming speeds with only their tailspin to show that they had been there. In homage to the mako shark, this particular model had a slash of silver across the top and the metallic casing gradually grew lighter and lighter as it rounded towards the bottom.

  Looking back out the window Kayla could see her fleet behind her, moving in synchronisation like a school of sharks. It was sleek but chilling. She remembered when she was first shown the design. The skin casement surrounding the metal was incredible. It was an extremely thin material layered like rows of pointy teeth to minimise the drag in the water. Soft to touch, but it was practically impossible to tear through. Not many things made Kayla feel old enough for the role she undertook but the sight of her fleet following her lead was one of them. Moving to the upper level of her shellpedo, Kayla went to inspect their current progress through the ocean.

  Flicking the map up into the water in front of her, Kayla studied their position. Richard, her most experienced navigator, was steering them to the most eastern bay of the island. Here they were able to get closest to Island X without coming in contact with the poisoned water. Even if the water corroded the outer skin of the shellpedos they would still make it onto dry land before the inner shell was damaged.

  “Where is Gregor?” Kayla asked.

  “He had a last-minute emergency,” Demetrius said from the back of the shellpedo.

  “Look at this Princess,” Richard called from upfront.

  Kayla swam forward and instantly chuckled at Richard’s screen. Instead of blobs on the map small sharks were gaining on the island.

  “Excellent Richard,” Demetrius said behind Kayla, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Kayla was very proud that she didn’t bob up in surprise at his sudden approach. Sometimes he needed to lighten up.

  “We’ll be reaching the infected area within the next hour. How would you like us to proceed?” Richard asked.

  “Take us to the surface when we arrive, but inform the other shellpedo’s to stay below. I’ll take a look to check that our information is correct before we proceed,” Kayla said.

  “As you wish Princess.”

  Kayla sat down in her designated chair and let her steely resolve calm her. The chair was a dense floating bubble, waiting to be moulded to your desired seating position. Kayla closed her eyes momentarily as she remembered when her Mum finally gave in and let April and Kayla have bubble chairs at their breakfast bar. April was so excited that she accidentally burst hers. Not long now, and they would be reunited, Kayla thought. Kayla opened her eyes and turned her attention back to the impressive display in the front window as the shellpedo stormed through the water.

  The hour passed quickly enough with various generals messaging through to check their plans with Kayla or to ask for advice. Many of which she diverted onto Demetrius. Kayla wanted to be leading the frontline; she was not ready to have a desk job in the meritia. She jogged her emerald green tail up and down in anticipation.

  “Princess, we’re about to take her up,” Richard said.

  Kayla floated into an upright position ready to swim out of the shellpedo.

  “There we go Princess. The blowhole is open.”

  Demetrius gave Richard a disapproving look but Kayla was certain she saw a glimmer of a smirk on his face. The panel above swirled in a circle receding into the shellpedo. Kayla swam out quickly with Demetrius following composedly after her, along with one of the operation generals. Breaching the surface, Kayla wicked the water from her eyes so she could survey Island X.

  “It’s exactly as our models showed. This should be easy,” she said comparing the landscape with her Iris pad.

  “I wouldn’t be so optimistic Your Highness,” The operation general commented. He pointed to the sky. “I think we’ve been spotted!”

  Demetrius forced Kayla under the water and back into the shellpedo.

  “Let go of me,” Kayla said, shoving Demetrius’ arm off her. About to express her anger she was suddenly stopped. The entire shellpedo was rocketed backwards. Flung against the side of the wall Kayla knocked her head against one of the low hanging shelves. The horror on Richard’s face at the front of the shellpedo forced Kayla to ignore the pain and swim forwards.

  Everything was in disarray floating within the shellpedo. Kayla noticed faintly that a strange ringing was coursing through her ears. Shaking her head nothing changed. Swimming through masses of tiny bubbles within the shaken-up water, Kayla eventually made her way to the front. The view on Richard’s map was horrifying. What had once been an island was now a bright orange scar. Kayla slammed down on the blowhole-opening button. Frantically swimming to its entrance Kayla knocked the floating instruments out of her way as she hastened to exit.

  She swam up as fast as she could and the sound slowly started to return to her. All around she could hear mer emerging from their own shellpedos. They wondered loudly what had happened and started supporting the more dazed members of the team. Fortunately, no one seemed badly hurt. Yet, Kayla didn’t stop. Surging upward she finally broke the surface. Her heart tightened, and she opened her mouth wide in shock. She jerked forward then stopped, looking around for a solution. But, there was none. Island X was covered in fire. A huge mushroom cloud of smoky ashes and flames hovered in the air, while down below fire was growing and spreading across the island.

  “April!!” she screamed. “April!” Then with a feral scream drawing all her energy she forced every last drop of her power through her Factus pearl. She glowed like April did when emotion overrun her. With April fixed firmly in her mind, she wielded the water up around her. It grew and grew as Kayla glowed even more ferociously until a towering wall of water stood 50 ft. high. It thundered and curled at the top like a wild animal waiting to explode. It was doubtful who was in control at this moment - Kayla or the pearls. The mer below scattered in fear of where Kayla’s wall of water was going to come smashing down. The wall grew until it was as wide as the island itself. The shadow cast by the wave sent the sunny day into darkness. But, the fiery island tinged the shadow an ominous red.

  Kayla hovered supported by the wave. Her arms raised above her strained under the Factus energy. Kayla shook in anger until suddenly the power became too much and with one final cry for her sister she released the wave. It roared forward as Kayla sank beneath its power. No longer under control, the wave moved like a solid wall. The unstoppable force grew and gained momentum as it neared the island until it smashed down engulfing the fire. The orange tower of flames was devoured instantly. With no one summoning more power to sustain it the seas became eerily calm. Only a small ripple coming from the centre of the island gave any evidence of the wave that had just appeared. Smoke and steam rose up from the battered island. First burnt to a crisp and now smothered with water; nothing on the island could have survived. No one could have survived. The young Princess sank down into the darkness of the ocean letting the cool water soothe her. Unable to move she let herself be swallowed by the sea. She had failed. April was gone. What was the point anymore?


  A private island in the Pacific Ocean has just suffered a brutal attack. First being consumed by fire and then snuffed out with a tidal wave. Footage of the destruction was captured by a chance pleasure plane flying over the area. The scenes unfold as you would only e
xpect to see in a movie…

  The voice droned on and April and Megan held their spoons in identical positions inches away from their mouths.

  “Gormless expressions, what’s with you two? ... Oh my….” Connor had turned to look where the transfixed girls’ eyes were trained.

  “That’s Shell Island,” Connor said.

  “Yup,” April said.

  Several hours later April and Megan waited tensely in the main lounge. Megan reading a newspaper, the pages of which she hadn’t turned for the last 20 minutes, and on the other couch, April twitching in and out of restless sleep. Megan noticed that every so often April glowed. Her hand was still tightly gripping the odd onyx black stone.

  “Arghh,” April gasped waking out of a fitful dream.

  “Are you okay?” Megan said lowering the newspaper. April rubbed her forehead, the stone still clasped in her hands.

  “Yeah, just a nightmare,” she said crossing her legs on the couch.

  “Do, you want to talk about it?” Megan asked hesitantly.

  “Not really,” April said with a rueful smile. “I want to be distracted.”

  Megan smiled and turned back to her paper.

  “How did you get the job on Shell Island?” April asked. Megan looked back up to see April staring at her. She was still fidgeting with the stone and the blanket that covered her. Her eyes were puffy from crying. Megan was reminded that the girl in front of her, no matter how powerful, was still miles from home dealing with the knowledge that her Mum was dead. Megan put down her paper and started to talk.

  “I applied for a private maid’s role. It was advertised in our local paper.”

  “Very mysterious.”

  “Yeah. I went for it because it mentioned that the residency was beside the sea. I like the sea,” Megan clarified.

  “I noticed,” April forced a laughed. “In your room, all the pictures. It was weird, I never knew some legged were fascinated by the ocean.”

  “Yes,” Megan said moving closer to April on the couch. “My Grandfather fell in love with a mera. He was sailing one day and got caught in a riptide so had to go out of bounds. She saw that he was in trouble and so helped move his ship. My Grandfather said she was a powerful Tempus wielder. But, their parents found out. She was banned from ever setting foot on land or she would be stripped of her pearls and my Grandfather was moved inland by his parents.”


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