The Chosen One

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The Chosen One Page 8

by Marla Meyers

  “Hello Jordan,” Marissa said, approaching his large oak desk. How she loved this office. Windows, with an incredible view of downtown, surrounded his desk in an oval shape behind him. To the left was his workout room…off limits to other employees, except maybe Pamela, Marissa assumed. To the right was a fully stocked bar enclosed in a glass hutch. Off white leather couches made up the sitting area atop a colorful Oriental rug. Carefully chosen artwork and plants throughout. It was beautiful and it reeked of success.

  “Marissa, how was your trip?” Jordan asked, standing and motioning Marissa to sit in one of the high back chairs that faced his desk.

  “I got things taken care of. Thanks. But, I’m glad to be back.”

  “Well, I know Sheila is glad to have you back,” he said, smiling.

  “Jordan, were you aware of her increased work load while I was away?” Marissa asked, surprised at his last remark, insinuating that he was.

  “1 have exciting news, Marissa. We have a new member of our team,” he said beaming, ignoring her question.

  “So I’ve heard,” she said, trying to keep the sarcasm out of her voice.

  “Brycen Malloy. He is from New York. He previously worked with Douglas Lee’s firm. He has a lot of fresh ideas. He was even able to convince Jack Wise to finally give us a shot.

  “You’re kidding!” Marissa exclaimed, knowing they had been trying to get that account for months, with no luck.

  “Brycen prepared a brilliant campaign that even Jack Wise couldn’t turn down. He is a fine addition to our staff. I’d like you to meet him, since the two of you will be working together.”

  “What? Sheila and I have always worked alone. I think we have always done well as a team.”

  “Sheila has been a wonderful assistant to you,” he said, stressing the word assistant. “However, Brycen is a Pro. Together I think you will make a wonderful team. You don’t have a problem with that do you?” he asked, almost daring her to question him.

  “No,” she said, hesitantly, disliking this Brycen person already. He had waltzed in here, reduced her secretary to tears, and it sounded like Jordan already had him on a pretty high pedestal.

  “Pamela, Hon,” Jordan called on his intercom, “get Mr. Malloy in here, please, dear.”

  “You’ll like him, Marissa,” Jordan said, smiling.

  There was a short knock at the door. In walked Brycen Malloy. And, he was not at all what Marissa had pictured him to be. He was tall, especially standing next to Jordan, who couldn’t have been more than 5’7” or so. His dark hair perfectly parted to one side, groomed to perfection, with a touch of gray at the temples. He looked mid-forties, Marissa assumed. He removed the dark rimmed glasses he was wearing as he approached Jordan. Marissa stood and turned to face him.

  “Brycen,” Jordan said, shaking his hand, “this is the woman I was telling you about. Marissa Dow, this is Brycen Malloy.”

  “Very nice to meet you,” Marissa said, instantly wondering what Jordan had told him about her, and resisting the urge to pull at her skirt, suddenly wondering if her slip was showing.

  “Nice to meet you, Marissa. Jordan has really sung your praises the last couple of weeks,” Brycen said, extending his hand to Marissa.

  Marissa smiled, surprised that she thought she might like this person, and shook his hand.

  “Jordan, however, failed to mention what an attractive partner I was getting,” the tall man continued.

  Knowing she was blushing, Marissa smiled and they all sat down.

  “Marissa, Brycen has done the preliminary work for Jack Wise. I want you to work with him, perfecting every detail,” Jordan said. “You both know what this account means to the firm. I want a daily update on your progress. Marissa, Brycen will fill you in on the particulars. Any questions?”

  Marissa couldn’t begin quickly enough.

  Almost ignoring her new partner’s presence, she asked Jordan, “What about the Phillips’ account? The preliminary work has been done on that also. It is ready to go to the art department.”

  “Marissa, Phillips took a look at it while you were gone. He changed his mind.”

  “What!? He seemed very excited about it when I presented it to him before I left,” Marissa said, with obvious irritation, thinking to herself about the long nights that she and Sheila had put in, working on that account.

  “Marissa, it’s frustrating I know. It is no reflection on your work. He just changed his mind, and believe me, we did everything we could to save the account. Brycen has some ideas on that. You and Brycen discuss it. But, Jack Wise needs your immediate attention.”

  Marissa stood up and trying to hide her disappointment, said, “Brycen, it was a pleasure,” as she shook his hand, then looking at Jordan said, “I really must get back to my office. I will need the rest of today to sort through my desk and go over some things with Sheila.”

  “Of course, Marissa. You and Brycen can put your heads together first thing in the morning.”

  Brycen and Jordan both smiled, as she exited the room.

  Marissa didn’t even look at Pamela as she stormed past her desk and down the hall, back to her small office. On the way, she noticed the name Brycen Malloy on the door of the office next to hers. A larger office, at that. She rolled her eyes and whisked into her office, motioning Sheila to follow her.

  “Shut the door,” she said to Sheila, as she came in behind her.

  “Well?” Sheila asked, anxiously.

  “Well ” Marissa paused, “guess who Brycen Malloy’s new partner is?”

  “I figured as much,” Sheila stated softly.

  “We got the Jack Wise account.”

  "That’s great, isn’t it?” Sheila asked, seemingly unsure if it was or not.

  Marissa tapped her pencil on the desk for a few seconds before answering. “Yes the Jack Wise account is good. The Phillips account is bad. We have to start all over.”

  “Oh no!” Sheila yelped, she too realizing the long hours they had put in on that project.

  “Jack Wise takes priority over everything, though.”

  They both just sat there for a few minutes.

  Marissa was thinking about what a good team herself and Sheila had made. Granted, she was only a secretary in Jordan’s eyes, but she was sharp and had a lot of good ideas.

  “Sheila,” Marissa began, “Jordan is all hyped up about this guy. We are going to have to work with him, so let’s make the best of it. What can you tell me about him?”

  “He seems real sharp, Marissa, but he is kind of intimidating. At least, I feel that way. I wish someone had told me what was going on.”

  “Yeah they should have. If you have any problems with him, I hope you know that you can talk to me. Nothing is changing between us. Okay?”

  Sheila smiled. “I know, Marissa.”

  Sheila walked back to her desk and Marissa continued sorting through all the papers on her desk.

  Chapter 10

  The next few nights Marissa dreamed of Joshua. Her days, however, were spent with Brycen. Reluctantly, she had to admit that he was, indeed, quite brilliant. Together they had created what Jordan referred to as a ‘true masterpiece’. One couldn’t help but feel good about things when Jordan was passing out compliments like that. They came few and far between.

  Even Sheila had softened towards him. With Marissa back, her workload had lightened, and she too acknowledged his creativity, along with some other things.

  “You know, Marissa Brycen isn’t married,” Sheila stated, very matter-of-factly, as she and Marissa ate lunch in the deli downstairs from their offices.

  “Oh,” Marissa answered back between bites of her tuna sandwich, knowing what Sheila was getting at.

  “I don’t even think he’s involved with anyone. At least, that’s what the word around the office is.”

  “Really?” Marissa responded, while continuing to chew, seemingly uninterested in Brycen Malloy’s personal life.

  “What a handsome guy,” Sheila conti
nued, smiling.

  Knowing where this conversation was heading, Marissa said, “Yeah, he’s handsome, and probably has an ego to match. You know the type plays around, never gets serious, except about his work. He is pretty damn good at that.”

  “I don’t know. I think maybe you might be wrong about him. Did you know that he was married for nine years? His wife was killed in a car accident.”

  “Really?” Marissa asked, taking a different tone, now.

  “Yeah. Word has it that he hasn’t even dated since she died, almost two years ago.”

  Marissa didn’t say anything for a few seconds, then, “Sheila, where in the world do you get all your information?”

  “Are you kidding? Several women in this office are in hot pursuit of him.”


  “Pamela, for one. Everyone knows that. Kelly and Sherri have been talking about him, too.”

  Smilingly broadly, Marissa said smugly, “Mr. Malloy better watch himself. Does he realize Pamela does more for Jordan than answer his phone?”

  “Evidently, he hasn’t given her the time of day and, she’s tried.”

  “Well, let’s give Mr. Malloy credit where credit is due!” she said, snickering.

  “And where would that be?” they heard someone ask.

  Looking up from the table, they saw Brycen towering beside them, toting a newspaper and sandwich. He was grinning, obviously amused that he had caught them talking about him.

  “Well, ladies. Going to fill me in?” he asked, looking directly at Marissa, still smiling.

  “Oh, Brycen, it was nothing,” Marissa responded, hoping her face wasn’t half as red as it felt. Sheila just sat there grinning. Obviously, she was going to let Marissa wiggle out of this on her own. Sensing such, Marissa shot Sheila a quick look of disgust.

  “Well, mind if I join you? I’d hate to miss out on the rest of the conversation?” he asked, already helping himself to a chair, still grinning.

  “Whatever…it really was nothing,” Marissa stumbled.

  “Well, lunch hour is up for me. See ya'!” Sheila stated proudly, grinning, and quickly collected her purse and was gone. That little chicken, Marissa thought to herself.

  Marissa quickly geared the subject towards work.

  “I guess we did pretty good together, huh? Jordan doesn’t usually hand out compliments like he has lately.”

  Brycen leaned one elbow on the table and looking right into Marissa’s eyes said, “Let’s talk about it over dinner tonight?”

  He was handsome. Marissa, looking at him sitting beside her, seemed to see him in a new light after what Sheila had just told her. He looked, somehow, softer, she thought. Maybe he was not the womanizer she had pictured him to be. Still, men like

  him with looks, personality, money they could have

  anyone, she thought. Not confident enough with her own success and looks, she felt self-conscious, as the conversation was on a more personal level.

  He must have noticed that she was taking a long time to answer. “How about Chinese?” he asked softly, still not taking his eyes from hers, “or I could cook for you but, I must warn you it’s been a while.”

  Waiting for an answer, he removed his elbow from the table and leaned back, still keeping his eyes on hers.

  Marissa, with her head tilted upward a little more than normal, said, “No, Chinese would be fine.”

  Leaning forward again, he said, “Good. I’ll pick you up at 7:00?”

  “Okay,” she responded, realizing she was fidgeting with her napkin more than necessary. God! She wondered if she would ever outgrow this school girl nervousness. Maybe once you’ve got it, you’ve always got it, she thought. Trying to justify her own blushing face, she reminded herself that it had been a while since she had been out. Not really since Scott, actually.

  “Well, then. I’ll see you at 7:00. I’ll be in a meeting this afternoon. Maybe you could leave your address on my desk later?” he said, rising to leave, still clutching his newspaper and half a sandwich.

  “Okay, I will,” she said, smiling, trying to sound as smooth as he did.

  As he walked away, butterflies began in her stomach. This could be a mistake. On a professional level, she hadn’t had this nervous feeling. Now that it might be getting personal, she wondered if it would be the same working with him. With that thought, she headed upstairs to her office.

  “Sheila, inside!” she said to Sheila, as she passed her desk and zoomed into her office, grinning. “My how you cleared the scene when it got a little sticky?”

  “He asked you out didn’t he?” Sheila asked, looking quite smug.

  Feeling somewhat proud that she had snagged the attention of what was considered the hottest catch in the office, she said, “As a matter of fact, he did.”

  “I knew he would.”

  “No you didn’t.”

  “Yes I did. He has been asking about you. I had a feeling. I was just getting ready to tell you when he walked in.”

  “Well, it’s just dinner, really. Probably to talk about work and all,” Marissa said, trying to tone down the importance.

  “Uh-huh. Sure it is,” Sheila stated. “What are you going to wear?”

  “Oh, God, Sheila I don’t know. Maybe I shouldn’t even go.

  We work so closely together and all. Wow, it’s been a while, Sheila, since I’ve really been out, you know?”

  Leaning forward on Marissa’s desk, Sheila softly said, “Marissa, it’ll be fine. I really do think he is a nice guy. And, he seems really interested in you. Go for it!”

  Sheila left. Marissa tried to finish the work on her desk. Her thoughts, however, were on the evening ahead.

  Chapter 11

  The evening was wonderful. The next three weeks were wonderful. The dreams about Joshua and all the events at the farm were fading from her mind. Her days and most of her evenings were spent with Brycen. Either they stayed late working on the Jack Wise project or they cuddled up on Marissa’s couch, talking or watching TV. She honestly couldn’t remember feeling this happy. Flirtatious gestures throughout the day were followed up at night with long conversations, passionate embraces and feelings of true contentment. And, her work had never been better, either. Life was good.

  “Well, hello there,” Marissa said, seductively, as Brycen entered her townhouse, carrying a bouquet of beautiful flowers.

  Handing them to her, he grabbed her tightly, kissed her and said, “You look so beautiful.”

  Marissa felt warm all over. She accepted the flowers and momentarily her warm feeling left her. The flowers were daisies. She felt her mind racing back to the farm…to Joshua. No, she told herself. She was not going to ruin this night.

  “Is something wrong, babe?” he asked her, looking concerned.

  “No…of course not. Come here, you,” she said, pulling him close to her and setting the flowers down on the end table by the couch.

  She had shared everything about her life with Brycen over the last few weeks. Everything except the events at the farm and her near breakdown. Maybe someday, she would tell him. Not yet, for sure.

  “I cooked!” she told him, proudly.

  “You’re kidding!” he teased, setting her gently down on the couch, kissing her softly on the neck.

  “Yes…and you MUST eat it!” she warned, jokingly.

  “Let’s eat later,” he said, with a mischievous tone, still kissing gently on her neck.

  “Oh…no…no…no…” she said pushing him back, knowingly teasing him. “This is a real rarity for me to cook. We have to eat it while it’s hot.”

  Continuing to kiss on her neck, he reluctantly agreed. “Okay, but let’s eat quickly.”

  As he pulled away, he gently caressed her breast. She felt her body almost ignite. She wanted him. Tempted to continue right there on the couch, she refrained. She knew tonight would be the night, but she wanted everything to be just right. A true romantic at heart. They had yet to make love, and it had become an unspoken ‘given’
that they would tonight.

  “Dinner was wonderful,” Brycen told her when they were through.

  “Well, spaghetti isn’t all that difficult,” she said, smiling back at him, greatly anticipating what was to come.

  As she loaded the last of the dishes in the dishwasher, she felt him behind her, his arms tightly around her waist, his hands slowly moving up her blouse. As he gently stroked her breasts, she tried to get the last dish loaded, to no avail. Delicately, he unsnapped her lacy, black bra, shedding it over her shoulders and onto the floor. Her heart raced as he scooped her up into his arms, heading toward the bedroom, kissing her all the while.

  As he laid her down on the bed, he stood and slowly removed his shirt. She laid there, wanting him to hurry, but savoring the anticipation. When he laid on top of her, she suddenly felt as though she would explode…and, it wasn’t from passion.

  “Oh God!” she screamed.

  “What’s wrong?” he leaned up, stopping, alarmed.

  “Move oh, God I’m sorry! I’m going to be sick!” and with that, pushed him aside and ran to the bathroom.

  Brycen got up to follow her, but she slammed the bathroom door before he could come in.

  “Marissa, Honey…what’s wrong? Are you okay?” he asked her through the door.

  No answer.

  “Marissa, do you need anything?” he asked, when he heard her giving up her spaghetti.

  “Water,” she managed to say, between heaves.

  “You got it,” he responded, running to the kitchen.

  After quickly retrieving the water, he knocked on the bathroom door. “Mel…here’s your water, babe. Open the door.”

  Knowing she must look as bad as she felt, she said, “No. I don’t want you to see me like this.”

  Still topless and with the aroma of vomit prevalent, she knew she was going to burst into tears any minute. Why was this happening to her on what was supposed to be her perfect evening, she wondered.

  “Marissa, open the door. I don’t care how you look. You take the good with the bad when you love someone. Please let me in, Honey,” he said, almost pleading.


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