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The Vampire's Redemption: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol. 13

Page 4

by B. A. Stretke

  “Are you okay?” He asked and did a quick visual appraisal. Kyler held onto Kash’s arm and nodded but it was obvious he was on the edge of tears. “Why don’t you go to the bathroom and get yourself squared away,” Kash suggested. “I’ll make sure no one goes back there. You’ll have a few minutes to yourself.” Kyler nodded but kept his eyes downcast and it was a few moments before he could let go of Kash’s arm.

  “Thank you.” He said and headed for the bathroom. Kash positioned himself at the entrance to the hallway leading to the bathroom and just kept scanning the room. Jason and Saul were supposed to take care of the dancers, yet they were nowhere to be seen and Phil was in a back corner with his face in his phone. The other guards two men that follow Cruise wherever he went were standing on either side of him while he continued to feel up the bartender behind the bar.

  Joe finished cleaning the floor and delivered another set of drinks. Kash thanked him as he walked by and the words seemed to shock him. Kash looked back over his shoulder when he heard the bathroom door open. Kyler came out still looking upset but trying hard to hide it.

  “Better?” Kash asked as Kyler came up to stand beside him.

  “Yeah, and thanks.” He moved closer to Kash and held his arm. Kyler wasn’t understanding his need to be near this man but right now he wasn’t going to fight it. Kash made him feel safe and that was something neither he nor Gage had felt in the past six weeks. Kash had a warmth that radiated off him and enveloped Kyler. Damn, he didn’t want to step away, but he had a job to do and Cruise was looking angry.

  He forced himself to let go of Kash and headed out onto the floor to continue working but Cruise intercepted him. He rushed towards Kyler and grabbed him roughly by the arm. Kyler had been waiting for this all evening. Cruise was already upset that Gage didn’t come in and the trip and fall just added to his ire.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Cruise screamed. “You’ll pay for every last glass and every drop of booze you spilled and if that brother of yours isn’t here tomorrow I’ll send Jason to go and collect him. You don’t lay around on my dime sweetheart.” Kyler cringed at the thought of Jason forcing Gage out of bed and dragging them both to work. Jason would do it and enjoy every minute. Cruise pushed Kyler roughly away from him and Kash stepped in front of him. He walked up to Cruise and just stared down at him. It was a well-known intimidation tactic and it worked wonderfully.

  “Kyler doesn’t have his mind on his work because he’s worried about his brother. You should let him go home and take care of Gage so they can both be back here tomorrow. They make more money for you dancing than they do waiting table.” Kash was clear and concise and Cruise appeared like he wasn’t sure what to make of it at first and then he laughed. Kyler was both frightened and relieved. Kash defended him but at what cost?

  “Sure, Kyler you can go and Kash here will see you home.” Cruise walked away snickering. “Enjoy yourself Kash but remember they need to be able to dance tomorrow.” He continued to laugh as he walked away.

  Kash was not impressed with Cruise’s offensive assumption but for a man like Cruise what more could he expect. Life was cheap and people were there to be used as far as Cruise was concerned. Kash wished he could just let loose on this bunch of slime. He knew for a fact he would not last another day in this place without killing one of them.

  When he turned to Kyler, the expression he wore tore at his heart. Kash took a step back and raised his hands. “I mean you no harm, but I think it would be best if I saw you home. I will not hurt you. Trust me, please.” Kash reiterated his pledge and slowly Kyler let his edge subside.

  “Okay,” Kyler said. “I’ll get my things and meet you at the front door.”

  “How about I go with you to get your things.” Kash saw Jason and Saul slip into the back while he and Cruise were talking, and he didn’t trust those guys for a minute. Kyler looked unsure but then relented.

  “Oh, okay.” Kash followed him to the small dressing room. The two female dancers were there and so were Jason and Saul leaning against the wall and obviously waiting for Kyler. The two dancers got up and left the minute Kyler entered.

  Jason and Saul straightened and cleared their throats when they saw Kash walk in behind Kyler. “We can make sure he gets home alright.” Jason offered.

  “No thank you. I’ll do it.” Kash wore a ‘do not fuck with me’ expression and the two of them immediately took off.

  “You knew they were waiting?” Kyler asked as he grabbed his things and pulled on his jacket.

  “Yeah, I had a hunch they might try something.” Kash reached out and took the duffle bag from Kyler and swung it over his shoulder. “Come on we’ll go out the back. I parked in the adjacent lot.” Kash stopped and turned to regard Kyler. “Did you drive?”

  “No, I left the car in case Gage needed to go to the hospital,” Kyler stated and then wished he’d been more careful of his words. Kash immediately demanded details.

  “How sick is your brother?”


  Kyler didn’t know how much he should share. Kash seemed okay but he’d been wrong in the past when he trusted people too soon. “He’s sick.” Was all he said and then hurried out the back door and into the back lot. Kash was on his heels and directed him to a sleek black car and opened the door for him. Kyler didn’t know a lot about cars but this one was impressive with chrome and black leather and all the cool extras. This car belonged to someone with adequate finances not a new guard at the Ruby Light.

  “Who are you, Kash? Really, who are you?”

  “Why do you ask?” Kash countered.

  “The rumor is that you were demoted for crimes against the Hadden Corporation, but you’re not like the others at the Club. You’re decent and respectful but also you don’t take shit from anyone. Is that how you ended up at the Club? Did someone push you and you pushed back? Why are you working at this shitty Club?” Kyler realized he was rambling and answering his own questions so stopped. Kash drove out of the parking lot and asked for directions to Kyler’s apartment before answering Kyler’s string of questions.

  “I made a stupid decision and was passed up for promotion because of it. The failure was all mine, but I needed someone else to blame. I nearly destroyed a bonding of beloveds because I couldn’t take responsibility for my own actions. I was disciplined but I didn’t think it was enough considering the damage that I’d caused, so I chose to come back to the Ruby Light. It the place I’d worked when I first came to this city and I then rose to the level of a Corporation Guard. It’s where most guards and soldiers start out.” Kash turned and regarded him for a few seconds before continuing. Kyler was surprised that Kash would share this with him.

  “It was a good place back then, but I don’t recognize it now.” He finished and fell silent. The comment about beloveds did not escape Kyler. He heard about beloveds and how special and even sacred they were in the vampire world.

  “I’ve worked there for six weeks and I can verify that it is indeed a shit hole.” Kyler did not mince words and told Kash the truth.

  “I agree, total shit hole,” Kash said as he pulled into the parking lot of a converted motel that now offered pay by the week rental units. He carried Kyler’s things and followed him inside.

  “You don’t have to see me to the door, you know. I’m capable of getting inside in one piece.” Kyler complained but beneath his words, Kyler was so pleased that the man walked him to his door and carried his bag. It made him feel valued and what a rush that was.

  He figured Kash would leave him at the door, but he stood there waiting for Kyler to unlock the door. He looked back over his shoulder at Kash with a questioning look.

  “I want to see your brother.” He said and Kyler knew what he meant, and Kyler also knew that Gage was going to be pissed. While trying to get the door unlocked, Kyler pinched the side of his finger causing a small amount of blood to surface. He quickly wiped it on his pant leg and opened the door.

  The moment
Kyler’s blood hit the air Kash’s eyes dilated and his breath caught in his throat. The feeling was elation and longing beyond measure. The scent of peaches and cream filled the air and filled his heart and mind. Kyler Costa was his beloved. When the door swung open a second wave of immeasurable desire washed over him as well as the thick scent of caramel apple which quickened his already pounding heart. Gage Costa was his beloved as well.

  These men, these brothers belonged to him. Everything made sense now. All the uncontrollable feelings and the rush of desire, it was natural, and his Vampire instincts had known the truth all along.

  Kash paused in the doorway for just an instant as his mind took in the importance and the meaning of what Fate lay before him. He was shocked that Fate would be so generous to him when he was the near downfall of another’s bond. The Costa twins were a gift beyond all comprehension and expectations. This was far and away the most outstanding moment of his entire life. He took another deep breath breathing in their splendid aromas and calming his reactions. He had to be careful and considerate of who they were and what they’ve been through.

  First of all, they were human and involved in a situation that has left them vulnerable and distrustful. He couldn’t just come at them with a claim of beloved and have them fall into his arms as nice as that would be. He would have to struggle to keep his reactions measured and not be too controlling. It was going to be a difficult few days as he worked his way into their trust and regard. But it will be worth every damn second of his self-denial to at the end of it all to have these two by his side for the rest of existence.

  As Kash set the duffle in a nearby chair the sense of distress and pain swept through him leaving him suddenly anxious and upset. He quickly looked across the room to the twin beds. Gage was in a restless sleep and Kash could sense an underlying pain and discomfort that was much more serious than a mere bug as he’d assumed. Gage was in a dangerous condition and that fact exploded across his mind. Kash could feel the man going in and out of consciousness struggling to hold on and failing.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Kash asked abruptly and he wasn’t going to settle for less than the entire truth. Gage’s struggle was shredding his heart with the difficulty he was having just breathing. He had to fix this. Gage was his to defend and protect.

  Kyler sat on the edge of Gage’s bed and brushed the hair back from his face. “Jason hit him.” Kash nearly lost it. The fury bubbled up from his core and thundered across his nerve endings. Kash felt his eyes shift and his teeth lengthening and fought to maintain his composure. Every fiber of his being wanted to find that man and introduce him to true and lasting pain.

  “Where did he hit him?” Kash needed to focus on the moment as he moved quickly to the side of the bed. Kyler got up and moved to the opposite side. Kash knelt down and placed his hand on Gage’s forehead.

  “He punched him hard in the stomach. Gage was coughing up blood.” Kyler looked heartbroken as he moved closer to Gage who was still not awake but thrashing in his sleep.

  “Why would he hit him?” Kash was dumbfounded. The idea of hurting someone like this was shocking.

  “Cruise said we didn’t make enough for the Club. He said we were lazy and not working hard enough.” Kyler explained but there was no emotion in his words just a flat dictation that struck Kash as heartbreaking. The situation at the Club was even worse than he’d imagined, and he’d imagined it was pretty bad.

  Kash pulled the light blanket down and pushed Gage’s t-shirt up to bare his midriff. What he saw was disturbing. The skin was red and purplish indicating Jason had used significant force; it’s not easy to bruise soft tissue. “Why didn’t you go to the hospital?” He asked as he felt the area and then checked his pulse.

  “We can’t draw attention to ourselves or the Club,” Kyler stated. Kash had many questions but they all fled his mind when Gage began to cough uncontrollably bringing up more blood, dark and thick. Kash took out his handkerchief and wiped Gage’s mouth and chin. It hit him just how dire this situation was when he felt the flutter of Gage’s spirit start to die.

  “Shit,” Kash exclaimed and quickly bit into his wrist and cradling Gage’s head in the crook of his arm, forced the open wound to Gage’s lips. “Drink, Gage.” He demanded. Gage was too out of it to protest so fastened his lips on the wound and began to drink.

  “Oh, my God, what are you doing?” Kyler tried to pull Kash’s arm away, but he was no match for Kash. Kash riveted him with a steely glare effectively silencing him.

  “Calm down.” He stated bluntly and Kyler responded immediately. Thank Fate for their burgeoning bond. “I know that you know what I am and who runs the Club. You’ve let things slip that has made it obvious Cruise did not adhere to the Coven’s secrecy mandate.” Kash saw the flash of surprise in Kyler’s eyes but he didn’t comment or deny. “You may not know this, but vampire blood has restorative and healing properties. Your brother is gravely injured. My guess is a ruptured spleen which could have serious consequences if not treated quickly. My blood will help him.”

  “Should I call an ambulance? We’ll get in real bad trouble, but I can’t lose Gage.” Kyler was becoming distraught and on the verge of tears. “I should have taken him as soon as it happened. Why did I wait?” Tears began a gentle flow, but Kyler wiped them away and reached out to hold his brother’s hand.

  “My blood will heal him.” Kash pressed once again. He needed to assure Kyler for his anguish was too much to bear. “You and Gage did what you thought was right don’t beat yourself up. He will recover, I promise.” Kash didn’t include the fact that they were his beloveds and his blood had ten times the healing power of an average vampire. He did not doubt Gage would be well within a few hours, if not sooner.

  After a few minutes, he pulled his wrist away and licked the wound closed before kissing the blood from Gage’s lips. It was a bold move right there in front of Kyler, but he couldn’t deny his need to comfort his beloved. Gage was already showing signs of improvement. Kash laid him back onto the bed and brushed his thumb across Gage’s lower lip. The kiss had helped calm his raging desire for revenge against those who harmed his beloved, but the fire was still burning. Jason would pay for his abuses.

  Kyler ran his fingers down the side of Gage’s face and then looked across at Kash. “He seems so peaceful now. He’s not in pain?”

  “He’s not in pain. He’s healing and now it’s just an issue of rest.” Kash pulled the blanket up to cover Gage completely and tucked it in around him.

  “Will you kiss me too?” Kyler’s voice was soft and hesitant, but his eyes were demanding. Kash reached across and cupped the back of Kyler’s head and pulled him forward until their lips met. The kiss was gentle at first and then Kash hardened and deepened the connection as the taste of his beloved burst along his senses stimulating and captivating his world. Kyler opened eagerly to Kash’s questing tongue. He swept inside tasting and experiencing the flavor of his beloved. He slowly brought the kiss to an end and pulled back while keeping his eyes on Kyler’s reaction.

  Kyler looked pensive and expectant as his eyes traveled Kash’s face looking for something as Kash waited for the question that was there. He could feel it hanging between them but wasn’t sure what it was and then Kyler asked.

  “Could you love us both, Kash?” His voice trembled.

  “Yes, quite easily and with all my heart,” Kash responded without hesitation. There was that smile he’d longed for spreading across Kyler’s face and lighting his eyes. “Let’s let your brother rest,” Kash said and took Kyler by the hand. They turned out the light by the bed and both moved to sit at the small table in the corner as they kept a close eye on Gage.

  “What’s going on at the Ruby Light? The staff are scared, not worried or apprehensive, actually frightened. They don’t talk to anyone even amongst themselves. Is it the brutality of Cruise and his cronies alone or is there more?” Kash needed some answers, clear and conclusive answers.

  “You’re a va
mpire guard, a member of the Coven, don’t you know what goes on at the Ruby Light?” Kyler’s question caught Kash by surprise. Yes, he should know but he didn’t, and he was sure others were in the dark as well.

  “No, I’m embarrassed to say I don’t know. The Ruby Light was my past. I came here expecting to experience some self-reflection and personal growth by going back to my beginning and gaining perspective. I had no idea the Ruby Light had descended into such chaos. I don’t believe the Master knows. He would not tolerate such blatant misconduct and abuse.” Kash sincerely hoped that Josef was the only one involved and that the corruption didn’t rise any higher.

  “I’m sure you’re aware of the drug dealing.” Kyler began keeping his gaze either on his fingers that were knotted together on the tabletop or on his brother across the room. “They don’t even try to hide it.”

  “Yeah, I’m aware,” Kash interjected but said no more.

  “They also change all the rules the minute you sign a contract with them, and they have contracts with everyone even the bartenders and waitstaff. Gage and I were promised two days off per week and we get no days off. We were promised that we wouldn’t work more than eight hours per day and then only if the circumstances warranted. Six was to be the standard, but we work twelve hours most days and no less than ten. We signed a contract as dancers and dancers only, no waiting tables or working the crowd but we do it all even the janitorial.” Kyler twisted his finger a little tighter and Kash reached across the table and covered them both with his one hand. Kyler seemed to gather strength from the contact.

  “Every morning before we leave Cruise and his bodyguards line us up and take at least half our tips calling it payment for broken glassware or lost items, too many breaks whatever he decides. Sometimes he takes everything and makes an example of the person, as he calls it.”


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