The Vampire's Redemption: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol. 13

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The Vampire's Redemption: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol. 13 Page 5

by B. A. Stretke

  “Is that what happened to Gage,” Kash asked and Kyler nodded.

  “Yeah, we didn’t make enough tips. We didn’t say anything when he took all our money but then Jason came up and grabbed Gage and hit him.” Kyler looked back over to his brother. “I had to practically carry him out of the club and to our car.”

  “He’s getting better, Kyler. Can’t you feel it?” Kash threw that out to see how Kyler responded. The bond between the three of them was growing as their contact and close proximity continued.

  “Yes, I do feel it.” Kyler looked at Kash with a strange intensity. “I’ve been drawn to you since I first met you and so has Gage. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was.” Kash smiled at that disclosure. “I felt from the first moment that I could trust you, but I don’t know why.”

  “We’ll discuss that further when Gage wakes up,” Kash said, not wanting to get into the sacred aspects of their connection just yet.

  “Did Cruise give you grief when you came in alone tonight?” Kash asked wanting to get back to the topic at hand. Their bond needed time to grow before he disclosed that they were beloveds, but it warmed his heart to know that they were feeling the pull just as he was.

  “He was pretty mad but there was nothing he could do other than tell me I was working for no wages. He said our contract stated two dancers, not one, so he didn’t have to pay me.” Kyler continued and Kash grew more and more heated with each incident and slight that he described.

  “How much do you get paid or do you just work for tips?”

  “Just tips.”

  “Does anyone who works there get paid or are they all just working for tips?” This was sounding more egregious by the moment.

  “No one receives a paycheck,” Kyler answered.

  “Why don’t you leave? Why doesn’t everyone leave? What’s making you stay when you could get better work anywhere else, absolutely anywhere?” Kash asked so caught up in the trauma that he didn’t notice that Gage was awake.

  “For the same reason I didn’t go to the hospital. They said if we drew attention to them that we’d be dealt with. The last person they dealt was never seen again.” Gage sat up and threw his legs over the side of the bed. “Does that answer your question?” Kyler rushed to his brother’s side urging him to lay back down, but he was better, much better and Kash couldn’t be more pleased.

  “Is that the person who gave you and Kyler the scent diffuser?” Kash understood now why he hadn’t picked up on their importance sooner. The lemon and ginger should have been a clue, but he was too caught up in their sheer beauty to look deeper until now. “The lemon and ginger scent is a common ingredient for shifter or paranormal repellent as it were.” He explained his knowing their secret.

  “No, he didn’t give it to us, it was his dance partner. They were a duo and when Keagan disappeared after making some vocal threats to Cruise, Carlo took off too. He gave us some of the repellent as you call it before he left. I don’t know if he actually got away, I hope he did.” Kash got up and walked over to crouch down in front of Gage.

  “I’m sorry all of this has happened to you. The Ruby Light was never a classy joint, but it was never like this. It used to have dignity. I don’t know how or why Cruise and his pals have been able to get away with all that they have. But I promise you that I will make this right and I will protect you both, you have my word. Jason and the others will never touch you or Kyler again and if they do, it will be the last thing they ever do.” Kash took Gage’s hand and lifted it to his lips and place a soft kiss to the knuckles.

  Gage was touched by the man’s pledge and knew by the look in his eyes that he was sincere. He and Kyler needed someone in their corner for once. They needed a champion like Kash.

  “Thank you for making him well, Kash.” Kyler broke in.

  “Yeah, thanks for helping me. I didn’t think I was going to make it.” Gage turned his hand and laid a gentle kiss to Kash’s knuckles. “I remember the kiss. It was the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.” Gage cast his eyes up to look at Kash. “The kiss you gave Kyler was hot. I want one of those.” Kash bent forward holding Gage’s steady gaze.

  “When you’re well, I have a lot to share with both you and Kyler and a kiss will be just the beginning,” Kash said with so much heat that Gage felt like he was about to melt. “For now, we have to figure a way out of this for you two.”

  “They’re not going to let us go without a fight. For all the claims that we do poorly and bring in little money, we actually do better than the other four dancers combined. Cruise won’t let us leave.” Gage decided to get real and see if Kash was still willing to stay.

  Kash stood and walked over to the apartment’s only window and it looked out onto a derelict alley. “You can’t stay here. They know where you live. There’s no security here.” He stated without turning around. “I own several income properties. A couple of day rentals and a bed and breakfast. I’d like to hide you in one of them. No one knows my business. It will take time for them to trace you there and my security is much better.” Kash turned around to regard them both seated on the one twin bed and all he could think about was how fucking sexy they looked.

  He couldn’t wait for the day he could share everything with these two men. He took a deep breath and pulled in his raging desire before continuing. “Grab your things and I’ll stash you at one of my properties. You’ll stay there until I get to the bottom of who all is involved in the dealings at the Ruby Light.” Kash said and then added when he noticed their subtle hesitance. “Do you trust me?”

  “I can’t see that we have any other option,” Gage spoke up. “It’s either trusting you or go back to indentured servitude at the Ruby Light. I for one am tired of being taken and abused. I’ll go with you.” Gage turned to look at his brother to see if he was on board.

  “Me too, I’m in, just please don’t screw us over, Kash.” Kyler’s plea hit Kash right in the heart.

  “I would die first.” He said and both twins were taken aback by the firm declaration. He clearly wasn’t speaking figuratively. “Now gather your stuff and let’s go. We’ll stash your car in a parking garage downtown.”

  Kash realized that Cruise could probably figure out where they went given enough time, but he really doubted the man’s basic intelligence. Kash kept his businesses separate from his coven life so no one but Sergio was aware that he owned property. Hopefully, he’d have this all cleared up and the Ruby Light cleaned out before anyone was the wiser as to where the Costa twins went.

  He would see to the twin’s safety and then head back to the Club to find out what he could about who was involved and to who he could report this mess. If Josef is part of it, he’d have to go around him to Master Hadden, but that wouldn’t be easy. What if the Master is a part of this as well? It seemed preposterous but yesterday he’d have said the same about his suspicions regarding Josef.


  “Kash Garret is going to have to succumb to an unfortunate accident.” Cruise called his two henchmen, Jason and Saul into his office to discuss the new hire. “It’ll have to be away from the club or outside at least. I don’t want the Coven people coming here to investigate. Make it clear cut and incriminate one of the staff which you will then kill. All clean and neat and nothing to investigate.” Cruise smiled at his own ingenuity.

  “I thought you were going to try and bring him on board,” Saul questioned.

  “He hasn’t answered my offer and we can’t take chances on the lucrative set up we have here. It will be easier just to eliminate him than to try and turn him.” Again, Cruise smiled as did Jason.

  “I’d love the chance to end him. He thinks he’s all that strutting around. I’d give a week’s wages to have the opportunity to gut him.” Jason tossed back his head and widened his stance. “He’s probably all show and no substance anyway.”

  “The job’s yours.” Cruise announced. “He’s with the twins at their apartment over on Fort Street.” Cruise suddenly snapped his
fingers. “Perfect, you can kill Kash and then blame the twins.”

  “You want him to kill the best dancers this place has ever seen? Sounds counterproductive to me.” Saul commented without any real concern in his tone.

  Jason snickered before informing them. “Gage is as good as dead, if not dead already. I hit him pretty hard yesterday. He wasn’t taken to the hospital or clinic, I checked, so he’s probably bled out internally by this time.” He smiled and then apologized. “I got carried away. You shouldn’t hire such delicate dancers.”

  Cruise thought about it for a few minutes then came up with another plan. “Kill Kash and blame it on Kyler. We can say that it was Kash who hit Gage and Kyler was looking for revenge. Then kill Kyler.” Cruise finished and patted Jason on the back. “Then when you’re finished with that, go find me two more dancers and they better be good. I don’t care how you get them here but get them here.”

  “Will do,” Jason said and left the office.

  Cruise then turned to Saul. “I’ve been considering adding a prostitution angle to what we have here, but it would entail tighter security. We could finish off those rooms upstairs and make some real money. There’s some nice ass around this place and why should I keep it all for myself when most of it is willing, for the right price anyway.” He laughed.

  “I think it’s worth looking into,” Saul answered. “I’ll get some construction bids and get back to you.”

  “Nothing fancy.” Cruise told him as he was leaving. “Just clean it up and put in some beds.”


  Kash drove Kyler and Gage to his day rental on Fifth Avenue by the University. It was in a nice part of town where people minded their own business. He was confident that they would be safe there. He had a state-of-the-art security system and the place was always prepared for guests.

  He pulled into the attached garage and quickly closed the door behind them before turning to the twins and welcoming them to their new home for a few days at least. They got out and Kash helped them carry their things inside. He made sure to show them all the security measures and how to use them. He made sure they were settled and comfortable before getting them something to eat and drink.

  “I’m going back to your apartment to leave a message for your landlord letting him know that you two went back to New York and the apartment has been cleared.” He told them.

  “Do you think he’ll believe it?” Kyler moved up beside Kash. He liked being close so did Gage but Kyler was a real cuddle bug and Kash loved it.

  “He has no reason not to,” Kash said.

  “I love your place,” Gage commented from across the room. He was still looking a bit weak and it concerned Kash. He walked over to him and cupped the sides of his face tilting it up to his.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” Kash whispered against Gage’s lips and then took them in a hard-scorching kiss. Gage groaned into Kash’s mouth and the sensation was thrilling sending sharp bolts of desire to his now hard cock. He felt Kyler come up behind him and mold his body to Kash’s and the feeling was beyond comparison. The pure sense of closeness and warmth coupled with the most sensuous and erotic sensations he’d ever experienced was a combination that seared into his heart and soul.

  These two men were the stuff of dreams. Kash continued the hot kiss with Gage while reaching back and taking a gentle handful of Kyler’s magnificent ass. The reaction he got was immediate. Kyler wrapped his thin arms around Kash’s waist and began a slow steamy ride on Kash’s upper thigh. He could feel the growing hardness as Kyler pressed firmly and his desire became more heated.

  The need to claim these two came on him in a wave of lust and need punctuated with a possessive finality.

  “I want you Kash,” Kyler whispered while dropping one hand to gently caress Kash’s hardness. The touch was sensational and Kash nearly lost it when, at the same time, Gage reached out and cupped his balls. Gage’s hand was too small to take it all but his touch, like Kyler’s, sent Kash into a whole new dimension of craving satisfaction.

  Kash trailed his kiss down to Gage’s throat and scraped his teeth tantalizingly along the surface of his sensitive flesh and nipped just a drop needing to know the and experience the flavor of his beloved. Kash felt Gage tremble and heard Kyler moan. They seemed to be experiencing his touch in tandem, what a delicious thought.

  “Are you ready for a man like me? You know what I am.” Kash asked and slid his hand down to cup Gages ass and pull him flush against him.

  “We know you, Kash and we’re ready.” They said at the same time and in the same tone. These gorgeous men were absolutely hypnotizing.

  Kash moved to position one on either side of him draping an arm around each and holding them tight to him. They continued to rub and touch until Kash could not resist the call of his beloveds.


  Kash picked them up one in each arm and carried them across the living room to the hallway that led to the master bedroom. They held on, wrapping themselves around him clinging like lovely sexy vines. He should be heading back to the Ruby Light but instead, he was heading to the bedroom. Their combined arousal was making his head spin in the most amazing way ever. The ability to walk away had fled the moment they caressed him and began to beg so wantonly. He would take a taste, ease the tension, there was time. Who was he to deny his beloveds?

  Kash set them down near the bed and began to disrobe. They watched as he tossed his jacket on the chair and followed it with his shirt and tie. They wrapped their hands together obviously having difficulty with not touching was they were seeing. Kash was eating up the attention but wanted a show as well. “Why am I the only one getting undressed?” He asked casually as he popped the button on his pants and slowly lowered the zipper.

  Gage was the first to move and quickly pulled the t-shirt up and off tossing it on the floor by the bed. His bruises were gone and the smooth flesh of his chest with its firm muscles and gentle curves made Kash’s mouth water. Kyler was next and did the same and moved to place his arm around Gage’s waist. “We’re waiting for you Kash.” He said with a shy smile.

  Kash was not one to disappoint and in one move, having already removed his shoes and socks, slid his pants and briefs down and off. He stood there with his hard cock jutting out, hot and throbbing and a hungry lust in his eyes, but they weren’t scared off. No, they moved so quickly to shed their own clothing that they nearly tripped over each other.

  Gage dropped to his knees gripped Kash’s cock with his small soft hand and began sucking the leaking tip as Kyler palmed and licked his balls. It was a scene from one of his most decadent daydreams. He’d worried that he might be moving too fast, but it seems that he wasn’t moving fast enough. The Costa twins knew what they wanted, and they were not shy about it. Kash ran his fingers through their soft blond hair reveling in the ecstasy they were providing.

  Kash considered himself sexually experienced and even worldly but he’d never taken part in a ménage. But he knew for certain that even if he had it wouldn’t have been as spectacular as what he was experiencing at that moment.

  Gage couldn’t get enough of the taste of this amazing looking man. Kash was built like nothing Gage had seen before, all muscle and smoothness with a dusting of dark hair everywhere. It was making his heart hammer in his chest and made him drop to his knees just for a taste. Kash’s cock was velvety soft yet hard as steel. He wished he could get more of it into his mouth but Kash was just too big. He stroked with his hand and sucked on the head loving the way Kash caressed his scalp and thrust gently.

  He moved to switch places with Kyler when he tapped him on the shoulder. Dropping to the side to suck one of Kash’s balls into this mouth holding it there while he massaged the other. He didn’t know which was better because every part of Kash Garret was worth exploring and he planned to taste every inch.

  Kash was losing all control when suddenly they switched places and he was now thrusting into Kyler’s sweet mouth and Gage was having his way below.
His legs were getting weak and he knew he would come soon but wanted a taste for himself. Needing more access he carefully stepped back and relished the wet popping sound of his cock coming out of Kyler’s eager mouth. They leaned back on the knees and looked up at him and the pure debauchery of the scene had him gripping his cock to keep from coming right then and there.

  He’d never had such a reaction to anyone, ever. He took each one by the hand and led them to the bed. “I want to touch you.” He said to both of them as they climbed up onto the large bed with its classic teal and gray comforter and plush pillows. Kash had a plan and was aching to get started. He moved up to the middle of the bed and lay down on his back, beckoning Kyler forward. Once Kyler straddled Kash’s shoulders, Gage took it upon himself to straddle his cock. Kash slid a small tube of lube down to Gage who grabbed it eagerly and began to stretch and lubricate his entrance while pressing down on Kash’s large thick cock.

  Kash looked up at Kyler and with a crooked smile told him. “Feed it to me, beautiful.” Kyler thrust forward inserting his needy cock between Kash’s waiting lips. Kyler leaned forward and braced the palm of his hands against the headboard and began a slow but deep thrust into Kash’s mouth. At the same time, Gage buried Kash’s cock deep within the hot moistness of his tight channel.

  Kash held fast to Kyler’s luscious round ass and strived to give as good as he was getting. These men were outstanding. If this was the beginning of the rest of Kash’s life he would live a very happy and satisfied man. This closeness, sensitivity, soul-deep reactions and even love, if he could say that word yet, was well and above any daydream, he’d ever concocted.

  Gage was exhilarated as he settled upon Kash’s large cock stretching and filling him beyond imagination. He began a slow rhythm at first but when Kash began to thrust his hips in time with Gage’s moves he couldn’t hold back. It was a ride of a lifetime so raw and wild and just plain incredible. He knew this man would be a great lover, so kind and considerate and with a body that could rock anybody’s world. Gage held on and hammered against the hard body beneath him. He was determined to take everything this man was giving him.


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