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Archangel's Kiss

Page 11

by Santos, Anna

  “Okay,” I said, breathlessly, not sure if I was acknowledging his words or permitting him to kiss me. Probably both. And I had no idea if he had noticed that.

  “Have I told you how gorgeous you look tonight?”


  “And that I can’t take my eyes off of you?”


  “I can’t.”

  “Then don’t,” I replied, feeling his hands reach for my waist.

  I put my arms around his neck as his face moved closer to mine. The world seemed to be turning fast around me, and I was finding it hard to control my excitement. My inner voice was screaming like a hysterical groupie, repeating, Oh my god. Oh my god, he’s going to kiss me. He is. He is. I’m not proud of it, but I had every right to feel excited and scared at the same time. My heart seemed as if it was going to beat out of my chest and my lungs would just stop working.

  “I won’t,” he assured.

  I smiled and closed my eyes when I felt his breath caressing my face. His hands held my waist tighter as his lips touched mine. They were soft, and it took me a moment to register what was happening. Then he pressed his mouth harder against mine, and my lips parted to taste his fully. Like magic, I surrendered completely to him, and my foot popped up. That was how perfect the kiss was!

  All the noise around us disappeared. I had no idea what to do with my mouth. I just kept eagerly pressing my lips against his. It was nice, peaceful, and perfect how our lips molded together. It was a close, romantic kiss. I was trembling with desire, but feeling perfectly safe inside his arms. That was until, suddenly, someone stumbled and fell against my back making us break our embrace.

  Cedric steadied me, so I wouldn’t fall, and I heard an apparent drunk woman giggling behind my back. “Oh, I’m so sorry!”

  They kept giggling as if it was funny to stumble and ruin first kisses. It could only happen to me, my perfect first kiss being destroyed by someone else.

  When I turned to see who the culprit was, I lost all the color in my face. My cousin Gabby and her male companion were right before me. Sweet Mary and Joseph, this can’t be happening!

  “I’m so sorry. Forgive me. I didn’t mean to ruin your make-out session,” Gabby said, looking at us with an amused expression. I blinked in confusion. “But we didn’t know someone else was here. I guess this spot is taken. By the way, I love your necklace and your tiara.” She pointed at them before almost falling backward. Her friend grabbed her as she laughed, apparently amused by her intoxicated condition.

  “I told you, you shouldn’t drink so much champagne,” the guy told Gabby.

  “It’s not every day we are invited to a fancy party like this,” she claimed.

  “We should go,” Cedric suggested, talking in my ear and making me gain control of my body.

  I was still waiting for Gabby to realize who I was. To identify me. But she didn’t seem to recognize me. I wasn’t that different, was I?

  “You don’t need to move because of us,” the man said, staring at Cedric and pulling Gabby into his arms.

  I thought I had recognized him from the party on the boat. I believe he was the same guy who she had been with on that unforgettable night of my near-death experience. “We’re going to get more champagne. It was a pleasure to see you again, Cedric.”

  “Sean,” Cedric said as if he was politely telling him goodbye, but there was some animosity in his voice. He hadn’t been rude to anyone at that party. Though, he apparently didn’t like that young man.

  “Have fun with your date,” Sean smirked. Then he took Gabby away while was complaining to him about how he never gave her jewels like those as he was patiently cooing in her ear to calm down.

  I turned to face Cedric. He had a brooding stare and concerned face. “She...didn’t recognize me.”

  “Who?” Cedric asked, frowning and giving me his attention.

  “My cousin. That was Gabby.”

  Widening his eyes, he seemed to understand. “Oh!”

  “She just saw me for a couple of hours. I guess, she forgot all about me and my disappearance quite fast.”

  “She was the one who took you to the party,” Cedric said. “No wonder you ended up in a boat full of vampires. She’s dating one.”

  “What?” I asked, raising my voice more than I intended to. I covered my mouth. “Sean is a vampire?” I whispered.

  “Yes. I’m afraid he is.”

  “So, is she in danger?”

  “I don’t think so. He seems…to like her. And she is with him willingly. There is nothing we can do.” He shrugged.

  “Do you think she knows he is a vampire?”

  “Probably not. But Sean doesn’t normally harm his girlfriends. He’s a nice guy, even if he’s a vampire. He must be here in his master’s stead.”


  “Yes, the man who turned him. The ruler of the vampires.”

  I had more and more questions. I held my hands together and shared my doubts. “I don’t understand. Why are there vampires at this party? Weren’t you supposed to be enemies or something?”

  “We have a truce. I guess not all of them are bad. What’s wrong?” he asked, with a concerned voice, lifting my face to stare at him while carefully holding my chin with his fingers.

  “She ruined everything,” I said, in a whimpering voice. My eyes prickled with tears as I fisted my hands. I blurted to Cedric, “She takes me to a party where I’m almost killed, doesn’t even recognize me anymore, and she is dating a freaking vampire. The worst thing is that she just ruined my first kiss!”

  “Nothing is ruined, baby,” he said, caressing my face.

  “It was our first kiss,” I whispered with an affectionate stare and trembling lips.

  Cedric smiled as he leaned down. “It was just one of the many kisses I’ll give you.”

  I pouted. His hands reached out to mine, and he brought me closer to his warm embrace. I felt the air rush out of my lungs with the intimacy.

  “There’s no reason to go inside just yet,” he said with a luring voice as I closed my eyes and surrendered once again to the soft touch of his lips.

  I didn’t say anything, so I wouldn’t ruin it. I merely grasped his coat and let my disappointment disappear with the sweetness of his kisses. He tasted amazing, and it was hard for me to breathe. It was a struggle to want to breathe. I was lost, not caring about who could be watching us. I simply smiled against his mouth, amazed at the swirl of lust that was taking over my body.

  Kissing the tip of my nose, he asked, “What are you thinking?”

  “I never thought that kissing felt so good.”

  “I’m glad you like it,” he whispered, retaking possession of my lips, lacing his hand around my waist and taking me higher, almost lifting me up from the floor.

  I felt a new rush of adrenaline take over my body while dizziness took hold of my mind. I pressed my lips harder against his, desperate for contact, tightening my grasp around his neck.

  “Aria, Aria,” he whispered my name. My entire body reacted to his husky voice, to the enticing way my name sounded on his lips. I was experiencing explosions of flutters in my stomach. “Baby, please tell me you like me as much as I like you,” he mumbled between kisses, making it hard for me to concentrate on anything else but the movement of our lips together.

  “I like you. I like you a lot,” I confessed, feverishly and helplessly honest.

  It was scary how easy I was giving in to him. It was even scarier how quickly he got me to confess my feelings. But I could stress all about that later. I wanted to be kissed, and I wanted him. He was my perfect Prince Charming, and I was feeling like I was living in a real fairy tale.

  I felt his lips draw into a pleased grin against mine as he held me tighter. My feet left the floor as if I weighed nothing. A startled gasp parted my lips. His mouth opened against mine, and I felt his tongue rub against mine. I almost opened my eyes in surprise, but it was so good that I lost my will to resist and overthink the
fact that it seemed that he knew what he was doing. He knew how to kiss.

  As his tongue kept rubbing mine, teasing and making fireworks inside my mouth, I felt a tingling sensation run throughout my body because of our kisses. Who needed wings to fly when I had Cedric to kiss me and blow my mind? Besides, I was afraid of flying. But I was beginning to enjoy my feet not touching the ground while inside his arms, kissing him.



  Sometimes, I hate the fact I’m too impulsive. After all, living for more than two centuries should have helped me to be more patient and not to jump to conclusions hastily. But it didn’t. It didn’t help that I’d spent the last several decades ignoring my conscience. But where it had failed me, Jo, on the other hand, did a great job of making me feel guilty and stupid. Stupid more than anything else, really. Even more, after going to Aria’s uncle’s house and going through her things.

  I can be slow to catch my mistakes, but I try to fix them after I find them. I thought that I might find my mate if I spoke to her family. For that, I needed to know where Aria lived in the USA. She was probably there, Cedric must have shipped her home, away from us, dark creatures of the night. However, Aria’s uncle had the firm belief that she was still missing. All her things were there, in her cousin’s bedroom, waiting to be sent to Aria’s parents.

  At least, I got Aria’s address, and I had some associates in the States to go to her parents’ house and inquire as to where she was. While I was waiting, I was going through her clothes and her private possessions. She had a diary. I guess all girls her age liked to write personal things down. Yet, she didn’t have anything interesting there. Only some random notes about school and an itinerary of what she wanted to visit in Paris. It was interesting, nevertheless.

  She also had a violin. That I was not expecting. I would never have guessed she was a musician. That surprised me in a good way. Why? Music was the only passion I allowed myself to indulge in. It moved and touched my damaged soul. Besides, Sophie loved to play the cello and the violin. She excelled at it. My passion for music went hand in hand with my passion for Sophie. I had dedicated quite a number of my immortal years to learn how to play the piano. Therefore, I wondered if Aria could play well or if it just a silly hobby. Many learn how to play an instrument because it was educational, not because they were called to it and truly loved it.

  I came to the conclusion that, besides the violin, there wasn’t anything particularly interesting in her belongings. She had simple clothes and few trinkets. She was a simple girl, but I had understood that when I first saw her. Too simple for me, and too naive to survive in my world. Maybe, just maybe, I was too blind to piece together that her simplicity was the only thing that could make me love her. What else could touch my heart and soul other than a simple girl? Aria didn’t ask to be my mate, yet she had all the qualities I had looked for in a girl before I became so cold and heartless.

  Her laptop didn’t have a password. I was able to browse her photos and smile at her inability to make a straight face for the cameras and give a genuine smile. She didn’t like to take pictures, and that was endearing, even though, she was pretty. I had rejected her because I was refusing all the concepts of having a soul-mate. But the girl was cute and adorably sweet. She loved her parents. She smiled genuinely when she was in her dad’s arms while he made funny faces for her to laugh at. I had never met my father. I wondered if that were the type of smile I would have given him if I had met him and he accepted me.

  It didn’t matter anymore. He was a long time gone.

  She also had some videos. Some were of her last birthday. I witnessed her happiness when her parents had given her a ticket to Paris. A genuine happiness that made my heart hurt since I was the jerk who made her dream trip become a nightmare. But what caught my attention was the folder that had written ‘Aria’s violin performances.’ Her mom had recorded her violin performances, so she could send them to get an audition for a private music conservatory. It had an application letter in the same folder. It seemed like her mom had high hopes Aria would pursue a career in music. I decided to judge that for myself.

  If until then I thought I was becoming fascinated by the girl, when I heard her play, I knew it to be true. I felt like my demons had come out to curse me for my past devious acts. I had miserably failed to recognize my mate for what she was: a talented, beautiful, and simple creature that had an extraordinary gift to perform the most complicated classical violin pieces. She felt all the emotions of the music she was performing. She was a prodigy! She was able to play my favorite classical pieces like a professional. And I had rejected her and sentenced her to Hell. That made me another type of monster, the kind I had never intended to be.

  I lay back in the chair, staring at her playing and unaware of the time passing by. Unconcerned with the quiet couple I had left compelled in the living room, completely unmindful of what was going on. I was also oblivious to the fact I had a party to attend. I couldn’t care less about that. Aria was making me feel human again. I was entirely unworthy of her. However, that didn’t give me the right to condemn her beautiful soul to Hell. There is undoubtedly something I can do to fix that?

  My phone vibrated in my pocket. My associates were calling me from the States. My heart began pumping blood fast. I was sincerely hoping they would tell me she was there, that she was okay. I had given orders for them to approach without harming anyone.

  “Yes,” I answered with a hoarse voice, lowering the volume of the computer, so I could hear them talk.

  “Mr. Duchamp, we’ve done what you asked of us, sir. But there is a problem.”

  “What’s the problem?” I asked, concerned that something terrible had happened to the girl. Caring about someone else other than me was something I was still getting used to.

  “The girl is not here, and two angels are guarding her parents. Do you want us to take care of the angels?”

  “She is not there,” I mumbled, thinking about where she could be.

  “Do you want us to force her parents to tell us?”

  “No. Don’t do anything. Are you sure she isn’t there?”

  “She isn’t. There aren’t any reports of her arrival in the States, either. Our contacts confirm she’s still in France. At least, her passport wasn’t used to enter the country.”

  “Okay. I’ll send the payment for your services. I got it from here.”

  “Glad to do business with you, Mr. Duchamp,” the guy said and hung up the phone.

  I stared at my smartphone with brooding eyes. There was just one other person who could tell me where Aria was. And that meant I had to talk to Cedric and ask him. It would raise suspicions. It couldn’t be helped since I was intrigued as to why Aria was still in France.

  I dialed Sean who I had sent to the party with Aria’s cousin. Sean was having a serious relationship with that girl. He was caught up by her charms. I had no say in the matter. He was old enough to take care of himself and the gold-diggers who would prey on his kindness. It was his money he was spending with the blonde chick, not mine. Besides, Gabby could prove to be useful to me if I was planning to get Aria and take her to my home.

  “Yes, Philippe,” Sean answered on the other side with a happy voice.

  “Are you drunk?” I asked, becoming annoyed because I wanted him to keep a low profile.

  “Just a bit, boss. What can I do for you? Aren’t you coming? This party is great!”

  “Is that Philippe?” Gabby asked on the other side. “This is awesome, Phil! We are having so much fun!”

  I growled annoyed by them being drunk and with Gabby’s choice of a nickname for me. I didn’t know who the girl thought she was, but we didn’t have that sort of intimacy. Besides, I hated that nickname.

  “Sean, stay focused and answer a simple question for me,” I ordered him.

  “Shoot boss!”

  “Is Cedric there?”

  “Cedric?” He laughed loudly and hysterically as if it was
a private joke.

  “Is he there or not?”

  “Oh, he’s here, alright! You would never guess what he was doing when I saw him. It will blow your mind!”

  I hung up, not interested in what Sean had to say. I just wanted to know if Cedric was there, so I could go and ask him where Aria was.

  I got up and walked into the living room to compel the aunt and uncle to think that I hadn’t been there, and that Aria’s possessions were already sent to America. Then I called my driver and butler, asking them to get Aria’s belongings. She would need them when I take her to live with me. I just took her violin and her laptop with me and waited in the car. I kept watching her and listening to how beautifully she played. The look on her face, while she was playing, was the most perfect thing. Time seemed to fly when I looked at her.

  “All is packed, sir. Where are we heading to now?” my driver asked me.

  “We are going to Alpha Jean-Paul’s party.”

  Chapter EIGHTEEN


  Camille was all over my case. It didn’t help that I was smiling like a fool and feverish when we made our way back to them at the party. Cedric had made the wise decision to go back inside and for us to dance a bit more. It was rude to be absent for so long, and it was still too early to leave the party.

  “You missed a spot here,” Camille said to Cedric who stared at her unaware of what she meant. “Here, let me.” Smirking, she took a handkerchief out of her small purse; then she wiped Cedric’s lips that had remnants of my lipstick on them. I had tried to fix it before we came in. I guess his lips still had a shade of pink on them. Camille giggled when my face reddened, but Cedric didn’t even flinch at her words or her help.

  “Thank you, Camille,” he said, holding my hand.

  “So, is there anything that you two want to tell us?” she inquired.

  “Don’t be nosy, darling,” Jacob said, apparently embarrassed by his mate’s boldness.

  “I’m just happy for them. Besides, I think we should drink champagne to celebrate,” she proposed, pouting to Jacob.


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