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Mine to Keep

Page 4

by Megs Pritchard

  Ale didn’t want him. Never would.

  Troy tilted his head when the man licked down his neck and shuddered again when he was bitten. Taking a deep breath, Troy tried to ignore the way his stomach churned. He had to move on. He wasn’t going to spend the rest of his life celibate. The stranger’s hands caressed his ass, squeezing the cheeks, as he bit Troy again.

  “You wanna take this somewhere else,” the man said, as he rubbed his hard dick against Troy’s ass.

  Troy bit his lip to stop the sob breaking free, and taking a deep breath, he nodded, letting the man take his hand and lead him from the dance floor. He caught the look Dylan gave him, and again, ignored it. He followed him to the bathroom and watched as he checked the stalls until he found an empty one.

  Troy let him push him inside and leaned back against the cubicle wall as the stranger dropped to his knees in front of him. He stared down at him and watched him unzip his pants and pull his limp dick out, stroking it several times.

  “Fuck, yeah. You’re gonna be big.”

  Troy grunted and closed his eyes, leaning his head back and trying to get aroused as the dark-haired stranger sucked his dick into his mouth. It felt good, and he clearly knew his way around a dick, but it did nothing for Troy and he struggled to get hard.

  He bit his lip once again as tears formed and he tried to enjoy what was happening but the man on his knees in front of him wasn’t his mate.

  The head bobbed and the talented mouth sucked and licked, but nothing worked, so Troy thought about Ale doing this to him, and finally, his body responded. His dick hardened and the stranger hummed.

  “Yeah, I knew you’d be big,” he muttered before sucking his dick back into his mouth.

  Troy’s mouth fell open and he stared at the bobbing head. He kept his thoughts on Ale, imagining him there on his knees, sucking his dick. It was Ale who licked up his shaft, Ale’s fingers that were fondling his balls, and Ale who was blowing his mind.

  He dropped his head back and stared at the light above them and then looked down at the stranger at his feet. He couldn’t do it. No matter how hard he thought, how much he pretended, the man who kneeled at his feet wasn’t who he wanted, and eventually, a harsh sob escaped. He couldn’t do this. This man wasn’t who he needed and no matter how much he tried to convince his body otherwise, it wasn’t going to happen.

  He pushed the man away and fumbled to get his dick back in his tight jeans, sobs choking him up.

  “What the-”

  “Sorry,” Troy mumbled, trying to pull his zipper up and open the cubicle door at the same time.

  “No fucking way!”

  Troy was spun around and slammed into the cubicle wall hard enough to knock the breath from him. The man tugged at his jeans, trying to pull them down, and Troy tried to push him away. The man slammed into him again, forcing Troy back against the wall. He stepped back, pushing the stranger away, and glared at him from over his shoulders, his eyes glowing and fangs dropping. He hissed at the man, watching the color drain from his face.

  The man gulped and lifted his hands up in front of him. “Sorry. My mistake. I fucked up.”

  Troy pushed past him and opened the door, staggering out of the bathroom and onto the main club floor. He needed to get the fuck out. His hands were clammy and his heart pounded in his chest. He moaned, desperately pushing past people who got in his way.

  Troy eventually managed get outside and leaned against a parked car, struggling to breathe and control his rapidly beating heart. He clenched his hands into fists, barely able to stand still and not give in to the need to run to his mate.


  Troy grimaced when he heard Dylan behind him. “Go, please. I’ll be okay.”

  “Fuck. I’m sorry, Troy.”

  Troy turned around and looked at Dylan. Shaking his head slowly, Troy asked, “Why, Dylan? Why him?” His voice broke on the last word and the tears that had threatened, fell, running down his face.

  Dylan gripped his neck and pulled him close. “I’m sorry. Fuck, I’m so sorry.”

  Troy’s body shook as his sobs rocked him. He leaned against Dylan, who took his weight, holding him tight.

  “I don’t know what I did… why him… why couldn’t I have a mate who wanted me… what did I do…” Troy asked brokenly.

  He didn’t know how long he cried for before he felt Ale’s presence behind him. He stiffened and pulled back, rubbing his eyes with his hands. His shoulders tensed and he growled softly, causing Dylan to inhale sharply and move around him, blocking him from Ale.

  “You think I can’t see you? Look what you’ve done. Some mate you are. Look at him.” Dylan pointed at Troy. “You did this. You fucking bastard. Just leave him alone and crawl back into the fucking hole you came from.”

  “I’m sorry,” Troy heard Ale say.

  “Fuck off,” Troy muttered, and he turned sideways so he could see Ale stood behind them.


  Troy spun around and glared at Ale, Dylan's hands gripping him when he lunged forward. “I said to fuck off, Ale. I get it, okay. I’m moving on. Go and find some older human who’ll be everything you fucking want. Not some fucking vampire kid like me.”

  “You being a vampire has nothing to do with it, Troy. I explained this to you.”

  “I said to fucking go!” Troy screamed as more tears escaped. “You don’t want me. So, fuck off and leave me alone.”


  “He said to fuck off, didn’t he? You deaf or something?” Adan said as he stopped next to them.

  “I don’t know who either of you are, but this is between Troy and me and has nothing to do with you.”

  “Nothing to do with us?” Adan said, incredulously. “I’ve been here for him every single day and where have you been? Nowhere. You send him blood and you think that’s enough? Fuck you and fuck off.”


  “Just go,” Troy muttered, the anger draining from him.

  He slumped and only Dylan’s grip stopped him from falling to the ground. He stared long and hard at Ale before deliberately turning his back on him.

  He knew the second Ale decided to go, felt the fight drain out of him.

  “Okay, but we need to talk.”

  “No, you don’t,” Adan muttered. “Just go. We’ll take care of him.”

  Troy closed his eyes and held onto Dylan and eventually felt Ale move away, the connection between them growing more distant but not breaking. God, how he wanted him to be gone, but also desperately wanted him to stay.

  He was too fucked up over it and when Dylan hugged him once more, he let him, as more tears fell.

  If only letting go of Ale was as easy.

  Chapter Seven

  Ale sat in his car, a place he was finding himself in often. He stared at Chester and Silas’ house and knew he had to tell them the truth. He sighed, knowing the fallout would be explosive, but he was determined to do it anyway, even if it ruined his friendship with Chester.

  Troy needed help with this and Ale wasn’t the person to do it. He knew fuck all about mates and he knew he was fucking Troy up with his behavior.

  He’s seen the state Troy was in. Dark circles under his eyes, the too pale skin that showed he wasn’t getting what he needed. The weight loss concerned him. Troy was the same height as him and he couldn’t afford to lose weight the way he was. It was another indicator to Ale that he wasn’t getting the blood and nutrition he needed.

  He knew Troy’s grades were falling. He’d heard Chester and Silas discussing it and wondering why when Troy was such a smart kid. Shit. He needed to stop thinking of him as a kid.

  Getting out of the car, Ale walked over to the front door and knocked. When he heard Chester shout for him to come in, he followed the sounds of their voices and found them in the kitchen, sitting at the table.

  Ale made himself a coffee and sat at table and listened as they talked about Troy, a conversation that he’d heard multiple times over the last
few weeks.

  He stared at the coffee in front of him and wondered how he was going to tell them without fucking things up. Troy was Silas’ son and he knew Chester cared deeply for him too.

  He sighed and closed his eyes. He didn’t want to be doing this, but Troy needed him to step up and tell them the truth because hiding their mating was destroying Troy.

  “He won’t talk to me,” Silas mumbled.

  “Give it time.”

  “How much time, Chester? It’s been months. I’ve tried being patient with him but I’m his-”

  “He has a mate,” Ale muttered.

  A deafening silence filled the room at Ale’s words and he looked at both Silas and Chester, who were staring at him dumbfounded.

  Silas was the first to recover, and asked, “What?”

  “How do you know?” Chester demanded from across the table.

  Ale stared at Chester until he stood up straight, realization dawning on his face. Ale swallowed when he saw the faint glimmer of red in his eyes.

  “You?” Chester spat the word out, glaring at him.

  “What?” Silas’ mouth dropped open and he stared at Ale. “You’re his mate?” He shook his head. “No fucking chance.”

  “I am. We’re mated.”

  There was a second of silence, before Silas roared, “You’ve had sex with my son!”

  Ale winced and closed his eyes until Chester asked, “When?”

  Ignoring Silas, Ale answered, “At the party before he left for college.”

  “You’ve had sex with my son? I’m gonna fucking kill you!”

  Chester grabbed Silas when he lunged for Ale, and Ale sprang back from the table, knocking his chair to the floor. “I’m sorry.”

  “Let me go, Chester,” Silas ground out. Glaring at Ale, he held his hands out, ready to grab Ale, and hissed, “When I get my hands on you, you fucking piece of shit, I’m gonna-”

  “How is this helping, Silas?”

  Silas glared at Chester. “Troy is my son.” He thumped his chest and then pointed at Ale. “He fucking touched him!” Turning back at Ale, he screamed, “He’s nineteen! He should be out getting drunk, partying and having lots of sex, not stuck with you. He’s had enough shit in his life. He doesn’t need you.”

  Ale sighed. “We were drunk and he had no idea what he was feeling. He bit me, and before I even realized what was happening, we’d had sex. I know I’m too old for him. I know he deserves better than me, Silas. That’s why I’ve stayed away. I send him my blood and I’ve left him alone.”

  Keeping hold of Silas, Chester asked, “Why tell us now?”

  Ale rubbed his chest. “I can feel what it’s doing to him.”

  Chester sat down and pulled Silas down next to him. Silas resisted, and they stared at each other before he finally nodded. Chester reached out and held Silas’ hand then turned back to Ale. “You can’t leave him like this.”

  “I can’t believe you had sex with Troy.”

  Sighing, Chester said, “Silas. Get over it. It’s done. We need to focus on now and how we all help Troy.”

  “I can’t be his mate. You know what I’ve been through. Shit, you were right there with me, living it. Troy doesn’t need someone scarred and bitter like me. I’m too old and-”

  “I think you’re exactly who he needs, Ale.”

  Both Ale and Silas stared at Chester. “What?”

  “Think about it. Think about what Troy has gone through, Silas. He’s nineteen and he’s had to deal with some awful, fucked up shit.”

  Silas looked down at the table. “Tina,” he muttered.

  “Yeah, Tina. It’s not every day a child has to kill his parent. He’s suffered, Silas, and he’s kept secrets. Had to grow up way sooner than any kid should have to. Ale is exactly what he needs. Someone who is grounded, focused, and loyal.”

  “Ale can go and fuck himself.”

  Silas twisted in his seat. “Troy. What are you doing here? You said you were staying-”

  Troy glanced at Silas. “I changed my mind. Ale, fuck off.”

  Ale looked at Troy, seeing his shitty condition, but before he could say anything, Chester spoke. “Have you been feeding?”

  Troy glanced at Chester then back to Ale, glaring at him, his eyes shimmering with the red in them. “Nothing to do with you.”

  “Of course it does.” Silas said. “You look like shit. When was the last time you fed?”

  “Yesterday, wasn’t it, Ale?” Troy continued to glare at him. “He came over to campus, acting like he cared, and then he walked away like nothing had happened. Told me to find someone else, so I did.”

  Ale’s eyes snapped to Troy’s. Troy had been with another man? “What?”

  Troy smirked and leaned back against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. “Yeah, that’s why I was out last night. You should know that, mate. You found me at the club.”

  “What is going on?” Silas asked.

  “Yeah, Ale. Why don’t you tell them?”

  Ale stared at Troy and wanted to wipe the smirk off his face. “You know why, Troy.”

  “I’ll do it then. He turned up at my room and we went outside. Had a bit of fun, didn’t we, until you shot your load and walked off. Told me to find someone else, so I went out and I did. Never been into bathroom sex, but it has its benefits.”

  “I came to you because I could feel how hungry you were, and you know what happens when you bite someone.”

  “Yeah, they get their rocks off then walk away. Got that, mate. Thanks.” Troy pushed away from the wall and walked out of the kitchen.

  Ale stood up and left the table, following him outside. “Troy?”

  Ale didn’t see Troy until he was grabbed from behind and slammed up against the railing of the porch. “Fuck off.” Troy growled into his ear.

  Ale pushed him away and spun around to face him. “We need to talk about this.”

  “No, we don’t.”

  Ale sighed and rubbed his forehead with his hand. “Look, Troy-”

  Troy suddenly spun around and grinned viciously at Ale, his eyes glowing. “Yeah, let’s talk.”

  Ale barely had time to gasp before Troy was on him, forcing him back. He grunted when he hit the railing and then again when Troy bit into his neck. Ale winced as pain radiated throughout his neck and shoulder.

  “Stop. Now.”

  Troy ignored him and bit harder.

  “Release him now, Troy. We don’t feed from humans without their permission,” Chester demanded.

  Troy pushed Ale away and Ale reached up feeling the blood run down his neck, wincing at the ragged edges under his fingertips.

  “Shit, Troy.” Chester tilted Ale’s head. “Sorry, man.” Ale closed his eyes when he felt Chester lick the wound closed.

  “Thanks,” he mumbled when Chester stepped back.

  Silas grabbed Troy by the arm, shouting, “What the fuck are you playing at?”

  Troy didn’t answer but pushed Silas away and hissed at him.

  Ale had had enough. He grabbed Troy and spun him around to face him. “Pack a bag. You’re staying with me.”

  Troy spat in his face and muttered, “Fuck you.”

  Ale ignored the spittle on his cheek and stepped closer. “Pack a bag or you go with nothing.” He glared at Troy, neither of them backing down.

  Slowly, the red in Troy’s eyes faded and he nodded once. Ale released him and watched as he walked back into the house. He lifted his arm and wiped his face, grimacing as he did.

  Ale looked at Silas and Chester and winced at the expressions on their faces. Silas stood still, shaking his head and staring at the door that Troy had walked through.

  Chester looked furious, his eyes burning red, and when he looked at Ale, the glow intensified. Ale stared back, knowing he was to blame and nodded slowly.

  “I know this is my fault.”

  “Yes, it is. You should have told us immediately, Ale. How long have you known me? You know what happens when a vampire doesn’t feed
properly and it’s worse when it’s your mate. Troy needs your blood, Ale.”

  “I thought I was doing enough and I trusted him to tell me if he needed more blood.”

  “This is Troy we’re talking about. No way would he tell you if he needed more. We’re lucky he didn’t go on some feeding rampage,” Silas muttered as he walked over to Chester.

  Chester opened his arms and Silas stepped in, sighing. “You taking him to your cabin?” Chester asked, kissing Silas’ head.

  “I think it’s best. We need some time together to sort this out and he needs time to recover.”

  “You’re not having sex with my son,” Silas mumbled.

  Ale rolled his eyes. “I know.”

  “So, what are you going to do? How are you going to let Troy feed from you? You’re mated, and mates have sex when they feed.”

  “I’ll figure something out.”

  Silas lifted his head and stared at Ale. “If you hurt my son, I will hunt you down and kill you. Are we clear?”


  “No, Chester. He’s caused enough damage already. I won’t let Troy suffer anymore.”

  Chester’s eyebrows shot up. “And how is killing his mate going to help?”

  Silas shrugged. “Don’t know and I don’t care.”

  “Silas, come on. Think about it.”

  Silas stared at Chester, hands on hips. “Chester. He hurt Troy. I’m his pops. How do you expect me to react?”

  “Look, Silas. I’m sorry. How many times do you want me to say it? I know I’ve fucked up and I’m trying to fix it. We both agree I’m not the right man for your son, but what can we do about it now? Some time away will help us to figure things out.”

  “Are you ready?” Troy asked quietly, his bag in his hand.

  Silas walked up to Troy, and put his hands on his shoulders, staring into his eyes. “Are you sure you want to go, son?”

  “We need to sort this out.”

  “Come on. I’ll drive.” Ale walked around the side of the house, hearing footsteps behind. He could also hear Silas talking to Troy and Troy’s mumbled replies. He stopped by his car and Chester stood next to him, giving Troy and Silas some privacy.


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